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Fallout Wiki

Wall Street was a district of New York City.


Due to Wall Street's connections with the United States of America's finance and the stock exchange, the term has become synonymous with the financial markets of the country as a whole. On the People's Republic of America Radio, the host blames the Sino-American War on the "Wall Street fat cats" who control the members of government as their puppets.[1]


Wall Street is mentioned in Fallout 3 and shown in the Vault Seller's Survival Guide episode "Steer the Ship!."

Behind the scenes[]

Wall Street is a real world street in New York City, home to the New York Stock Exchange. However, the term "Wall Street" is commonly used to refer to the city's Financial District, as well as the national financial markets of the United States in general.


  1. ↑ People's Republic of America Radio: "Greetings to the oppressed masses from the peace-loving peoples of China!"
    "All peace-loving peoples must join together to stop the war of aggression being waged by the Wall Street gang!"
    "Why do you continue to send your boys to die for your capitalist masters?"
    "Your boys are dying on the Alaska front, and all for nothing. Bring them home, before it is too late."
    "The gang of Wall Street fat cats, and their Washington war-monger puppets, have plunged the world into war to line their own..."
    "Do you think your leaders will keep you safe if the bombs fall? You will die while the Wall Street gang and their hangers-on live like kings in..."