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This is a transcript for dialogue with Responder janitor.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 00644EC0 00644EFD Literally any other idea would be better than burning it! We need someone else to weigh in here. Frustrated / incredulous. Looking for outside help.
5 00644EC2 00644F00 It's trash! You can't burn trash! Exasperated
7 00644EC3 00644F0D You seem like a reasonable person. Perhaps you can help us settle a little debate?
9 00644F0F You again? Maybe you can help us settle this?
11 0064F106 Thanks for helping out but I've got a lot going on. I practically run this place, so you'll have to excuse me, for obvious reasons.
13 00644EC5 00644F03 If you burn garbage you're going to stink up the whole hotel! Frustrated. Can't believe they have to explain this.
14 00644EC6 00644EF5 Yeah, thanks for the expert advice. Sarcastic / dismissive. The player didn't help at all.
15 00644EC7 00644F07 Have you looked outside? Dumping a little more garbage isn't going to make any difference! Annoyed / exasperated. Doesn't see any reason to protect the environment when it's already ruined.
16 Besides, doesn't the Whitespring use fusion generators? I'm not even sure how we'd get the garbage into the generators in the first place. Doesn't like the idea and now is realizing they don't even know how they would pull it off in the first place.
20 Maybe this is a bad idea... 00644EF2 You think? Sarcastic. Obviously the player's suggest was a bad idea
21 [Low Intelligence] Don't worry. The smoke will probably just float up into the sky and turn into stars. 00644F05 That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it. Uncertainty. They think the player has just said something really dumb but they aren't sure because they're not too bright themselves.
22 00644ECF 00644EF7 Okay, fine. But if anyone asks I'm saying this was all your idea. Has given up and lost the argument but wants none of the blame if this goes really badly.
24 I've smelled plenty of worse things, believe me! 00644EFC I suppose we can just step outside if we need to get some air. Defeated but trying to see a bright side to losing the argument
25 00644ED3 00644EED Won't we be breathing in toxic fumes? What are we supposed to do about the smoke?
27 00644ED5 00644EF4 Anyway, break's over. We've got to get back to it, but thanks for the help.
28 00644ED6 00644EF1 Yeah, we asked you to help solve our problem, not give us more chores to do. Tables have turned and now both characters in the argument are on the same side against the player suggesting they do extra work
33 I don't know how to solve this. Sorry, you're on your own. 00644F11 Well thanks for nothing. Sarcastic / dismissive
34 Aren't there robots that handle this kind of thing? 00644F01 The Mr. Janitors clean up after the hotel guests but since the Responders moved in we're officially supposed to "do our share" of the chores. eye-rolling at the idea of having to do extra work and expects the player to "get it"
35 Why do you want to burn the garbage? 00644EF3 Yeah, good question!
36 Light it up. Burn that trash! 00644F06 Are you serious? Exasperated disbelief that the player is siding with the other side
37 Burning garbage is a really bad idea. You should definitely dump it. 00644EF9 Thank you! I can't believe we have to have this argument every other week! Exasperated relief that finally someone can see reason
39 00644EEA 00644EFE And he wants to burn the garbage in the hotel's generator! Exasperated
41 0064F101 0064F104 Hey, yeah! Look at that. I guess you helped out after all. Surprise / happy to realize they agree and the argument is over.
42 0064F102 0064F103 Aw, geez, when you put it like that... I guess we can give it a shot. Really doesn't want to do the extra work but the player has convinced them.