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This is a transcript for dialogue with Comic book expert.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 The Mistress of Mystery would win! 0064792E Hmm, perhaps, but I really don't think you're giving The Inspector enough credit. Trying to be fair and balanced, but disappointed their pick isn't winning.
5 006478A9 00647920 Do you truly believe that The Inspector, the magic detective, wouldn't easily see through any ruse The Mistress attempted? The Inspector wins!
6 Aren't the Mistress of Mystery and The Inspector on the same team? 00647926 Duh, of course! But what if friendly rivals turned foes? Dismissive at first, but then emphasized drama, like a twist in a radio play
7 The Inspector wins! 00647919 Agreed! The Inspector not only unravels magical mysteries but is a master of magic herself. Not even the Eye of Ra could protect the Mistress.
12 The Mechanist would win! 0064791B Impossible! The Mechanist is just a overhyped mechanic whereas the AntAgonizer shares a true bond with her ants.
13 Isn't the AntAgonizer a Grognak villain? How would she fight a Silver Shroud character? 00647929 I know it seems improbable but this is a hypothetical battle. Patiently explaining, like "how do you not get this?"
15 The AntAgonizer would win! 00647921 Too true! The AntAgonizer's ants are fiercely loyal to their queen, whereas The Mechanist was even betrayed by his own mob-bots!
16 006478B7 00647928 Never! The AntAgonizer's ants would effortlessly dismantle the Mechanist's metal toys and turn them into scrap metal!
18 I'm listening. 0064792F Okay, now be sure to carefully consider the question before giving your answer.
19 Costume? Oh, you mean my clothes. This is just what I wear. 0064792C Our mistake. We saw your glorious costume and assumed... but no matter, you may still prove to be the hero we need. Slightly embarrassed. They thought the player was obviously a comic book fan too and let their enthusiasm shine through a little too much
21 Nope. Still not interested in whatever this is. 00647922 Then why don't you make like a rocket ship, and take off? Irritated and defensive. The player has insulted them and they're trying to bite back with a comic book insult.
22 006478C0 00647931 Is that an authentic Hubris Comics costume you're wearing?
23 00647932 Surely you've read the incredible tales found in the pages of Hubris Comics? Said as if it's a given. As if everyone has read these comics.
24 00647933 Perchance you feel like helping us settle our battle of wits now? Slightly snide, as the player has previously brushed these characters off and they feel a bit slighted.
25 Okay. Count me in. 0064793D Then at last our grand battle can be decided.
26 Comics are for nerds. I prefer the real world. 00647925 I see, you're a person of action! Like Captain Cosmos or Grognak the Barbarian! The player has insulted them but they're trying to brush that off and still talk about comics in a positive way
27 Comic books? You mean like Grognak the Barbarian? 00647918 Yes, exactly! We are but two humble fans locked in an eternal debate and you are our only hope! Happy the player has heard about comics before.
28 You happen to be speaking with Hubris Comics' biggest fan. 0064791E What fortune! You're exactly the hero we've been looking for! Enthusiasm. The player is a fellow fan!
29 Forget it. I've heard a lot of dumb things, but this is the dumbest. 00647916 You don't need to be rude! Come talk to us when you've learned some manners. Annoyed that the player keeps insulting them.
30 Who are you supposed to be? 0064791D We are merely collectors of all things Hubris Comics. Obsessed fans, if you will.
31 006478C7 00647935 Who would win in a battle between The AntAgonizer, aka "The Queen of Ants", versus The Mechanist, the master of metal men? Spoken like a mix between the ultimate brainteaser and announcing the contestants of a boxing match
32 00647936 Who would win in a no-holds-barred, no-spells-forbidden, all out battle between The Mistress of Mysteries and The Inspector? Spoken like a mix between the ultimate brainteaser and announcing the contestants of a boxing match
33 I don't have time for this. 0064792A *sigh* Then the battle continues. Return if you change your mind. Disappointment at being refused.
34 A comic book conundrum. Count me in! 0064791C Excellent! Now carefully consider the scenario before answering.
35 006478D5 00647917 Uh, definitely don't call us that! The last thing we need is to be associated with those raiders in The Pitt. Sudden panic/embarrassment, horrified at the idea that they would be compared to raiders (this is meant to be a funny moment)
39 006478D8 00647901 Fine. I think you've made a huge mistake, but a deal's a deal. Maybe next time you'll see the truth!
40 00647902 Either way, we agreed to let our friend here settle this and they have, so no arguing! You have our thanks, oh wise one.
41 006478DA 00647937 You look like a person of culture.
43 00647939 Incredible!
45 0064793B You return!
48 0064FFC5 Sure, Grognak is a classic, but it is a little too mainstream for my refined tastes.
50 006478F1 006478FB Ugh. Surely there's someone smarter than you around here who can settle this.
52 006478F3 006478FF No way! Clearly you've never read issue #13 or that fact would be obvious! Spoken like the ultimate "gotcha" as they catch the other on a small mistake
54 006478F5 006478FC Of course they always win in their own comic book! We're debating who would win in real life! Character takes superheroes very seriously. They're annoyed the other character isn't being realistic enough in their comic book argument
56 What are their different powers? 0064FFC0 The Inspector is a magical detective who solves mystical mysteries using magic and good, old fashioned detective work.
58 What are their different powers? 0064FFC1 Typical. AntAgonizer commands an army of giant ants that obey her every command, as I'm sure any true fan could tell you. A bit dismissive, like they've figured out the player isn't a "true" fan