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A pre-War book is a book that has not been destroyed, burned, or otherwise rendered unreadable. In Fallout: New Vegas, the books are extremely common, unlike in Fallout 3, and come in a variety of colors, sizes, and overall variants.


Pre-War books are a common item within the Mojave Wasteland and can be found inside most occupied dwellings. They are one of the first miscellaneous items the player character is likely to encounter in bulk (28 of them are located inside Doc Mitchell's house).

There are nine varieties of pre-War books, with four different color patterns and two different sizes. Although most varieties of pre-War books are worth one bottle cap, a relatively "rare" variety of blue pre-War book is worth five.

In the Old World Blues add-on, the Book Chute can turn them into blank books, subsequently used for making skill books.


  • Green
  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Green (large)
  • Brown (large)
  • Blue (large)
  • Rare blue
  • Dark brown/blue
  • Dark brown/blue (large)


The G.E.C.K. shows that there are 960 pre-War books in the game, 1184 with add-ons. Not all of them are obtainable due to their placement.

Rare blue[]

The rare blue version appears only five times in the base game, and two more in Honest Hearts. Lonesome Road adds a repeatable script after the main quest is finished.

Location Amount Description
Dino Dee-lite Motel room 3 Facing the motel from the parking lot, the room is on the lower level, the fourth doorway from the left, third from the right.
Sloan mining office 1
Vault 22 entrance hall 1
Honest Hearts
Zion fishing lodge 2


The green version appears 71 times in the base game, 39 in Dead Money, and five in Old World Blues.

Location Amount Description
Lucky 38 penthouse 18
Mojave Outpost barracks 7
NCR Embassy 7
Nellis women's barracks 3 The barracks by the school.
Vault 3 living quarters 8
Vault 3 recreation area 9
Abandoned BoS bunker 13
Executive suites 25
X-13 research facility 3

Sold by The Sink.


The brown version appears 309 times in the base game, 19 in Dead Money, 13 in Old World Blues, and ten in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Atomic Wrangler Casino third level 3
Big Horn Saloon 10
Bison Steve Hotel 5
Caesar's tent 4
Carlyle St. Clair's house 3
Doc Mitchell's house 7
Gomorrah suites level 5
Hidden Valley bunker L1 5
Hoover Dam offices 7
Hostetler home 3
Loyal's house 7
Lucky 38 casino floor 3
Lucky 38 penthouse 118
Mick & Ralph's 6
Mojave Outpost barracks 9
NCR Embassy 19
Nellis Boomer museum 11
Nellis men's barracks 3
Nellis schoolhouse 16
Old Mormon Fort western guardhouse 4
Pearl's barracks 4
Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters factory floor 4
The Tops presidential suite 5
Ultra-Luxe lobby and casino 4
Ultra-Luxe kitchens 3
Ultra-Luxe penthouse suite 3
Vault 3 living quarters 8
Vault 3 recreation area 6
Dead Money
Abandoned BoS bunker 11
Executive suites 6
Old World Blues
X-8 institutional test facility 3
X-8 research center 3
X-13 stealth testing lab 3
X-13 research facility 3
Lonesome Road
Sunstone Tower 8


The blue version appears 156 times in the base game, eight in Dead Money, five in Old World Blues, and ten in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 17
Doc Mitchell's house 4
Gomorrah suites level 3
Hidden Valley bunker L1 6
Hoover Dam offices 4
King's School of Impersonation 3
Loyal's house 3
Lucky 38 penthouse 18
Mick & Ralph's 6
Mojave Outpost barracks 9
NCR Embassy 12
Nellis Boomer museum 3
Nellis schoolhouse 8
The Tops presidential suite 3
Ultra-Luxe lobby and casino 4
Ultra-Luxe members only area 3
Vault 3 living quarters 4
Vault 3 recreation area 10
Vault 21 3
Dead Money
Executive suites 6
Lonesome Road
Sunstone Tower 8

Large green[]

The large green version appears 63 times in the base game, three in Dead Money, one in Old World Blues, and one in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 7
Hidden Valley bunker L1 3
NCR Embassy 9
Old Mormon Fort western guardhouse 3
Pearl's barracks 3
Ultra-Luxe lobby and casino 3
Vault 3 living quarters 8
Dead Money
Executive suites 3

Large brown/blue[]

The large brown/blue version appears 61 times in the base game, seven in Dead Money, four in Old World Blues, and three in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 9
Gomorrah suites level 6
NCR Embassy 9
The Tops presidential suite 3
Ultra-Luxe lobby and casino 5
Vault 3 living quarters 4
Vault 3 recreation area 4
Executive suites 6

Large brown[]

The large brown version appears 41 times in the base game, nine in Dead Money, 11 in Old World Blues, and three in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 7
Doc Mitchell's house 3
Gomorrah suites level 3
NCR Embassy 5
Nellis women's barracks 3 ("NellisBarracks03") The one by the school.
Dead Money
Executive suites 9
Old World Blues
X-8 institutional test facility 4
X-8 research center 4

Large blue[]

The large blue version appears 55 times in the base game, one in Dead Money, three in Old World Blues, and one in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 5
Doc Mitchell's house 4
NCR Embassy 11


The brown/blue version appears 199 times in the base game, 42 in Dead Money, 16 in Old World Blues, and 13 in Lonesome Road.

Location Amount Description
Big Horn Saloon 12
Bison Steve Hotel 6
Doc Mitchell's house 6
Gomorrah main level 5
Gomorrah suites level 3
Hidden Valley bunker L1 3
Hidden Valley bunker L2 3
Hoover Dam offices 6
Loyal's house 3
Lucky 38 casino floor 3
Lucky 38 penthouse 54
Mick & Ralph's 3
Mojave Outpost barracks 8
NCR Embassy 10
Nellis Boomer museum 3
Nellis schoolhouse 8
Old Mormon Fort western guardhouse 3
Pearl's barracks 4
Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters factory floor 6
The Tops presidential suite 4
Ultra-Luxe Bon Vivant suite 7
Ultra-Luxe lobby and casino 6
Vault 3 living quarters 5
Dead Money
Abandoned BoS bunker 12
Executive suites 22
Tampico 4
Old World Blues
X-13 stealth testing lab 6
X-13 research facility 4
Lonesome Road
Cave of the Abaddon 3
Sunstone Tower 10


  • Pre-War books are much more common in the Mojave Wasteland, but cannot be exchanged for caps other than selling them to merchants.
  • The rare blue variant is the only one that can be found in containers.
  • Many large versions of different books can be found inside the Ultra-Luxe, on shelves found in the hotel rooms and the penthouse suite.
  • Massive numbers of books can be found in the Lucky 38 penthouse (around 200, but only a quarter of them can be picked up), the NCR Embassy (inside Dennis Crocker's room, his office, and a small storage room), Vault 3, and Vault 21.
  • An entire bookshelf of pre-War books can be found in the barracks of the Mojave Outpost.
  • Two full shelves can be found in the Big Horn Saloon.

