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Spore plants are creatures found in Vault 22, Zion National Park and Big MT in 2281.


Originally a part of the X-22 botanical garden lab at Big MT, spore plants were later incorporated into the agricultural experiments of Vault 22 with the transfer of Beauveria mordicana. The plants breached the confines of the Vault and proliferated into the wasteland thanks to the escaping Vault dwellers from 22, spreading the spore plants to Utah's Zion Canyon and reaching as far north as Arroyo. The spore plants will attack anything within its range, which despite being rooted in the ground, can be quite far with corrosive spit that it can secrete and shoot at significant speed and range. This marked the evolution of the spore plant from 2241, as prior spore plants would throw spikes at perceived threats. The use of spikes did not disappear from spore plants, however, as spikes now grow at the base of spore plants, likely to protect themselves from being uprooted.[1]

When investigating Vault 22, research scientist Keely noted that although they largely ignored her as she progressed through the vault, they were capable of contaminating her live samples.[2] Spore plants also seem to have a symbiotic relationship with mantises, as mantises will feed some of their prey to the spore plants and allow them to grow in the proximity of their oothecae, likely to protect the still growing young mantises. But - as Keely noted - when mantises attempted to feed her to the plants, they were "disinclined to eat ghoul meat"; indicating a preference among the species.[3]

Keely continues to report that one of the chemicals secreted by the spore plants serves as a mild stimulant when ingested by humans, and reiterates to the Courier the utmost importance in keeping the vault sealed, to avoid any more spores escaping the quarantine.[2][4]



Spore plants are violent in nature and attack without provocation. They are immune to poison and radiation.

Gameplay attributes[]

The plant has two methods of attacking. Because of its stationary nature, its most common attack is a spike projectile which it spits at its enemies. This projectile has a very long range and can potentially be very harmful if exposed to the attack for too long. If an enemy gets too close, the mutant plant will lunge at them and bite with its thorned maw.


Spore plant[]

Spore plant

Found frequently throughout Vault 22, Zion Canyon, and sparsely in Big MT, these creatures are weak and pose little to no threat, even to low level characters.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Spore plant
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Threshold
Damage Resistance
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (1 Damage)
Spore spit (15 Damage)
Poison Resistance Poison resistance 100%
Radiation Resistance Radiation resist. 100%
  • Dead None

Giant spore plant[]

Spore plant

A giant and much tougher version of the regular spore plant that is found in some of the caves of Zion National Park and can be sparsely found in the Big MT.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Giant spore plant
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Threshold
Damage Resistance
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (1 Damage)
Spore spit (60 Damage)

Dionaea Muscipula (Old World Blues)[]

Spore plant

A unique specimen of the spore plant found in The Big MT, northeast of the Signal Hills transmitter, and is the most powerful variant of the spore plant. It spawns when the quest Field Research is activated.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Dionaea Muscipula Old World Blues (add-on)
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Threshold
Damage Resistance
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (1 Damage)
Spore spit (100 Damage)


  • Despite being rooted to the ground, pushing them will move them around. Landing a Critical Hit during V.A.T.S. with a powerful enough weapon can also send them flying in a ragdoll fashion. They also can turn their "heads," despite being a stationary creature.
  • They can turn around 360 degrees to face the player character should they circle around the spore plant, even though they are supposed to be rooted to the ground.


Spore plants appear in Fallout: New Vegas and the Honest Hearts and Old World Blues add-ons. The giant spore plant only appears in Honest Hearts.

Behind the scenes[]


  • Spore plant scream

  • Spore plant moving

  • Spore plant attack


See also[]


  1. Changes of spore plants from Fallout 2 to Fallout: New Vegas
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Courier: "Has your research here turned up anything interesting?"
    Keely: "A few things here and there, but a lot of the data has been corrupted, and all of the live samples have been contaminated by the spore plants. One interesting thing I found is that one of the chemicals secreted by the spore plants serves as a mild stimulant when ingested by humans. As far as I can tell, it has no side effects or addictive properties, aside from the inherent psychological ones, of course. Now that I think of it, there was a Cpl. Farber back at McCarran who'd probably be interested in it. There's a sample of it around here somewhere."
    (Keely's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What were you doing down in that cave?"
    Keely: "The mantises and spore plants virtually ignored me for most of the time that I've been here. It was only once I began to investigate the fifth level that my presence began to agitate them. I guess I was a little too close to home for them. A few days ago, I was attacked by a large number of mantises and was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was in that cave. The mantises seem to feed some of their prey to the plants. Fortunately for me, it appears the plants are disinclined to eat ghoul meat."
    (Keely's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Why is the door to the entrance locked?"
    Keely: "Are you kidding me? This place is under quarantine! We can't let a single spore get out of this place if we can help it."
    (Keely's dialogue)