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World War II, also referred to as the Second World War and regularly shortened to WW2 or WWII, was the conflict that saw the first usage of nuclear weapons, the establishment of the United States as a superpower, and the formation of the United Nations.


In the 1930s, following its defeat in World War I, Germany became led by dictator Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, who reforged the battered country into an economic superpower[3] through his pursuit of war, which led to the start of World War II in Europe. The United States was not formally involved in the war until late 1941, when Pearl Harbor suffered a surprise attack from Japanese forces,[4] leading the U.S. to issue a formal declaration of war against the country as retaliation. Having allied with Japan, Germany later declared war on the US not long after Japan itself did, and the U.S. in turn issued a formal declaration of war on Germany on December 11, 1941, with the endorsement of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[1]

American troops fought in the war in both Europe and Asia. After four years, Germany surrendered in 1945 following the occupation of its capital Berlin by Allied forces. Later that year, World War II was ended by the United States dropping the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, leading to the Japanese surrender.[2] This started the Atomic Age, and soon the world would start to brace for another war.


World War 2 is remembered for starting the Atomic Era, both in terms of technological advancement, and the threat of nuclear war. The follow-up conflict of World War 3, more commonly referred to simply as the Great War, would occur in 2077.

The U.S. Declaration of War on Germany was scavenged from the National Archives and placed inside Abraham Washington's museum aboard Rivet City.

WWII-era technology[]

Several examples of World War II-era weapons and vehicles make appearances throughout the Fallout series, having survived the Great War of 2077:



World War II is mentioned throughout the Fallout series.


  • Images depicting events leading up to and in World War II appear in the Fallout and Fallout Tactics intro.[5]
    • An image of the Reichstag in Berlin, Germany is seen in the original Fallout intro, and Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler is also mentioned.
  • World War II motion pictures were stored on holodisks.[6]
  • The 9mm Sten Gun is mentioned as having been developed by the British during the war.[7]
  • The .303 Cal Bren is mentioned as being effective in World War II, remaining in service with British forces for almost 50 years.[8]

Fallout 3[]

Fallout: New Vegas[]

The China Burma India Theater patch is on the Boomer flightsuit.[13]

Fallout 4[]

Fallout 76[]

Behind the scenes[]

The Anchorage Memorial is based on an iconic image from World War II.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, U.S. Declaration of War on Germany
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fallout 4 intro: "In the year 1945, my great great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he'd get to go home to his wife and the son he'd never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
  3. Fallout intro
  4. 4.0 4.1 Holotape - Goodbye
  5. Fallout Tactics intro: "...the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima..."
  6. Holodisk item description: "{105}{}{You see a small display appear and show the remnants of some World War II movie.}"
    (GENDISK.MSG) Note: These generic holodisks are found in the Glow.
  7. Fallout Tactics item description: "name_stenGunSub = {Sten Gun}"
    "desc_stenGunSub = {The 9mm Sten Gun was developed by the British during WW2 as a cheap alternative to the more expensive Thompson SMG offered the the U.S. The Sten proved to be extremely reliable and, due to its fairly loose tolerances, could perform in poor conditions much more reliably than ostensibly better weapons...}"
  8. Fallout Tactics item description: "name_brenGunHeavy = {Bren Gun}"
    "desc_brenGunHeavy = {This British adaptation of a Czech design was adopted as the standard light machine gun of British and Commonwealth forces in 1938. The .303 Cal Bren was among the most liked and respected weapons available to the British in WW2, due to its exceptional ruggedness, accuracy and simplicity, and remained in service with British forces for almost 50 years}"
  9. Museum of History arch
  10. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime operation, Historical records, Project summary
  11. Museum of Technology Placard: "This flag was recovered from the wreck of the U.S.S. Ebon Atoll, a U.S. Navy Missile Cruiser, sunk off the coast of Alaska in 2066 with all hands lost. The cutting edge vessel's loss was due to a nuclear torpedo strike from the U.S. Navy Submarine, the U.S.S. Interference during the Anchorage Campaign. The submarine mistook the cruiser for an enemy vessel during radio silence and sunk it before obtaining vessel confirmation. This ranks as one of the most tragic disasters in U.S. Naval History since World War II."
    (Fallout 3 message box transcriptions; U.S.S. Ebon Atoll's flag)
  12. Fallout 3 message box transcriptions; World War II fight medals
  13. Boomer flightsuit patch breakdown
  14. The Mural at the Museum of Freedom in Fallout 4
  15. Plaque in the Museum of Freedom: "This mural commemorates the many sacrifices of the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. From Lexington and Concord to the shores of Iwo Jima, from the Sea of Tranquility to the Anchorage Front Line, Americans have fought and died through the ages to secure our nation’s freedom. May their sacrifices remind us all that freedom is a privilege afforded to the many, yet hard won by a noble few."
  16. Pioneer Scout codebreaker exam question: How did the dirty Nazis encode their messages during World War II?
    Correct answer: Enigma machines


  1. Fallout Bible 6: "3. What was U.S./world history like before the timeline included in previous Fallout updates?"
    "No one has asked this yet, but I thought I would cut this question off at the pass. Fallout takes place on a future earth, in an alternate timeline. I will not be including any information on how and when it diverged - it will remain one of the mysteries of the setting. Just let it be known that it diverged after WW2, and leave it at that."
  2. Bethesda Softworks v Behaviour Interactive: "The FALLOUT franchise of video games draws gamers into alternate history, diverging from existing reality shortly following WWII. The various FALLOUT video games largely take place in the years following the destruction of the earth as people begin to emerge from their underground vaults into the nuclear wasteland."