Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Stick to the roads and you got a better chance of surviving.

Caravan guards are hired guns operating in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


These guards are mercenaries working mostly for caravans operating out of the Commonwealth's main trading hub, Bunker Hill. They are hired by Bunker Hill merchants for protection and to escort them and their pack brahmin as they travel through the Commonwealth, trading with local settlements. They are experienced wastelanders who make sure to stay alert at all times.

Three of the four Bunker Hill traveling merchants are each accompanied by two caravan guards: Cricket, Lucas Miller, and Doc Weathers. The exception is Trashcan Carla, who travels alone.

In certain instances, caravan guards working for other traveling merchants can also be encountered. One pair of caravan guards can be encountered during Call to Arms (see interactions below). With Automatron, a repeatable campsite random encounter will involve two caravan guards and a merchant defending themselves against the Mechanist's robots.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Other interactions[]

  • Automatron (add-on) The Merchant and Robots campsite random encounter involves two caravan guards and a trader fighting against four hostile Mechanist robots at a campsite.



  • Each Bunker Hill caravan is accompanied by one male and one female guard. While the female guards have unique models, all three male guards use the same model.
  • Their inventory is generated from levelled lists and may vary from what is listed above at higher levels.


Caravan guards appear in Fallout 4.


PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Sometimes caravan guards appear naked and only wearing their armor due to equipping additional leg armor that conflicts with the slots used by their default athletic outfit. It is unclear what causes them to equip their leg armor. This is more common in areas with intense hostile activity, such as the eastern (Doc Weathers) and southern (Cricket) caravan routes.[verified]

  • Saving and reloading a save, or fast traveling may fix this issue.
  • On PC, a way to fix this is to open the console, click over each naked guard and type the command equipitem 000af0e4, to force them to resume wearing their default outfit.
  • Alternatively, equip them with road leathers or military fatigues or other outfits that do not clash with their armor.

