Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

So, this the sorta detail ya had in mind when you signed up for the Gunners? Hauling luggage from Lynn Woods for some robot butler?— Excerpt from Private Hart's holotape

Private Hart is a deceased Gunner soldier in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Private Hart was part of a small squad of Gunners led by Major Jefferies, which also included Lieutenant Conners, Sergeant Lee, Private Martin and at least three other unnamed Gunners. Their squad was tasked with delivering a package from Lynn Woods to Wellingham in Diamond City; Hart was not happy to have to handle this job. Unbeknownst to her, the package was a deathclaw egg, and its enraged mother began tracking the squad. While near the Museum of Witchcraft, Hart and Jefferies found Conners torn to pieces, and Jefferies ordered the entire squad into the museum to flee the deathclaw. Hart did not make it, and was mauled to death by the creature outside the museum.[1][2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.


  • The Devil's Due: Private Hart's remains are found on the ground near the Museum of Witchcraft. She has a holotape on her that starts the quest.



Private Hart appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • A location reference type for Hart's corpse uses the name "Juliette" instead of Hart.[3]
  • Private Hart, Major Jefferies, and Sergeant Lee all have holotape speaker NPCs with unique models. These speaker NPCs are distinct from the in-game corpses. Hart's holotape NPC has an appearance identical to her in-game corpse, but Jefferies and Lee do not.
  • Private Hart's holotape NPC (but not her corpse NPC) has the ShortName "Hart." This is unused, as holotapes in the Creation Kit use the character's Name parameter rather than the ShortName to identify a speaker in subtitles.


