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This is a transcript for dialogue with Curie (companion).


280COMCurie_01_NeutralToFriendshipPlayer Default: I have some time.I have spent much effort gathering information in our travels so far.Curie: And my self-diagnostics have come to a grim conclusion. It is not lack of data or lack of collaboration which stifles my scientific progress.A1a
281Player Default: This isn't a good time.Of course. Perhaps later.Curie: And my self-diagnostics have come to a grim conclusion. It is not lack of data or lack of collaboration which stifles my scientific progress.B1a
282Player Default: Go on.I have spent much effort gathering information in our travels so far.Curie: And my self-diagnostics have come to a grim conclusion. It is not lack of data or lack of collaboration which stifles my scientific progress.X1a
283Player Default: Is everything alright?On the whole, no. It is not.Y1a
284I have spent much effort gathering information in our travels so far.Curie: And my self-diagnostics have come to a grim conclusion. It is not lack of data or lack of collaboration which stifles my scientific progress.Y1b
285Player Default: I have spent much effort gathering information in our travels so far.And my self-diagnostics have come to a grim conclusion. It is not lack of data or lack of collaboration which stifles my scientific progress.A1a
286The inescapable truth is there has never been a great robot scientist.Player Default: I'm sure your research isn't that bad.A1b
287Player Default: I'm sure your research isn't that bad.You are polite to say this. But if something does not change, my efforts will be mere stagnation.Curie: The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities.A1a
288Player Default: Why's that a big deal?My purpose is to study disease, virus, and other contagions and either prevent or curb their ravages. And I am thwarted by my own incapabilities.Curie: The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities.B1a
289Player Default: Sounds premature. You've only just begun.I have learned enough to recognize my fundamental limitations.Curie: The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities.X1a
290Player Default: Robots can do amazing things. Surely, they've contributed to science?When directed by a human, they have. But on our own, we tread predictable paths.Curie: The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities.Y1a
291Player Default: You are polite to say this. But if something does not change, my efforts will be mere stagnation.The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities.A1a
292They have had a spark. This elusive inspiration is something I must possess.Player Default: If there's a way you can do that, you should.A1b
293Player Default: If there's a way you can do that, you should.In fact, I must.Curie: If I am to advance my understanding of medicine in this strange world, I must embark on a great adventure.A1a
294Player Default: You know, you just can't program up some inspiration.You are quite correct.Curie: If I am to advance my understanding of medicine in this strange world, I must embark on a great adventure.B1a
295Player Default: You're starting to worry me.There is no need.Curie: If I am to advance my understanding of medicine in this strange world, I must embark on a great adventure.X1a
296Player Default: In fact, I must.If I am to advance my understanding of medicine in this strange world, I must embark on a great adventure.A1a
297I must become human, or as close as I can. I must find a way to download all that I am into a human brain.Player Default: I'm willing to help, Curie.A1b
298Player Default: I'm willing to help, Curie.And you save me once again.Curie: If you find someone - a brain surgeon, an artificial intelligence programmer, or someone who is an expert in matters of the head, please bring me to them.A1a
299Player Default: In a world full of insane ideas, that's high on the list.I am driven to this through desperation.Curie: If you find someone - a brain surgeon, an artificial intelligence programmer, or someone who is an expert in matters of the head, please bring me to them.B1a
300Player Default: I know someone that might be able to help. Doctor Amari.Please, then, we must go to her and talk.Curie: Perhaps this is an impossibility, but it must be pursued.X1a
301Player Default: You don't have to be an Einstein to help. The world needs doctors.Those that know things, guard them jealously. The Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute, they horde knowledge.X2a
302The only way we will progress as a society is in the free flow of ideas.Curie: Perhaps this is an impossibility, but it must be pursued.X2b
303Player Default: Is that even possible?Who is to say? There were great advances made before the war in cognition and memories.Y1a
304Surely, there is someone who can help. Or at least point us in the right direction.Curie: If you find someone - a brain surgeon, an artificial intelligence programmer, or someone who is an expert in matters of the head, please bring me to them.Y1b
305Player Default: And you save me once again.If you find someone - a brain surgeon, an artificial intelligence programmer, or someone who is an expert in matters of the head, please bring me to them.A1a
306Player Default: Please, then, we must go to her and talk.Perhaps this is an impossibility, but it must be pursued.X1a
307Is now a better time to converse?Player Default: I have some time.A
308Monsieur, may I borrow you for a moment?Player Default: I have some time.A
309Madame, may I borrow you for a moment?Player Default: I have some time.A
310COMCurie_02_FriendshipToAdmirationPlayer Default: Sure, I enjoy talking with you.As do I.Curie: I owe you so very much, and I do not mean to sound ungrateful. But I fear I am barely holding myself together.A1a
311Player Default: Now's not a good time.Later, then. I would appreciate it.Curie: I owe you so very much, and I do not mean to sound ungrateful. But I fear I am barely holding myself together.B1a
312Player Default: As do I.{Worried} I owe you so very much, and I do not mean to sound ungrateful. But I fear I am barely holding myself together.Player Default: It's all right, I'm here for you.A1a
313Player Default: It's all right, I'm here for you.{Worried} Thank you. That means so much. Becoming a synth is just so overwhelming.Curie: At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera.A1a
314Player Default: Get to the point.{Irritated} I'm trying, it is hard.Curie: At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera.B1a
315Player Default: Go on.{Worried} Becoming a synth is just so much.Curie: At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera.X1a
316Player Default: Are you all right?{Depressed} I just don't know. Becoming a synth is so much harder than I ever imagined.Curie: At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera.Y1a
317Player Default: Thank you. That means so much. Becoming a synth is just so overwhelming.{Neutral} At first it was a struggle just to master basic functioning. How to brush the teeth, how to operate with only two hands, et cetera.A1a
318{Worried} But now I am full of inconsequential thoughts, feelings. How do you do everything with this whirlwind in the head?Player Default: I prioritize and tackle what's most important at the time.A1b
319Player Default: I prioritize and tackle what's most important at the time.{Thinking} That's... That's helpful.Curie: You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.A1a
320Player Default: I just deal with it. It's part of being human.{Irritated} You have had your whole life to adjust. For me, it comes at me all at once.Curie: You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.B1a
321Player Default: I hope some of these "inconsequential feelings" involve me.{Puzzled} Yes. No. And see, now my head goes ever more. Spin, spin, spin.Curie: You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.X1a
322Player Default: I hope some of these "inconsequential feelings" involve me.{Depressed} You see, I do not even know how to parse this.Curie: You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.X2a
323Player Default: I hope some of these "inconsequential feelings" involve me.{Neutral} That's easy for you to say.Curie: You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.X3a
324Player Default: What sort of feelings?{Puzzled} I don't know. I think anger, fear, happiness, but I am not sure. They're so new.Player Default: I prioritize and tackle what's most important at the time.Y1a
325Player Default: That's... That's helpful.{Awed} You make it look so effortless. Like breathing. But for me, it is so hard to focus. To do research.A1a
326{Depressed} And inspiration is as elusive as ever. I fear I will never contribute anything to the world.Player Default: The world? Not so sure. But you've certainly made a difference to me.A1b
327Player Default: The world? Not so sure. But you've certainly made a difference to me.{Grateful} More feelings. No words for them.Curie: The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot, I had much appreciation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal.A1a
328Player Default: Your life is a gift. Start appreciating it.{Depressed} I am trying. Believe me, I am.Curie: The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot, I had much appreciation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal.B1a
329Player Default: Be patient. You'll work it out.{Depressed} In this maelstrom, it is hard to see the shore.Curie: The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot, I had much appreciation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal.X1a
330Player Default: Science isn't the only way you can help the Commonwealth.{Thinking} Perhaps you are right. And together we have done much good.Curie: The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot, I had much appreciation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal.Y1a
331Player Default: More feelings. No words for them.{Grateful} The saving grace in all of this is you. As a robot, I had much appreciation for you. But now... it is deeper. I am still loyal.A1a
332{Worried} But now I do this because I want to. Because you are... my friend.Player Default: You're my friend, too, Curie.A1b
333Player Default: This stirs something in me. I have no idea why.{Worried} I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu.A1a
334Player Default: You're my friend, too, Curie.{Happy} This stirs something in me. I have no idea why.Curie: I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu.A1a
335Player Default: We've got a job to do. So let's keep it professional.{Irritated} I cannot change how I feel. I do not know how.Curie: I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu.B1a
336Player Default: So just friends? Nothing more than that?{Puzzled} I feel... very funny.Curie: I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu.X1a
337Player Default: So just friends? Nothing more than that?{Puzzled} I am sorry, your words make little sense to me.Curie: I must cut this short. My eyes, they are malfunctioning. Adieu.X2a
338Player Default: What do you think a friend is?{Thinking} Someone that brings you joy - good feelings - when they are about. Someone you desire to help and make happy.Y1a
339{Irritated} Someone you respect. It is hard to say my feelings about you. You are just... a friend, yes?Player Default: You're my friend, too, Curie.Y1b
340COMCurie_03_AdmirationToConfidantPlayer Default: Well, they should keep it to themselves.{Worried} I must get a handle on this if I am ever to advance my experiments.A1a
341Player Default: I have time. Let's talk.It is a personal matter.Curie: My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie.A1a
342Player Default: I don't have time to talk.Please, soon.Curie: My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie.B1a
343Player Default: You're pretty distracting yourself.{Flirting} I had a point. A reason. Oh, yes.Curie: My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie.X1a
344Player Default: What's up?It is a personal matter. About... Well...Curie: My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie.Y1a
345Player Default: It is a personal matter.{Flirting} My control of feelings is worse than before. And you, you are no help. With your teasing of poor little Curie.A1a
346{Depressed} But it is not just you. Sometimes a simple compliment, "Nice hair" and I am flustered. Confused.A1b
347{Sad} Other times, people suggest the strangest and most lurid things. And I am even more confused. Why do people do this?Player Default: You're full of life and optimism. People find that attractive.A1c
348Player Default: You're full of life and optimism. People find that attractive.{Flirting} Well, they should keep it to themselves.Curie: I must get a handle on this if I am ever to advance my experiments.A1a
349Player Default: You need to develop a thicker skin and get used to things like that.{Neutral} That... That is good advice.Curie: I must get a handle on this if I am ever to advance my experiments.B1a
350Player Default: It's all part of being human.{Worried} How do you get anything done?Curie: I must get a handle on this if I am ever to advance my experiments.X1a
351Player Default: Because you're so cute when you're confused.{Flirting} You are not making any of this easier... You.Curie: I must get a handle on this if I am ever to advance my experiments.Y1a
352NPCFCurie: Do you have time? It is important to me.{Irritated} You are so very, very distracting. You know this, yes?Player Default: I have time. Let's talk.A1a
353Do you have time? It is important to me.Curie: You are so very, very distracting. You know this, yes?A
354We must talk.Curie: You are so very, very distracting. You know this, yes?A
355COMCurie_04_ConfidantToInfatuationPlayer Default: This sounds good.{Happy} It is much better than that.Curie: I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.A1a
356Player Default: I'm busy right now.{Sad} Of course. But we must talk soon.Curie: I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.B1a
357Player Default: I can think of better things to get excited about.{Flirting} Oh, that's so... No, I will not let you derail me.Curie: I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.X1a
358Player Default: I can think of better things to get excited about.{Happy} Wonderful.Curie: I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.X2a
359Player Default: You're excited. What is it?{Happy} I am elated. Giddy.Curie: I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.Y1a
360Player Default: It is much better than that.{Confident} I begged to become a synth for a reason. For science. To be able to make real progress in studying the medical arts. I have had a breakthrough.A1a
361{Happy} Using a new strain of mutfruit, I have discovered a way to greatly improve the restorative properties of stimpaks.A1b
362{Apologetic} I realize this is not earthshaking, but it means that inspiration does exist.Player Default: I know it wasn't easy, but you did it.A1c
363Player Default: I know it wasn't easy, but you did it.{Happy} I find my head full of notions. Experiments. Many will fail, but maybe I will make more discoveries.Curie: And you have given me this capacity. And beyond that, so much more. The world is full of life, possibilities.A1a
364Player Default: Doesn't sound more useful than a normal stimpak.{Amused} If you do not believe so, the next time you are injured you should try it yourself.Curie: And you have given me this capacity. And beyond that, so much more. The world is full of life, possibilities.B1a
365Player Default: Sounds useful. I can use some.Of course. You might say that our frequent escapades and injuries provided the real inspiration.Curie: And you have given me this capacity. And beyond that, so much more. The world is full of life, possibilities.X1a
366Player Default: How did you discover that?Mutafruit has a particular sugar compound that stimulates platelet production and can close wounds.Y1a
367Unfortunately, the plant, when grown in the wild, is irradiated and develops natural toxins to ward off pests.Y1b
368Strain 17 has been genetically bred in sterile conditions to remove both problems. The new, pure sugar is already offering promise.Player Default: I know it wasn't easy, but you did it.Y1c
369Player Default: I find my head full of notions. Experiments. Many will fail, but maybe I will make more discoveries.{Happy} And you have given me this capacity. And beyond that, so much more. The world is full of life, possibilities.A1a
370{Happy} You are very dear to me. My close friend. And I hope I can return the many favors you have given me.Player Default: I consider you the same.A1b
371Player Default: I consider you the same.{Happy} Good. Very good.Curie: Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.A1a
372Player Default: Sure, we're friends. Just tone it down a notch.{Friendly} Oh, I think I have been carried away. I will contain myself.Curie: Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.B1a
373Player Default: You shouldn't be my friend just because you think you owe me.{Confident} My feelings do not grow out of obligation. They come from a deeper, more profound place.Curie: Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.X1a
374Player Default: What we have between us is deeper than friendship.{Flirting} My very first thought in all this excitement was I must tell you. It wouldn't feel real until I shared it with you.Curie: You know... You mean very much... Oh, I am so terrible at this.Y1a
375Player Default: What we have between us is deeper than friendship.{Flirting} You? You feel this way about me? I thought I was alone.Curie: You know... You mean very much... Oh, I am so terrible at this.Y2a
376Player Default: What we have between us is deeper than friendship.{Thinking} Perhaps. But I am still so very new to all of this. Being human.Y3a
377{Apologetic} If you could give me some time to think... or feel it through. But for now, please share this happiness with me.Curie: Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.Y3b
378Player Default: What we have between us is deeper than friendship.{Surprised} I... I was not expecting this. My own feelings are like tangled yarn.Y4a
379{Apologetic} It is so hard to unravel. Please I need time. Until then, please share my happiness.Curie: Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.Y4b
380Player Default: Good. Very good.{Happy} Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.A1a
381{Happy} Tell me, you must have time now.Player Default: This sounds good.A
382{Happy} I simply must share. I have news.Player Default: This sounds good.A
383COMCurie_04a_ConfidantToInfatuation{Flirting} You know... You mean very much... Oh, I am so terrible at this.Player Default: It's OK. You mean a lot to me, too.A1a
384Player Default: It's OK. You mean a lot to me, too.{Worried} I dared not hope. When we are apart, I guess and second guess. I should be only thinking about this achievement.A1a
385{Flirting} Instead my thoughts... they linger on you.Player Default: I love you, Curie.A1b
386Player Default: It's probably better if we just stay friends.{Depressed} Yes. Of course. Sorry, I thought... Well, never mind.B1a
387{Depressed} Here is a sample of my new stimpak. Now I must share this with the world.Player Default: I love you, Curie.B1b
388Player Default: It's probably better if we just stay friends.{Depressed} I... If you think this is best. Of course, I think so, too.Player Default: I love you, Curie.B2a
389Player Default: It's probably better if we just stay friends.{Sad} Then we will keep what we have. Which means a... great deal to me.Player Default: I love you, Curie.B3a
390Player Default: I mean very much... what? To the Commonwealth? Heck, to the world?{Flirting} No, I was wrong. You're the one's that's terrible. To tease me such.Player Default: I love you, Curie.X1a
391Player Default: What were you going to say?{Nervous} I am... afraid to say anything more. I feel a coward.Player Default: It's OK. You mean a lot to me, too.Y1a
392Player Default: I love you, Curie.{Flirting} And I love you.Curie: The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this.A1a
393Player Default: I like you, Curie, but I don't think this is going to work.{Apologetic} You are probably right. Hopefully we can still journey together. I must... be going.Curie: The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this.B1a
394Player Default: I like you, Curie, but I don't think this is going to work.{Friendly} It is such a relief to know exactly where we stand. Which is a very good place. Now let's go do or see something together.Curie: The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this.B2a
395Player Default: Maybe I can take you out to dinner. See a movie. Or whatever people do these days.{Flirting} I may be getting this out of order. But, I love you. And I would like this very, very much.Curie: The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this.X1a
396Player Default: What do you want? From us, I mean?{Worried} I do not know. I have read so many medical textbooks. But none of them covered anything like this.Y1a
397{Flirting} All I know, is I want to be with you.Player Default: I love you, Curie.Y1b
398Player Default: And I love you.{Happy} The world seems so very bright. And I cannot wait to see what becomes of this.A1a
399COMCurie_05_NeutralToDisdainPlayer Default: If you have a problem, leave.{Angry} If you will not change, perhaps I will.B1a
400Player Default: That's your call to make.{Angry} For now, we shall continue. But please treat others with more care.X1a
401Player Default: What did I do wrong?The duty of all members of a society is to promote the quality of life of the collective.Y1a
402Many in the Commonwealth clearly disagree, but I was expecting at least you'd show more concern for others.Player Default: No, we should stay together.Y1b
403Do you have time to talk now?Player Default: You can always speak your mind with me.A
404We should talk.Player Default: You can always speak your mind with me.A
405Player Default: You can always speak your mind with me.{Worried} This is a difficult subject.Curie: Although, I am made of organic material now many things I hold onto from my original programming.A1a
406Player Default: Right now is a bad time.Then we should talk soon.Curie: Although, I am made of organic material now many things I hold onto from my original programming.B1a
407Player Default: This is a difficult subject.Although, I am made of organic material now many things I hold onto from my original programming.A1a
408{Irritated} Concepts like etiquette and social responsibility are important to me. And all too often you flaunt these.A1b
409{Somber} It makes me very uncomfortable. Perhaps we should part ways?Player Default: No, we should stay together.A1c
410Player Default: This is a difficult subject.I have been programmed to behave in accordance with a set of societal norms and etiquette.A2a
411All too often I find you break these conventions and this make me greatly uncomfortable.A2b
412Perhaps it is best if we terminate our arrangement?Player Default: No, we should stay together.A2c
413Player Default: No, we should stay together.{Worried} If we do, please treat others with more care.A1a
414COMCurie_06_DisdainToHatredPlayer Default: Curie, give me another chance. You won't reget it.{Irritated} I find it hard to believe... Fine.Curie: I realize that the whole Commonwealth is a cesspool. But to make it better we must rise above it.A1a
415Player Default: Curie, give me another chance. You won't reget it.{Angry} You've used up all of your chances.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.A2a
416Player Default: No one talks to me like that. Screw you.{Angry} Then I will gladly leave.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.B1a
417Player Default: Face it, you'll do more good traveling with me than on your own.{Worried} I cannot deny... this is true. If you just change a little bit we can make this work.Curie: I realize that the whole Commonwealth is a cesspool. But to make it better we must rise above it.X1a
418Player Default: Face it, you'll do more good traveling with me than on your own.{Irritated} Perhaps this is so. But I cannot take it any more.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.X2a
419Player Default: It's a hard world. I do what I have to.{Angry} This is true. But you will do these things without me.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.Y1a
420{Angry} I have an urgent matter to discuss.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.A
421{Angry} We must talk right now.Curie: You are nothing more than a murdering brute. So many innocents are dead. Again.A
422{Irritated} I have come to my wit's end. I came to the surface to further science and to make a positive impact on people's lives.A1a
423{Angry} Though we do some good, all too often you carelessly hurt those around you. And this.A1b
424{Angry} This I can no longer be a part of.Player Default: I'll do better.A1c
425Player Default: I'll do better.{Irritated} How am I supposed to believe this? You focus only on yourself.A1a
426{Angry} As soon as it suits you, I expect you will hurt others again.Player Default: Curie, give me another chance. You won't reget it.A1b
427Player Default: I don't need another lecture.{Angry} Then I will not bore you with one.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.B1a
428Player Default: It can't be that bad.{Irritated} I assure you, it is. You keep focusing on yourself at the expense of everyone else.X1a
429{Angry} And to think I have helped with this... No.Player Default: Curie, give me another chance. You won't reget it.X1b
430Player Default: So you're leaving me, then?{Angry} Yes. I cannot stand by while you use others around you so cruelly.Player Default: Curie, give me another chance. You won't reget it.Y1a
431Player Default: I find it hard to believe... Fine.{Pleading} I realize that the whole Commonwealth is a cesspool. But to make it better we must rise above it.A1a
432{Pleading} So treat the innocents with respect and I will be content. If you can show them a little kindness, so much the better.A1b
433{Angry} But continue this present course and we are through.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.A1c
434Curie: But continue this present course and we are through.{Angry} I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.A1a
435{Angry} You cannot walk away from this. We are through, you and I. Adieu.A1a
436NPCFCurie: We must talk right now.{Angry} You are nothing more than a murdering brute. So many innocents are dead. Again.Curie: I hold onto the vain hope that you learn something from our time together. But I fear you are hopeless. Adieu for good.A1a
437COMCurie_07_RepeatInfatuationToAdmirationPlayer Default: Sadly, I am.{Sad} This... is so hard to say. Know that I love you, and I think I always will. But you are changing.A1a
438{Depressed} The way you treat people now is harder. It makes my skin crawl to see you like this.A1b
439{Depressed} I cannot stay... like we were. I need time to think.Player Default: But I still care for you.A1c
440Player Default: Sadly, I am.{Sad} Oh, this is hard. You are my dearest friend.A2a
441{Depressed} But you've changed. Grown harder. It wounds me to see you treat others so badly.A2b
442{Depressed} I no longer feel as comfortable traveling with you as I once did.Player Default: But I still care for you.A2c
443Player Default: But I still care for you.{Somber} And I you. But this is really gnawing at me.Curie: I hope you soften. Treat people with more caring. Like you used to.A1a
444Player Default: I don't need you judging me.{Sad} See? This. This is what I mean. Hard.Curie: I hope you soften. Treat people with more caring. Like you used to.B1a
445I really want to talk.Player Default: You sound troubled.A
446Do you have a moment? Please?Player Default: You sound troubled.A
447Player Default: You sound troubled.{Worried} Sadly, I am.Curie: This... is so hard to say. Know that I love you, and I think I always will. But you are changing.A1a
448Player Default: Not now, Curie.It can wait.Curie: This... is so hard to say. Know that I love you, and I think I always will. But you are changing.B1a
449Player Default: I'm sad to hear that.{Sad} No sadder than I am to say it.Curie: I hope you soften. Treat people with more caring. Like you used to.X1a
450Player Default: What do you mean by harder?{Sad} You used to put others ahead of yourself. It is a quality I greatly admired.Y1a
451{Worried} But now... You seem more focused on yourself. Or maybe, you were always this way.Y1b
452{Depressed} And I let my feelings cloud that.Player Default: But I still care for you.Y1c
453Player Default: And I you. But this is really gnawing at me.{Sad} I hope you soften. Treat people with more caring. Like you used to.A1a
454{Sad} Until you do I must put some distance between us. Emotionally.A1b
455{Sad} You're still my friend, but to mend this will take time.A1c
456COMCurie_08_RepeatAdmirationToNeutralPlayer Default: Thank you.For a time, I found our partnership most rewarding. It is exactly what I hoped for when I left my Vault.Curie: But now... You make many decisions that make me want to pull my hair out.A1a
457Player Default: Once I valued you, but now... You make it hard.{Pleading} Everywhere you go, you make such a difference. Please, make that difference one for the better.A1a
458Is now a better time to talk?Player Default: Talk to me, then.A
459I'd like to speak with you.Player Default: Talk to me, then.A
460Player Default: Talk to me, then.Thank you.Curie: For a time, I found our partnership most rewarding. It is exactly what I hoped for when I left my Vault.A1a
461Player Default: I don't have time right now.Later, then.Curie: For a time, I found our partnership most rewarding. It is exactly what I hoped for when I left my Vault.B1a
462Curie: For a time, I found our partnership most rewarding. It is exactly what I hoped for when I left my Vault.{Worried} But now... You make many decisions that make me want to pull my hair out.Curie: I want to travel with someone who shares my passion for making the Commonwealth a safer and more civilized place.A1a
463Curie: For a time, I found our partnership most rewarding. It is exactly what I hoped for when I left my Vault.But your recent pattern of activity is contrary to my programming.Curie: I want to travel with someone who shares my passion for making the Commonwealth a safer and more civilized place.A2a
464Curie: But now... You make many decisions that make me want to pull my hair out.{Concerned} I want to travel with someone who shares my passion for making the Commonwealth a safer and more civilized place.A1a
465Please, go back to doing more of this instead of your current behavior.Player Default: I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I value you.A1b
466Player Default: I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I value you.{Depressed} Once I valued you, but now... You make it hard.Curie: Everywhere you go, you make such a difference. Please, make that difference one for the better.A1a
467Player Default: The Commonwealth's a tough place, so stop whining about how I do my business.{Angry} As you wish.Curie: Everywhere you go, you make such a difference. Please, make that difference one for the better.B1a
468Player Default: I'll consider what you said.{Stern} I hope you do more than just consider it.Curie: Everywhere you go, you make such a difference. Please, make that difference one for the better.X1a
469Player Default: What can I do to make it better?{Sad} You have, in the past, treated people with honor and respect. This is the person I gladly followed.Curie: Everywhere you go, you make such a difference. Please, make that difference one for the better.Y1a
470COMCurie_09_RepeatNeutralToDisdainNPCFCurie: Do not walk away from me again.{Irritated} Is there something wrong with you? Is it so hard to help people?A1a
471{Angry} To treat others with civility and a small measure of grace? If you continue this, then I am gone.Player Default: I want to help people.A1b
472Player Default: I want to help people.{Depressed} And sometimes, I know, you do. But you must do better.Curie: So change soon or we are finished.A1a
473Player Default: Just shut up.{Angry} For people born in this time, I make allowances.B1a
474{Angry} But you lived in the Old World and should know better how to treat people.Curie: So change soon or we are finished.B1b
475Player Default: Understood.Good.Curie: So change soon or we are finished.X1a
476Player Default: Civility? Grace? Is it really that important?{Angry} If everyone behaves like you the whole Commonwealth will devolve. Perhaps into anarchy.Y1a
477{Angry} And that hurts everyone. Even you.Curie: So change soon or we are finished.Y1b
478Do not walk away from me again.Curie: Is there something wrong with you? Is it so hard to help people?A
479We must have words. Now.Curie: Is there something wrong with you? Is it so hard to help people?A
480Player Default: And sometimes, I know, you do. But you must do better.{Angry} So change soon or we are finished.A1a
481COMCurie_10_RepeatDisdainToHatredPlayer Default: Another? I was a fool to give you as many chances as I have. Not again.{Angry} I almost think the world would be better if you were not in it. Adieu.A1a
482{Angry} That. Is. It.Curie: We are through you and I. You treat people like garbage. I will have nothing to do with you any more.A
483NPCFCurie: That. Is. It.{Angry} We are through you and I. You treat people like garbage. I will have nothing to do with you any more.Player Default: Just give me one last chance.A1a
484Player Default: Just give me one last chance.{Irritated} Another? I was a fool to give you as many chances as I have. Not again.Curie: I almost think the world would be better if you were not in it. Adieu.A1a
485Player Default: Go ahead and leave, I don't need you.{Angry} I will do so gladly.Curie: I almost think the world would be better if you were not in it. Adieu.B1a
486Player Default: Do what you got to do.{Angry} Oh, I shall.Curie: I almost think the world would be better if you were not in it. Adieu.X1a
487Player Default: What's your problem?{Angry} You. You are my problem.Curie: I almost think the world would be better if you were not in it. Adieu.Y1a
488COMCurie_11_RepeatAdmirationToInfatuationPlayer Default: Sounds like you're in a good mood.{Friendly} Oh, I am. I have been thinking a great deal.Curie: Awhile back. I said some things. About distance and being softer.A1a
489Player Default: I don't know.{Friendly} Give it time, I am sure if we work together our best days are still ahead of us.X1a
490Player Default: You sure about this?{Happy} I am, my love. I have been miserable without you. But no more. You'll see.Y1a
491Player Default: You sure about this?{Happy} I am. I cannot thank you enough for being my friend. My best friend.Y2a
492Can we talk now?Player Default: Sounds like you're in a good mood.A
493I really want to speak with you.Player Default: Sounds like you're in a good mood.A
494Player Default: Later.Of course.Curie: Awhile back. I said some things. About distance and being softer.B1a
495Player Default: Oh, I am. I have been thinking a great deal.{Apologetic} Awhile back. I said some things. About distance and being softer.A1a
496{Happy} And either I was jumping at the shadows, or you've changed so much for the better.A1b
497{Happy} Regardless, I feel closer to you than ever before. Everything can be like it was before, yes?Player Default: Sure. Just like we were.A1c
498Player Default: Sure. Just like we were.{Happy} I was so miserable without you, my love. But now we are together again and my heart feels like it will burst.A1a
499Player Default: Sure. Just like we were.{Happy} I am so relieved. Thank you for being my best friend again.A2a
500Player Default: What you said to me before really hurt.{Apologetic} I feel terrible about that. You do know that all of this is so new. I will make mistakes.B1a
501{Apologetic} But I will make it up to you, you'll see.B1b
502COMCurie_12_InfatuationRepeaterRegularNPCFCurie: Even now, I am still abuzz with my discovery. In time, who knows if others await?{Happy} Is this what it's like to be human? To have a world of possibilities just over the horizon?Player Default: You know, you're a very refreshing person to travel with.A1a
503Player Default: You know, you're a very refreshing person to travel with.{Amused} And you, you're not so bad yourself. See, I make a joke.Curie: And I have you, my bestest friend, to thank for all of this. I will never forget this, you know?A1a
504Player Default: There's good times, sure. But life is usually full of pain.{Sad} Oh. That is so... depressing. But come, if this is a rare good time - we should enjoy it.Curie: And I have you, my bestest friend, to thank for all of this. I will never forget this, you know?B1a
505Player Default: Partly. Being human is complicated.{Happy} On that we can agree.Curie: And I have you, my bestest friend, to thank for all of this. I will never forget this, you know?X1a
506Player Default: Your discovery really makes you that happy?{Happy} More than I can say. As a machine I was certain of my fundamental limitations. So many of them.Y1a
507{Happy} And now I can do things, think things, I could never imagine before.Curie: And I have you, my bestest friend, to thank for all of this. I will never forget this, you know?Y1b
508Player Default: And you, you're not so bad yourself. See, I make a joke.{Grateful} And I have you, my bestest friend, to thank for all of this. I will never forget this, you know?Player Default: You're my best friend, as well.A1a
509Player Default: You're my best friend, as well.{Happy} Then all is right with the world.A1a
510Player Default: Yeah, yeah, I'm the best.{Amused} You know, you really are.B1a
511{Happy} Even now, I am still abuzz with my discovery. In time, who knows if others await?Curie: Is this what it's like to be human? To have a world of possibilities just over the horizon?A
512Player Default: You're welcome.{Happy} Let us continue on our adventures.X1a
513Player Default: Maybe we should try being more than best friends.{Worried} I... I have been thinking of this. And...Curie: You know... You mean very much... Oh, I am so terrible at this.Y1a
514Player Default: Maybe we should try being more than best friends.{Puzzled} I... I am not ready for this. What we have matters so very much to me.Y2a
515{Friendly} I would not endanger it for anything. But let us carry on and have further adventures together.Y2b
516COMCurie_DismissAre you sure I am not needed?Player Default: Yeah.A1a
517Player Default: Yeah.As you wish.A1a
518Player Default: Is that a problem?No. If you need to run your own errands, I will of course respect this.Player Default: Yeah.Y1a
519COMCurie_MurderPlayer Default: Now's not a good time.{Angry} This matter is most urgent. It will not wait long.Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.B1a
520Player Default: You sound angry.{Angry} I am beyond this. I am furious.Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.Y1a
521Player Default: You sound angry.I am incapable of true anger. But my programming on this is most firm.Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.Y2a
522Player Default: This matter is most urgent. It will not wait long.{Angry} You have committed murder. A crime most foul.Curie: To think that someone I care for, someone I love could do such a terrible thing. Surely, it was an accident. Not to be repeated.A1a
523Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.{Angry} To think that someone I care for, someone I love could do such a terrible thing. Surely, it was an accident. Not to be repeated.Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.A1a
524Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.{Angry} To think, someone I respect and admire so highly could do something so terrible. Surely this was a tragic mistake. Not to be repeated.Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.A2a
525Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.{Angry} To think someone I consider a friend could do something so terrible. You must not do this thing.Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.A3a
526Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.{Angry} I know we have our problems, but to think that even you could stoop so low. You must not do this.Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.A4a
527Curie: You have committed murder. A crime most foul.This is against everything I believe. I cannot stand for this behavior.Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.A5a
528Player Default: It won't happen again. Promise.{Stern} As long as you hold to that, we can still travel together.A1a
529Player Default: I'll do what I want to who I want.{Angry} If this is how you truly feel, then it is clear we are not as close as I once thought.B1a
530Player Default: I'll do what I want to who I want.{Angry} To be clear, if you do this one more time, then our association is over.B2a
531Player Default: It was a mistake. These things happen up here.{Stern} I believe you. But I will not tolerate any more mistakes like this.X1a
532Player Default: People die all the time up here. Was what happened really murder?{Irritated} I agree, there are many lawbreakers up here. But those were innocent people. It is quite clear that was a heinous deed.Y1a
533{Angry} See that it is not repeated.Y1b
534{Angry} I must insist we talk. At once.Player Default: If you have something to say, I'll listen.A
535{Angry} This matter cannot wait. We must speak.Player Default: If you have something to say, I'll listen.A
536COMCurie_PickUpScenePlayer Default: Then let us get under way.{Friendly / Friendly} So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again.A1a
537Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Friendly and reassuring. / Friendly} But of course, Monsieur Codsworth. I assure you, no harm will befall your master.A2a
538Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Friendly and reassuring. / Friendly} But of course, Monsieur Codsworth. I assure you, no harm will befall your mistress.A3a
539Player Default: Then let us get under way.No need to worry, Mademoiselle Cait. My offensive capabilities are quite formidable.A4a
540Player Default: Then let us get under way.Mon dieu! Always so polite. Au revoir to you, MacCready.A5a
541Player Default: Then let us get under way.There's no need to be embarrassed, we merely possess different skills.A6a
542Player Default: Then let us get under way.But Monsieur Danse, how have I offended you?A7a
543Player Default: Then let us get under way.I assure you, Monsieur Deacon, I am fully equipped and quite capable of dealing with a multitude of situations.A8a
544Player Default: Then let us get under way.Unlike you, I did not undergo such a procedure on a whim.A9a
545Player Default: Then let us get under way.Don't worry, Monsieur Strong. I don't rust so easily.A10a
546Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Friendly} Oh monsieur. We do not watch. We observe.A11a
547Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Concerned} Well I hope to not have to pick any at all.A12a
548Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Question} I have read all available materials on the subject. Will that not be sufficent?A13a
549Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Confident / Question} I am the top of the line of RobCo technology. I assure you I am capable of this.A14a
550Player Default: Then let us get under way.{Confident / Question} I have survived centuries more than you, monsieur.A15a
551Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.Then let us get under way.Companion: Ah, Miss Curie. Never was there a more suitable replacement.A1a
552Player Default: Never mind.As you wish.Companion: Ah, Miss Curie. Never was there a more suitable replacement.B1a
553Player Default: Let's trade some things.But, of course.Companion: Ah, Miss Curie. Never was there a more suitable replacement.X1a
554Player Default: How are you doing?I must confess, I am missing you. I hope you've come so we can travel together again. Hint hint.Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.Y1a
555Player Default: How are you doing?I am delighted to see you again. I find myself lonelier without your good company. But I occupy myself with science and research.Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.Y2a
556Player Default: How are you doing?I keep myself occupied. So much of what I knew is no longer valid. I am quite content to be left alone to continue my research.Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.Y3a
557Player Default: How are you doing?I find myself wanting to set out again and see the world. I am tempted to do this on my own, but there is so much danger.Y4a
558I hope we can renew our partnership. For science, of course.Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.Y4b
559Do you need something, monsieur?Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.A
560Do you need something, madame?Player Default: I'd like to travel together some more.A
561COMCurie_PickUpScene_InitialA moment, please?Curie: I have been trapped so many years. I believe it's customary to thank you for your role in saving me.A1a
562Curie: A moment, please?I have been trapped so many years. I believe it's customary to thank you for your role in saving me.Curie: My entire life has been in this Vault. I have analyzed and learned everything there is to know here.A1a
563Curie: I have been trapped so many years. I believe it's customary to thank you for your role in saving me.My entire life has been in this Vault. I have analyzed and learned everything there is to know here.A1a
564So now I must see the rest of the Commonwealth. Consult with scientists. Unearth more data to challenge my hypotheses.Player Default: After the bombs, the Commonwealth is a little lacking in the science department.A1b
565Player Default: After the bombs, the Commonwealth is a little lacking in the science department.But surely there is still men of learning out there. And, if nothing else, there is data.Curie: I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.A1a
566Player Default: Your job is to stay here, not go gallavanting around the Commonwealth.My former master, Monsieur Burrow, is quite dead. I have no other orders or obligations.B1a
567So advancing my scientific understanding seems a worthy cause.Curie: I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.B1b
568Player Default: It sounds like the Vault could really use you.Of this, there is no doubt. But I seek to elevate my capabilities, and down here I will stagnate.Curie: I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.X1a
569Player Default: What are you looking to learn up there?Down here is an enclosed system. And without the introduction of new mutagens, viruses, or bacteria it is quite... dull, medically speaking.Y1a
570The world up there is infinitely more complex. Who knows what diseases can be found and studied?Player Default: After the bombs, the Commonwealth is a little lacking in the science department.Y1b
571Curie: I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.Please, monsieur, can you take me with you?Player Default: Come along, then.A1a
572Curie: I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.Please, madame, can you take me with you?Player Default: Come along, then.A2a
573Player Default: But surely there is still men of learning out there. And, if nothing else, there is data.I can see you already have company. I do not wish to intrude. But, I must ask.Curie: Please, monsieur, can you take me with you?A1a
574Player Default: Come along, then.Excellent. We must embark at once.A1a
575Player Default: Not right now.Well, perhaps for now I will help out here. But if you change your mind, please, you must find me.B1a
576Player Default: It's no picnic up there. Anything you can do to help us survive?But, of course. I have been equipped with medical equipment. If you become injured in our journeys, I can administer stimpaks.Y1a
577I also have defensive capabilities. A laser. But surely there's little reason to use that.Player Default: Come along, then.Y1b
578Tell me you've change your mind. I have little more to learn here. I would travel with you.Player Default: Come along, then.A
579A moment, please?Curie: I have been trapped so many years. I believe it's customary to thank you for your role in saving me.A
580COMCurie_zz_OldLinesPlayer Default:My mind keeps replaying the words you have said to me over and over. It is maddening.A1a
581And so I wonder, do you like me? Do you more than like me? What does that even mean? Please tell me I'm not sounding the fool.Player Default: I have real feelings for you. Of the more than friendship flavor.A1b
582Player Default: I have real feelings for you. Of the more than friendship flavor.Oh. I see.Curie: Good. My head feels light. Very curious biological things are about. I must leave.A1a
583Player Default: We're just friends, Curie. Nothing more.Oh, I am the fool. Apologies. Humans are just so complicated.Curie: Good. My head feels light. Very curious biological things are about. I must leave.B1a
584Player Default: I lost someone... very important to me. I'm not ready to "more than like" anyone.This is terrible. And here I am babbling and you have real loss.Curie: Good. My head feels light. Very curious biological things are about. I must leave.X1a
585Player Default: It depends. Do you more than like me?And again with my head and the spinning feelings.Curie: Good. My head feels light. Very curious biological things are about. I must leave.Y1a
586Player Default: Oh. I see.Good. My head feels light. Very curious biological things are about. I must leave.A1a
587Player Default: Oh. I see.Please, let's not talk about this again.A2a
588Player Default: Oh. I see.Please, let's not talk about this again.A3a
589Player Default: Oh. I see.I... I think I shall leave.A4a
590Player Default:Curie: My mind keeps replaying the words you have said to me over and over. It is maddening.A1a
591Player Default:Curie: My mind keeps replaying the words you have said to me over and over. It is maddening.B1a
592Player Default:Curie: My mind keeps replaying the words you have said to me over and over. It is maddening.X1a
593Player Default:Curie: My mind keeps replaying the words you have said to me over and over. It is maddening.Y1a
594-{Tsk tsk in tone} Eating like this. Most unsanitary.
595{Tsk tsk in tone} Several rare and dangerous diseases can be caught eating like this.
596{Mild curiosity - no distaste} Is this sort of... dining... common now?
597I cannot get there.
598I can't reach that.
599There's no way to get there.
600What happened to the people here?
601It is so quiet now.
602I hope wherever the people went they are safe.
603So bright.
604It was never this... bright in the Vault.
605It's very bright.
606I wonder, have they hired a maid? Good job.
607So clean.
608I think all the Commonwealth should look this way.
609I feel... uneasy.
610This place is most unsettling.
611Be careful.
612I have more than my fill of darkness.
613Be careful to not stub your toe.
614Someone should turn on the light.
615So dirty. Whoever owns this place should be ashamed.
616I hope you have no allergies. This place is filthy.
617And here I am with no duster.
618It looks quite defensible.
619These defenses are quite sturdy, yes?
620They went to great trouble to defend this place.
621Fascinating. I should collect samples.
622Perhaps a tissue sample is in order.
623Tisk tisk. The dead should be handled more carefully than this.
624This offends my sensibilities.
625I want to leave this place.
626How disturbing.
627Perhaps we can find some useful data here?
628What wonders man can build. When they aren't trying to kill each other.
629I feel almost at home here.
630Can you hear me?
631Too noisy!
632Can someone turn it down?
633So dirty. Whoever owns this place should be ashamed.
634Have they no pride?
635The Commonwealth is a very filthy place. For shame.
636Oh, how wonderful.
637When I imagined the world outside the Vault, this is what I was hoping for.
638Oh, can we stay here?
639It is very... still, is it not?
640I am tired of silence.
641There is no noise at all.
642This looks like a good place to rest.
643Ahh, refuge.
644I like it here.
645What is...? Oh. The smell.
646{It smells bad} My nose is so broken. Ack.
647Why have a nose at all with things... like this?
648We should wear life preservers here.
649Modern water is quite contaminated. Be careful.
650It is very wet.
651Good morning, my love.
652Another day with you.
653I feel so wonderfully rested.
654Do we have to get up?
655Sleep well, my love?
656A grenade has been dispatched.
657Flee the area.
658Continued hostilities is not advised.
659Your actions could result in injury.
660Why is everything so dangerous up here?
661Odds of your success are virtually nil.
662A violent tendencies greatly decreases your life expectancy.
663Caution. I am equipped with defensive capabilities.
664At least I can observe battlefield traumas.
665Vehicular injuries were supposed to be the greatest threat up here.
666Studying physical injury could result in something, I suppose.
667I believe I already have enough data on combat related maladies.
673That hurts.
676Stop that.
679Please... do not let me... power...
680I have sustained considerable damage.
681Critical damage imminent. Requesting assistance.
682Oh no. I have been hit.
683I appear to be disabled.
684I have sustained serious injury.
685Mechanical assistance requested.
686Danger detected. Evade.
687Move. And cover vital organs.
688Imminent threat detected.
689Engaging in close combat.
690This is for you.
691Hostiles vacate close proximity.
692Engaging secondary defenses.
693Cease hostilities.
694Do you need something from me?
695May I be of assistance?
696What do you want?
697You need something, yes?
698I cannot do that.
699Sorry, but I am unable to comply.
700I am not capable of this.
701At this time, I cannot do that.
702I must apologize.
703This falls outside of my programming.
704I was not built for this.
705I have failsafes which prevent me from doing this.
706I am forbidden from doing this.
707That falls outside the accepted cultural norms.
708I find this distasteful. I will not do it.
709If you ever need something more...
710I will resume other functions.
711If this is what you want.
712Current operation terminated.
713I shall move on, then.
714I shall follow you.
715But, of course, I will follow you.
716I am ready.
717I will wait. It is safe here, yes?
718If waiting is what's required...
719Just don't leave me here too long.
722I would be delighted to.
723I will attend to this.
724I shall make this a priority.
725At once.
726One of my duties is to serve.
727We appear to be under fire.
728We are being shot at. Enemy unknown.
729I believe a sniper has found us. That is the right word, yes?
730Looking for the shooter.
731Engaging evasive maneuvers.
732We are fighting? Why not a civilized discussion, instead?
733I am in combat. Again.
734I suppose we should dispatch them.
735My primary purpose is not combat.
736Oh, there is to be the fighting.
737Be careful. Violent engagements can result in a variety of injuries.
738There is a lot more of this up here than I was led to believe.
739Engaging defensive countermeasures.
740Returning fire.
741I'd much rather discuss science.
742What a fascinating specimen. I wonder what it's original species was.
743The mutations in this bug are fascinating.
744We should preserve one of these for study.
745Did this evolve from a mosquito?
746What a discovery. A mutated mosquito.
747Is this mosquito a product of the FEV? Or radiation?
748The taxonomy of this is most intriguing.
749The threat assessment is most dire.
750My memory has no idea what this... thing is. Intriguing.
751I must have a sample of this. Preferably once it is quite dead.
752Eyebot. Threat assessment minimal.
753And even the little eyebots fight here? So strange.
754Monsieur Platt predicted this condition. It appears he was correct.
755A "ghoul." Most intriguing. Starting recording.
756Detecting an increase in radiation.
757One must wonder, what causes the deterioration of this ghoul condition?
758I may be able to collect replacement parts.
759This Mr. Handy is obviously defective. We should consult a repairman.
760Even the crabs have mutated. Their carapace provided no resistance.
761We must defeat these... Mirelurks. For science.
762Tissue samples may provide theories as to these Mirelurks genesis.
763These Mirelurks, they were not in the Old World, right?
764The Mirelurk Queen must play a vital role in their reproductive cycle.
765Though the medical data is potentially significant, I recommend we avoid this.
766Pardon me, is this what is called a dog?
767Surely, these are near the bottom of the food pyramid.
768Taxonomy unknown. This little thing must be studied.
769A standard model Protectron. Very dangerous.
770The robot is attacking us.
771The roach is attacking.
772This species must have evolved from the common roach. Periplaneta americana.
773A scorpion of such size. What a find.
774If we survive this radscorpion it simply must be autopsied.
775The Sentry Bot is attacking. I recommend extreme caution.
776Combat reports of Sentry Bots is most alarming.
777A giant hornet. Amazing.
778Truly the power of radiation is limitless. Look at this hornet.
779Ah, the FEV virus. There were rumors of this.
780What changes the Super Mutants, surely, it is no contagious?
781And they maintain brain functions and motor control even after the FEV? Fascinating.
782RobCo did not make robots such as this.
783The technology to make this. Incredible.
784Is this what is called... a "synth"?
785Oh no. The turret has become active.
786Remember. Turrets can be quite hazardous.
787The flying vehicle, it is attacking.
788We must take cover from this vertibird.
789The little doggie is dangerous now.
790Dogs are also vulnerable to radiation induced mutation.
791This bear appears to be highly dangerous.
792Radiation has mutated this bear into something fascinating. And deadly.
793Did you hear something?
794I may have detected unusual behavior.
795There is something nearby. Identity unknown.
796We may not be alone.
797Someone is nearby. Perhaps they are friendly?
798The enemy appears to be missing.
799I believe the enemy is gone.
800Terminating combat protocols.
801Sensors result no enemies. The threat is over.
802No sign of enemy activity.
803Oh, there you are.
804The enemy has been spotted.
805Resuming combat operations.
806Enemy detected.
807What was lost is found.
808I believe the term is, "Yahoo"?
809Again I have survived the hostilities.
810I would prefer if there was a whole lot less of... that.
811Messieurs Enemies have been dispatched.
812This place is so violent.
813I am still intact.
814Your pulse and vital signs are still within acceptable parameters.
815Later, I will review these logs for relevant data.
816Are you still well, monsieur?
817Are you still well, madame?
818Though dangerous, combat is quite vigorous exercise.
819Visual contact broken.
820Where are you?
821I do not see them any more.
822Engaging search protocol.
823My sensors have lost them.
824Threat no longer detected.
825We appear to have lost the enemy.
826Ceasing combat operations.
827Enemies no longer on sensors.
828We appear to be safe now.
829Hostilities resuming.
830Just leave me alone.
831Perhaps I was better in the Vault.
832I have nothing kind I can say about you.
833Traveling with you is a mistake.
834Is there any hope for humanity?
835I hope you have no need of this Stimpak. But just in case.
836I should be able to make another Stimpak soon.
837Stimpaks are a marvelous invention, don't you think?
838I have not yet mastered Doctor VanTudle's advanced Stimpak recipe. But I am working on it.
839When I think of you, my heart beats for fast. And I feel flush. There, it's happening again.
840Perhaps we can conduct further nocturnal experiments? Tonight.
841You disrupt my mental functions. In a very delicious way.
842Thinking of you is so wonderfully distracting. You feel the same, yes?
843So many feelings rushing through my head. And you're attached to most of them, you know?
844These days have been the best. Mind you, I was trapped in a room for centuries - so I guess I'm... how you say? Easy.
845The living form is so amazing. And I have my good friend to thank for this.
846Do you ever feel like just running? For the sheer pleasure of it?
847It feels like we've been traveling together forever. That is a good thing.
848You are my friend. That feels so good to say, you know?
849My sensors, eyes, are so primitive. But they perceive things so... magnificently.
850You have given me a tremendous gift. I will never forget you.
851This body is so fragile. But capable of such precision.
852Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what it's like traveling with you.
853I look at you and I have a strong feeling in my chest. Is this called... friendship?
854It is stimulating traveling with you.
855I would request we travel extensively and collect data.
856A routine analysis of you indicates you have suffered very little from radiation. Curious.
857We must consult the professors at the university. They could provide many answers.
858I wonder how the ebola, hepatitis, and influenza have mutated over the years.
859What is it now?
860I imagined our journeys being more... satisfying.
861The Commonwealth is not at all how I imagined.
862Let me know your requirements.
863This partnership of ours can be quite tiring.
864Do you require something?
866What is it?
867It is good not to be stuck in the quarantine.
868So much to learn and see.
869Oh no, the airplanes no longer fly. I was hoping to see the world from the air.
870And to think, this was once a bustling sea of disease carriers and delivery vectors.
871I have extensive quarantine protocols for airports in case of outbreak. I think that information can be safely deleted now.
872The airport used to be a nightmare for outbreak planning. Now, not so much.
873My pre-industrial outbreak models are far more pertinent with the demise of the airport.
874The desire to infuse the blood stream with ethanol is truly perplexing.
875If you are pregnant, I recommend abstaining from the alcohol.
876Ethanol consumption can result in impaired cognitive functioning and violent behavior.
877Should this place not be brimming with the people intent on damaging their livers?
878From my data, I expected the breweries to be a lot busier.
879How wonderful. We are underground. Again.
880If I were a geologist, this place would be fascinating. But, as such...
881Caves have little relevant data.
882Might I recommend an extra layer of clothing? Caves can be quite cold.
883I hope his is not some animal's den.
884This location looks well-suited for sleeping. If your batteries are running low again, that is.
885So you need to sleep every single day in places like this? Organic beings have so many interesting characteristics.
886Maybe other humans have stopped here.
887There are signs of previous human occupants here.
888I believe this is what they call a "camp."
889I was constructed in a place not unlike this.
890The industrial capabilities of the Commonwealth seem very bad now.
891Have you had your tetanus shot? The metal here is quite rusty.
892This factory has many sharp edges. Be careful.
893I wonder what they made here?
894{Alarmed} We must be very careful. The radiation levels are very bad.
895{Worried} This Glowing Sea could prove to be quite fatal.
896{A doctor giving important advice} Rad-X and Rad Away are most essential here.
897Where all the doctors? The nurses? This is a hospital, yes?
898And if anyone in the Commonwealth gets sick or injured, how will they get help here?
899Who can I share medical knowledge with here? This is most unsatisfactory.
900If I were the hospital administrator, I would fire the janitorial staff.
901Perhaps we can find some medical records here. Or something worthwhile.
902I wonder what discoveries or breakthroughs were made here.
903One can almost sense the science here. Long ago.
904Hello Messieurs Scientists, are you here?
905No one to talk of meaningful matters here. Is this not a laboratory?
906Are the scientists hiding?
907And the subways are not working, as well? The mayor has something to answer for.
908Do you think we'll make our train?
909With the subway out of commission, yet another delivery vector is offline. That's good, yes?
910Can you get one of the trains working? It would be interesting to get first-hand data of their acceleration.
911Hello? Is anyone here? The subway is supposed to be a busy place, yes?
912Ah no, this belongs to the military. It is illegal to trespass here.
913I hope the army does not shoot at us. Tell them we are here for science.
914I expected some sort of general to yell at us by now.
915You should talk with the Governor. The military here is quite primitive.
916Such a shame. So many weapons of war.
917Ah, what does this place commemorate?
918And where are the crowds? People here seem to have little interest in history.
919I wonder what this looked like before... everything.
920And this is where all the people worked.
921Stress in the office can pose considerable long-term health complications. Perhaps not so much now.
922Should we talk over a water cooler? Is this still done?
923I imagine this place has seen more productive days.
924Did we miss the office's hours?
925This is a park, yes? Make sure you have your rabies shots.
926Look out for ticks. They can carry Lime disease and other maladies.
927Do you feel the need to picnic?
928The outdoor air used to be good for you. I'm still evaluating if it's good now.
929A good walk outdoors is an excellent way of maintaining one's vigor.
930I have very few medical records of places like this. They farm rocks here, yes?
931Mining accidents, though rare, can be quite devastating for those involved. Take care when mining here.
932I wonder what was unearthed here.
933This used to be a place where all the people lived. It's much quieter than I expected.
934A few nuclear weapons, and look, no people here. What a shame.
935Watch where you step. You could trip on the rubble and maybe hurt your ankle.
936The population density is far less than I expected.
937The housing prices here must be quite affordable.
938This must be the "downtown." How exciting.
939I hope we are not mugged. This is common in urban environments.
940I think the cars need some repair. Maybe check the engine?
941We must remember to cross at the crosswalk.
942I have made it to the big city. I must record this.
943Ah, so many parts. Let me know if you find something useful.
944If I suffer from deterioration, many good replacements parts can be found here.
945This whole place is quite unsanitary.
946I think this community has a lot of truants.
947And there aren't even teachers here to talk to?
948Learning is one of the most important virtues.
949A child's formative years has a profound effect on many things in adulthood.
950I do not mean to alarm you, but I think the children are missing.
951I have little desire to sail the ocean. So if we could not, I would appreciate this.
952I prefer to stay on land. It is more stable.
953Should we wear our life vests?
954If you feel seasick, might I recommend medication?
955And the water is all around us. Most unnatural.
956We are so high above the ground now.
957And to think people worked and lived at such heights. One little accident and a terrible fall.
958Don't get too close to the edge. Acceleration trauma is most dangerous.
959Taking atmospheric readings.
960Someone should contact the landlord. I think this building is in need of repairs.
961Oh, see if they have any scientific literature.
962I could use some quality oil. The good stuff.
963Perhaps he has word of scientists?
964Is this the one who loves the little bottle caps?
965Barter is such a curiously human quality.
966I have had a long, long time to stare at tunnels. Perhaps we could leave?
967More tunnels. This is not what I was hoping for.
968It saddens me that tunnels have survived so very well when other things have fallen.
969I wonder where this tunnel goes.
970I think I will take this time to review old data.
971The power here appears to be off.
972These machines provide a service, yes? Why are they off?
973Maybe the workers are striking?
974I wonder what they stored here?
975I am thinking the rent here must be cheap now.
976So much refuse here. It is a health hazard.
977Rusted metal everywhere. Don't cut yourself.
978Ah, the beach. Are we on holiday?
979I wonder if the entire ocean is irradiated. Or is the water purer far from land?
980Converting the ocean's waters to potable radiation-free water would greatly improve the life of all. I must study this.
981I recommend against swimming here. The water is quite cold. And irradiated. And potentially full of enemies. So, bad idea.
982Maybe I should get some swimming trunks?
983A vault. You do know I wanted to study the world, yes?
984I have seen more than my fill of vaults.
985I wonder what purpose this vault serves.
986Perhaps there is some modicum of new knowledge to learn here.
987The Brotherhood seems to have much knowledge they could share.
988The Brotherhood's technology is superb. This must be studied.
989How can the Brotherhood expand their knowledge if they do not share their findings with fellow academics?
990I wonder, can one such as myself join this Brotherhood of Steel?
991With their vertibirds, airship, and other accoutrements the Brotherhood is what I expected of the outside world.
992I wonder if insects were particularly susceptible to the environmental factors after the War. So many different species.
993The biomass of all the insects of this world, how does it compare to the surviving human population?
994Though I am not an etymologist, these insects are a rich source of data.
995If only the insects were less voracious. It would make them easier to study.
996Fear of insects was a common phobia Pre-War. I think this fear is far more reasonable now.
997These Children. They are very odd, yes?
998So these Children of Atom worship radiation? Would not the sun be a more appropriate focus for their adorations?
999I think these Children should seek psychiatric attention.
1000The Children's willing exposure to radiation makes them fascinating specimens.
1001Someone should tell the Children about the dangers of radiation, I think.
1002I find no records of these Deathclaws. They are new to this world, yes?
1003In this biosphere, I believe humans are not the apex predator. The Deathclaw, I believe he sits at the top.
1004I would prefer we avoid Deathclaws. If I am destroyed, there is no more science that can be done.
1005Are Deathclaws always violent? Perhaps play some music for them? Or poetry?
1006We should maintain vital statistics of the people. For causes of death, I think Deathclaw related injuries must be high on that list.
1007Some "ghouls" are in possession of their mental faculties. Others are not. Why?
1008Should ghouls be considered a new species?
1009I wonder if my oaths apply to ghouls, as well?
1010If you find any scientific journal articles on ghouls, I would be much obliged.
1011I should give a ghoul a full physical. I am certain the data would be very interesting.
1012These Gunners should be careful. Some of their actions, I think, are illegal.
1013I would stay clear of the Gunners. They seem a most surly bunch.
1014Gunners. Common mercenaries. Of little interest to science.
1015I do not like the Gunners. They have no thirst for science.
1016Why aren't these Gunners in prison?
1017It stands to reason that aquatic animals would succumb to the ravages of radiation.
1018Are Mirelurk claws a great delicacy?
1019So their carapace did not protect their ancestors from mutation.
1020The aquatic ecosystem is worthy of study. The Mirelurks role in this, I am sure, is quite fascinating.
1021I hypothesize that the initial cause of many animal mutations was mankind's research. The Mirelurk, for example.
1022Was the ancestor of the mole rat a mole or a rat? Does anyone know?
1023Potentially mole rat meat may be quite nutritious. A healthy diet requires a great deal of protein, after all.
1024Mole rats exhibit pack behavior.
1025These mole rats are little more than pests, yes?
1026Mole rats are a curious species.
1027These raiders are quite a problem.
1028The raiders have no respect for personal property.
1029Does anyone up here engage in civilized discourse?
1030I suppose raiders are technically still homo sapiens.
1031I feel no remorse for terminating raiders. They offend me.
1032Are there more robots left than man? Sometimes, it feels as such.
1033Are any other Ms. Nannies about? Before I was modified this was my original model, you know.
1034Robots have proven quite adaptable, yes?
1035And even the robots have the itchy trigger fingers. What bad manners.
1036I sometimes wish that RobCo made its robots a little less... deadly.
1037The curious case of the FEV virus. Does anyone know its origins?
1038I believe Super Mutants must be sterile. Otherwise, surely, they would be found in even greater numbers.
1039If the FEV virus mutates and becomes airborne, then all the surviving humans would be at risk.
1040If I found a peaceful Super Mutant, I have many questions about their condition. Their pain tolerances. Do they get illnesses. Longevity. So many questions.
1041It is a shame these Super Mutants force us to dispatch them.
1042What a technological marvel these synths are.
1043Madame Fowler posited the idea that robotic evolution could surpass that of their creators. The synths prove this quite neatly.
1044To talk with the Institute would be a dream. So many marvels they have created.
1045Do synths have a psychology? Or are they merely sophisticated machines?
1046I dislike the idea of destroying such works of engineering and science.
1047I can see why humans always prattle so much about love. It is quite intoxicating.
1048You must be very careful. The idea of you coming to harm. There, my heart is fluttering again.
1049You know, you move in such a delightful manner. It is very... stimulating.
1050I must warn you, the thought of you being... close with anyone else causes very complicated emotions in me.
1051I find myself eager for the night.
1052It has hard to contemplate science with you so close.
1053Love. Love. Love. What a wonderful word.
1054Do not get overfond of danger, my love, I wish to journey with you for many years to come.
1055I find myself... humming inside. I feel so very... Happy, this is the word!
1056What a contradiction a human is. To be lacking in so many capabilities, but being blessed with such a tapestry of emotions.
1057It is good to travel with such an esteemed colleague.
1058The world above, on the whole, is disappointing. But I must say, you most certainly are not.
1059Such a treasure friendship is. I hope all value it as much as I.
1060I am getting used to a life of adventure. It can be quite... exciting, yes?
1061Is there a word for friends that are very, very friendly? Maybe the best friend? I have decided, we are bestest friends.
1062It is comforting to know you have my back. I have yours, have no doubt.
1063I notice that other people stare at me. Is there something wrong with my backside?
1064Together, you and me, I feel we could make a positive difference in the world.
1065I was programmed to respect the laws of the land. But now, I find myself quite irked with all this lawlessness. For shame, all you lawbreakers.
1066No matter how extreme the odds, together I think we will overcome.
1067Sometimes I feel things so vividly. It's a wonder people don't explode.
1068I find myself forgetting small details I knew before. The mortality rate of Influenza C... was it 88%? Or 89%? So frustrating.
1069I notice that other people stare at me. Is there something wrong with my backside?
1070Who knew that the chemical composition of the atmosphere could smell so... very off. We should visit someplace that smells nice.
1071So much to experience and feel. How can I fit it all in one lifetime?
1072I find myself running out of energy every single night, like clockwork. How can I be expected to do anything worthwhile in just 16 hours every day?
1073This gift of life you've given me, I am so... thankful. I feel thanks. A mix of obligation and... appreciation.
1074I am taking notes, analyzing data, and yet I keep getting distracted. By all manner of inconsequential things. How do you humans get anything done?
1075I think this being human agrees with me quite well.
1076All of these bodily functions. How do you keep track of them all? I am hungry, I am sleepy. The list goes on.
1077If I may of be of assistance, you have but to ask.
1078Are all humans as formidable as you? If so, I must change some of my theories.
1079Sometimes, this constant traveling grows tiresome.
1080I believe what is important to you differs greatly from the things I value.
1081Is everyone in the world above like... you?
1082Sometime, I wonder if it is better if we take separate paths.
1083You should endeavor to treat your fellow humans with greater care.
1084Do we not all owe some obligation to each other? It is enlightened self-interest to help others.
1085If everyone behaved such as you, all society would breakdown.
1086If you want to part company, I would not object.
1087I cannot stand much more of this.
1088Is there no kindness in you?
1089You make the world a darker place.
1090All I want is to do my science and help. And instead...
1091This is not what I expected. At all.
1092{Muttering to herself, angry (talking about breaking up with the player)} Soon. Very soon.
1093I should've stayed at home.
1094This situation cannot be tolerated.
1095So many violations of my ethical coding.
1096We are so opposite.
1097The sun is setting. Make sure to stay warm.
1098Sunrise is imminent. It'll be easier to evade those who desire hostility, now.
1099Another day has begun.
1100Despite the changes below, the constellations still shine bright.
1101Visibility has been reduced. Perhaps you should do one of your sleeps?
1102I wonder if there are any meteorologists about. I hope it does not rain.
1103You should get an umbrella. You don't want to catch a cold, do you?
1104The influx of data is hard to process. Apologies if sometimes I make little sense. I will work on this.
1105I have so much data on the world before the atom bombs. I fear I may have to delete some of it to store my new observations.
1106It is hard to determine whether the surface is more or less susceptible to outbreaks. But a preparation plan is never a bad idea.
1107My systems are eager to absorb new data. I find this traveling agrees with me.
1108Humanity is so resilient, to cling to life despite all of this. It is the duty of us all to further that survival.
1109We must find the men of science and institutes of learning. Surely, they are out there still.
1110I wonder what has happened elsewhere? Is what has befallen the Commonwealth atypical. Less extreme. More?
1111Please, let me see and scan as many indigenous life forms as possible. It is, of course, for science.
1112Humanity has fallen so since the bombs.
1113I wonder if the data I am collecting will serve any purpose.
1114{Pleased} How delightful.
1115Excellent job.
1116{Huh} How peculiar.
1117I find this distasteful.
1118{That's dumb vibe} That was most unwise.
1119{Impressed} That was marvelous!
1120{Displeased} I wish you hadn't done that.
1121{Pleased with the player} That was well done.
1122{Stern} If you do that again, there will be consequences.
1125I will attend to it.
1126As you say.
1128Certainly not.
1129I will not do that.
1130Here, for you.
1131This is for you.
1133Thank you ever so much.
1134I'm on it.
1135Will do.
1136I will begin immediately.
1137This is not a problem.
1138Yes, I understand.
1139Do you need me to carry something?
1140If you carry too much, you may get a hernia.
1141You are carrying so much.
1142It is a wonder you can move at all.
1143Surely you do not need all of that?
1144Put something on at once. You could catch a cold.
1145I believe not wearing clothes is considered taboo? But maybe that data is old.
1146Well, this makes it easy for me to conduct a physical inspection, at least.
1147It's remarkable the things you can do with only two hands.
1148I wonder what you have made now?
1149It I ever need repairs, you seem more than capable with your tinkerings.
1150I recommend against stepping on those again. It is hazardous for your health.
1151Caution advised. More mines may be nearby.
1152Shock waves and shrapnel can easily be lethal. Please exercise caution
1153Swimming is most excellent cardiovascular exercise. But perhaps not so good in water such as this.
1154I somehow doubt that is sanitary.
1155When I read about swimming I imagined something less... contaminated.
1156Did you always have that? Wait, wasn't that on them?
1157Your fingers are very nimble. Are all humans so skilled?
1158But wait, that is not ours, is it?
1159Does that not belong to someone?
1160You must be careful that the police do not spot you. Stealing is a felony.
1161I wonder if the laws of property are different at this time.
1162You somehow changed the parameters of that social engagement. Fascinating.
1163You have a singular ability to change people's minds.
1164And look, now we are getting more rewards. Remarkable.
1165So, receiving bottle caps is good, yes?
1166And the task is complete. And we are rewarded. Excellent.
1167I hope the reward is satisfying.
1168So, are these comic books educational? Anything of science in there?
1169Literacy is important. But perhaps, something of more substance is good for nurturing the mind.
1170I like the colors on this comic book. They're very bright.
1171You are presenting symptoms of radiation sickness. This must be addressed at once.
1172The radiation levels of this Commonwealth are unconscionable. Look, it has made you sick.
1173Radiation sickness is most terrible. Deal with it at once, I implore you.
1174My sensors detect high levels of radiation. May I suggest Rad-X?
1175Oh no. The body can repair tissue damage, but still, too much radiation too quickly can prove fatal. Caution is recommended.
1176Radiation should be avoided at all cost. It could damage you irreparably.
1177You must take care to reduce the radiation dose you absorb.
1178Your leg, it is injured. Perhaps crutches?
1179Your leg is damaged. We should repair it at once.
1180You should not move fast with your leg. It could aggravate your injury.
1181Oh no. Can you see? Your head looks very bad.
1182If untreated, you can bleed out very fast from a head wound.
1183You're head is very bad. You need treatment.
1184Oh, your arm. It is hurt.
1185Keep your arm still. Otherwise, the injury could get worse.
1186That arm is no good. You must fix it at once.
1187I think this door was no challenge for you.
1188Should we be opening other people's doors?
1189I am not sure the door's owner would appreciate this.
1190You are very good with a bobby pin.
1191Oh, the lock. It is opening.
1192It was not locked at all. Oh wait, you did this?
1193But these are innocents. This is very bad.
1194Do not murder these people. This is wrong.
1195Surely, murder is wrong. You should not do this.
1196The weapon looks more dangerous now. This is good?
1197You spend an awful long time with that weapon. Is this healthy?
1198With this weapon, surely no one will threaten you now.
1199Perhaps you have missed your calling. With skills like this, you could be a Mr. Handy.
1200What skill you have. The armor looks formidable.
1201Your armor looks very good now.
1202I have seen pictures of that.
1203This is something before the troubles, yes?
1204To survive so many years undamaged. What luck.
1205Is this worth anything? This world above ground is very confusing.
1206This belongs in the garbage can, yes?
1207These appears worthless. Surely we can leave that behind.
1208What a remarkable find.
1209Such craftsmanship. It must be very valuable, yes?
1210You must be happy finding something like this.
1211You should wash your hands after that. It can be unsanitary to handle the deceased.
1212Shouldn't a coroner be doing that instead?
1213I believe we are supposed to file a police report, yes? And all the little things go in baggies for evidence.
1214Have you found something interesting?
1215One must be careful with heights, yes?
1216Have you sustained injuries? Such a fall.
1217Oh no. You have fallen.
1218Ah, the little doggy is happy again.
1219Your dog is healthy. Very good.
1220That is much better, Monsieur Dogmeat, yes?
1221I am feeling much better.
1222How thoughtful. I feel better now.
1223Is it not I who is supposed to be tending to you?
1224Oh, you are on the terminal again.
1225Was the password "aardvark"? Such a funny word.
1226Remember exercise. Too much time on the terminal is not healthy.
1227Are we going to fly?
1228Make sure to put on your seatbelt. Extreme falls can cause severe trauma to the body.
1229And soon we can see the little people. Like ants.
1230Be careful. If the shielding on the reactor core isn't parfait, it can be hazardous to your health.
1231In that, you will surely be quite strong.
1232Ah, you look quite dashing in that.
1233You have dropped something.
1234Be careful. You can be fined if you litter, yes?
1235Oh, something has fallen to the floor.
1236I have read many studies about drinking. I will observe.
1237The human capacity for ethanol is most fascinating.
1238Do not drink too much. Otherwise you cannot drive on the streets. Or operate the heavy machines.
1239Repetitive positive reinforcement can result in changes of behavior. Is this your goal?
1240Have you been programmed to help others, as well?
1241That was very charitable of you. That's the right word, yes?
1242Oh, the little dog, is hurt.
1243Your Dogmeat. He is injured.
1244The little dog, he is bleeding.
1245Dogmeat, you are in trouble.
1246My sensors do not detect anything. May I ask, what are you shooting at?
1247Has something agitated you?
1248Shooting at nothing wastes valuable resources.
1249Perhaps you should save your ammunition?
1250Chems. I have considerable medical knowledge of them. I advise caution in their use.
1251I will record the biochemical interaction of these chems with your system.
1252You are aware, of course, of the many dangers of excessive chem use, yes?
1253There are many accounts of singers, poets, intellectuals, and others who dabbled with chems such as you. They did not end well.
1254I have more than enough data on the physiological effects of chems. No need to provide more.
1255Moderation in all things is best, yes?
1256Did you need to do that?
1257Surely a little charity would do more good.
1258Do you really need it that much?
1259Short term gain often comes at the expense of long term objectives.
1260Avarice. This is a sin, yes?
1261This course of action minimizes harm. This is a good thing, yes?
1262The world has enough violence.
1263Violence begets violence. So a peaceful path is best, yes?
1264I feared there would be fighting. But now, it is all better.
1265And bloodshed is avoided once again.
1266Your behavior is very worthy of you.
1267And surely your actions will not be forgotten.
1268I have a hypothesis that benign gestures or actions function, on some level, like a virus. It can be contagious.
1269Some say that it's the job of every member of a collective to further the well-being of said collective.
1270You provide a good role model for others.
1271Surely, they didn't deserve to be treated like that.
1272Is it wise to behave like such?
1273Some studies show that negative behavior is remembered far longer than positive ones.
1274The world surely does not need more of... this.
1275Does this behavior really further your goals?
1276Trade is good.
1277Here's what I have on me.
1278Are you giving me a present?
1279Is this sort of thing customary?
1280Are you all right?
1281The societal norms dictate a response.
1282Are you performing some sort of psychological experiment?
1283I sometimes get lost in thought, too.
1284I fear you may need a reboot.
1285You are awfully... quiet.
1286If it would not be too much trouble, can we continue?


1287COMCurieQuest_100_CurieFollowupHave you found someone that can help me become human?Player Default: Doctor Amari may be able to help.A
1288Player Default: Doctor Amari may be able to help.Then we must see this doctor. At once. Please.A1a
1289Player Default: Doctor Amari may be able to help.Your efforts are appreciated.A2a
1290Player Default: I haven't found anyone yet.Please, continue your search.B1a
1291Player Default: I think we ought to part ways.Your efforts are appreciated.X3a
1292Player Default: Any ideas of where I can find someone?We need someone who is fully trained as a neural surgeon and well versed with machine/human interfaces.Y1a
1293It is no easy thing, but surely someone qualifies?Y1b
1294COMCurieQuest_200_AmariMeetingDoctorAmari: Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.I will stay with the doctor. Assuming all goes well, I want to be ready for the procedure.A1a
1295DoctorAmari: Oh? I'm not a mechanic. What could she possibly want from me?Oh, this Doctor can help me?A1a
1296Greetings, Doctor. I wish to download my data and core programming into a human brain.DoctorAmari: You... you want to what? Is she serious?A1b
1297DoctorAmari: Oh? I'm not a mechanic. What could she possibly want from me?Greetings, Doctor. I wish to download my data and core programming into a human brain.DoctorAmari: You... you want to what? Is she serious?A2a
1298Player Default: Why not?There are fundamental limitations in my robotic systems. I have no capacity for the human trait of inspiration.DoctorAmari: I've never considered anything like you're proposing.A1a
1299Player Default: Why do you want this?I was programmed to further our studies of disease, pathogens, and viruses.B1a
1300I cannot do this with the fundamental limitations of my robotic systems.B1b
1301If I become human, with the wealth of information in my databanks I hope to do much good for the Commonwealth.DoctorAmari: A Pre-War robot with your knowledge and skills plus human cognition. Yes, you could potentially save many lives.B1c
1302COMCurieQuest_400_OperationDoctorAmari: Curie, terminate all non-essential operations.Affirmative.DoctorAmari: Alright. Connection complete. I have access to your friend's memories.A1a
1303COMCurieQuest_500_CurieAwakesDoctorAmari: Just breathe. It's an autonomic function. Just let your body do what it must.{Worried} I. I feel. I feel so strange.DoctorAmari: Listen to me. Can you hear me? What is your name?A1a
1304DoctorAmari: Listen to me. Can you hear me? What is your name?{Worried} My designation is Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer. Or Curie.Player Default: You had me worried there.A1a
1305Player Default: You had me worried there.{Neutral} Do not concern yourself. I feel better now.DoctorAmari: Good. Very good. Now let's test some cognitive functions. What is 1 + 2?A1a
1306Player Default: I'm not sure that's really Curie.{Puzzled} Oh, but it is I. Sorry, these vocal chords are very strange.DoctorAmari: Good. Very good. Now let's test some cognitive functions. What is 1 + 2?B1a
1307DoctorAmari: Think of a strong memory. The first that comes to mind. Tell me about it.{Thinking} *sigh* Doctor Burrow was very old. He was the last living scientist in my section of Vault 81.A1a
1308{Sad} He was on his bed. Very weak. He said to me, "Curie, you must..." And he died before he finished the sentence.A1b
1309{Depressed} Oh, my insides feel peculiar. What is that?Player Default: You might be feeling grief. For a friend.A1c
1310Player Default: You might be feeling grief. For a friend.{Sad} This unit has no friends. But... There, my chest is tightening when I think of poor Doctor Burrow.DoctorAmari: The operation appears successful. But I think it will take a lot of adjustment for your new friend.A1a
1311Player Default: I'm not feeling it, so you tell me.{Sad} I have no idea. My chest feels so tight. Poor Doctor Burrow.DoctorAmari: The operation appears successful. But I think it will take a lot of adjustment for your new friend.B1a
1312Player Default: Are you OK, Curie?{Worried} I feel... functional. But this feeling. My chest is tight. Poor Doctor Burrow.DoctorAmari: The operation appears successful. But I think it will take a lot of adjustment for your new friend.Y1a
1313Player Default: Is that really you, Curie?{Puzzled} Yes. You sound so different with these ears.DoctorAmari: Good. Very good. Now let's test some cognitive functions. What is 1 + 2?Y1a
1314DoctorAmari: Good. Very good. Now let's test some cognitive functions. What is 1 + 2?Three.DoctorAmari: If I threw a baseball at your head, what would you do?A1a
1315DoctorAmari: If I threw a baseball at your head, what would you do?Uh. Move.DoctorAmari: Think of a strong memory. The first that comes to mind. Tell me about it.A1a
1316DoctorAmari: She may need your help to make the transition.{Grateful} Thank you, Doctor. For this opportunity.A1a
1317{Afraid} *gasp* I... I... my chest. What is happening?DoctorAmari: Just breathe. It's an autonomic function. Just let your body do what it must.A1a
1318COMCurieQuest_PostCurie{Worried} Remember. To breathe. I keep thinking if I forget to do this, no more Curie.NewCurieBody: And suddenly all this excitement we do, there is an element of something new?A
1319Player Default: Are you afraid?{Worried} I supposed it could be fear. But... something else, as well. It is a jumble.NewCurieBody: I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.Y1a
1320Player Default: That makes me feel. Better. Calm.{Worried} I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.NewCurieBody: Just bear with me. I am sure my research will blossom with this magnificent new hardware.A1a
1321NPCFCurie: Remember. To breathe. I keep thinking if I forget to do this, no more Curie.{Worried} And suddenly all this excitement we do, there is an element of something new?A1a
1322{Afraid} What if my arm is blown off? It is not so simple to repair this now.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.A1b
1323Player Default: Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.{Friendly} That makes me feel. Better. Calm.NewCurieBody: I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.A1a
1324Player Default: This is what you signed up for.{Irritated} But I had no idea how different it would be.NewCurieBody: I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.B1a
1325Player Default: Here's some advice. Keep your limbs attached from now on.{Amused} *laugh* I will do so. That was strange, I laughed.NewCurieBody: I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.X1a
1326NewCurieBody: I... I will be fine. It is coming to me. Quickly, I hope.{Friendly} Just bear with me. I am sure my research will blossom with this magnificent new hardware.A1a
1327-Hopefully this caretaker will approve of the operation.A
1328I must see this Doctor Amari. Right away.
1329I hope this Amari can help me.
1330This Doctor Amari hopefully can help or point us in a good direction.