Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
FO76 Atomic Shop Liberator player icon

The Nukapedia community is a group of individuals who come together to discuss the games and contribute to the development of the wiki and its content. Check out the Community Portal for fun tidbits alongside the information below.

Achievements and badges[]


Check out the leaderboard! It is a fun thing we do, where one can earn badges on the wiki by editing pages, uploading photos, and leaving comments. Each badge earns you points. The more points you get, the higher up on the leaderboard you’ll go! You’ll find the badges you’ve earned on your user profile page. It may be tempting, but don’t make poor edits just to get the achievements, otherwise it is against the rules. You will feel much more fulfilled gaining them with good old fashion blood, sweat, and tears!

Special rights users[]

Logo userbox admin

There are many levels of special rights users that have petitioned and been granted such rights by a community vote, known as administrators and moderators. They are a group of people you can always approach with questions and are here to serve the wiki and those who contribute and benefit from it.



The wiki has a Discord channel that everyone is free to join. You can do so by clicking here. The user rights on the wiki carry over to the Discord, and you can see the users on the righthand side, categorized by color. Read through the chat policies to become familiar with how it works.


Fo4 Local Leader

Another fun way to engage with fellow Fallout fans is through the discussions (called /d), which are accessible here. Make sure to choose the correct category for your post, and follow the guidelines! You can post polls, ask questions, share fanart, and any other appropriate thing your heart desires.


FO76 Plush cat pencil01

Another cool way to hang out with the follow focus by writing a blog. Head over yonder to see recent blog posts and create a blog post of your own!


Icon Chinese Army SOP Manual

The last bit to introduce are the forums. They are used for two things - discussions related to major changes in policy or organization of Nukapedia or secondly, voting on user rights or policy changes. The forums for discussing policies and voting are Wiki discussion and Wiki proposals and applications. Take a gander!

Quiz 6 (Community tour)[]

Quiz time! Head on over to show me your knowledge! You are gonna do great!

Quiz time!
Click here to be quizzed!

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Quizzes Quiz two - Quiz three - Quiz four - Quiz five - Quiz six - Quiz seven - Quiz eight - Quiz nine - Quiz ten - Quiz eleven - Quiz twelve
Links The Vault Academy - All lessons - Quiz answer report page