Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
TVA AE Lesson 9 banner front
Special thanks go out to Waster who took the time to share their incredible knowledge with myself and my mentees by way of authoring this lesson.

This lesson focuses on transclusions and how we can use them to mirror content across multiple articles. If the same sentence or paragraph appears in one place, it can be transcluded, which means it only needs to be updated in one place, resulting in the corrections automatically appearing in other articles. This is helpful because an editor won't necessarily know that information appears on other articles, and may only make an update on one.

Transclusions cut down on the time it takes to make updates and increase accuracy and consistency. Provided the transclusion contains the following wiki formatting, we can transclude tables, infoboxes, text, images, videos, tabbers, and more.


  • transcludesection = The template to summon the transcluded text
  • section begin/end = The template for selecting transcluded text
  • Article A = Article from which the section was transcluded
  • Article B = Article to which the section was transcluded
  • Section = You can name it whatever you want
  • options= = nointro hides the intro header


Transcluded text (on Article A)

<section begin="Section" />
<section end="Section" />

Transclusion (on Article B)

{{transcludesection|Article A|Section|options=nointro}}


We will now transclude this sample text from the article Action Abe action figure:

Action Abe is a small action figure of President Abraham Lincoln holding a sword in the right hand with a second sword attached to the back.

First, we start by going to that page and adding the section begin and end code:

<section begin="transclusion" />
Action Abe is a small action figure of President Abraham Lincoln holding a sword in the right hand with a second sword attached to the back.
<section end="transclusion" />

Now we will transclude the text by inserting our template in the spot we want this to show up on Article B:

{{transcludesection|Action Abe action figure|transclusion|options=nointro}}

Here is our result, a copy of what is on Article A is now on Article B:

Action Abe is a small action figure of President Abraham Lincoln holding a sword in the right hand with a second sword attached to the back.


  • You cannot transclude text onto the same page
  • You cannot transclude hidden text ( <!-- --> )
  • You cannot transclude individual tabber tabs ( |-|= ), or information between
  • But you can transclude the entire tabber ( <tabber> </tabber> )


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