Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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Today we will learn a few templates surrounding the bugs section of articles, and verify templates for helping identify if something needs to be clarified, or is missing information. These templates, when used in an article, will automatically add the article to corresponding categories, which helps other editors that have an interest in those issues find and take care of them.


The first types of templates I want to share with you today are those surrounding the bugs section of an article. Bugs in and of themselves are a nightmare mess without exception, for every game, forever! But for the purposes of this lesson, we will just learn how to properly format the bugs section using the following templates.

The first template goes at the beginning of the sentence, which shows what platform the bug was experienced in. There can be many platforms, or only one. The following two can be used to show that the platform for the bug is needed. When this template is used, the article will automatically be added to the associated category.

To add the correct platforms, you can use another template and commas between to add one or more, which will remove the article from the "platforms needed" category. The second template goes at the end of the sentence, showing that the bug needs to be independently verified by another user. It will automatically add the article to the "verify" category. Once verified, it can be written like the example below, to remove it from the category.
Written Appears Category
{{Platforms needed}} [platforms tag needed] Category: Platforms needed
Written Appears Category
{{platforms|pc,ps4,xboxone}} PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One None
Written Appears Category
{{Verify|~~~~~|type=bug}} [verification needed] Category: Verify
{{verify|verified}} [verified] None


Info Code
{{platforms needed}} A deathclaw will spawn clip through the ground when the Lone Wanderer enters the finger store.{{Verify|~~~~~|type=bug}}
Appears [platforms tag needed] A deathclaw will spawn clip through the ground when the Lone Wanderer enters the finger store.[verification needed]
Info Code
{{platforms|pc|xboxone}} A deathclaw will spawn clip through the ground when the Lone Wanderer enters the finger store.{{verify|verified}}
Appears PCPC A deathclaw will spawn clip through the ground when the Lone Wanderer enters the finger store.[verified]

Merge and Split[]

The last templates I want to show you are the merge and split templates. Sometimes two articles are very close in terms of content and can be merged to help organize the wiki better. There is a process for merging, explained on the merge project page, but for the purposes of this lesson, the merge template is used at the top of an article.

Adding more information after a vertical bar helps to inform editors which article it would be merged to, and a link to the talk page to discuss the merge. It also helps the merge and split project members more thoroughly fill out the project's suggested table. The vertical line pointing to the other article should always be used, the second vertical line for reasoning is optional. The same applies to the split template, just using the word split instead of merge.
Written Appears Category
{{merge|Kendall Hospital}}
{{merge|Kendall Hospital|Duplicate information}}
Written Appears Category
{{split|Fallout 4 factions}}
{{split|Fallout 4 factions|Enough content for independ article}}


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