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Fallout Wiki

Fallout: Resource Wars is a rumored Fallout spin-off, mentioned several times at various points by J.E. Sawyer, lead designer of Van Buren and Fallout: New Vegas, as something he'd like to make, both when he worked at Black Isle Studios and later at Obsidian Entertainment.[1]

Setting and plotline[]

It would be a game set in the Fallout world's Europe during the Euro-Middle Eastern war that took place there around the 2050s.[2]


Focused on team-based multiplayer, the gameplay would be a blend of Motocross Madness pacing, Battlefield: 1942 foot and vehicle combat, and slightly longer-than-CS duration rounds. A salvaging element would be included giving the player the choice of either repairing damaged vehicles/weapons for use in the next round or scrapping them for parts.[citation needed]

The plot would involve a crew of soldiers from the Royal Armoured Corps, who become stranded in a war-torn anarchistic northern Italy, and have to fight their way to the English Channel in quickly degrading vehicles while scavenging for replacements, fuel, and weapons as they go.[citation needed]


  1. Joshua Sawyer Formspring posts: "You once said you were interested in a Fallout spin-off based during the resource wars. Does this idea still interest you? Because it sounds like it would be awesome. Yeah, I think it could be really cool, especially if the focus was on the European/Middle Eastern conflicts. Maybe that's just me, though."
  2. J.E. Sawyer's developer profile at RPGDot