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Wanderer's Guide Book is a supplement book for Fallout: The Roleplaying Game created by Modiphius using licensed intellectual property from Bethesda Softworks and the Fallout franchise. Released on January 29, 2024, it is the second supplement book for Fallout: The Roleplaying Game after the release of the Settler's Guide Book.

Additional origins[]


Image Name Level req. Other reqs. Ranks Benefit
Archer Archer Level 1 + 7 every rank Perception 6 3 Rank 1, when you are wielding a bow or crossbow, increase the weapon’s damage by +1d6.

Rank 2, this increases to +2d6. Rank 3, this increases to +3d6.

Wanderers Blocker Blocker Level 1 + 5 every rank Strength 6 3 Rank 1, when you are struck by a melee attack, count your Physical damage resistance or Energy damage resistance (according to the attack’s dam age) as +1 higher.

Rank 2, this extra resistance increases to +2. Rank 3, it increases to +3.

Bloodsucker Level 11 Charisma 6 1 Consuming a Blood Pack (including Glowing Blood Packs and Irradiated Blood) now heals twice as many HP and moves your Thirst state back up towards quenched by one step. When consuming Irradiated Blood, you now only roll 1d6 to determine Radiation damage.
Born Survivor Level 3 + 8 every rank Agility 8 3 When you suffer damage that would reduce your HP to below one-quarter of your maximum HP, you may automatically use a Stimpak (including a Diluted Stimpak or Super Stimpak).

Rank 1, you may do this once per scene. Rank 2, you may do this 2 times per scene. Rank 3, you may do this 3 times per scene.

Bow Before Me Level 4 Perception 8 1 When you are wielding a bow or crossbow, the weapon gains the Piercing 1 damage effect, or adds +1 to the rating of any Piercing X damage effect the weapon already had.
Bullet Shield Level 8 + 6 every rank Strength 8 3 Rank 1, when you are wielding a big gun, increase your damage resistance by +2.

Rank 2, this increases to +3. Rank 3, this increases to +4.

Butcher's Bounty Level 3 + 5 every rank Perception 8 3 Rank 1, when you successfully butcher a dead animal, you may roll +1d6 , and find additional portions of meat (as noted in the creature’s stat block) equal to the total rolled.

Rank 2, this increases to +2d6. Rank 3, this increases to 3d6.

Cannibal Level 10 + 9 every rank Endurance 8

No robot origin

3 Rank 1, you may attempt to butcher a dead human, requiring an END + Survival test with a difficulty of 0. Success yields one portion of human flesh, which you may immediately consume. To you, human flesh counts as a food item which restores 4 HP and is Irradiated (roll 1d6 and suffer 1 Radiation damage if an Effect is rolled). Consuming human flesh is regarded as abhorrent by most people and is a crime in most settlements.

At rank 2, you may also butcher ghouls in this way. At rank 3, you may also butcher super mutants in this way.

Cola Nut Level 14 Endurance 6

No robot origin

1 When you drink a Nuka-Cola beverage, you regain twice as many HP as normal.
Crack Shot Level 7 + 7 every rank Perception 7 2 Rank 1, when you make a ranged attack with a one-handed ranged weapon, and you aimed before the attack, the weapon’s range increases by one step (i.e., from Close to Medium, or from Medium to Long).

Rank 2, the weapon also gains the Accurate quality if it didn’t possess it already.

Dead Man Sprinting Level 8 Agility 7 1 When you take the Sprint action, if your current HP is below half of your maximum HP, you may spend 1 AP to move one additional zone.
Dromedary Level 3 Endurance 7

No robot origin

1 When you drink a beverage, it moves your Thirst state back up towards quenched by one more step than normal (i.e., by two steps, or by three if you drink purified water).
Dry Nurse Level 13 Luck 8 1 When you succeed at the First Aid action in combat to stabilize a dying ally and you used a Stimpak as part of that action, roll 1d6. If you roll an Effect, the Stimpak is not used up by the action, and can be used again.
Escape Artist Level 15 Agility 8 1 During combat, if no enemy can see you when you start your turn, you may attempt an AGI + Sneak test to hide: the difficulty is the number of enemies within Medium range of you. Once hidden, the enemy no longer knows where you are; they may continue to search for you. In addition, enemies do not receive any bonuses to detect you if you take the Sprint action.
Evasive Level 7 Agility 7 1 Your Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance on all hit locations increase based on your Agility. You do not gain this benefit while wearing Power Armor or while encumbered.

AGI 7-8: +1 Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance AGI 9-10: +2 Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance AGI 11+: +3 Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance

Field Surgeon Level 15 Charisma 8

Intelligence 8

1 When you use a Stimpak (including Diluted Stimpak or Super Stimpak) as part of a First Aid action, you may heal 3 HP per AP spent. When you use RadAway (including diluted RadAway) as part of a First Aid action, you may remove one additional Radiation damage per AP spent.
Fire In The Hole Level 8 Perception 8 1 When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon with the Blast quality, the base difficulty of the attack is 1, rather than 2.
Fireproof Level 7 + 7 every rank Endurance 6 3 Rank 1, you gain +1 Energy damage resistance against Flamers, Molotov Cocktails, and other fire-based weapons, as well as any weapons with the Blast quality.

Rank 2, this increases to +2. Rank 3, this increases to +3.

Ghoulish Level 7 + 8 every rank Endurance 9

No robot or ghoul origin

3 Rank 1, like a ghoul, your body heals when you’re exposed to radiation. You regain 1 HP for every 4 Radiation damage you suffer.

Rank 2, you instead regain 1 HP for every 3 Radiation damage you suffer. Rank 3, you instead heal 1 HP for every 2 Radiation damage you suffer. Your maximum HP is still reduced by Radiation damage.

Gladiator Level 2 + 5 every rank Strength 6 3 Rank 1, when you are wielding a one-handed melee weapon, increase the weapon’s dam age by +1d6.

Rank 2, this increases to +2d6. Rank 3, this increases to +3d6.

Glow Sight Level 3 + 8 every rank Perception 8 3 Rank 1, when you make an attack against a Glowing enemy, you inflict +1d6 damage.

Rank 2, this increases to +2d6. Rank 3, this increases to +3d6.

Goat Legs Level 7 + 5 every rank Agility 7 3 Rank 1, you have +2 Physical damage resistance against falling damage.

Rank 2, this increases to +4. Rank 3, this increases to +6.

Happy Go Lucky Level 17 Charisma 9 1 The first time in a scene when you consume an alcoholic beverage, regain 1 Luck point, up to your normal maximum number of Luck points.
Healing Hands Level 18 Charisma 8

Intelligence 7

1 When you succeed at a First Aid action in combat to stabilize a dying ally, that ally also removes Radiation damage equal to your Medicine skill rank.
Incisor Level 2 + 9 every rank Strength 6 2 Rank 1, when you are wielding a melee weapon, the weapon gains the Piercing 1 damage effect, or adds +1 to the rating of any Piercing X damage effect the weapon already had.

Rank 2, this increases to Piercing 2, or adding +2 to any Piercing X damage effect the weapon already had.

Ironclad Level 5 + 5 every rank Endurance 7 3 Rank 1, while wearing armor (except Power Armor), add +1 to your Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance.

Rank 2, this increases to +2. Rank 3, this increases to +3.

Junk Shield Level 1 + 8 every rank Luck 7 3 For every 5 items of Junk you are carrying, add +1 to your Physical damage resistance and Energy damage resistance. The maximum bonus to your Physical dam age resistance and Energy damage resistance is equal to your rank in this perk. You do not gain this addi tional Physical damage resistance or Energy damage resistance while wearing Power Armor.
Licensed Plumber Level 5 Intelligence 6 1 Pipe weapons you use do not have the Unreliable quality.
Lock and Load Level 7 + 5 every rank Strength 7 3 Rank 1, when you are wielding a big gun with a Fire Rate of 2 or higher, the weapon’s Fire Rate is increased by +1.

Rank 2, the weapon’s Fire Rate is increased by +2 instead.

Martial Artist Level 8 Strength 6 1 When you make a melee attack, you may take an additional major action by spending 1 AP rather than 2 AP, so long as this additional action is also a melee attack with the same weapon or another currently equipped weapon.
Modern Renegade Level 8 + 5 every rank Agility 7 3 Rank 1, when you make an attack with a one-handed ranged weapon and don’t aim, a successful attack scores one additional AP, which may not be saved.

Rank 2, this increases to 2 additional AP. Rank 3, this increases to 3 additional AP.

Mysterious Savior Level 1 Luck 7 1 From time to time, a Mysterious Savior comes to your aid, with lethal results. At the start of a combat encounter, you may spend 1 Luck point. If you do so, then the first time during the scene you start dying, the GM may have the Mysterious Savior appear, revive you, and then vanish. If you spend a Luck point and the Mysterious Savior does not appear, the GM must refund the Luck point you spent.

When the stranger revives you, they immediately stabilize you as if they had succeeded at a First Aid action. You are restored to consciousness, regain 4 HP, as if a Stimpak had been used on you, and are able to act again during the scene.

Natural Resistance Level 10 Endurance 7 1 Breathing in toxic fumes and sleeping rough on the ground no longer poses a risk for you to catch a disease.
Night Eyes Level 7 Perception 8 1 When you are trying to avoid attention or hide from an enemy, you may ignore difficulty increases to tests caused by poor lighting or darkness.
Overly Generous Level 12 Charisma 6

Not immune to radiation

1 When you have Radiation damage equal to or greater than one-quarter your maximum HP, your melee attacks gain the Radioactive damage effect.
Pack Rat Level 4 Strength 6 1 Junk items you carry count as half of their listed weight.
Power Patcher Level 5 + 7 every rank Intelligence 6 3 Rank 1, when you repair the HP of a piece of Power Armor, repair an additional 2 HP.

Rank 2, this increases to 3 HP. Rank 3, this increases to 4 HP.

Power User Level 10 + 10 every rank Intelligence 9 3 Rank 1, Fusion Cores you use now contain 3 additional charges.

Rank 2, this increases to 6 additional charges. Rank 3, this increases to 10 additional charges.

Psychopath Level 11 + 6 every rank Luck 8 3 When you kill an enemy, roll a number of d6 equal to your rank in this perk. For each Effect rolled, regain 1 Luck point, up to your maximum Luck points.
Radicool Level 12 Endurance 7

No radiation immunity

1 When you have Radiation damage equal to one-quarter or more of your maximum HP, you may re-roll 1d20 on all STR-based tests and add +1d6 to the damage of your melee attacks.

If you have Radiation damage that equals half or more of your maximum HP, these bonuses increase to re-rolling up to 2d20 on STR-based tests and adding +2d6 to melee attack damage. If you have Radiation damage equal to three-quarters of your maximum HP, you may re-roll up to 3d20 on STR-based tests and add +3d6 to melee attack damage.

Responder Level 9 + 7 every rank Charisma 8

Intelligence 7

3 Rank 1, when you succeed at a First Aid action in combat to stabilize a dying ally, you no longer need to spend 1 AP to wake them from unconsciousness.

In addition, the patient heals 2 HP at the start of their next turn. Rank 2, they heal 4 HP at the start of their next two turns. Rank 3, they heal 6 HP at the start of their next three turns.

Revenant Level 12 Endurance 8 1 When you are revived, increase the damage of all your attacks by +2d6 for the remainder of the scene, or until you are reduced to 0 HP again.
Scattershot Level 10 Strength 7 1 When you make a ranged attack with a shotgun, you may take an additional major action by spending 1 AP rather than 2 AP, so long as this additional action is also a ranged attack with the same shotgun.
Secret Agent Level 7 + 5 every rank Agility 9 3 Rank 1, when you use a Stealth Boy, it lasts for one additional turn.

Rank 2, this increases to 2 additional turns. Rank 3, this increases to 3 additional turns.

Serendipity Level 5 + 6 every rank Luck 7 3 When your current HP is below one-third of your maximum HP, whenever you are attacked, you may spend 1 Luck point before any dice are rolled to have the attack miss. You may do this a number of times per scene equal to your rank in this perk.
Slow Metabolizer Level 5 Endurance 7

No robot origin

1 When you eat a food item, it moves your Hunger state back up towards full by one more step than normal (i.e., by two steps for uncooked food, or by three for cooked food).
Spiritual Healer Level 6 + 9 every rank Charisma 7 3 When you succeed at a First Aid action to stabilize a dying ally, you regain 1 HP. At rank 2, you regain 2 HP, and a further 2 HP at the start of your next turn. At rank 3, you regain 3 HP, and you regain 3 HP at the start of your next two turns.
Stabilized Level 16 Intelligence 7 1 When you’re wearing Power Armor, you may re-roll 1d20 on any attack made with the Big Guns skill, and any big gun you wield gains Piercing 1, or add +1 to any Piercing X damage effect the weapon already had.
Storm Chaser Level 15 Luck 6 1 When it is raining, or during a rad storm, you regain 1 HP at the start of each of your turns in combat. Out of combat, you regain HP equal to half your Luck score (rounded up) every hour of rain.
Sturdy Frame Level 5 + 8 every rank Strength 8 3 Rank 1, armor you are wearing—except for Power Armor—counts as three-quarters of its listed weight.

Rank 2, armor worn counts as half its listed weight. Rank 3, armor worn counts as one-quarter its listed weight.

Suppressor Level 10 + 10 every rank Charisma 6 3 When you successfully attack an enemy, you may spend 1 AP to suppress them until the end of their next turn.

Rank 1, a suppressed enemy reduces the damage they inflict with their attacks by 1d6. Rank 2, a suppressed enemy reduces the damage they inflict by 2d6. Rank 3, a suppressed enemy reduces the damage they inflict by 3d6.

Tenderizer Level 8 + 10 every rank Charisma 7 3 When you hit an enemy with a melee or ranged attack, you may spend 1 AP to make them vulnerable until the end of their next turn.

Rank 1, while vulnerable, any attack made against that enemy is increased by +1d6. Rank 2, a vulnerable enemy increases damage they receive by +2d6. Rank 3, a vulnerable enemy increases damage they receive by +3d6.

Thirst Quencher Level 6 Endurance 7 1 Drinking dirty water no longer poses a risk for you to catch a disease.
Vaccinated Level 16 Endurance 7 1 Taking damage from the claws or bite of a mammal, lizard, or insect no longer poses a risk for you to catch a disease.



  • The Master
  • Swan
  • Augustus Autumn
  • Frank Horrigan
  • Clint
  • Caesar
  • Legate Lanius
  • Slag

Generic NPCs[]

  • Enclave Hellfire Troopers
  • Enclave Soldier
  • Enclave Tesla Soldier
  • Gunner Conscript
  • Gunner Sergeant
  • Gunner Commander
  • Recruit Legionary
  • Veteran Legionary
  • Centurion
  • Forged
  • Trapper
  • Stalking Trapper


  • Albino Radscorpion
  • Angler
  • Cave Cricket
  • Cave Cricket Piercer
  • Cazador
  • Deathclaw Matriarch
  • Floater
  • Gatorclaw
  • Gecko
  • Giant Ant (Fire Ant)
  • Giant Mantis
  • Gulper
  • Hermit Crab
  • Honey Beast
  • Bee Swarm
  • Radrat
  • Glowing Plagued Radrat
  • Scorchbeast


  • Grafton Monster
  • Megasloth
  • Mothman
    • Wise Mothman
    • Vengeful Mothman
  • Sheepsquatch
  • Snallygaster
  • Wendigo

Mutated Humanoids[]

  • Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • Feral Ghoul Stalker
  • Scorched Wanderer
  • Scorched Beserker
  • Trog Fledgling
  • Trog Devourer


  • Colonel Gutsy
  • Cyberdog
  • Liberator

Super mutants[]

  • Nightkin
  • Ancient Super Mutant Behemoth



The Wanderer's Guide Book released the vehicle rules as well as stats for several vehicles.


  • Headgear
    • Beer Hat
    • Marine Tactical Helmet
    • Spacesuit Helmet
    • Hunter's Hood
  • Clothing
    • Marine Wetsuit
    • Underarmor Suit
  • Outfits
    • Brotherhood Armored Battlecoat
    • Brotherhood Bomber Jacket
    • Cleanroom Suit
    • Hunter's Pelt Outfit
    • Spacesuit Costume
  • Armor
    • Chinese Stealth Armor
    • Diving Suit
  • Legion Armor
    • Legionary Recruit Chest Piece
    • Legionary Recruit Arm
    • Legionary Recruit Leg
    • Legionary Recruit Helmet
    • Legionary Chest Piece    
    • Legionary Arm    
    • Legionary Leg
    • Legionary Helmet
    • Legionary Centurion Chest Piece
    • Legionary Centurion Arm    
    • Legionary Centurion Leg    
    • Legionary Centurion Helmet    
    • Legatus Helmet
  • Marine Armor
    • Marine Armor Chest Piece
    • Marine Armor Arm
    • Marine Armor Leg
    • Marine Armor Helmet
  • Recon Armor
  • Scout Armor
    • Scout Armor Chest Piece
    • Scout Armor Arm
    • Scout Armor Leg
    • Scout Armor Mask
  • Robot Armor
    • Robot Armor Chest Piece
    • Robot Armor Arm
    • Robot Armor Leg
    • Robot Armor Helmet
    • Sturdy Robot Armor Chest Piece
    • Sturdy Robot Armor Arm
    • Sturdy Robot Armor Leg
    • Sturdy Robot Armor Helmet
    • Heavy Robot Armor Chest Piece
    • Heavy Robot Armor Arm
    • Heavy Robot Armor Leg
    • Heavy Robot Armor Helmet
  • Wood Armor
    • Wood Armor Chest Piece
    • Wood Armor Arm
    • Wood Armor Leg
    • Wood Armor Helmet
  • Power Armor
    • Excavator Power Armor
      • Excavator Chest Piece
      • Excavator Arm
      • Excavator Leg
      • Excavator Helmet



