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Fallout Wiki

The explosives mill is a constructible piece of machinery used for manufacturing explosives. The mill was added in the Fallout 4 add-on Contraptions Workshop.


This large rectangular contraption automatically produces explosives when one of the pre-programmed ordnance specifications is selected from its software. This machination is operated from a terminal that has the Schlocket Industries Automated Manufactory Control Panel loaded onto it.


Gears (3)
Rubber (4)
Steel (10)
Explosives mill (1)

Explosives and requirements[]

Ammunition Perk Requirement Items Needed
Baseball grenade
Molotov cocktail
Bottlecap mine Demolition Expert: 1
Fragmentation grenade Demolition Expert: 2
Fragmentation mine Demolition Expert: 2
Cryogenic grenade Demolition Expert: 2
Science!: 1
Cryo mine Demolition Expert: 2
Science!: 1
Pulse grenade Demolition Expert: 3
Science!: 2
Pulse mine Demolition Expert: 3
Science!: 2
Plasma grenade Demolition Expert: 4
Science!: 3
Plasma mine Demolition Expert: 4
Science!: 3