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Fallout Wiki

The Exodus was a pivotal event in the history of the Brotherhood of Steel.


Four days after the onset of the Great War, Captain Roger Maxson led his rogue troops and their families from the Mariposa Military Base to Lost Hills, a journey which took them south-east.

The Exodus was described as a trying time and the group was attacked many times by marauders along the way, leading to some casualties.[2] Additionally, the group split into two when Sergeant Dennis Allen wished to excavate the Glow, against Maxson's wishes. Allen's side robbed Maxson's side of their weapons and Maxson's side did not find out what happened to Allen's group after.[3]

When Maxson's group arrived at the Lost Hills bunker, Maxson declared it their new home.


  1. Captain Maxson's diary
  2. Sophia's tape
  3. Cabbot's dialogue: "{226}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and they went south. Then about ten years ago we sent out knights to look for them and all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"