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Fallout Wiki

Squire Enrique Belmonte[1] was a squire with the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel prior to 2102.


Before the Great War, Belmonte was a mechanic.[2] After, Belmonte was notorious for causing at least two security incidents within the Brotherhood. The first of these, the so-called "Belmonte Incident," occurred when he attempted to send a letter to his home while training at Camp Venture, which was prohibited for fear of breaking operational security.[3] The second one occurred when he went missing from Fort Defiance for several days and came back out of the blue, somehow able to pass the fort's military security doors. This threw the command into an uproar and led Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy to interrogate him. Despite the graveness of the situation, he was in fact congratulated and allowed to bunk with the old Taggerdy's Thunder. He later revealed to Squire Evelyn that he had used Camp McClintock to gain military access.[2]

Belmonte also had complaints about the usage of the "squire" title, historically given to young noble children, which he found insulting when given to adults such as himself and other Brotherhood trainees. This complaint is said to have reached the ears of Roger Maxson himself, who considered changing the ranks.[4] He was also once stuck in an elevator at Fort Defiance for three hours before Scribe Grant McNamara was able to repair it and set him free.[5]

Belmonte eventually died in the Watoga Shopping Plaza.[6]


Enrique Belmonte is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

At one point during development, direct contact was intended to have been established between Roger Maxson and the Vault Dwellers. He would have asked the player character to find the bodies of Squires Belmonte and Kerry, and to report their cause of death in the "Brotherhood Terminal."


  1. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Brotherhood personnel terminal, Current Personnel
  2. 2.0 2.1 Squire Evelyn's journal - page 16
  3. Belmonte incident
  4. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's terminal, Squires and Ranks
  5. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Scribe Grant's terminal, Personal Notes
  6. A reference exists for Belmonte's body, using the template of a generic Brotherhood corpse. It has the editor ID of BoS_BodyBelmonteREF. Although it is placed in-game, it is flagged as disabled and cannot actually be found.