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Fallout Wiki

The empty whiskey bottle, also known as "empty whisky bottle," is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3.


An empty whiskey bottle is simply what the name suggests, a bottle of whiskey which has been drunk or otherwise emptied.


It only serves as Rock-It Launcher ammunition.


Numerous empty whiskey bottles can be found throughout the Capital Wasteland, appearing in virtually all major areas of both games, either placed in the environment or located inside containers. Additionally, vendors may sell the item, though none are specifically guaranteed to have any in stock.

Dukov whiskey bottles

The empty bottles on Dukov's pool table.


  • Fallout 3 uses the spelling "whisky" for this item, compared to "whiskey" printed on the label of both the filled and empty bottles. This was later corrected in the release of Fallout: New Vegas.
  • SatCom Array NN-03d has a chessboard which uses tiny versions of both the empty and full bottles, replacing chess pieces.