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Fallout Wiki

The chessboard is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3.


A 64-squared wooden chessboard.


A chessboard can be used as Rock-It Launcher ammunition.


Map Location Description
Abandoned apartments 2 located here. Both on the ground floor.
Anchorage Memorial 1 in the utility room.
Bethesda ruins 1 in Bethesda offices east, on top of a desk in the room with the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual.
Calvert Mansion 1 in the southwest room where second wave of tribals blow a hole through the bathroom wall. The explosion will most likely knock it to the floor.
Cliffside cavern 1 right before the entrance to the yao guai cave.
Coastal grotto 1 on a table.
Evergreen Mills bazaar 2 of them are found here. One on the right, on a bar top where the cavern is first entered. The other is found at the top of the bazaar on a table left of the locked cell door.
Fort Constantine 1 in the personnel offices. 1 in the CO quarters.
Rivet City 1 in the available hotel room.
Rivet City 1 on a table in the hallways.
Rivet City 2 in the Capitol Preservation Society
SatCom Array NN-03d 1 in NN-03d-B underneath the chess set mentioned above.
Tenpenny Tower 1 next to Allistair Tenpenny's chair on the balcony.
Train tunnel 1 on a picnic table.
Vault 106 2 located on a picnic table southeast of Vault 106.


