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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ellie Perkins.


1EllieGreetSceneAnother stray coming in from the rain. 'Fraid you're too late. Office is closed.Player Default: Sorry. I'll come back later.A
2{sad, Nick is still missing, player just walked into the office / Depressed} Sorry. Office is closed.Player Default: Sorry. I'll come back later.A
3Nick's still gone. Don't suppose you changed your mind about tracking him down to Park Street Station, huh?Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.A
4Player Default: Wait. Who are you? You the detective?{Puzzled} Me? No, I'm Nick's secretary. Handle his appointments, his papers, that sort of thing.Y1a
5{Depressed} Well, that's what I used to do anyway, but now Nick's disappeared, and I can't keep a detective agency open without a detective.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?Y1b
6Player Default: Don't worry, I can help. Tell me what happened.{Worried} *sigh* Nick was working a case. Skinny Malone's gang had kidnapped a young woman, and he tracked them down to their hideout in Park Street Station.A1a
7{Worried} There's an old Vault down there they use as a base. I told Nick he was walking into a trap, but he just smiled and walked out the door like he always does.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.A1b
8Player Default: I'm not getting mixed up in this.{Irritated} Looking out for yourself, huh? Guess I can't blame you. Not like I could charge across the Commonwealth and find Nick without getting myself killed.B1a
9{Irritated} Look, I gotta pack up. Just go.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.B1b
10Player Default: Picture on milk carton time?{sad chuckle, then somber sigh / Sad} If only it was that simple, right? *sigh*X1a
11{Worried} Nick disappeared working a case. Skinny Malone's gang had kidnapped a young woman, and he tracked them down to their hideout in Park Street Station.X1b
12There's an old Vault down there they use as a base. I told Nick he was walking into a trap, but he just smiled and walked out the door like he always does.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X1c
13Player Default: Do you have any idea how I could find him?{Worried} He disappeared working a case. Skinny Malone's gang had kidnapped a young woman, and he tracked them down to their hideout in Park Street Station.Y1a
14{Worried} There's an old Vault down there they use as a base. I told Nick he was walking into a trap, but he just smiled and walked out the door like he always does.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.Y1b
15Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.{Grateful} Thank you.A1a
16{chuckle a little bit when talking about the hat and trench coat, you find Nick's outfit charmingly old-fashioned / Grateful} Nick should be easy to spot. He's always wearing that old hat and trench coat getup. Please, hurry!A1b
17Player Default: Hey, I'd love to help, but there's the small matter of expenses.{Puzzled} Money, huh? I do have 125 caps in the old rainy day fund.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X1a
18Player Default: Hey, I'd love to help, but there's the small matter of expenses.{Irritated} Fine. We'll make it 150 caps.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X2a
19Player Default: Hey, I'd love to help, but there's the small matter of expenses.{Nervous} Okay, you win. 200 caps is all I have.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X3a
20Player Default: Hey, I'd love to help, but there's the small matter of expenses.{annoyed that the player is haggling for a price to rescue Nick / Stern} Don't play games with me. I'll pay you if you find Nick, but it's going to be 100 caps. That's the reward, and it's not up for negotiation.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X4a
21Player Default: Hey, I'd love to help, but there's the small matter of expenses.Well if you do decide to help, Nick should be easy to spot. He's always wearing that old hat and trench coat getup.X5a
22Look, I gotta pack up.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.X5b
23Player Default: Who's this Skinny Malone character?{Thinking} I don't know much about him, but he's from Goodneighbor, and that means he's in the well-pressed suits and machine guns school of thuggery.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.Y1a
24Player Default: Who's this Skinny Malone character?{player asked about Goodneighbor / Thinking} Yeah, it's a tough neighborhood. Northeast a ways. People with power there care about two things: style and body count.Player Default: I'll find him. You have my word.Y2a
25Player Default: Sorry. I'll come back later.{Concerned} No, that's not what I mean. We're not just closed for the day. We're closed permanently. The detective's gone missing.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?A1a
26Player Default: Sorry. I'll come back later.{Apologetic} Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could help, but the detective isn't here. Honestly, he's gone missing.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?A2a
27Player Default: Oh no. You're not closed. Not until I get my answers.{Irritated} Well, you can take a seat and wait for the next armageddon, because the detective ain't coming back. He's gone missing.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?B1a
28Player Default: I know you must be busy, but I won't take much of your time, miss. It's important.{Apologetic} You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, but it's just... the detective. He's gone missing.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?X1a
29Player Default: I know you must be busy, but I won't take much of your time, miss. It's important.{Irritated} You don't get it. The detective. He's gone. Missing.Companion: Nicky's missing? What has he gotten himself into this time?X2a
30-{player isn't saying anything. Sad - Nick Valentine is gone and you're packing up the office} Are you okay, honey?
31{player isn't saying anything. Sad - Nick Valentine is gone and you're packing up the office} Look, I gotta pack up...
32{player isn't saying anything. Sad - Nick Valentine is gone and you're packing up the office} I hate to rush you, but...
33{neutral, not too affectionate. She would say "honey" to almost anyone} Something... wrong, honey?
34Got an odd look on your face...
35Well, you know how to keep a girl waiting...
36Be careful down in that subway. Who knows what could be living there now?
37Thanks for offering to help. Just be careful.
38Please. Find Nick.
39{heard Nick's been saved, but you haven't seen him yet / Concerned} You and Nick are out on that case of yours, aren't you? *sigh* Just make sure he comes back soon? In one piece?
40{heard Nick's been saved, but you haven't seen him yet / Concerned} I heard you went to Park Station, but Nick still hasn't stopped by yet.
41{heard Nick's been saved, but you haven't seen him yet / Concerned} We'll settle up once I see Nick.
42{Neutral} Did you ever find what Marty was looking for? That man didn't get out of bed for free, so I have to imagine it was a pretty nice haul.
43{Thoughtfully. Talking about someone who passed who you didn't really like but they did something impressive. / Neutral} Can't believe Marty made it all the way to the Grasshopper. Seems I never gave him enough credit.
44{Joking, but a little afraid after finding out someone was murdered by the local surgeon. / Neutral} Guess it's good I never visited Doc Crocker to get that touch up I'd been thinking about.
45We're open for business again. Thanks so much for all your help.
46{Neutral} So Eddie Winter finally got his. Now hopefully Nick'll stop playing those damned tapes at all hours of the night.
47{Friendly} Nick's been trying to close the case on Winter for as long as I can remember. He's awful lucky you wandered in.
48{Neutral} Nick's been trying to sniff out Eddie Winter for a while now. Having your help... I know it means a lot to him.
49People don't like to admit we're here, but whenever they have problems, just guess who comes knocking.
50Nick being a synth has never really bothered me. Honestly, I don't even think about it anymore.
51I grew up in Goodneighbor. I'm sure you've been? You get used to seeing people from all walks of life. I miss it sometimes.
52You'd be surprised how bad Nick is at remembering appointments. He's the "thinks on his feet" type.
53{half-joking} Now that we're back in business, this girl needs a day off and a drink.
54Sorry, gotta straighten up the office.


55ValentinesIntroSceneStart{packing up the office} Told you your luck wouldn't last forever.A1a
56{packing up the office} His ties? *sigh* Oh Nick.A2a
57{packing up the office} The bills? Oh, forget the bills.A3a
58{packing up the office because your employer is dead} The photographs. *sad chuckle* He never did photograph well.A4a
59{packing up the office} Detective's secretary. I'll never find another job...A5a


60MQ105_002_NickInterview01Player Default: My wife was... murdered. She was trying to keep them from taking Shaun and they... they just...{gentle, sympathetic, easing someone who's describing a past trauma / Concerned} It's okay. You don't need to say anything more.NickValentine: So we're talking about a group of cold-hearted killers, but they waited until something went wrong to resort to violence.Y1a
61NickValentine: Ellie, what notes do we have about the Kellogg case?{reading from the notes, standing right beside Nick} The description matches. Bald head. Scar. Reputation for dangerous mercenary work, but no one knows who his employer is.NickValentine: And he bought a house here in town, right? And he had a kid with him, didn't he?A1a
62NickValentine: And he bought a house here in town, right? And he had a kid with him, didn't he?{reading from the notes, standing beside Nick / Thinking} Yeah, that's right. The house in the abandoned West Stands. The boy with him was around ten years old.Player Default: It's Shaun! ... It has to be... S-somehow...A1a
63NickValentine: Let's you and I take a walk over to Kellogg's last known address. See if we can snoop out where he went.{Concerned} Security doesn't really go to that part of town, but you two should still be careful.NickValentine: I always am...A1a
64-{Nick and the player are leaving to investigate Kellogg / Concerned} You've really gone through a lot, haven't ya? I hope you and Nick find that monster.
65{Nick and the player are leaving to investigate Kellogg / Concerned} You two be careful...


66001a_MS07EllieIntrosEarlSterling{Neutral} The Earl Sterling case. Apparently Earl just up and disappeared one day. No one's seen him since...Nick: Been meaning to put Earl's case to bed for a while now. Glad you're up for it.A1a
67001b_MS07NickEllieEarlSterlingSceneNick: So what's your take on the case, Ellie?{Puzzled} On Earl? Well, he didn't have any enemies, that's for sure. Someone would have to notice you're alive first.Nick: And Earl didn't exactly have the charisma to inspire any crimes of passion. So what's that leave us?A1a
68Nick: And Earl didn't exactly have the charisma to inspire any crimes of passion. So what's that leave us?{Puzzled} I don't know, Nick. It can't be the Institute... right?Nick: Hmm. Guess we'll just have to see.A1a
69004_MS07EllieIntroMartyBullfinch{Nervous} The Marty Bullfinch case. Marty was Nick's partner. Emphasis on the "was."A1a
70{Neutral} He must've been some kind of desperate to come to us for help after all this time.Nick: Marty and I never exactly saw eye to eye. Mostly because he was usually passed out on the barroom floor.A1b
71004b_NickEllieMartyScene{Cracking a joke. You're discussing a person neither you nor Nick liked. / Neutral} Oh come on, Nick. Think of the good times.Nick: What? When he quit?A1a
72Nick: What? When he quit?{Rerecord. Amused by your own joke, but almost a little coy. Emphasis on "I'm." / Amused} Heh. That's the one I'm thinking of.A1a
73005_MS07EllieTransitionFromAToBEllie: You know, I can't guarantee it'll be any brighter, but we did have another case lying around, if you're interested.{Question} You remember that one Nick, the case from Marty?Nick: I do. Some looney scheme to make off with a statue of a grasshopper or something.A1a
74{The player just turned in a case with a grim result just before this. / Somber} You know, I can't guarantee it'll be any brighter, but we did have another case lying around, if you're interested.Ellie: You remember that one Nick, the case from Marty?A1a
75005_MS07EllieTransitionFromAToB_NoNick{Keep this neutral. The player just solved a mystery where two people you knew quite well were killed. / Neutral} You know, if you're up for another case, Nick got a holotape from an old partner, claiming he'd uncovered a mystery he wanted Nick's help solving.A1a
76{Keep this neutral. The player just solved a mystery where two people you knew quite well were killed. / Neutral} The tape's in that folder over there. Maybe you can get to the bottom of it.Ellie: Poor Earl. Wouldn't wish something like that on anyone.A1b
77Ellie: The tape's in that folder over there. Maybe you can get to the bottom of it.{Sigh before beginning. Keep this somber. / Somber} Poor Earl. Wouldn't wish something like that on anyone.A1a
78006_MS07EllieTransitionFromBtoA{Question} Well, look who's back. How'd things go with Marty?Nick: Not great.A1a
79Nick: Not great.{Amused. / Amused} Was he drunk?Nick: Dead. Made it all the way through Faneuil Hall, too. Went out like a champ.A1a
80Nick: Dead. Made it all the way through Faneuil Hall, too. Went out like a champ.{Rerecord. Somewhat somber. Considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. / Somber} No foolin'. Our Marty made it through Faneuil Hall. Didn't think he had it in him.A1a
81{Rerecord. More somber. You're still considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. / Somber} Well, we've still got that other case, tracking down Earl Sterling, if you're up for it. It's on the desk.Ellie: Out like a champ, huh? Good for Marty.A1b
82Ellie: Well, we've still got that other case, tracking down Earl Sterling, if you're up for it. It's on the desk.{Thoughtfully, considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. / Neutral} Out like a champ, huh? Good for Marty.Ellie: Well look who's back. Still got another case if you're interested, tracking down one Earl Sterling.A1a
83Ellie: Out like a champ, huh? Good for Marty.{Question} Well look who's back. Still got another case if you're interested, tracking down one Earl Sterling.A1a
84{Irritated} Nick, where'd you leave that one? I can't seem to find it...Nick: On the desk. About time Earl finally got his due.A1b
85006_MS07EllieTransitionFromBtoA_NoNick{Neutral} Hey, you're back.A1a
86{Neutral} You know, there's another case Nick never got around to wrapping up, tracking down one Earl Sterling. Check it out, if you're interested.A1b
87-{Neutral} Interested in doing some sleuthing of your own? I'm sure Nick would be happy to have the help. Which one is that?
88{Neutral} You know, I always got the sense Earl was interested in me... figures he'd be the one to run off.
89{To yourself. / Neutral} Earl couldn't have been taken by the Institute... right? Why would they want Earl?
90{Neutral} Vadim at the Dugout Inn is the one who reported Earl missing. Might be worth talking to him.
91{Happy} Good luck.
92{Ellie was not a fan of Marty. / Amused} If you see him, tell Marty I say, "Hey. Where's my twenty caps, you old lech?" Also, "Hi."
93{Neutral} It must be some kind of score to bring Marty crawling back to Nick for help. The way they parted wasn't... pleasant.
94{Wishing the player luck. / Happy} Happy hunting.
95{Neutral} Always a trail to be followed.
96{Apologetic} Nick's not the type to turn someone away, but he's only one person. So, sometimes things just pile up...
97{Neutral} Hmm?


98007a_MS07aElliePlayerScene{Neutral} So, you find out where Earl Sterling ran off to?Nick: We found him alright.A
99{Neutral} So, you two find out where Earl Sterling ran off to?Nick: We found him alright.A
100{Neutral} You ever find out where Earl Sterling ran off to?Nick: We found him alright.A
101{Surprised} Can't believe Doctor Crocker killed Earl. So where's the doc now? Hopefully rotting in the security holding pen.Player Default: Crocker killed himself. He couldn't take the guilt.A
102Player Default: I've still got some things I'm trying to wrap up.{Neutral} Let me know once you do.Ellie: Crocker killed Earl? Gone as long as he was, I figured maybe Raiders or the Institute but Crocker? Where's the doc now? Rotting in a cell, I hope.B1a
103Player Default: Why was I looking for Earl Sterling again?{Neutral} Well, to help the folks down at the Dugout Inn get some closure about their friend, for one.Y1a
104{Neutral} That plus a pile of caps when it's all said and done.Player Default: Earl never went anywhere. Doc Crocker killed him during a botched surgery.Y1b
105Player Default: Goodness. I'm sorry you two had to go through that.{Neutral} Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.A1a
106{Neutral} I'll send word along, let everyone down at the Dugout Inn know what happened. Shame it couldn't be better news.A1b
107{Neutral} Thanks again, for closing this one out.A1c
108Player Default: Let me know once you do.{Surprised to hear someone you know has been killed by someone you trusted, then a bit angry. / Surprised} Crocker killed Earl? Gone as long as he was, I figured maybe Raiders or the Institute but Crocker? Where's the doc now? Rotting in a cell, I hope.Player Default: Crocker killed himself. He couldn't take the guilt.A1a
109Player Default: Crocker killed himself. He couldn't take the guilt.{You're shocked to hear someone you knew quite well turned out to be a murdered who the player had to kill. / Sad} Goodness. I'm sorry you two had to go through that.Ellie: Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.A1a
110Player Default: Crocker killed himself. He couldn't take the guilt.{You're shocked to hear someone you knew quite well turned out to be a murdered who the player had to kill. / Sad} Goodness. I'm sorry you had to go through that.Ellie: Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.A2a
111Player Default: He's dead. Now can I get my caps?{Shocked that two men you knew quite well are now both dead. / Surprised} Crocker's dead, too? Goodness. What a mess.Ellie: Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.B1a
112Player Default: Well, he's rotting somewhere.{Confused at first by the player's joke... / Puzzled} Somewhere? What do you... oh.X1a
113{Realizing someone you knew quite well is dead and the feeling remorse for putting the player through it. Add some weight to "oh my god." / Somber} Oh my god. I-I'm so sorry you had to go through that.Ellie: Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.X1b
114Player Default: Come on, Ellie. You can't really be that naive.{Confused at first by the player's joke... / Puzzled} Naive? What're you... oh.Y1a
115{Realizing someone you knew quite well is dead and the feeling remorse for putting the player through it. / Somber} The doc's dead isn't he? Goodness. I'm sorry you have to go through that.Ellie: Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.Y1b


116MS07bPostQuestMartyDead{Question} Well, look who's back. How'd things turn out with Marty?Ellie: So, you gonna spill the beans? How did things turn out with Marty?A1a
117Nick: Not great.{Amused} Was he drunk?Nick: Dead. Made it all the way through Faneuil Hall, too. Went out like a champ.A1a
118Nick: Dead. Made it all the way through Faneuil Hall, too. Went out like a champ.{Thoughtfully, considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. Add a beat before "well good for him." / Somber} No foolin'. Our Marty made it through Faneuil Hall. Never knew he had it in him... well good for him.A1a
119Ellie: Well, look who's back. How'd things turn out with Marty?{Question} So, you gonna spill the beans? How did things turn out with Marty?Nick: Not great.A1a


120MS07Intro_10_NickEllieNick: Not as long as I got a few friends to back me up.{chuckling a bit for "and my job" / Happy} You saved Nick, this agency, and my job. Thank you.Player Default: Happy to do it.A1a
121Nick: Ellie? Are you here?{shocked to hear Nick's voice. he's been missing for days / Surprised} Nick!?Ellie: Oh god, it's really you!A1a
122Ellie: Nick!?{Happy} Oh god, it's really you!Nick: Well, it's hard to mistake this mug for anyone else.A1a
123Nick: Well, it's hard to mistake this mug for anyone else.{smiling at the beginning, a bit scolding, like to a trouble-prone older brother / Amused} Hmph. You keep laughing at death, some day, death's going to laugh back.Nick: Not as long as I got a few friends to back me up.A1a
124MS07Intro_20_ElliePlayerScene{Happy} Thanks so much for bringing Nick back.Player Default: Happy to do it.A
125Player Default: Happy to do it.{Amused} Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do ya?Ellie: I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.A1a
126Player Default: About my reward...{Sarcastic} They always gotta ruin the moment with money talk...Ellie: I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.B1a
127Player Default: Metal Detective Delivery. At your service.{Amused} Happy to be in a niche market, that's for sure.Ellie: I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.X1a
128Player Default: Can we get started on my case?{Surprised} Oh, of course! There's just a small clerical thing we need to clear up.Ellie: I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.Y1a
129Player Default: Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do ya?{alternate line if you've never met the player before, but he comes in the office after rescuing Nick} I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.A1a
130{Happy} Here. From our rainy day fund. Plus a little something extra.Ellie: You know, if you're looking for work, and don't mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner...A1b
131Player Default: Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do ya?{Happy} Here. I know an amount wasn't on the table when you went out to find him, but you deserve a reward. Plus a little something extra.Ellie: You know, if you're looking for work, and don't mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner...A2a
132Player Default: Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do ya?{player negotiated a fee beforehand} Here. Every cap we agreed to for finding him. Plus a little something extra.Ellie: You know, if you're looking for work, and don't mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner...A3a
133Ellie: Here. From our rainy day fund. Plus a little something extra.{player brought back Nick after rescuing him from Vault 114 / Friendly} You know, if you're looking for work, and don't mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner...Nick: Whoa. One case at a time, Ellie. Our new friend needs our help, first.A1a


134-{Angry at the player for betraying a close friend. / Irritated} And here I thought we could count on you.A
135{Angry at the player for betraying a close friend. / Irritated} How could you do that to Nick?A
136{Angry at the player for betraying a close friend. / Irritated} Oh no. After what you did to Nick, you're on your own.A