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Fallout Wiki
This elixir I have concocted heals all. And I mean everything. But I must warn you: the taste, not great.Snake oil salesman[1]
FOTV elixir

The snake oil salesman's "elixir"

The snake oil salesman's elixir or serum is a consumable substance he claims to have created and alleges can heal any ailment.

The serum is a yellow liquid applied via an inhaler. When inhaled by Thaddeus, it immediately regenerates his broken foot. Afterwards, the salesman cryptically comments that Thaddeus doesn't have to worry about radiation anymore, hinting that the serum made Thaddeus a ghoul. However, Thaddeus does not realize the "side effect" until later.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The yellow liquid appears similar to the one inside the Ghoul's inhaler vials, which might indicate that the vials contain the same substance.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 7: "The Radio"