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This is a transcript for dialogue with Edgar Blackburn.

BS02 Dialogue ValdezBlackburn V96 Offquest[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
10 00605BDE 00605BF9 You will understand soon enough.
11 00605BFA Nothing is over, no matter what you may think.
12 00605BFB Everything I have planned will come to pass.
13 00605BFC In time, you will realize the gift I have given you.
16 00605BE2 00605C05 I have said enough at present. I am sure your officers will have plenty to ask of me when I am in custody at your headquarters.
17 00605C06 Think of me what you will. It will change nothing.
18 00605C07 There is nothing left for you here. I am certain your Paladin and Knight will extract any information they need once I am under guard at your fort.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005C70CF 005C7161 Yes? Something I can help you with?
11 005D7F2F More questions, I assume?
14 005D7F32 Please, I do not wish to be disturbed.
37 005C70FD 005C714E As you will, then.
40 005C7101 005C7136 Pardon my manners. I am...out of practice. Too much time alone. Still, unless this is important, I would prefer to be left alone.
41 005C7103 005C7154 The severe gentleman in the power armor, yes? Doctor Edgar Blackburn, at your service. And what did Knight Shin want to know?
42 005C7105 005C713C I am waiting to speak with a Brotherhood representative. I have no interest in small talk with strangers.
105 005C96CD 005C972C I am sure you have more interesting things to do than listen to a poorly-socialized Wasteland doctor talk about himself.
106 In short, I trained in multiple specialties before the war, and had a brief career as a research scientist prior to the bombs dropping.
107 Finding myself fortunate enough to survive, I have continued my research, such as it is. Now I focus on the health of the people of Appalachia.
108 Please do not ask me to examine any strange growths. I am not that kind of doctor.
109 005C96CF 005C975A It would be difficult to express it in layman's terms. No offense intended.
110 In essence, I have been studying the illnesses of Appalachia. For too long, people have relied on folk remedies and makeshift medicines.
111 The long-term effects of this environment are concerning. Just because the radiation is survivable does not mean it is safe.
112 005C96D1 005C9731 Their hygiene standards are better than the lot at Crater, but no. I prefer to work in solitude.
113 One day, perhaps, my research will be of benefit to them and all the other people of Appalachia.
114 005C96D3 005C9762 Very well, then. Perhaps we can be of assistance to one another, should our paths cross again.
134 005C96E3 005C972D Don't blow me off like I'm making this up. These people have a responsibility to fix this!
135 They had the power armor, and they said they were Brotherhood. Sorry I didn't make sure to ask for proof when they had me at gunpoint.
150 005C96F6 005C9737 Our job is to procure and protect technology, not fund civilian scientists in developing it.
151 If the Doctor's research proves dangerous, then the Brotherhood will take a very pointed interest.
152 Until then, it is his problem.
229 005DD1DC 005DD1E6 Very well, what did you wish to know?
230 005DD1DD 005DD1DF Thank you. Be well.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005C9AA2 005CB469 That was unnecessary, as I have said. I appreciate the vote of support, of course.
2 Perhaps if we cross paths again, you will extend such kindness a second time.
12 005C9AAD 005CB483 Did you need something else?
31 005C9AB8 005CB466 Thank you for honoring my request.
32 I can certainly continue my work alone for the time being. Let the Brotherhood look to the present, and I will tend the future.
48 005C9ACC 005CB467 Very well, then.
49 005C9ACD 005CB476 I will be leaving shortly. Take care: the Wasteland holds many dangers. Keep your wits, and your health, about you. Farewell.
50 005C9ACE 005CB46A Your enthusiasm is refreshing. I could discourse on the subject for hours, if allowed.
51 Regretfully, I am preparing to return to my lab, and do not have the time. Perhaps if we meet again in more congenial circumstances?
52 005C9ACF 005CB47A No matter. I did tell you not to bother.
53 Still, I regret that I have not convinced you of the import of my work. Should we ever meet again, perhaps I can remedy that.
64 005C9AD2 005CB48E Yes?
65 005CB48F I am sorry I do not have more time to talk. Until we meet again, perhaps?
67 005EFE7A Please, I do not wish to be disturbed.
73 005C9AD3 005C9AFB Did you wish to speak with me?
74 005C9AFC Speak, or go away. I do not tolerate eavesdroppers.
75 005C9AFD What is it now?
77 005C9B01 You lookin' at somethin'? lightly aggressive
78 005C9B02 Hey, hey, here comes trouble. I hope. playful
106 005CFA62 005CFB03 The California members show no signs of infectious disease from outside the territory.
107 005CFB04 Local recruits appear healthy, if underfed.
108 005CFB05 Radiation levels nominal...some strange readings from somewhere below.
109 005CFB06 The efficiency of Brotherhood response to visitors is...lacking.
110 005CFB07 Must get back to the lab soon. I cannot let the samples deteriorate in my absence.
111 005CFB08 I imagine the Brotherhood would object to a collection of blood samples from all its members. Shame.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005FA45F 005FA462 No need for that tone. I haven't run away thus far, have I?
4 005FA460 005FA464 Stay where we can see you, doctor.
12 005FA461 00602C59 My death will not prevent what is to come.
13 00602C5A My colleagues already have everything they need to finish our work.
55 005FABAE 005FABB5 Now that that's over with... Nellie, prep the test chamber. They want proof of our success, I will give it to them myself.
57 005FABB1 005FABB6 The guards are dead, Dr. Farha. This is the Brotherhood of Steel. I have been their... guest since they discovered our project.
58 Regrettably, they object to what we are doing.
93 005FB411 005FB417 I will test the sample on myself, and be proof of our achievement. Anything you do to me after does not matter.
97 006028D7 006028D9 I have been fully compliant with your questioning. Threats are not required.
98 006029CD 006029EE Then it's decided. Initiate, head for West Tek. We've no time to lose. See you there.
99 006029CE 006029F4 If I can prevent further loss of life, I will.
111 006029D6 006029ED That is your goal, not mine. But I am not a soldier, and would not withstand... strenuous interrogation well.
112 No minor delay on my part will change what is to come. My colleagues are already preparing.
113 Perhaps my cooperation will allow us to make a case for the good we are about to do, and convince you of our cause.
114 006029D7 006029E7 My colleagues have a facility better suited to final testing and mass-production of the virus.
115 As we speak, they are preparing for its release into the air and water of Appalachia.
116 Once dispersed, it will enter the precipitation cycle and groundwater, and then it cannot be stopped.
117 006029D8 006029EF My colleagues have a laboratory hidden beneath the headquarters of my former employer, West Tek.
118 We intend to correct the FEV's mistakes at their birthplace. Poetically appropriate, would you not agree?
119 006029D9 006029F2 Preventing Dr. Blackburn's associates from taking this horror any further must be our priority, and we may need the doctor to convince them.
127 006029E1 006029F3 Do you see? The arrogance. The self-justification. We should end him and be done with it.
128 006029E2 006029EB I am not bragging. What I have done was necessary. I take no pride in those terrible acts. I will have to live with the shame of them forever.
129 That weight does not, however, diminish that the ends were worth the means.
130 You will learn that soon enough. My colleagues will see that our creation, a vast improvement on the FEV, is distributed shortly.
135 00602BB0 00602C48 I am going in. Ready the tank.
137 00602BB2 00602C31 I am sorry, but this must happen. You will see, and then there will be no more debate.
138 00602BB3 00602C30 I apologize for the deceit, but I cannot risk you undoing all we have accomplished.
139 Soon you will understand that I was right.
172 00602BDF 00602C13 And that is precisely what is so concerning.
173 00602BE0 00602C43 Paranoia ill suits you. I have complied with your every demand.
174 00602BE2 00602C2C A trap I conceived, prepared, and executed entirely while in your custody? You give me too much credit.
175 00602BE4 00602C18 Hm. Dr. Farha is nominally the head of their group. Headstrong. An old university colleague.
176 Dr. Jain was a junior scientist at West Tek. Brilliant, but easily led. He shared my disgust at the Huntersville mistake.
177 Nellie Wright, on the other hand, is Dr. Farha's pet project. An adoptee of sorts. Very talented, despite her lack of formal schooling.
178 00602BE6 00602C49 Certainly.
179 00602BE8 00602C32 As you wish. I am your prisoner, after all. I have little choice in the matter.
181 00602BEA 00602C4D I am not aware of the details of the defensive measures my colleagues may have taken.
182 I would not, however, expect them to tolerate trespassers.
201 00602BFF 00602C25 I'm afraid you'll have to give in on this one. If you truly want to stop our distribution process, I advise you to listen to the doctor's entreaties.
202 00602C01 00602C57 I assure you, I have only a peaceful resolution in mind.
203 00602C07 00602C14 Trust me or trust me not, the truth remains the truth.
204 00602C09 00602C44 Perhaps in the end I am more willing to sacrifice the lives of strangers than friends and colleagues.
205 I do not wish them to be harmed. My hypocrisy in this is only human.
209 00602C0E 00602C1D Dr. Farha, please permit me inside as a sign of good faith from the Brotherhood.
210 I am certain we can negotiate a peaceful resolution and perhaps preserve our work at the same time.
212 00602C10 00602C39 With your leave?
263 00602E0C 00605A2B Do you need something?
499 0060395A 00603964 Initiate procedure. Code: "Ascension."
508 006052D9 006052E0 Only partially. A code is required. My helping you is not.
509 It is only natural that I use wit to resolve such a situation in my favor. If your life was on the line, you'd have done the same.
510 006052DC 006052DE Then you're free to enjoy the view as my colleagues distribute our creation among the populace.
513 00605714 00605731 I will fix this! But first, you die!
514 00605732 You look very... tasty... now...
515 00605733 I will grind you into paste!
516 00605734 You will not stop the future!
517 00605735 Rage... uncontrollable rage!
518 00605736 You forced my hand too soon!
519 00605737 I must kill you! For SCIENCE!
520 00605715 00605728 My nerves! On fire!
521 00605729 I will kill you!
522 0060572A Arrgh!
523 0060572B You cannot defeat me!
524 0060572C The pain!
525 0060572D Uggh!
526 0060572E No. No!
527 00605716 00605738 No! I was so close!
528 00605717 0060571B This is your fault!
529 0060571C You must die!
530 0060571D You cannot stop me!
531 0060571E This will not end here!
532 0060571F Death! Death to the Brotherhood!
533 00605720 Rarrr!
534 00605721 Smash!
539 00605937 00605944 It's no joke at all.
542 0060593B 0060594A Allow me to explain.
543 My colleagues couldn't stop production if they tried. It requires a code. I am the only one who knows the code.
544 I set this plan in motion, and I am the only one who can stop it.
547 0060593E 0060594B You'll have to forgive Dr. Farha. She didn't know. I added this functionality to our distribution program. As insurance, you might say.
549 00605940 00605943 So there you have it. I am willing to help you, in exchange for sparing my colleagues' lives. But you will have to let me in there with them.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00604798 006047A4 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number One Hundred and Forty-Eight.
2 I can feel the end approaching. The equations fall into place, and I can see the shape of it, the perfected FEV, even in my restless dreams.
3 That vision of the goal is the only succor now. What I have done to reach it can never be washed away. I have been right, but that is small comfort.
4 I give them numbers now, and try not to listen when they speak to me, pleading. I prefer to sedate them when removing them from their holding cells
5 Unconscious, they cannot weep, or stare accusingly at me. I cannot make them understand that we are alike part of a greater destiny.
6 They think me inhuman, uncaring. I know I would be no different, were our roles reversed. I do not blame them for hating me.
7 I lie in my cot at night and see their faces. I remember them all, and wait for sleep to carry me to the visions of when I can finally stop.
8 Final candidate number three is ready for verification. I am within two, perhaps three iterations of success.
9 Will I be able to sleep untroubled when this is over? Or will punishment for what I have done be a mercy, freeing me from its memory?
10 End log.
11 00604799 006047A6 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number One Hundred and Twelve.
12 My work's demand for human subjects has increased dramatically as I make ground toward my ultimate goal.
13 To this end, I have contracted with a group of mercenaries calling themselves the Hellcat Company. Trustworthy, if such a term applies here.
14 They display a useful moral flexibility. They do not question the nature of my work or my need for human subjects, and I do not illuminate them.
15 Already they have begun acquiring new subjects at far greater pace than I could, and a contingent remain to guard the Vault itself.
16 I must be careful. A mercenary is only as loyal as their pay, after all. My control of the Vault security systems keeps them in check for now.
17 End log.
18 0060479A 006047A9 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Fifty-Seven.
19 I begin to doubt my own sanity at times. My efforts, while not without progress, continue to fail to bear real fruit.
20 The FEV seems almost deliberately malignant, as if it had a consciousness and rejects my every attempt to bend it toward a benevolent end.
21 I have come to recognize the signs of imminent metastasis and conversion to the so-called "Super Mutant" state.
22 I am ill-equipped to deal with the product of such failure, and have taken to disposing of these unfortunates outside the Vault itself.
23 I regret that my current methods of disposal may, in the short term, increase the Super Mutant population in Appalachia, but it cannot be avoided.
24 End log.
25 0060479B 006047AE Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Thirty-Eight.
26 The capture of human test subjects is itself less difficult than I imagined.
27 The people of Appalachia are in bad need of medicine, and lone travelers are easy to approach when one is a doctor.
28 I tell myself these acts are necessary - the work too important, and I cannot complete it without living human subjects to experiment upon.
29 Yet as I compound failure upon failure, in my quiet hours I question what I have made of myself in pursuit of this goal.
30 I began this enterprise fully cognizant of what it might take, but even with that foreknowledge I could not comprehend the weight of it.
31 Have I become no different from that fool Elias, a font of monsters with no humane end in sight? Am I deluded in believing myself capable of success?
32 These moments pass. I push aside those doubts and focus on the work before me. The people of Appalachia need this. The world needs this.
33 Let them vilify me when they learn what I have done. I will make a better future for them, even if I do not live to see it myself.
34 End log.
35 0060479C 006047AA Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Twenty-Two.
36 In retrospect, my enthusiasm for the cryogenically-preserved specimens in the Vault was excessive, if not actually misplaced.
37 I am down to the last four viable test subjects. Further research is at an impasse unless I move to human subjects.
38 Obtaining volunteers will be impossible. The necessary experimentation to even approach a functional result will be unavoidably fatal to some.
39 I will have to take extreme measures to obtain subjects. Thousands, perhaps millions of lives will be saved. Utility trumps sentimentality.
40 End log.
41 0060479D 006047A5 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Seventeen.
42 I am no longer alone in this endeavor. Against all odds, I have made contact with a former colleague, Doctor Farha, whom fate preserved as it did me.
43 Doctor Farha was reluctant when I first described my aims. The testing that will be required, and the failures, give her pause.
44 Even at university, we clashed on the ethical boundaries of research. Regardless, I have convinced her to aid me despite her doubts.
45 I will continue to work here in Vault 96, in secrecy. Doctor Farha, meanwhile has established a laboratory suitable for mass-production.
46 She has acquired a foundling of sorts, a young woman by the name of Nellie Wright. She seems something of a prodigy.
47 I believe it was Ms. Wright's enthusiastic support of my ideas that convinced Doctor Farha to acquiesce to my request for aid.
48 Farha has also brought in Jain. I knew him from university, and our time at West Tek. This work is his chance at redemption as much as my own.
49 End log.
50 0060479E 006047A7 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Thirteen.
51 Whatever the prior occupants of this Vault may have done, I must thank them, especially Chief Engineer Doctor Memling.
52 The good doctor, while a respectable scientist in his own right, had the classic engineer's idiosyncratic approach to maintenance.
53 His additions to the Vault reactor and electrical subsystems provide me with ample points of connection to directly access mains power.
54 Between this and certain defects in reactor shielding, I have invaluable resources for my research.
55 My first attempts in this area are more disappointing, however. Lacking Memling's expertise, my electrical impedance tests failed dramatically.
56 The unintentional discovery of a new method of rapidly cooking a mole rat fails even in that regard:
57 Molerat exposed to several thousand volts at significant amperage does not make for an appetizing sight.
58 Nonetheless, these results are duly recorded and I believe my understanding of the system is sufficient to produce more useful results in the future.
59 End log.
60 0060479F 006047A3 Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number Five.
61 The creators of the Forced Evolutionary Virus were idiot savants. They saw weapons, soldiers to win a war that would end almost as soon as it began.
62 They had discovered a means by which we could seize the reigns of human evolution, and all they could envision was more efficient death.
63 My colleagues at West Tek were likewise fools. They made the virus a plaything and Huntersville their ant farm, shaking it to watch them scurry.
64 The FEV was never meant to create abominations. At its core is something wondrous and hopeful. I will free it from what they made of it.
65 Humanity will have the future it should have had, and a better human will build that world, free from fear.
66 End log.
67 006047A0 006047AB Research Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Number One.
68 Under any other circumstance, it would feel foolish to begin recording these before my work has even meaningfully begun.
69 I developed this habit during my graduate studies. A tool, helping me as much to retain insights as to preserve my failures.
70 Here, when nothing about what I am to undertake is normal, I break with tradition and start these logs now. Posterity requires this moment be kept.
71 What I am about to do will almost assuredly make of me a villain in the eyes of many. My work is distasteful, and must be conducted in secret.
72 Here, for whatever person may one day hear this, I say for the record that what I will do I do out of love. An unselfish love that knows no rest.
73 Not for a person. No clichéd deceased spouse or lost child motivates me. Humanity is my love, though none would accuse me of excess sentiment.
74 We are a species tormented by the ravages of the Great War, reduced to vermin eking out an existence in the rubble of the world that was.
75 The mistakes of my past are writ on the face of every survivor living in fear of the mutated horrors that stalk the Wasteland.
76 I can correct this. I must. We are not meant to live like this. There is a way forward, to free us from the horrors we...I...created.
77 Yet, I fear the failures that lie between me and the future I see. They will be many, and they will cause a great deal of pain before I am done.
78 The sins of West Tek must be undone. The price will be extreme, but it must be paid. If my life is included in that price, I will pay it gladly.
79 I record this log not to seek forgiveness. I neither deserve nor require it.
80 I ask only that you, my hypothetical listener, know that the things to come are not the product of ill-intent or a sadistic mania.
81 One day, good will come of the evil I am set to do. I hope that you are there to see it, and understand.
82 End log.
83 006047A1 006047A8 Personal Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Huntersville.
84 I should never have allowed Dumont to convince me to stay with West Tek when they shuttered the Greenhouse Initiative.
85 The Pan-Immunity Virion was intended to shield us from biological warfare and make the population safe from the horrors war could unleash.
86 The Greenhouse Initiative turned the same work to feeding the ever-increasing starving masses. Noble goals and worthy science.
87 The discovery of the FEV abandoned all that. The awesome potential of the virus, what it could do if harnessed to those same ends - ignored.
88 Instead they saw a weapon. Super soldiers. Small-minded bureaucrats and their pet scientists had the keys to human evolution and saw profit and war.
89 Dr. Khan - a disgrace to that title, in the end - took over, and even those miserable goals were cast aside in favor of the perverse.
90 Infecting the water supply of Huntersville just to observe the effects - why? We knew the virus in its current state produced horrors.
91 Had we been looking for a cure, perhaps it could have been justified. But Khan had no such interest. He did it because he could.
92 Were I a better man, a better scientist, I would have left immediately. My belated resignation does me little credit.
93 End log.
94 006047A2 006047AC Personal Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Return to Appalachia.
95 After all these years, I have come back. Back to Appalachia. To West Virginia. To the home of my greatest personal and scientific failure.
96 Academic research was a dead end; the world was descending into riots and ruin, food shortages were increasing...
97 Generating papers in a university lab to attempt to secure tenure seemed pointless. It felt irresponsible in the face of everything happening.
98 West Tek approached me about joining the Greenhouse Initiative. Genetic engineering to produce new crops and multiply production.
99 It swept away my concerns about joining the private sector. Here was a chance to be on the cutting edge and solve real problems at the same time.
100 Doctor Dumont described the goals of the Pan-Immunity Virion and the Greenhouse Initiative in terms that set my mind ablaze.
101 There was satisfaction to be had there. Doing the best work, advancing humanity, making the world better than it was.
102 Then the funding vanished. The research staff was being cut, with no explanation, simply "a shift in priorities".
103 Dumont begged me to stay, promising the new work would be vital and challenging. To my everlasting shame, I did.
104 End log.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
8 005F5A4E 005FACE2 We meet again.
9 005FACE3 It would be pointless for me to resist at this stage. What will you do now?
15 00605FDA Yes?
16 00605FDB I am prepared to continue our discussion, if you are.
78 005FACB6 005FACDF And yet you will not, will you?
79 The Brotherhood is an iron fist when enforcing its mission, but you did not come all this way simply to put a bullet in my skull.
80 Besides, my death can no longer stop my work.
83 005FACB9 005FACDD Yes, I assumed as much when you entered. Very well.
84 Consider me arrested, if you must. I am ready to face any judgment the Brotherhood wishes to mete out.
85 My work here is complete, regardless, and it is too late for you to stop it.
86 005FACBC 005FACE5 It appears neither the Vault defenses nor the Blood Eagles were a match for you. Quite formidable.
87 You can lower your weapons. It would clearly be futile for me to struggle, and I surrender willingly.
94 005FD57B 006036A5 Do you believe I did this all blindly? Groping madly in the bodies of the innocent for some unknown and hallucinatory secret?
95 With each iteration, each test conducted, I identified flaws in the virus and calculated their removal.
96 I have no doubt in my work.
148 0060363D 006036C0 It seems I have an excess of visitors today.
149 Ah, yes. The one I met at Fort Atlas. I did hope we would meet again under more convivial circumstances.
150 These are not they, unfortunately. I have no quarrel with the Brotherhood, but I must ask you to leave immediately.
151 Please leave me be. I cannot be responsible for what may happen if you remain.
225 00603671 006036D0 Contrary to what you may think, I did not lie to you when we spoke at Fort Atlas.
226 I did say it would be difficult for a layperson to understand.
227 00603673 006036B4 What you call insanity is merely the regrettable necessity of my work.
228 That it condemns me in your eyes or consigns me to whatever Hell may exist is a price I pay willingly.
229 I have ensured the future of humanity, not just in Appalachia, but the world! No cost is too high for this.
230 Were it possible to achieve it without the suffering of innocents, I would have done so.
231 00603675 006036A0 FEV was never intended to be a source of abominations and grotesqueries.
232 It was to be the next step in human evolution! Our refinement into something greater and better.
233 Certainly the fools at West Tek were more obsessed with observing its failures than correcting them, but its true purpose was for good.
234 And now it will fulfill that purpose. Because of me.
235 00603677 006036D9 This is true. I wish it could have been avoided.
236 It was easier and safer, for myself if not for others, to release those failures before their metamorphosis was complete.
237 I had work to finish, and I knew the Brotherhood was out there to deal with the errors.
238 00603679 006036B9 I am sure your Brotherhood will happily interrogate me until I have no tale left to tell.
239 I will be entirely forthcoming, though I expect you will want to conduct your inquisition within confines more...amenable to the Brotherhood.
240 As for the contents of this Vault, the Brotherhood is free to collect anything they like. My work here is finished.
241 0060367D 006036DE I have no doubt that you do. As you wish.
243 0060367F 006036A9 Despise me if you will. I took no pleasure in what had to be done.
244 00603680 006036E3 Listening to this is making me understand Shin's point of view.
246 00603682 006036AD Is that so? It seems my failures were indeed steps on the road to success.
247 That level of coordination suggests an increase in cognitive development over the typical example.
248 Still, I bear the Brotherhood no ill will. My apologies for that.
251 00603685 006036B0 There are...steps being taken, as we speak.
252 Any miscalculations that might exist are minor and will be addressed shortly.
253 00603687 0060369D I am at your disposal, then.
258 0060368A 006036A2 Have I given you any reason to believe I have not already taken the necessary action?
262 0060368E 0060369C I understand what your opinion of me must be, but believe me when I say you are blameless.
263 Do not take it as a light to your intellect when I say you must allow your ignorance to be solace in this.
264 00603690 006036CE Simply that I have achieved my goal. The FEV is perfected, and it is too late for you to change that.
265 My sacrifices...the terrible things I've done to accomplish this...it has been paid in full, and now salvation awaits humanity.
266 00603692 006036B3 I have completed it. I turned a flawed miscreation into something that will heal an ill and wounded humanity.
267 But if by that you mean, "what have I done with the result?"
268 It is no longer here. I have...associates. They are even now finalizing the mechanisms of its distribution.
269 You are too late.
270 00603694 0060369F Let me go? Had I committed any offense of which you could possibly have been aware?
271 00603696 006036D8 Do you think I take any pleasure or pride in that fact? Think what you will, but I am not inhuman.
272 Had I been capable of accomplishing my goal without them, I would have done so. I am neither a sadist nor a homicidal maniac.
273 I do not expect forgiveness, but I am certain what I have done will bear sufficient consequence without fabricating new sins to hang upon me.
274 00603698 006036A4 Ah, yes. The interrogation before my interrogations continues. Go on.
301 006039EA 006039F0 Though it seems futile, I ask one final time: leave this Vault and the things you have seen. You cannot change what has happened here.
302 Leave me to this cold and lonely place.
308 006039ED 006039F1 Your persistent refusal to depart is a distraction I do not need. Please, I am asking you again, leave this place and do not return.
309 There is nothing for you here but sorrow. Whatever you think you will accomplish here, I promise you that you will not.
310 006039EE 006039F9 This Vault was a biological research facility, originally. They locked a small team of geniuses inside, lying to them about why.
311 Perhaps it is fitting that I found this place. I have been honest about my purpose, after a fashion, but less than forthcoming about its nature.
338 00605BE0 00605BEA Too far? Does that term even apply when the goal is the permanent protection of humanity from the horrors of the Wasteland?
339 I told you my work focused on the health of Appalachia's people. You must see that my research was towards that aim.