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Fallout Wiki

Dumb Fred was an employee of Gizmo.


Called the "Merciless Killer of the Dirt," Fred was a Junktown goon, usually taking care of those that either crossed Gizmo or owed him money.[1][2]


Dumb Fred is mentioned only in Fallout cut content.


  1. Bob: "{106}{}{Ack! You must be Dumb Fred, Merciless Killer of the Dirt. Please don't kill me!}"
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{121}{}{Who at the casino do you owe this money to?}"
    Bob: "{124}{}{Some goons. They say they work for the Casino Boss, but I never saw him. One was called Izo, I think, and the other was some big Guido looking guy. Damn cheaters.}"