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Doc Amalee's logs is a holotape in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries."


It can be found at Galaxy News Radio, on Doc Amalee's body close to a chemistry station near the entrance.


So Many Patients to Treat![]


Phil brought me on the team about a month ago. Everyone here is so friendly! It makes it really easy to get DNA swabs! At my last job I had to resort to drugging them first.

Aqua Pura not Pura?[]


Dave Perkins has come to me on several occasions and stated adamantly that Aqua Pura is not completely pure!

Needless to say I was shocked at his accusation. Shocked! Would people really do that? Lie on the label?

But my tests show little to no contamination, so phew!

I asked Dave why he thought the way he did, and he explained to me that unless you can drink it without opening the cap, it was going to get contaminated when exposed to the radiation in the air! Well duh!

I told him that level of contamination is completely safe. If anyone is contaminated it's probably him. I'll need to have him agree to a test to confirm. Although I'll probably just grab a sample from the bottle he threw in the trash.

A Mutant? A Mutant![]


One of the Good Fighters is a mutant! A mutant! I've never treated a mutant before. I want to know what he eats! When he sleeps! What he dreams! He's sleeping right now, maybe I should wake him up and ask!

My Very Own Clinic![]


Phil brought in a raider girl who was very, very hurt! I can patch her wounds, but I can't do much for her brain. It doesn't usually respond well to antiseptics.

More importantly, with so many injured, Phil says they plan on clearing some of the rubble upstairs to make room for a clinic. That's an amazing idea! After all, you can't fight the good fight without a clean bill of health!

Where is My Clinic!?!?![]


It's been two days, six hours, and thirty-two minutes and they still haven't cleared the rubble! Something about the Talon Company attacking the station. Well, if they do attack, how am I going to treat the injured without a proper clinic!

Related quest[]

