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This is a transcript for dialogue with Soup Can Harry.

Full dialogue table[]

Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The candidate has refused to give his real name and has only provided the name "Soup Can Harry." That's right, I ain't telling you nothing. My name is the name I call myself not the rank and number the government brands on me, no sir. Player Default: Fascinating. Mister, um, Soupcan, would you mind telling me why you're distrustful of the government? Soupcan Harry is a Crazy Homeless Man. Read lines as such dn142_OverseerInterview03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Fascinating. Mister, um, Soupcan, would you mind telling me why you're distrustful of the government? I've seen what they do. Gum up the works with red tape and bureaucracy, take every hard earned cent and use it to fund their Illuminati free mason sex parties. Soupcan Harry is a Crazy Homeless Man. Read lines as such dn142_OverseerInterview03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'm a free man! I should be able to live as I see fit! My taxes pay for them streets and alleys and dumpsters. I'll sleep where I want! Player Default: Sir, according to this you haven't paid taxes in many years... Soupcan Harry is a Crazy Homeless Man. Read lines as such dn142_OverseerInterview03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sir, according to this you haven't paid taxes in many years... I seen the back of them Abraxo boxes! "Not for consumption?" Don't you tell me what to do, I'll eat what I want! Player Default: Sir, you may just be the perfect candidate. How would you like to be the new Overseer for Vault 114? Soupcan Harry is a Crazy Homeless Man. Read lines as such dn142_OverseerInterview03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sir, you may just be the perfect candidate. How would you like to be the new Overseer for Vault 114? I ain't wearing no goddamn tie. Or pants. Soupcan Harry is a Crazy Homeless Man. Read lines as such dn142_OverseerInterview03