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Fallout Wiki

The Crimson Prospect terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at Crimson Prospect in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.

Earl's terminal[]

FO76WL Crimson Prospect (Earl’s Terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


| Earl's Log |

Floyd takes the best stuff again[]


Got back from the raid today and what do yahIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar know, comes time to divvy up the loot and Floyd picks the choicest bits... again...

I had two of my guys haul back this big comfy chair and this guy just marches right up acting all entitled. Says he wants something more comfortable to sit on while he's up in that tower all day... imagine that complaining about sitting around! Meanwhile I got back pain every night when I go to bed...

Got my chair back[]


What a character... today this guy takes this nice soft footstool to go with "his" chair. Well that chair aint his, itsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar MINE and itsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar sitting next to MY bed right now... right where it BELONGS!!!

asejgyfraliuegf Stole my #$%&^*@ chair!!!![]


Ok... ok...

Floyd stole MY chair... here we go again. Stay calm Earl, stay calm. Maintain composure...

Floyd's terminal[]

FO76WL Crimson Prospect (Floyd’s Terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


| Floyd's Log |

Earl brought back a nice chair today...just for me[]


Earl was whining and wouldn't stop yammerinIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar on after the raid today cause I took "his chair". That mangy mongrel has the nicest bed out of all of us!

If I'm gonna be sitting around all day while they go raiding I'm gonna be comfortable while I do it.

Goodbye Earl[]


Well well, I get back to my post tonight after dinner and my chair is gone. I guess it decided to get up and walk to Earl's room all on its own?

I took back what was rightfully mine and now itsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar time to claim his life too! It's time to put an end to this tomfoolery. Randy would handle leading the raids better anyways...

Randy's terminal[]

FO76WL Crimson Prospect (Randy’s Terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


| Randy's Log |

Earl wants my help[]


Earl says it's time to get Floyd out of the way, no need for two leaders around here apparently. I guess it means one less person when the loot goes around.

I'm supposed to help him lure Floyd out into a field and let him die to something out there... only problem is what happens when this goes wrong and I'm shot dead for my part in his little plan?

Guess I'm Floyd's errand boy too... not for long[]


Turns out Floyd has a similar idea to Earl. I gotta say... they make some fine points and are starting to give me ideas.

Who needs either of them? I'm thinking there might be a new boss in town. Now that turret control is routed to my console, this should be easy.

Yeah. New bed, new chair, the spoils of war. I can taste it already.
