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Fallout Wiki

Look, heroes! We can clear this up! Come out now, unarmed! I'll see that you two get the best lawyers in the city!— Chief Corcoran

Chief Corcoran is the fictional police chief of the Boston Police Department in the Silver Shroud radio series.


After the Silver Shroud and Mistress of Mystery discovered Boston's mayor dead in Scollay Square, a run-in with the mayor's associate Fat Fahey resulted in the Shroud receiving a gunshot wound.[1] The Mistress brought him to her hideout, the Parlor of Mysteries, in order to tend to his injury.[1]

While they discussed the recent events, they were interrupted by Chief Corcoran via megaphone, instructing them to come out with their hands up.[2] He stated that the duo was wanted in connection to the murder of Mayor Murphy. While the heroes spoke amongst themselves, the chief announced once more that the issue could be cleared up if they agree to come out unarmed, noting that they will see to it that the two of them receive the best lawyers in the city.[2] Unsatisfied with this suggestion, the team decided to escape, evade the police, clear their names, and enact justice on Fat Fahey.[2]

Repeating his orders, Chief Corcoran commanded once more to the Shroud and Mistress to put their hands up, by order of the Boston Police. The Silver Shroud responded that although he is Death's shroud, the police chief did not deserve any harm to come to him.[2] After a third warning, the police force moved in, kicked down the door, and opened fire.[2] Suddenly a thick mist filled the air, and when it cleared, Officer Liebowitz exclaimed to the chief that the two were gone.[2] In response, Chief Corcoran remarked that this was what he hoped the officer would say.[2]


Chief Corcoran is mentioned in Fallout 4.


Hubris Comics