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Fallout Wiki

Dr. Constance Nichols was a scientist who worked at the National Isolated Radio Array in Appalachia before the Great War.


A doctor from Iowa with a PhD in ionospheric physics, Constance was hired by the NIRA facility in October 2076 as one of the youngest doctors there.[1] She was assigned to classify each individual sound by the radios and then create a filter so it could be removed from the array's desired frequency range. She became highly dedicated to her work and Dr. Ojha, skipping Thanksgiving celebrations with her family so she could be more productive.[2]

As electromagnetic radiation from the testing began to affect the workers of the facility, Constance was unaware of the true cause, and believed her constant headaches to be a product of stress.[3] After she visited Dr. Jensen, she was informed about the source of her troubles and was recommended to wear a shielded lab hood to protect herself.[4] Despite this, Constance was eager to return back to work, though the incident piqued her interest as to why the array was causing so much trouble. She conducted an investigation which showed that the NIRA site was attempting to cover a much larger area than expected, instead of using a narrow band. This caused the unusual levels of electromagnetic radiation that she experienced.[5]


Constance Nichols is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

