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This is a transcript for dialogue with Communist (Camp Liberty).


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0075E520 0075E5A5 The Revolution is coming!
2 0075E5A6 Reinforcements will be here soon... I know they will...
3 0075E5A7 If the Scout Leaders could see me now...
4 0075E5A8 Liberty is just a lie they told us, but I see through it.
5 0075E5A9 I wish it wasn't so windy here.
6 0075E5AA Storm looks like it's going to be a bad one...
7 0075E5AB Capitalists are everywhere, gotta stay alert.
8 0075E5AC Remember the principles... remember the principles...
9 0075E5AD Safety: off, holster: oiled... I'm ready.
10 0075E5AE The people will rise. The government is on its knees.
11 0075E5AF We will sweep over this park. They'll all see!
12 0075E5B0 They can't stop us... they can't...
13 0075E5B1 I wish we didn't have pamphlet reading after guard duty...
14 0075E5B2 Who knew that knot-tying would be used to make nooses for capitalist pigs!
15 0075E5B3 There aren't as many bears here as I first thought...
16 0075E5B4 Still haven't finished my essay for the Proletariat badges...
17 0075E5B5 We will convert this whole park to our cause... one day...
18 0075E521 0075E55F Man down! We have an intruder!
19 0075E560 We've lost one! Everyone stay alert!
20 0075E561 They're gone... Find the capitalist!
21 0075E562 I smell a capitalist...
22 0075E563 They're finally here! Everyone be ready!
23 0075E522 0075E582 What was that? Was that a capitalist?
24 0075E583 Did you hear that? Over there...?
25 0075E584 I know you're here, I can hear your wallet...
26 0075E585 Come on out and see the truth!
27 0075E586 When I find you you're going to wish you came quietly.
28 0075E523 0075E536 Aha! Capitalist alert!
29 0075E537 I see you, you sneaky suckling pig!
30 0075E538 Yes! New targets! Finally!
31 0075E539 Found them! Capitalist bastards!
32 0075E524 0075E551 They will be avenged!
33 0075E552 You owe us blood you bastard!
34 0075E553 Dead...? No...
35 0075E554 Man down.
36 0075E525 0075E53B We need to show you the light... come out...
37 0075E53C Don't worry, we're trained in detection. We'll find you.
38 0075E53D They said capitalists were underhanded... they were right...
39 0075E53E Some of us prefer hiding in the dark.
40 0075E53F I'll find you, you slithering suck-up!
41 0075E526 0075E55A They're here, I can hear their capitalist thoughts...
42 0075E55B That wasn't the Storm. Who's there?
43 0075E55C I can feel the gaze of imperialism on my back...
44 0075E55D Fan out! They're here! The time is upon us!
45 0075E527 0075E58D Capitalists! They're here!
46 0075E58E The pigs! They've come for us!
47 0075E58F Imperialist Bastard!
48 0075E590 Kill them! For the Revolution!
49 0075E591 No mercy! No reprieve! For The Cause!
50 0075E592 I'm going to enjoy strapping you to a bullseye!
51 0075E593 Hahaha! The island will have you!
52 0075E594 Another one for the island! Ha!
53 0075E528 0075E541 No!
54 0075E542 Keep fighting comrades! We can win this!
55 0075E543 Stand firm! For The Cause!
56 0075E544 They're hurting us! What do we do?
57 0075E545 For every one of us, we'll take ten of you!
58 0075E546 There's no greater honour than dying for The Cause!
59 0075E529 0075E565 Die, Capitalist Pig!
60 0075E566 Time to bleed red, capitalist!
61 0075E567 Kill them!
62 0075E568 For the Revolution!
63 0075E569 Death to the usurers!
64 0075E56A Cast off the chains! Attack!
65 0075E56B Fight back! Fight back!
66 0075E56C This is what we trained for!
67 0075E52A 0075E54D Watch out! Grenade!
68 0075E54E Be careful, the manual said 5-second timer!
69 0075E54F Run! The manual says 15m radius!
70 0075E52B 0075E579 Shoot back while I reposition!
71 0075E57A Shake free from your fear, comrades! Fight back!
72 0075E57B Cover me!
73 0075E57C Supressing fire! There!
74 0075E57D Lay down supressing fire! Now!
75 0075E52C 0075E588 My leg! Shit!
76 0075E589 Can barely hold the weapon...
77 0075E58A I'm seeing red!
78 0075E58B Ribs... are broken...
79 0075E52D 0075E5B7 Not like this...
80 0075E5B8 This is it... I wish...
81 0075E5B9 *chuckle*... what a mess...
82 0075E5BA ...we weren't ready...
83 0075E5BB Death to... imperialists... ungggh...
84 0075E5BC Cast off... the chains...
85 0075E5BD For the... revolution...
86 0075E5BE *death rattle*
87 0075E5BF ... they promised...
88 0075E5C0 We were... trying to... free you...
89 0075E52E 0075E56E Oh ow it's hot!
90 0075E56F Unggh... ouch...
91 0075E570 Grrrnnn... should it hurt this much...?
92 0075E571 I'm hit!
93 0075E572 This may be more than a glancing blow...
94 0075E573 Ah! I'm hit! I'm hit!
95 0075E52F 0075E556 Flank them! Circle around!
96 0075E557 Make a move, circle left!
97 0075E558 Move, circle right!
98 0075E530 0075E575 Forward! Apply pressure!
99 0075E576 Keep the pressure on, push forward!
100 0075E577 Forward! No retreat! You know the rules!
101 0075E531 0075E57F Get down! Incoming
102 0075E580 Get behind something, you're exposed!
103 0075E532 0075E5A1 They're locked down! Move now!
104 0075E5A2 *This* Storm is made of lead! *laughs*
105 0075E5A3 Now, while they can't move!
106 0075E533 0075E596 When we catch you, you're going to the island!
107 0075E597 Capitalism has failed you, look around!
108 0075E598 Survival of the fittest and that means us!
109 0075E599 We'll make it quick, but it won't be painless, scum.
110 0075E59A Imperialism is the false path!
111 0075E59B Eat shit you imperialist stooge!
112 0075E59C Capitalists deserve everything they get!
113 0075E59D Capitalism is the death of free will, can't you see?!
114 0075E59E For every one of us here, a thousand more are waiting for their time to strike!
115 0075E59F Money isn't gonna save you now *chuckle*
116 0075E534 0075E548 Pull pin... 2... 1...
117 0075E549 Grenade out!
118 0075E54A Hit the deck! Grenade out!
119 0075E54B Check yourself, grenade out!