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Fallout Wiki

The Commonwealth Provisional Government was a proposed post-War provisional government planned for the Commonwealth.


In an attempt to form a regional coalition, the Commonwealth Minutemen brought together representatives from nearby settlements to organize the details.[1]

For four years, the Institute was also a part of this process, but the project fell apart due to political infighting.[2][3] As a result, the Institute sent a synth to the talks, who killed the rest of the attendees in what was known as the massacre of the CPG.[1]


The Commonwealth Provisional Government is mentioned in Fallout 4


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sole Survivor: "Massacre of the CPG? What's that?"
    Nick Valentine: "The Commonwealth Provisional Government. Years back a group of settlements tried to get together and form a coalition. Every settlement with even a hint of clout sent representatives to try and hash out an agreement. Only the Institute sent a representative of their own, a Synth. The man killed every rep at the talks. The Commonwealth Provisional Government was over before it even got off the ground. I took up in town not long after. I was damn lucky they didn't just tell me to scram right then and there."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)
  2. Director's recording #52
  3. Sole Survivor: "They need your help, Shaun. It's rough up there, to say the least."
    Shaun: "Oh, we've tried that. Surprised? The Institute once tried to help create a stabilized Commonwealth government. It ended in bickering, infighting... it was a disaster. No, we look after our own now. Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that. Just... give me time. I know there's more for us to discuss, but..."
    (Shaun's dialogue)