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This is a transcript for dialogue with Shaun.


1-This truly is a wonderful place, isn't it?
2{amused by the irony / Amused} Someday, father, this will all be yours...
3{amused by the irony / Amused} Someday, mother, this will all be yours...
4I'm glad you could be here to share this with me.
5Our advances will, in time, change the world.
6I couldn't be more proud of what we've achieved.
7Perhaps someday our synths can reclaim the Commonwealth.
8Hello, father. I hope your time in the Institute has been enjoyable.
9Hello, mother. Enjoying your time here?
10Let your surroundings be a reminder of what Science and willpower can accomplish.
11I often wonder what the Institute's founders would think of our accomplishments.


12-{player isn't responding, you're a bit confused} Are... Are you following?
13{player isn't responding, you're a bit confused} I hope you're not too overwhelmed.
14{player isn't responding, you're a bit confused} This really is a matter of importance.


Shaun's holotape (Nuclear Family)
{calming} If you are hearing this, then the time has come. I am gone.Player Default: I can no longer look after young Shaun. I hoped that you might be willing.A1a
16Player Default: If you are hearing this, then the time has come. I am gone.{calming} I can no longer look after young Shaun. I hoped that you might be willing.Player Default: He has been reprogrammed to believe he is your son. I hope that was not too presumptuous on my part.A1a
17Player Default: I can no longer look after young Shaun. I hoped that you might be willing.{calming} He has been reprogrammed to believe he is your son. I hope that was not too presumptuous on my part.Player Default: Both he and you deserved a chance to... To be a family.A1a
18Player Default: He has been reprogrammed to believe he is your son. I hope that was not too presumptuous on my part.{calming} Both he and you deserved a chance to... To be a family.Player Default: Please, take care of him.A1a
19Player Default: Both he and you deserved a chance to... To be a family.{calming} Please, take care of him.A1a
Shaun's holotape (Nuclear Option)
{bitter} If you are hearing this, then whatever conflicts you and I have endured are over.Player Default: I have no reason to believe you'll honor the request I'm about to make, but I feel compelled to try anyway.A1a
21Player Default: If you are hearing this, then whatever conflicts you and I have endured are over.{bitter} I have no reason to believe you'll honor the request I'm about to make, but I feel compelled to try anyway.Player Default: This synth, this... boy. He deserves more.A1a
22Player Default: I have no reason to believe you'll honor the request I'm about to make, but I feel compelled to try anyway.This synth, this... boy. He deserves more.Player Default: He has been re-programmed to believe he is your son. It is my hope that you will take him with you.A1a
23Player Default: This synth, this... boy. He deserves more.{bitter} He has been re-programmed to believe he is your son. It is my hope that you will take him with you.Player Default: I would ask only that you give him a chance. A chance to be part of whatever future awaits the Commonwealth.A1a
24Player Default: He has been re-programmed to believe he is your son. It is my hope that you will take him with you.{bitter} I would ask only that you give him a chance. A chance to be part of whatever future awaits the Commonwealth.A1a


25Inst301SceneFatherEnd{A bit detached and formal, but with genuine warmth / Relieved} I'm glad to see you return safely.Father: I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.A
26NPCMShaun60: I'm glad to see you return safely.{Formal, a lesson} I know the task was difficult, but I needed you to see firsthand how dangerous a rogue synth can be.Player Default: Gabriel and his gang were sick bastards, hanging their victims up like trophies. I'm just glad it's over.A1a
27Player Default: Gabriel and his gang were sick bastards, hanging their victims up like trophies. I'm just glad it's over.{Sad / Sad} While we can do nothing for Gabriel's victims, we can at least take comfort in the knowledge that the threat has been removed.Father: In any case, the mission is over.A1a
28Player Default: The Institute created that synth, so the Institute is responsible for what it does.{A lesson, preaching a bit} I disagree. A synth is no more inherently evil than a handgun.B1a
29{A lesson, preaching a bit} When a man dies by gunshot, is the weapon's maker blamed? Of course not.B1b
30{A lesson, preaching a bit} The blame rightly falls on he who pulled the trigger.B1c
31{A lesson, preaching a bit} Yes, we created the synth, but whether they intended to or not, the Railroad's agents turned it into a killer.Father: In any case, the mission is over.B1d
32Player Default: I don't care about who's to blame. I just wanted to stop a killer.Yes, of course. Your pragmatism is admirable.X1a
33{A warning} It does matter, though. If everyone sees the Institute as a villain, dangerous forces could align against us.X1b
34If we can put the lie to such assumptions, we diminish that threat.Father: In any case, the mission is over.X1c
35Player Default: Why do you care what happens on the surface? You're in your own world down here.{Wary / Concerned} Because there are forces on the surface that could pose a threat to us, and only a fool ignores a possible threat.Y1a
36We might diminish that danger by correcting the false perception that we intend some great harm to mankind.Father: In any case, the mission is over.Y1b
37Player Default: While we can do nothing for Gabriel's victims, we can at least take comfort in the knowledge that the threat has been removed.{Matter-of-fact} In any case, the mission is over.A1a
38{A little disappointed to start, then evening out to a more neutral tone} While it's unfortunate that the synth was destroyed, the important thing is that you could see some of the good work we do.Father: While you were away, I had quarters prepared for you.A1b
39Player Default: While we can do nothing for Gabriel's victims, we can at least take comfort in the knowledge that the threat has been removed.{Amiable, good news} But enough about that. The task is done and you've returned our synth safely to us.A2a
40{Amiable, good news / Happy} I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. Well done.Father: While you were away, I had quarters prepared for you.A2b
41Father: While it's unfortunate that the synth was destroyed, the important thing is that you could see some of the good work we do.{Magnanimous} While you were away, I had quarters prepared for you.A1a
42You'll find all the basic necessities, as well as a generous stock of arms and equipment.A1b
43{Warm, generous, a bit excited even. You're proud of your gift.} Go and have a look. I think you'll be quite pleased.A1c
44Inst301SceneFatherIntro{Proud / Question} Now that you've had a chance to see the Institute first-hand, what do you think?Player Default: You've got technology here that I never dreamed possible. It's amazing.A
45Player Default: If the synths are intelligent and self-aware, then they have a right to free will.However closely they may approximate human behavior, they are still our creations.A1a
46{Confident / Confident} When you see what I have to show you, I think you'll agree that we know what is best for our synths.Father: A rogue synth has taken over the raider gang at Libertalia.A1b
47Player Default: If they're so dangerous, you should destroy them and start over with a better design.{Confident / Confident} There is no need for such drastic action. We are constantly working to correct any flaws that might arise.B1a
48{Confident / Confident} As you will soon see, we're also more than capable of reclaiming any synths that become a danger to the surface.Father: A rogue synth has taken over the raider gang at Libertalia.B1b
49Player Default: So it's like every other wonder-gizmo ever invented. When will you eggheads learn?{Amused} Have faith. Let me show you how we deal with such problems.Father: A rogue synth has taken over the raider gang at Libertalia.X1a
50Player Default: What do you mean by proper supervision?I mean that while they are here in the Institute, fulfilling the purpose for which they were designed, our synths perform admirably.Y1a
51{Pause at the ellipsis as you choose the next word carefully} As you're about to see, however, they can become... unpredictable when set loose.Father: A rogue synth has taken over the raider gang at Libertalia.Y1b
52Player Default: You've got technology here that I never dreamed possible. It's amazing.{Approving / Neutral} I'm glad you can appreciate what we've accomplished. None of it has been easy.Father: Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.A1a
53Player Default: If you expect me to be impressed by a lot of fancy sci-fi gizmos, you'd be wrong.{Disappointed / Concerned} I see.B1a
54{A little condescending, but not intentionally / Concerned} It's not just about the "gizmos," as you say. I hope you'll see that in time.Father: Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.B1b
55Player Default: I've seen my share of think-tank science labs.{Self-assured, confident / Confident} Oh, I assure you, none of them were quite like this place.Father: Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.X1a
56Player Default: First things first. How do I get back to the surface?The same way you got in, of course.Y1a
57{Reassuring. / Neutral} You are not a prisoner here. You may come and go as you please.Father: Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.Y1b
58Player Default: I'm glad you can appreciate what we've accomplished. None of it has been easy.{Confident... grandstanding a bit / Confident} Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.Father: Unfortunately, no advancement comes without occasional setbacks.A1a
59Father: Ultimately, all of our knowledge and resources are focused on a single goal. That goal is best summarized by our motto: Mankind - redefined.{Concerned} Unfortunately, no advancement comes without occasional setbacks.A1a
60{choosing words carefully / Concerned} As remarkable as our synths are, they can be... dangerous without proper supervision.A1b
61{Concerned} The superior synth mind and body attempting to wrestle with something approaching free will can be a recipe for chaos.Player Default: If the synths are intelligent and self-aware, then they have a right to free will.A1c
62Player Default: When you see what I have to show you, I think you'll agree that we know what is best for our synths.A rogue synth has taken over the raider gang at Libertalia.A1a
63His memories have been erased and his identity altered. He believes he's a man named Gabriel.A1b
64{Tinged with regret} Under his leadership, the raiders have taken many innocent lives.A1c
65I've dispatched a Courser to Libertalia. I'd like you to join him and reclaim that synth.Player Default: We'll bring that synth home.A1d
66Player Default: We'll bring that synth home.{Certain} That would be best for everyone.Father: Now, you should get moving. Many people are in danger, and a delay could cost lives.A1a
67Player Default: It might not want to talk. It would be safer just to kill it.{Disapproving} That would be a terrible waste of a valuable resource.B1a
68If at all possible, that synth should be returned alive.Father: Now, you should get moving. Many people are in danger, and a delay could cost lives.B1b
69Player Default: Sure, we'll just fight our way through an army of homicidal maniacs and ask this synth to come on home.I didn't say it would be easy, but I'm confident that with a Courser at your side, you'll have no trouble.Father: Now, you should get moving. Many people are in danger, and a delay could cost lives.X1a
70Player Default: Who erased his memories? And why?Those idealistic radicals who call themselves the Railroad are behind it.Y1a
71{Urgency} We'll deal with them in time, but right now the priority is to reclaim that synth before more harm is done.Father: Now, you should get moving. Many people are in danger, and a delay could cost lives.Y1b
72Player Default: That would be best for everyone.{Self-assured, confident, knowing} Now, you should get moving. Many people are in danger, and a delay could cost lives.A1a
73-{Urgent} The sooner that synth is safely back in the Institute, the better for everyone.
74Libertalia isn't hard to find. Just look for the jumble of wrecked ships floating in the harbor.
75{Urgent} You should get going. There's no time to waste.
76I hope you'll find your quarters adequate.
77You should go and see the room we've prepared for you.
78{Confident} Now you'll have a place to stay that's far safer than any on the surface.
79{Sad, with heavy heart} A regrettable turn of events.
80{Sad, with heavy heart} I wish there was something I could say or do to ease your pain, but there's no changing the past.
81{Sad, with heavy heart} All that we can do now is to make the most of what time we have left.
82Nevertheless, they are a danger. Allow me to explain.


83Inst302Stage100FailureSceneWell, at least you're back in one piece.Shaun: A future which, I hope, is not in jeopardy after recent events.A
84Shaun: And to see the Brotherhood of Steel involved in this... They had no way of knowing what was going on.I will refrain from sharing the outcome with the Directorate for the moment. Things are already in motion that this would only derail.Shaun: Speaking of which...A1a
85Shaun: I will refrain from sharing the outcome with the Directorate for the moment. Things are already in motion that this would only derail.Speaking of which...A1a
86Shaun: A future which, I hope, is not in jeopardy after recent events.{RE-RECORD} Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?Player Default: It's my fault. I wasn't able to complete the mission.A1a
87Player Default: It's my fault. I wasn't able to complete the mission.{RE-RECORD} I gave you this opportunity to prove yourself. Particularly to prove to the Directorate that you deserve a place here.A1a
88{RE-RECORD} That will now be significantly harder. There will be accusations that you deliberately sabotaged the mission.Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.A1b
89Player Default: I made a choice. I let the synths go free.{confused, upset / Disbelief} Why? Why would you do something so... so stupid?Player Default: They were afraid. They didn't want to come back here.B1a
90Player Default: I made a choice. I let the synths go free.{disappointed/frustrated RE-RECORD / Stern} Wasn't enough? A single Courser could have done that job by himself. You must see how disappointing this is.B2a
91{RE-RECORD} It's already been suggested that the mission was sabotaged. Do you have any idea how difficult this makes things for me?Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.B2b
92Player Default: We were totally ambushed. They were waiting for us.{RE-RECORD} You can imagine that I find it very hard to believe, given that all the intelligence leading up to this indicated we'd take them by surprise.Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.X1a
93Player Default: We got our asses kicked. Does it matter how?{RE-RECORD / Stern} The chances of failing this mission were so astronomically low that yes, it does indeed matter.Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.Y1a
94Player Default: That will now be significantly harder. There will be accusations that you deliberately sabotaged the mission.{RE-RECORD} Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.Shaun: And to see the Brotherhood of Steel involved in this... They had no way of knowing what was going on.A1a
95Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.{Angry} And to see the Brotherhood of Steel involved in this... They had no way of knowing what was going on.Shaun: I will refrain from sharing the outcome with the Directorate for the moment. Things are already in motion that this would only derail.A1a
96NPCMShaun60: Well, at least you're back in one piece.A future which, I hope, is not in jeopardy after recent events.Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?A1a
97Inst302Stage100OutdoorSceneYou know, in all my years, I've never set foot outside the Institute. Not once, since the day they brought me here. I've never had a reason.Shaun: But now... this just confirms the truth I've always known. The Commonwealth is... dead. There's no future here.A
98Player Default: Perhaps. But at costs too great to be worth it.Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.Shaun: I know that to you, I was kidnapped from that Vault. In truth, the Institute rescued me.A1a
99Shaun: Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.I know that to you, I was kidnapped from that Vault. In truth, the Institute rescued me.Shaun: Both of us, really.A1a
100Shaun: I'll admit, when I had you released from Vault 111, I had no expectations that you'd survive out here, in all this.{Impressed} To not only do so, but manage to find me... to infiltrate the Institute itself...A1a
101{impressed, proud / Awed} Extraordinary.Player Default: So it was you. You let me out.A1b
102Player Default: So it was you. You let me out.Yes, it was my decision.Shaun: Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.A1a
103Player Default: Shaun, you need to know... I still love you.I can see that you do. It's... well, it's remarkable.Shaun: Soon I hope... I hope you'll understand. Everything I've done has been for the future.A1a
104Player Default: That's all this is to you... All I am to you... just another experiment!{Apologetic} No, that's not all. But still... I'm glad it turned out the way it did.Shaun: Soon I hope... I hope you'll understand. Everything I've done has been for the future.B1a
105Player Default: This is "science" to you? It's pathetic. All of it.I'm sorry you see it that way. Perhaps in time you'll see it differently.Shaun: Soon I hope... I hope you'll understand. Everything I've done has been for the future.X1a
106Player Default: Well, here I am... Was it worth it?{Happy} I believe so.Shaun: Soon I hope... I hope you'll understand. Everything I've done has been for the future.Y1a
107NPCMShaun60: You know, in all my years, I've never set foot outside the Institute. Not once, since the day they brought me here. I've never had a reason.{disappointed, bitter} But now... this just confirms the truth I've always known. The Commonwealth is... dead. There's no future here.A1a
108The only hope for humanity lies below.Player Default: It's not so bad, really. People manage.A1b
109Player Default: It's not so bad, really. People manage.Perhaps. But at costs too great to be worth it.Shaun: Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.A1a
110Player Default: It wasn't always like this. It used to be different.I can only imagine.Shaun: Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.B1a
111Player Default: Some air fresheners, a new coat of paint, and it'll all be good as new.If only it were that simple.Shaun: Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.X1a
112Player Default: So why come out here?To put things in perspective, I suppose.Shaun: Standing here, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am that I was spared a life in this wasteland.Y1a
113Player Default: They kept me alive too...{Apologetic} They did indeed.Shaun: I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...A1a
114Player Default: They left me on ice... for sixty years...{Apologetic} They did, and for good reason.Shaun: I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...B1a
115Player Default: Kellogg called me the "backup."{Apologetic} Did he? Well, he was correct.Shaun: I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...X1a
116Player Default: But... why re-freeze me?{Apologetic} As a failsafe, of course.Shaun: I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...Y1a
117Shaun: I know that to you, I was kidnapped from that Vault. In truth, the Institute rescued me.Both of us, really.Player Default: They kept me alive too...A1a
118Player Default: They did indeed.{Thinking} I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...Shaun: Well, the Institute realized a contingency plan was prudent. Another source of pre-war DNA, preferably related to their primary subject.A1a
119Shaun: I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died...{Apologetic} Well, the Institute realized a contingency plan was prudent. Another source of pre-war DNA, preferably related to their primary subject.Shaun: It only made sense that my parents should fill that role. So, you were kept alive and safe within the Vault.A1a
120Shaun: Well, the Institute realized a contingency plan was prudent. Another source of pre-war DNA, preferably related to their primary subject.{Apologetic} It only made sense that my parents should fill that role. So, you were kept alive and safe within the Vault.Shaun: I'll admit, when I had you released from Vault 111, I had no expectations that you'd survive out here, in all this.A1a
121Shaun: It only made sense that my parents should fill that role. So, you were kept alive and safe within the Vault.I'll admit, when I had you released from Vault 111, I had no expectations that you'd survive out here, in all this.Shaun: To not only do so, but manage to find me... to infiltrate the Institute itself...A1a
122Player Default: You could've let me out decades ago!{hesitate on "logical" / Apologetic} Until I became director, I had no idea you were there. And after, there was initially no... logical reason to do so.Shaun: Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.B1a
123Player Default: Your unconditional love is... overwhelming. I think I need a moment.{Apologetic} I can accept that you're offended. You must understand, though... I have had no love to feel. We have been strangers until now, you and I.Shaun: Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.X1a
124Player Default: Why let me out now, after all this time?{Apologetic} That's... well, that's hard to explain.Shaun: Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.Y1a
125Player Default: Yes, it was my decision.{Apologetic} Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.Shaun: An experiment, of sorts.A1a
126Shaun: Certainly it was no longer necessary to keep you suspended... I... Well, I suppose I wanted to see what would happen.{Apologetic} An experiment, of sorts.Shaun: I had no idea what kind of man you were, you see.A1a
127Shaun: An experiment, of sorts.{Apologetic} I had no idea what kind of man you were, you see.Shaun: Would the Commonwealth corrupt you, as it has everything else? Would you even survive?A1a
128Shaun: An experiment, of sorts.{Apologetic} I had no idea what kind of woman you were, you see.Shaun: Would the Commonwealth corrupt you, as it has everything else? Would you even survive?A2a
129Shaun: I had no idea what kind of man you were, you see.{Apologetic} Would the Commonwealth corrupt you, as it has everything else? Would you even survive?Shaun: Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.A1a
130Shaun: Would the Commonwealth corrupt you, as it has everything else? Would you even survive?{Apologetic} Perhaps most curious to me... would you, after all this time, attempt to find me? Now I know the answer.Player Default: Shaun, you need to know... I still love you.A1a
131Player Default: I can see that you do. It's... well, it's remarkable.Soon I hope... I hope you'll understand. Everything I've done has been for the future.Shaun: Bunker Hill did not go well for us. Would you care to explain what happened?A1a
132Player Default: I can see that you do. It's... well, it's remarkable.There are greater things to come after your success at Bunker Hill.Shaun: The synths have been safely returned, and will be repurposed. Thank you for your work.A2a
133Inst302Stage100SuccessSceneI'm glad you made it back.Shaun: The synths have been safely returned, and will be repurposed. Thank you for your work.A
134NPCMShaun60: I'm glad you made it back.The synths have been safely returned, and will be repurposed. Thank you for your work.Shaun: I hope you weren't at too much risk.A1a
135Shaun: The synths have been safely returned, and will be repurposed. Thank you for your work.I hope you weren't at too much risk.Player Default: There's always a risk. It was worth it.A1a
136Player Default: There's always a risk. It was worth it.I'm glad you see it that way.Shaun: The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.A1a
137Player Default: The Courser could've handled it on his own. It was a waste of my time.I disagree. It's important that you understand the work that is necessary to maintain the Institute.Shaun: The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.B1a
138Player Default: It was a job that needed doing.Yes, but it was also a job that you needed to be aware of.Shaun: The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.X1a
139Player Default: What do you mean, the Synths will be "repurposed?"{slightly dismissive} Modifications will be made to correct the defects in their programming, and they'll be assigned to new duties within the Institute.Y1a
140{slightly dismissive} Not the first or last time it will happen.Shaun: The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.Y1b
141Player Default: I'm glad you see it that way.The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.Shaun: And you... Well, you've passed the test, as they say. You have done well.A1a
142Shaun: The Railroad remains an annoyance, of course, but they'll be dealt with as necessary.And you... Well, you've passed the test, as they say. You have done well.Shaun: Please, take this as a token of my appreciation. Our appreciation, really.A1a
143Shaun: And you... Well, you've passed the test, as they say. You have done well.Please, take this as a token of my appreciation. Our appreciation, really.A1a
144Inst302Stage100SynthFreeScenePlayer Default: They were afraid. They didn't want to come back here.{disbelief, losing your temper / Angry} Afraid? They're machines, artificial! They're incapable of being afraid!Shaun: This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.A1a
145Player Default: I made the call. I don't have to explain myself to you.{frustrated, upset / Disgust} No... No. You do. You at least owe me an explanation.Shaun: This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.B1a
146Player Default: It was the right thing to do, Shaun.{disbelief, annoyed / Disbelief} There's no moral choice to be made here.Shaun: This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.X1a
147Player Default: So a few synths so missing. It's not the end of the world... why is this so important?{frustrated / Irritated} By allowing this to happen, the Institute appears weak. That is an unacceptable outcome.Shaun: This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.Y1a
148Player Default: Afraid? They're machines, artificial! They're incapable of being afraid!{frustrated} This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.Shaun: How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?A1a
149Shaun: This was such a simple task, I just don't understand. I know you're capable of handling yourself.How can I expect you to represent the Institute if this sort of thing continues?Player Default: Shaun, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.A1a
150Player Default: Shaun, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.{resigned, calming down / Somber} I appreciate that, but this... It makes things difficult.Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.A1a
151Player Default: I don't want to be involved in this, Shaun. I want out.{shocked, hurt / Disbelief} After all this, after... Everything you've seen, all that you've learned. You're just going to walk away?Player Default: I'm sorry, Shaun. You're right - let's just forget this ever happened.B1a
152Player Default: Let's not forget our roles here, son. At the end of the day, I'm still your father.{defiant, standing your ground / Defiant} I am acutely aware of our positions. I am also not a child, and have a tremendous amount of responsibility for the Institute.Player Default: I'm sorry, Shaun. You're right - let's just forget this ever happened.X1a
153Player Default: What if I don't want to "represent the Institute?" Have you thought about that?{annoyed} to be quite honest: no, I hadn't considered that. It would be such a poor decision on your part, I had not given it much thought.Player Default: I'm sorry, Shaun. You're right - let's just forget this ever happened.Y1a
154Player Default: I'm sorry, Shaun. You're right - let's just forget this ever happened.{calming down / Stern} It's not quite that simple.Shaun: Bunker Hill was to cement your place as a valuable asset to the Institute. It will now only raise suspicions.A1a
155Player Default: You may actually be completely crazy.{hurt, angry, trying to hold back / Angry} Well, I suppose that makes your position quite clear, doesn't it?Shaun: I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.B1a
156Player Default: I can't do it, Shaun. I can't be a part of this anymore.{hurt / Somber} I am... very sorry to hear that.Shaun: I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.X1a
157Player Default: So, where does this leave us?{stern but hopeful / Stern} I need to be sure I can count on you going forward.Shaun: I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.Y1a
158Player Default: Well, I suppose that makes your position quite clear, doesn't it?{disappointed / Sad} I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.Shaun: I'm afraid there's no room for sentimentality, father. If you are not with us, then you are against us.A1a
159Shaun: I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.{steeling yourself, pushing down emotion / Stern} I'm afraid there's no room for sentimentality, father. If you are not with us, then you are against us.Shaun: Whatever you do going forward, do not interfere with the Institute's plans.A1a
160Shaun: I had hoped we could be something like a family again. I hoped you shared our vision for the future.{steeling yourself, pushing down emotion / Stern} I'm afraid there's no room for sentimentality, mother. If you are not with us, then you are against us.Shaun: Whatever you do going forward, do not interfere with the Institute's plans.A2a
161Shaun: I'm afraid there's no room for sentimentality, father. If you are not with us, then you are against us.{cold, just shy of threatening / Stern} Whatever you do going forward, do not interfere with the Institute's plans.Shaun: I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.A1a
162Shaun: Whatever you do going forward, do not interfere with the Institute's plans.{softening just a bit / Somber} I hope... I hope you can find some amount of peace.Player Default: Me too, Shaun.A1a
163Player Default: Me too, Shaun.Goodbye, father.A1a
164Player Default: Me too, Shaun.Goodbye, mother.A2a
165Inst302Stage10SceneAh, hello father.Shaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?A
166Ah, hello mother.Shaun: Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?A
167Player Default: I'd teach the guy a lesson; make sure he never does it again.Using physical force is never my first choice, but there are times when it becomes necessary.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.B1a
168Player Default: After everything I've been through to find you? I think you already know.I'm sorry, father. Of course, you're right.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.X1a
169Player Default: After everything I've been through to find you? I think you already know.I'm sorry, mother. Of course, you're right.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.X2a
170Player Default: That's a loaded question. What's been stolen from you?Institute property is not often taken from us. We cannot react lightly when it happens.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.Y1a
171Shaun: They no doubt mean to "free" these synths, in their delusion that synths are somehow sentient beings.You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.Player Default: They mean well; they're only doing what they think is right.A1a
172Player Default: You dealt with Libertalia. That's the result of their selfish, short-sighted plan.Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.Shaun: I'm afraid we've reached a point where a response is necessary.A1a
173Shaun: Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.I'm afraid we've reached a point where a response is necessary.Shaun: We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.A1a
174Player Default: They mean well; they're only doing what they think is right.You dealt with Libertalia. That's the result of their selfish, short-sighted plan.Shaun: Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.A1a
175Player Default: They're crazy, thinking machines are alive.Agreed. However noble they may believe themselves to be, they are thieves.Shaun: Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.B1a
176Player Default: Railroad? Never heard of them.{mildly annoyed} Oh come now, let's not play games. I know full well they were instrumental in your reaching the Institute.X1a
177Don't worry; I don't hold it against you.Shaun: Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.X1b
178Player Default: What happened? What've they done?They are in possession of technology that does not belong to them.Shaun: Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened.Y1a
179Player Default: An admirable goal. And yet we find ourselves in a situation where something more significant must be done.The group that calls themselves "The Railroad" has acquired several synths from the Institute, synths that had gone missing in recent months.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.A1a
180Shaun: The group that calls themselves "The Railroad" has acquired several synths from the Institute, synths that had gone missing in recent months.{annoyed} They no doubt mean to "free" these synths, in their delusion that synths are somehow sentient beings.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.A1a
181Shaun: I'm afraid we've reached a point where a response is necessary.We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them.Player Default: Sounds pretty simple.A1a
182Player Default: Sounds pretty simple.Hopefully, yes.Shaun: But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.A1a
183Player Default: That sounds way too dangerous.It shouldn't be.Shaun: But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.B1a
184Player Default: I'm not sure why you'd bother.Aside from taking back our property, we must teach them a lesson, as it were. And quickly, at that.Shaun: But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.X1a
185Player Default: Where are the synths located?A small settlement at the old Bunker Hill monument.Shaun: But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.Y1a
186Player Default: Hopefully, yes.But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.Shaun: We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.A1a
187Shaun: But it's important that we act on this soon, before the Railroad has any indication we've tracked them.We also don't want the Brotherhood of Steel getting wind of the presence of the synths. That would only complicate matters.Player Default: I'll act quickly. You can count on me.A1a
188Player Default: I'll act quickly. You can count on me.You'll have a contact waiting for you just outside Bunker Hill. Good luck.A1a
189Player Default: Seriously, this is a waste of my time.{Stern} Like many things at the Institute, this has ramifications beyond the immediate objective. Keep that in mind.B1a
190A Courser will be waiting for you near Bunker Hill. You'll need him.B1b
191Player Default: There better be something in this for me.I assure you, this operation will have very significant results in your favor.X1a
192There will be a Courser waiting for you near Bunker Hill. Please find him before barging in.X1b
193Player Default: Is it just me, or will I have backup?A Courser will be waiting for you outside Bunker Hill. You'll have support should you need it, but we want to keep this small.Y1a
194NPCMShaun60: Ah, hello father.Tell me, what would you do when someone has stolen from you?Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.A1a
195Player Default: I'd try and talk it out, see if things can be resolved peacefully.An admirable goal. And yet we find ourselves in a situation where something more significant must be done.Shaun: You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs.A1a
196-Bunker Hill must be dealt with, if for no other reason than to make a point.
197I trust you'll resolve the situation at Bunker Hill quickly and quietly.


198Inst303DirectorateFatherSceneJustin: How can you possibly justify this? He isn't one of us... he isn't even a scientist!{annoyed} Ignoring your borderline-insubordinate tone, I will simply say this.Shaun: The Institute has enough scientists. What it needs is a leader.A1a
199Shaun: Ignoring your borderline-insubordinate tone, I will simply say this.The Institute has enough scientists. What it needs is a leader.Shaun: I believe my father has already proven himself more than capable in that regard.A1a
200Shaun: The Institute has enough scientists. What it needs is a leader.{confident} I believe my father has already proven himself more than capable in that regard.Shaun: That will conclude this meeting. Thank you.A1a
201Shaun: The Institute has enough scientists. What it needs is a leader.{confident} I believe my mother has already proven herself more than capable in that regard.Shaun: That will conclude this meeting. Thank you.A2a
202Shaun: I believe my father has already proven himself more than capable in that regard.That will conclude this meeting. Thank you.A1a
203Clayton: I don't know that this is the time...Doctor Holdren, it is time. Please.Shaun: As I'm sure several of you are already aware, I have been under Doctor Volkert's care for some time.A1a
204Shaun: Doctor Holdren, it is time. Please.As I'm sure several of you are already aware, I have been under Doctor Volkert's care for some time.Shaun: I'm sorry, this is... difficult for me.A1a
205Shaun: As I'm sure several of you are already aware, I have been under Doctor Volkert's care for some time.I'm sorry, this is... difficult for me.Shaun: Our best efforts have failed. Every experimental treatment we could devise has been unsuccessful.A1a
206Shaun: I'm sorry, this is... difficult for me.Our best efforts have failed. Every experimental treatment we could devise has been unsuccessful.Shaun: I'm... I'm sorry to say I am dying.A1a
207Shaun: Our best efforts have failed. Every experimental treatment we could devise has been unsuccessful.I'm... I'm sorry to say I am dying.Madison: What?!A1a
208Player Default: The only thing that matters now is continuing the Institute's work. It will be all right, I assure you.We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.Shaun: The Institute cannot survive without leadership. The Directorate must continue to govern with the best interests of all in mind.A1a
209Shaun: We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.The Institute cannot survive without leadership. The Directorate must continue to govern with the best interests of all in mind.Shaun: To that end, I am naming my father as my successor.A1a
210Shaun: The Institute cannot survive without leadership. The Directorate must continue to govern with the best interests of all in mind.To that end, I am naming my father as my successor.Clayton: Oh, boy.A1a
211Shaun: The Institute cannot survive without leadership. The Directorate must continue to govern with the best interests of all in mind.To that end, I am naming my mother as my successor.Clayton: Oh, boy.A2a
212Justin: You can't be serious!Please, everyone. Please!Shaun: I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.A1a
213Shaun: Please, everyone. Please!I am sorry. This is not how I'd wanted to tell you, but we're running out of time.Player Default: There must be something we can do to help you.A1a
214Player Default: There must be something we can do to help you.{comforting} The only thing that matters now is continuing the Institute's work. It will be all right, I assure you.Shaun: We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.A1a
215Player Default: Why would you joke about this? It isn't funny.Were it a joke, I'd agree it's in poor form. But I'm afraid it's not.Shaun: We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.B1a
216Player Default: This can't be happening. I... I only just found you.I've had the same thought more than a few times. But we cannot let this stop us. Our work must continue.Shaun: We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.X1a
217Player Default: You're dying?I'm afraid so. A very aggressive form of cancer. Believe me when I say we've done everything we can.Shaun: We can talk more later. Right now, the future of the Institute is at stake.Y1a
218Inst303DirectorateOpeningSceneEvan: Considering... I mean, given all parties present?Given that some of us have apparently lost interest in this meeting, I think we'll adjourn for now.A1a
219Alana: For now, we have assets monitoring all known situations.Very good, thank you.Shaun: It's clear that our safety needs to be the primary concern going forward. To that end, where are we on Phase Three?A1a
220Shaun: Very good, thank you.It's clear that our safety needs to be the primary concern going forward. To that end, where are we on Phase Three?Madison: Ah, sir. Are you sure that this is the time to be discussing it?A1a
221Good, we're all here. I think it's time we begin.Justin: Sir, excuse me, but...A1a
222Alana: Excuse me sir, but is it wise to have this meeting given... present company?I will address that issue, but there are other subjects that require our attention first.Shaun: The level of unrest in the Commonwealth continues to rise, as we're all aware. Your report?A1a
223Shaun: I will address that issue, but there are other subjects that require our attention first.The level of unrest in the Commonwealth continues to rise, as we're all aware. Your report?Allie: All Institute facilities remain completely secure, with... the exception of one notable breach.A1a
224Inst303DirectoratePhase3ScenePlayer Default: Quite right. For far too long we've been dependent on others, on our surroundings. That time is over.Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.Shaun: It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.A1a
225Shaun: Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity.Player Default: Sounds like an important step.A1a
226Player Default: Sounds like an important step.{mildly amused} That's... well, that's an understatement.Shaun: The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three.A1a
227Player Default: Nuclear power? That's a disaster waiting to happen.{emphatic} Not in our hands. I assure you, this is the answer. This is the future.Shaun: The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three.B1a
228Player Default: I'm not sure what this means.You'll see in time. I promise you that.Shaun: The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three.X1a
229Player Default: Can you tell me more about this reactor?Certainly.Shaun: It was originally built for the Commonwealth Institute of Technology before the war, but was only for testing.Y1a
230Player Default: Certainly.It was originally built for the Commonwealth Institute of Technology before the war, but was only for testing.Y1a
231Over the years we've advanced the technology, made a great many improvements, and are finally nearly ready to activate it.Shaun: The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three.Y1b
232Shaun: Over the years we've advanced the technology, made a great many improvements, and are finally nearly ready to activate it.The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three.A1a
233And to how you will help.Justin: Sir?A1b
234Justin: Sir?Yes, Doctor Ayo. Previously we would rely on Kellogg for above ground operations, yes? Well, he is gone.Shaun: While I am not overly fond of putting my own father in harm's way, he has proven more than capable of handling himself.A1a
235Player Default: Really? There's no shame in being out of the loop, as it were. The project has been classified for quite a long time.Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.Shaun: I'm not talking about some abstract concept of control, I mean real tangible power. The kind that keeps the lights on.A1a
236Shaun: Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.I'm not talking about some abstract concept of control, I mean real tangible power. The kind that keeps the lights on.A1a
237With every advance the Institute makes, our need for raw power increases.Shaun: Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.A1b
238Shaun: With every advance the Institute makes, our need for raw power increases.Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue.Player Default: In this world, I'm sure compromise is necessary.A1a
239Player Default: In this world, I'm sure compromise is necessary.Quite right. For far too long we've been dependent on others, on our surroundings. That time is over.Shaun: Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.A1a
240Player Default: Compromise is for the weak.That is one perspective, yes. But I think we can agree that going forward, no one can consider us weak.Shaun: Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.B1a
241Player Default: Right, such hard times down here.I would never disagree that life in the Institute is better than above ground. We have done much to ensure it.X1a
242Now, we take things even further.Shaun: Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.X1b
243Player Default: What kind of compromises?We have, at times, had to rely on drawing power from above-ground installations. It risks personnel and equipment.Y1a
244But no longer.Shaun: Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever.Y1b
245Ah, yes. That's true.Shaun: Have you heard anything about Phase Three?A1a
246Shaun: Ah, yes. That's true.Have you heard anything about Phase Three?Player Default: Of course.A1a
247Player Default: Of course.Really? There's no shame in being out of the loop, as it were. The project has been classified for quite a long time.Shaun: Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.A1a
248Player Default: I have no idea what that is.I'll admit, I'm relieved. It's intended to be something of a classified project, which I'm sure means everyone already knows about it.Shaun: Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.B1a
249Shaun: Yes, Doctor Ayo. Previously we would rely on Kellogg for above ground operations, yes? Well, he is gone.While I am not overly fond of putting my own father in harm's way, he has proven more than capable of handling himself.Justin: Yes, but...A1a
250Shaun: Yes, Doctor Ayo. Previously we would rely on Kellogg for above ground operations, yes? Well, he is gone.While I am not overly fond of putting my own mother in harm's way, she has proven more than capable of handling herself.Justin: Yes, but...A2a
251Justin: Yes, but...{stern, ending discussion} This is not a matter for debate.Shaun: Now, there is one more subject that requires discussion.A1a
252Shaun: This is not a matter for debate.Now, there is one more subject that requires discussion.Clayton: I don't know that this is the time...A1a
253Player Default: I don't think so.It's all right. I wouldn't expect you to have. The project has been classified from the beginning.Shaun: Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.X1a
254Player Default: What's Phase Three?It's very important to us.Shaun: Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity.Y1a
255Inst303DirectoratePreSceneLoopAllie: I'll let you know when the review is complete.{complimetary} May I say, Doctor Holdren, I'm quite impressed with the latest harvest from your division.Clayton: Oh, thank you sir. Isaac and Dean did a great deal of work over the last few months. I'll let them know you're pleased with the result.A1a
256Inst303FatherIntroScene{Confident} It's time for you to become more involved in the future of the Institute.Shaun: I'd like you to join me upstairs. The Directorate is meeting, and you should be there.A1a
257Shaun: It's time for you to become more involved in the future of the Institute.I'd like you to join me upstairs. The Directorate is meeting, and you should be there.Shaun: I'll be waiting.A1a
258Shaun: It's time for you to become more involved in the future of the Institute.{Confident} I'd like you to join me inside. The Directorate is meeting, and you should be there.Shaun: I'll be waiting.A2a
259Shaun: I'd like you to join me upstairs. The Directorate is meeting, and you should be there.I'll be waiting.A1a
260Inst303FatherStage20BackInsideSceneI've seen enough. It's time to go back in.A1a
261Inst303Stage30FatherSceneShaun: That's why I'd like you to take charge of this latest operation. Doctor Filmore can fill you in on the details.There are hard decisions ahead. For all of us, but for you especially. I know that you'll do the right thing.A1a
262Shaun: I'm sorry, father. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me to put you in charge without even asking first...Everything, really. Our reactor is nearly ready, my physical condition is worsening, and I had intended to reveal my plans for your taking over.A1a
263I must say, it's somewhat embarrassing to attempt to name you as my successor when you can't even be bothered to stay at the meeting.Shaun: Well, I'm not sure how much you heard about the state of the reactor, but it was apparently too much to ask for you to be there for the rest.A1b
264Shaun: I must say, it's somewhat embarrassing to attempt to name you as my successor when you can't even be bothered to stay at the meeting.Well, I'm not sure how much you heard about the state of the reactor, but it was apparently too much to ask for you to be there for the rest.A1a
265The short version is that I am dying, and I had planned to name you as my successor. It's quite disappointing that you walked out.Shaun: I have to admit I simply don't understand how you could walk out of that room while I was in the midst of explaining the state of my health.A1b
266Shaun: The short version is that I am dying, and I had planned to name you as my successor. It's quite disappointing that you walked out.I have to admit I simply don't understand how you could walk out of that room while I was in the midst of explaining the state of my health.A1a
267I had the impression that you cared about what happened to me.Player Default: Shaun, I'm... well, I'm very sorry.A1b
268Player Default: Shaun, I'm... well, I'm very sorry.{forgiving / Grateful} Apology accepted.A1a
269{Thinking} I trust I was not assuming too much in naming you as my replacement...Player Default: I can do the job.A1b
270Player Default: I'm a busy guy. Had things to do.I cannot imagine what could be more important at this point.B1a
271In the future, you'll need to consider your priorities more carefully. Being Director will demand much of your attention.Player Default: I can do the job.B1b
272Player Default: It won't happen again.{Irritated} I hope not. If you're to be the Director someday, people will need to know they can count on you to be there.Player Default: I can do the job.X1a
273Player Default: You were going to name me as the Director?{mildly annoyed / Irritated} That was my plan, yes. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me...Player Default: I can do the job.Y1a
274PlayerVoiceFemale01: I had no idea...I know this is... well, it's a lot to take in at once.Shaun: I'm sorry, father. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me to put you in charge without even asking first...A1a
275Shaun: I know this is... well, it's a lot to take in at once.I'm sorry, father. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me to put you in charge without even asking first...Shaun: Everything, really. Our reactor is nearly ready, my physical condition is worsening, and I had intended to reveal my plans for your taking over.A1a
276Shaun: I know this is... well, it's a lot to take in at once.I'm sorry, mother. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me to put you in charge without even asking first...Shaun: Everything, really. Our reactor is nearly ready, my physical condition is worsening, and I had intended to reveal my plans for your taking over.A2a
277Player Default: I can do the job.{proud, confident} Of course you can. That's why I made the decision.Shaun: There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment.A1a
278Player Default: I don't want to run this place.Are you so sure? You seem to have a natural talent for leading by example, getting things done.B1a
279This will suit you. And I think we can both agree the Institute will need the guidance.Shaun: There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment.B1b
280Player Default: I don't know if I'm right for this.{confident} Well I clearly have faith in you.Shaun: There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment.X1a
281Player Default: What would it mean to be in charge?Most divisions of the Institute are fairly autonomous, perfectly capable of functioning without intervention.Y1a
282Where those divisions interact, however, problems can arise. You'd lead the Directorate in setting policy, resolving disputes, and the like.Shaun: There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment.Y1b
283Player Default: Of course you can. That's why I made the decision.There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment.A1a
284That's why I'd like you to take charge of this latest operation. Doctor Filmore can fill you in on the details.Shaun: There are hard decisions ahead. For all of us, but for you especially. I know that you'll do the right thing.A1b
285-Let's get this Directorate meeting over with before we speak further. It's... well, it's important.A


286Inst305Stage10SceneAh, there you are.Father: I cannot express how pleased I am.A
287NPCMShaun60: Ah, there you are.I cannot express how pleased I am.Father: Our new guest is familiarizing himself with his surroundings, yet he's already pointed out several inefficiencies in our methods.A1a
288Father: I cannot express how pleased I am.Our new guest is familiarizing himself with his surroundings, yet he's already pointed out several inefficiencies in our methods.Father: With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.A1a
289Father: Our new guest is familiarizing himself with his surroundings, yet he's already pointed out several inefficiencies in our methods.With his help, Phase Three will be ready in no time. And it's all thanks to you.Player Default: I'm proud to help the Institute. Here's hoping it all pays off.A1a
290Player Default: I'm proud to help the Institute. Here's hoping it all pays off.At this point, there is no doubt. It will succeed, and very shortly.Father: There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.A1a
291Player Default: Well maybe it's because I'm the only one who seems to actually be doing anything.Come now. Countless hours have been spent building and readying the reactor. True, you have endured some of the more dangerous missions... B1a
292Such is the price of leadership.Father: There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.B1b
293Player Default: Let's just get the rest of it done.Yes, quite.Father: There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.X1a
294Player Default: A lot of work went into this before I even arrived... Just how close are we?It shouldn't take long at all. The Facilities division has it well in hand.Father: There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.Y1a
295Player Default: At this point, there is no doubt. It will succeed, and very shortly.There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.Father: It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.A1a
296Father: There is one more part for you to play, and I think you might enjoy it.It is time to announce our presence to the Commonwealth, to request they do not interfere with our plans. You should be the one to do it.Player Default: That's a good idea. Hopefully we can prevent violence and save some lives.A1a
297Player Default: That's a good idea. Hopefully we can prevent violence and save some lives.Yes, that is one goal. And if you are to be the new Director of the Institute, you should be the one to do it.Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.A1a
298Player Default: You've got to be kidding me.Absolutely not. You are to be the Director of the Institute. You are the only reasonable choice for so important a task.Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.B1a
299Player Default: Right, because no one up there suspects the Institute exists.This is not a joke.X1a
300There has been too much posturing by too many groups. The world needs to know that we are in power, and the Commonwealth is ours.X1b
301As the incoming Director it is your responsibility to lead, to establish that place for the Institute's future. Please take this seriously.Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.X1c
302Player Default: What kind of announcement are we talking about?A broadcast. An announcement to the Commonwealth that the Institute is not to be trifled with.Y1a
303As the incoming Director, that responsibility naturally falls to you.Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.Y1b
304Player Default: Yes, that is one goal. And if you are to be the new Director of the Institute, you should be the one to do it.We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.Father: Use the microphone here, and follow this script. It's quite simple. I'm sure you'll do fine, father.A1a
305Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.{Friendly} Use the microphone here, and follow this script. It's quite simple. I'm sure you'll do fine, father.A1a
306Father: We've prepared some remarks for you to record. Once you're finished, we'll broadcast them to the entire Commonwealth.{Friendly} Use the microphone here, and follow this script. It's quite simple. I'm sure you'll do fine, mother.A2a
307Inst305Stage40SceneWell, that was... interesting.Father: Perhaps not what we'd originally intended, but it will certainly get your point across.A
308Player Default: A quaint phrase, though I'm afraid the air there is anything but fresh.The radio station in Diamond City is listened to by many in the Commonwealth.A1a
309If we'd like the people to hear what we have to say, it's the best way to reach them.Father: Before we... preempt their broadcast, we need to ensure it reaches the maximum range possible.A1b
310Father: If we'd like the people to hear what we have to say, it's the best way to reach them.Before we... preempt their broadcast, we need to ensure it reaches the maximum range possible.Father: I've been assured that the necessary parts are on-site. You'll just need to install them to boost the broadcasting power.A1a
311Father: Before we... preempt their broadcast, we need to ensure it reaches the maximum range possible.I've been assured that the necessary parts are on-site. You'll just need to install them to boost the broadcasting power.Father: Report back when you're done. We should be ready by then.A1a
312Father: I've been assured that the necessary parts are on-site. You'll just need to install them to boost the broadcasting power.Report back when you're done. We should be ready by then.A1a
313NPCMShaun60: Well, that was... interesting.Perhaps not what we'd originally intended, but it will certainly get your point across.Father: Now it's time to make sure that everyone hears it.A1a
314Father: Perhaps not what we'd originally intended, but it will certainly get your point across.Now it's time to make sure that everyone hears it.Father: How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?A1a
315Father: Now it's time to make sure that everyone hears it.How would you feel about making a little trip to Diamond City?Player Default: I could use some fresh air.A1a
316Player Default: I could use some fresh air.{mildly amused} A quaint phrase, though I'm afraid the air there is anything but fresh.Father: The radio station in Diamond City is listened to by many in the Commonwealth.A1a
317Player Default: There must be someone else you can send for whatever this is.We don't have any other reliable above-ground operatives. And the locals are somewhat familiar with you.Father: The radio station in Diamond City is listened to by many in the Commonwealth.B1a
318Player Default: I'll go if it's necessary.It absolutely is.Father: The radio station in Diamond City is listened to by many in the Commonwealth.X1a
319Player Default: What do you want with Diamond City?Nothing with the city itself. This is a bit of a shortcut, actually.Father: The radio station in Diamond City is listened to by many in the Commonwealth.Y1a
320Inst305Stage60Scene{amused} Enjoy your trip to the big city?Father: It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?A
321NPCMShaun60: Enjoy your trip to the big city?{Question} It's done, then? The transmitter has been modified?Player Default: Everything is in place. It's ready to go when we are.A1a
322Player Default: Everything is in place. It's ready to go when we are.Good. Once the reactor is online, we'll cut into their broadcast.Father: I'll let you do the honors.A1a
323Player Default: Of course it is. Wasn't hard to do at all.{Apologetic} I'm sorry, I don't mean to question you. This is... well it's just such an important moment. Decades in the making.Father: I'll let you do the honors.B1a
324Player Default: If we're going to turn this thing on, let's get to it.{Amused} Yes, I do believe it's time.Father: I'll let you do the honors.X1a
325Player Default: I'm all set, but what about the reactor?{Confident} The initial round of tests is finished. All readings are nominal. So, yes, I think we're ready.Father: I'll let you do the honors.Y1a
326Player Default: Good. Once the reactor is online, we'll cut into their broadcast.{Impressed} I'll let you do the honors.A1a
327Inst305Stage70SceneFather: This, my friends, is the moment we've all worked towards.After all your effort, the time has finally come to start our reactor.Father: No longer will we be forced to compromise to survive. No more will we need worry about outpacing our resources.A1a
328This, my friends, is the moment we've all worked towards.Father: After all your effort, the time has finally come to start our reactor.A1a
329Father: After all your effort, the time has finally come to start our reactor.No longer will we be forced to compromise to survive. No more will we need worry about outpacing our resources.Father: My father and I couldn't be more proud of what you have helped us accomplish.A1a
330Father: No longer will we be forced to compromise to survive. No more will we need worry about outpacing our resources.My father and I couldn't be more proud of what you have helped us accomplish.Father: And we look forward to achieving even greater things in the future. The Institute is now truly mankind's best hope.A1a
331Father: No longer will we be forced to compromise to survive. No more will we need worry about outpacing our resources.My mother and I couldn't be more proud of what you have helped us accomplish.Father: And we look forward to achieving even greater things in the future. The Institute is now truly mankind's best hope.A2a
332Father: My father and I couldn't be more proud of what you have helped us accomplish.And we look forward to achieving even greater things in the future. The Institute is now truly mankind's best hope.Father: Thank you... All of you.A1a
333Father: And we look forward to achieving even greater things in the future. The Institute is now truly mankind's best hope.Thank you... All of you.A1a
334Inst305Stage80Scene{awed, relieved / Grateful} It's almost hard to believe.Father: After all the years of hard work, here we are. We've arrived.A
335NPCMShaun60: It's almost hard to believe.{proud / Grateful} After all the years of hard work, here we are. We've arrived.Father: Look what you've made possible.A1a
336Father: After all the years of hard work, here we are. We've arrived.{Impressed} Look what you've made possible.Player Default: I did good work, didn't I.A1a
337Player Default: I did good work, didn't I.{Grateful} Yes, yes you did.Father: There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.A1a
338Player Default: We're all responsible for this success.{Impressed} Spoken like a true leader. I'm proud of you.Father: There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.B1a
339Player Default: The job's done. That's what matters.{Grateful} Don't lose sight of the fact that you're to be thanked for this.Father: There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.X1a
340Player Default: Now that the reactor works, what's next for the Institute?{Amused} We'll get to that.Father: There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.Y1a
341Father: There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.{Confident} The Directorate has convened a meeting about how to proceed. I'm not going to attend; you should be there as Director.A1a
342Player Default: Yes, yes you did.{Somber} There's more work to be done before the Institute's future is guaranteed.Father: The Directorate has convened a meeting about how to proceed. I'm not going to attend; you should be there as Director.A1a
343-Don't be shy. This is what we've worked for.A
344If you could, please finish up the speech. We'll need the final recording before we go too much further.
345Once your work has been done in Diamond City, we can proceed.


346Inst306Stage10FatherLastChanceI need you to think very carefully about what you're saying.Father: If you will not do this, then you can no longer have a place in the Institute. Do you understand me?A1a
347Father: I need you to think very carefully about what you're saying.If you will not do this, then you can no longer have a place in the Institute. Do you understand me?Father: You will leave me no choice; I will be forced to cast you out.A1a
348Father: If you will not do this, then you can no longer have a place in the Institute. Do you understand me?You will leave me no choice; I will be forced to cast you out.Father: Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.A1a
349Father: You will leave me no choice; I will be forced to cast you out.Please, don't make me do that. Tell me that you'll do what needs to be done.Player Default: Fine. I'll do it.A1a
350Player Default: Fine. I'll do it.{incredibly relieved} Thank you... I understand this may not be what you wanted, but I assure you it is necessary.A1a
351Do what needs to be done, but above all, come back safely.A1b
352Player Default: I won't kill them.xB1a
353Player Default: Please, don't make me choose. I can't do it...{really losing patience} No! That is not an answer! This must be resolved, right here, right now. Will you do it or not?Player Default: Fine. I'll do it.X1a
354Player Default: You really expect me to agree to that? To just kill them all?{losing patience} I have made that abundantly clear. Yes, that is what I expect. If we do not exterminate them now, they will continue to threaten our safety.Y1a
355{really losing patience} Now will you do it or not?Player Default: Fine. I'll do it.Y1b
356Inst306Stage10FatherRRAllyI won't ask for details. I'm sure I don't want to know.Father: But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.A1a
357Father: I won't ask for details. I'm sure I don't want to know.{frustrated, with conviction} But these people, with their twisted ideology... They seek to undermine everything the Institute stands for. Surely you can see that.Player Default: They're determined, and they won't stop. I'm sure they'd burn this whole place to the ground to free the synths.A1a
358Player Default: They're determined, and they won't stop. I'm sure they'd burn this whole place to the ground to free the synths.I know. I've been dealing with them far longer than you have.Father: Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.A1a
359Player Default: They want freedom for the synths, that's all. They're not a threat to the Institute.{angry} Of course. They claim they're about "rights" and "freedom" for synths. But those misguided notions have led to countless acts of violence.Father: Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.B1a
360Player Default: They want to free the synths. To suggest they're out to destroy the Institute... I think that's too harsh.No. No it is not harsh. It is the truth. They would see us all dead and buried.Father: Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.X1a
361Player Default: How do you know what their goals are? You've never tried to engage with them.I've dealt with them far longer than you have. I've seen what they're capable of, the lengths to which they'll go to achieve their objectives.Father: Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.Y1a
362Player Default: I know. I've been dealing with them far longer than you have.Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.Father: I'm afraid this is an order. The Railroad leadership needs to be eliminated. I expect a report when it's done.A1a
363Father: Surely you can see that you can no longer work with them; that the time has come to put an end to them. For our sake. For our future.{Stern} I'm afraid this is an order. The Railroad leadership needs to be eliminated. I expect a report when it's done.A1a
364Inst306Stage10FatherRRNotAllyPlayer Default: Thank you. I realize this will be dangerous; please try to stay safe.You know that if the tables were turned, they would not hesitate to wipe us out.Father: I'm sorry, this is not up to you. It is an order. I expect it to be carried out.A1a
365Father: You know that if the tables were turned, they would not hesitate to wipe us out.{Stern} I'm sorry, this is not up to you. It is an order. I expect it to be carried out.A1a
366Then I certainly hope I can count on you for what needs to be done.Father: Because these fanatics cannot be allowed to continue to exist. They represent a very clear threat to the Institute.A1a
367Father: Then I certainly hope I can count on you for what needs to be done.Because these fanatics cannot be allowed to continue to exist. They represent a very clear threat to the Institute.Father: Small as they are in number, their twisted ideology ensures that they will never stop trying to strike at us.A1a
368Father: Because these fanatics cannot be allowed to continue to exist. They represent a very clear threat to the Institute.Small as they are in number, their twisted ideology ensures that they will never stop trying to strike at us.Father: They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?A1a
369Father: Small as they are in number, their twisted ideology ensures that they will never stop trying to strike at us.They must be eradicated. Are you willing to see to it?Player Default: You don't have to worry about them any longer. They're as good as dead.A1a
370Player Default: You don't have to worry about them any longer. They're as good as dead.Thank you. Do what needs to be done, but keep yourself safe.Father: These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.A1a
371Player Default: I won't do that. No more violence... There's been too much already.While it might normally be a subject for debate, in this case I'm afraid we have no choice.Father: These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.B1a
372Player Default: There has to be some other way to deal with them. Something less drastic.No. Not the Railroad. This is our only option.Father: These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.X1a
373Player Default: How do you want me to handle it?The details of the operation are up to you. I think I'd prefer not knowing them.Y1a
374What's important is that you come back safely.Y1b
375Remember that I would not ask this of you were it not so important. Good luck.Father: These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.Y1c
376Player Default: Thank you. Do what needs to be done, but keep yourself safe.These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.Father: They will not listen to reason. They will never accept reality, and so they must be destroyed before they can destroy us.A1a
377Father: These people are zealots. They have continually shown no regard for human life, in their bizarre crusade to "free" synths.They will not listen to reason. They will never accept reality, and so they must be destroyed before they can destroy us.Father: Please, know that I take no pleasure in this. I have never been one to advocate violence. There is simply no other way.A1a
378Father: They will not listen to reason. They will never accept reality, and so they must be destroyed before they can destroy us.Please, know that I take no pleasure in this. I have never been one to advocate violence. There is simply no other way.Father: Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?A1a
379Father: Please, know that I take no pleasure in this. I have never been one to advocate violence. There is simply no other way.Can I count on you to do what needs to be done?Player Default: I'll get rid of them.A1a
380Player Default: I'll get rid of them.{relieved at acceptance but concerned} Thank you. I realize this will be dangerous; please try to stay safe.Father: You know that if the tables were turned, they would not hesitate to wipe us out.A1a
381Player Default: I'm sorry. I'm not going to do it.{shocked, saddened} How can you say that?Father: You know that if the tables were turned, they would not hesitate to wipe us out.B1a
382Player Default: I can't make that decision.I'm afraid the time for indecision is behind us. I need to know if you're willing to do this or not, and I need to know now.Player Default: I'll get rid of them.X1a
383Player Default: You really want me to kill them all?This isn't about what I want, it's about what needs to happen for us to remain safe. Now are you willing or not?Player Default: I'll get rid of them.Y1a
384Inst306Stage10FatherRRQuestionFor the Institute's position in the Commonwealth to be secure, the Railroad must be eliminated. Completely.Father: As our primary above-ground operative, and someone who has had previous contact with the Railroad, you are in the best position to carry this out.A1a
385Father: For the Institute's position in the Commonwealth to be secure, the Railroad must be eliminated. Completely.As our primary above-ground operative, and someone who has had previous contact with the Railroad, you are in the best position to carry this out.Father: So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?A1a
386Father: As our primary above-ground operative, and someone who has had previous contact with the Railroad, you are in the best position to carry this out.So what I'm getting at, simply, is this. Are you willing to destroy them?Player Default: I can take care of them.A1a
387Player Default: I can take care of them.{relieved} Good, good. I don't enjoy asking you to put yourself in harm's way, but this is so important.A1a
388Player Default: I won't do that to them.{disappointed} Even knowing that they would kill all of us, you included, to get what they want?B1a
389I'm sorry, but consider this an order. It must be done. I'll expect a report when they've been eliminated.B1b
390Player Default: There has to be another solution here. Something less violent.I'm afraid the time for hesitation has passed. We must act decisively, and we must act now. Will you do it?Player Default: I can take care of them.X1a
391Player Default: Is this really necessary?I'm afraid it is. I take no pleasure in it, but it must be done, for the safety of everyone in the Institute. And it must be done now. Are you willing?Player Default: I can take care of them.Y1a
392Inst306Stage10FatherSceneAh, there you are.Father: You've met with the Directorate? I assume they made their intentions known.A
393Father: The depth of your involvement with them has been called into question, repeatedly. I'm sure you can guess by whom.{relieved} You can imagine my relief when I'd learned that you have, apparently, already taken care of that problem.Father: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.A1a
394Father: You've met with the Directorate? I assume they made their intentions known.{Question} It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?Player Default: It's the only way we can ensure the Institute's safety. That makes it the right thing to do.A1a
395Player Default: I can't lie. They're allies.{deeply disappointed} Well, I appreciate your honesty.Father: I won't ask for details. I'm sure I don't want to know.A1a
396Player Default: They mean nothing to me. Never have.I'll admit, I'm relieved to hear that.Father: Then I certainly hope I can count on you for what needs to be done.B1a
397Player Default: How I feel about them isn't important.No, it is important. It's the only thing that matters right now.Father: For the Institute's position in the Commonwealth to be secure, the Railroad must be eliminated. Completely.X1a
398Player Default: Does it even matter? What are you getting at?I think it's obvious.Father: For the Institute's position in the Commonwealth to be secure, the Railroad must be eliminated. Completely.Y1a
399NPCMShaun60: Ah, there you are.{Question} You've met with the Directorate? I assume they made their intentions known.Father: It was difficult for them to reach the decision to engage in open hostility. What about you? Do you agree with their decision?A1a
400Player Default: It's the only way we can ensure the Institute's safety. That makes it the right thing to do.I'm glad you agree. None what comes next will be easy; that conviction may help keep us all going.Father: You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.A1a
401Player Default: I think it's a mistake to lash out at anyone.It should be clear by now that if we wait, we will be destroyed. Acting swiftly is the only way to secure our position.Father: You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.B1a
402Player Default: There's no good answer. Taking action puts us at risk, but inaction could be deadly.And yet, as a leader you must make those hard choices.Father: You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.X1a
403Player Default: How long has this been coming? When did they decide on this course of action?The arrival of the Brotherhood's airship was the final straw, really. There's just too much at stake. We... You... can't afford to lose it all.Father: You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.Y1a
404Player Default: I'm glad you agree. None what comes next will be easy; that conviction may help keep us all going.{Concerned} You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.Father: The depth of your involvement with them has been called into question, repeatedly. I'm sure you can guess by whom.A1a
405Player Default: I'm glad you agree. None what comes next will be easy; that conviction may help keep us all going.{Concerned} You know, mother, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.Father: The depth of your involvement with them has been called into question, repeatedly. I'm sure you can guess by whom.A2a
406Father: You know, father, it's no secret that you worked with the Railroad in order to first reach the Institute.The depth of your involvement with them has been called into question, repeatedly. I'm sure you can guess by whom.Father: You can imagine my relief when I'd learned that you have, apparently, already taken care of that problem.A1a
407Father: The depth of your involvement with them has been called into question, repeatedly. I'm sure you can guess by whom.The question is: where do you stand with them now? Do you count them amongst your allies?Player Default: I can't lie. They're allies.A1a
408Inst306Stage10FatherUnsureFather: This is a question you cannot avoid.Are you willing to eliminate them for the sake of our future?Player Default: I can take care of them.A1a
409These people are driven to destroy everything we've created.Father: They are insane, and they must be dealt with. That is why I need to know whether you consider them allies.A1a
410Father: These people are driven to destroy everything we've created.They are insane, and they must be dealt with. That is why I need to know whether you consider them allies.Father: This is a question you cannot avoid.A1a
411Father: They are insane, and they must be dealt with. That is why I need to know whether you consider them allies.This is a question you cannot avoid.Father: Are you willing to eliminate them for the sake of our future?A1a
412Inst306Stage30FatherSceneAnd so, the work is done.Father: I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.A
413NPCMShaun60: And so, the work is done.{Apologetic} I am sorry. I know it was likely difficult for you.Player Default: It was tough, yeah.A1a
414Player Default: It was tough, yeah.I assure you that there was no other way. Their fanaticism wouldn't have allowed it.A1a
415Player Default: Nope, not a problem at all.{slightly disappointed} I regret that it came to this, even if you don't. There was just no way to compromise with those people.B1a
416Player Default: It needed to be done, and so it's done.Make no mistake. It's never that easy, not for any of us.X1a
417Player Default: You're confident the Railroad is finished?As confident as we can be. It was always a loose network, but with the key players gone...Y1a
418It's not impossible that they'll be back some day, but it will take them time.Y1b
419-It's unfortunate that it's come to this, but there's really no other way.
420The Railroad has left us with no other option. Remember that.


421Inst307StartSceneShaun: We will teach them that we can appear at a moment's notice, wherever we please, and they cannot ever stop us.They will know better than to ever interfere with us again.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
422Player Default: You seem pretty convinced this will work.The Institute is nothing if not thorough.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
423Player Default: And if we fail, we're just making things worse for ourselves.{determined} We won't fail.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.B1a
424Player Default: I don't know if we can pull that off.{first line grim, second line making a joke} I don't see that we have a choice. And with you leading the charge, how can we fail?Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.X1a
425Player Default: So we're just going to attack them?{mildly amused} There's a plan that's a little more involved than that.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Y1a
426PlayerVoiceFemale01: So, what exactly is going on?There is, obviously, one final threat the Institute faces.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
427Player Default: Whatever it is, we can handle it.{emphasis on 'how'} I believe so, but in this case what matters most is how we handle it.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
428Player Default: There's just no end to this, is there.There is, and we've almost reached it. Just one last hurdle.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.B1a
429Player Default: Sure, there's always one last thing.You're not wrong, I suppose. There will always be issues that need to be dealt with. But this... this is something else entirely.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.X1a
430Player Default: What is it? What's this last threat?{slightly disappointed} Well, perhaps it's not that obvious after all...Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Y1a
431Player Default: I believe so, but in this case what matters most is how we handle it.The Brotherhood of Steel covets technology, and has made it clear that we cannot peacefully co-exist.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
432Shaun: The Brotherhood of Steel covets technology, and has made it clear that we cannot peacefully co-exist.They will eventually come for us, and attempt to take what we've spent so long creating.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
433Player Default: You're right. We take the fight to them.I'm glad you agree.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
434Player Default: They can't reach us here. We wait them out, and they'll go away.If I truly thought that was possible, we wouldn't be talking about it.B1a
435But no. They'll find a way to reach us.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.B1b
436Player Default: I don't know if that's a good idea. They're well fortified; attacking them would be risky.It's necessary. That's all that matters.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.X1a
437Player Default: Destroy them? What exactly do you mean?I mean we eliminate all Brotherhood forces in the Commonwealth.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Y1a
438Shaun: They will eventually come for us, and attempt to take what we've spent so long creating.We need to destroy them before they can destroy us.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
439Player Default: I'm glad you agree.But the problem with the Brotherhood of Steel goes beyond the edges of the Commonwealth. It's not enough to destroy them here.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
440Shaun: But the problem with the Brotherhood of Steel goes beyond the edges of the Commonwealth. It's not enough to destroy them here.There are more of them out there in the world, father, and they too will come for us.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
441Shaun: But the problem with the Brotherhood of Steel goes beyond the edges of the Commonwealth. It's not enough to destroy them here.There are more of them out there in the world, mother, and they too will come for us.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A2a
442Player Default: We can defeat them now. We can defeat them again if we have to.Possibly, yes. But it would be smarter to put an end to it now.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
443Player Default: So even if we fight them here, eventually we're screwed.Oh, not necessarily.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.B1a
444Player Default: I don't believe that will happen. Teach them a lesson, and they'll stay away.That is precisely my intent. We will teach them a lesson.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.X1a
445Player Default: You have something in mind if that happens?I'd like to prevent it from happening in the first place.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Y1a
446Player Default: Possibly, yes. But it would be smarter to put an end to it now.We will show them that if they interfere with us, the very technology they value so highly will be turned against them.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
447Shaun: We will show them that if they interfere with us, the very technology they value so highly will be turned against them.We will teach them that we can appear at a moment's notice, wherever we please, and they cannot ever stop us.Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.A1a
448Player Default: The Institute is nothing if not thorough.Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Shaun: Time is of the essence.A1a
449Player Default: The Institute is nothing if not thorough.Doctor Watson should be in the lab. He will explain the details to you.Shaun: Time is of the essence.A2a
450Shaun: Doctor Li should be expecting you in her lab. She can fill you in on the details.Time is of the essence.A1a
451-The Brotherhood is the only thing left standing between the Institute and true security.
452I know you'll come back safely.
453I'm so proud of all we've accomplished, and what lies ahead of us once the Brotherhood is gone.


454Inst308Stage10ShaunFinishOur time together has been... strange, hasn't it?Shaun: I spent years wondering what you were like. Thinking about all we missed out on.A1a
455Shaun: Our time together has been... strange, hasn't it?I spent years wondering what you were like. Thinking about all we missed out on.Shaun: I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.A1a
456Shaun: I spent years wondering what you were like. Thinking about all we missed out on.I want you to know that I'm grateful for the time we've had.Player Default: I'm glad I found you.A1a
457Player Default: I'm glad I found you.As am I.Shaun: Thank you, father.A1a
458Player Default: I wish we had more time.The time has been short, yes. But it's better than no time at all.Shaun: Thank you, father.B1a
459Player Default: I don't know what to say.It's all right.Shaun: Thank you, father.X1a
460Player Default: Do you really mean that?{Grateful} Yes, of course I do.Shaun: Thank you, father.Y1a
461Player Default: As am I.Thank you, father.Shaun: You've helped a boy achieve his dreams.A1a
462Player Default: As am I.Thank you, mother.Shaun: You've helped a boy achieve his dreams.A2a
463Shaun: Thank you, father.You've helped a boy achieve his dreams.Shaun: I think... I think I'd like to sleep now...A1a
464Shaun: You've helped a boy achieve his dreams.I think... I think I'd like to sleep now...A1a
465Inst308Stage10ShaunStartShaun: But... There will always be threats. You must remain vigilant.Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.Shaun: Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.A1a
466PlayerVoiceFemale01: Hello, Shaun.Ah, there you are.Shaun: I've already heard the news... But of course you wouldn't be here if it weren't a success.A1a
467Shaun: Ah, there you are.I've already heard the news... But of course you wouldn't be here if it weren't a success.Shaun: I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.A1a
468Shaun: I've already heard the news... But of course you wouldn't be here if it weren't a success.I'm glad it worked, but... I'm glad you're safe.Player Default: We're all safe now.A1a
469Player Default: We're all safe now.{pleased} For now, yes.Shaun: But... There will always be threats. You must remain vigilant.A1a
470Player Default: At one hell of a cost.They left us no choice. Remember that.Shaun: There will always be difficult decisions to make.B1a
471Player Default: It's all over.Ah, but... it's really not. It's just beginning for you.Shaun: The Institute is in your hands now. Lead them well.X1a
472Player Default: Are you... comfortable?It's good of you to ask. I'm fine.Shaun: Don't worry about me. Just... Take care of the Institute. Take care of its people. They're good people. You know that.Y1a
473Player Default: For now, yes.But... There will always be threats. You must remain vigilant.Shaun: Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.A1a
474Player Default: They left us no choice. Remember that.There will always be difficult decisions to make.Shaun: Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.B1a
475Player Default: Ah, but... it's really not. It's just beginning for you.The Institute is in your hands now. Lead them well.Shaun: Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.X1a
476Player Default: It's good of you to ask. I'm fine.Don't worry about me. Just... Take care of the Institute. Take care of its people. They're good people. You know that.Shaun: Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.Y1a
477Shaun: Allie has always been loyal to the Institute, and to me. You can rely on her for help.Once I'm gone, it's all up to you.Player Default: I'll do my best.A1a
478Player Default: I'll do my best.I know you will.Shaun: Don't worry about me. You need to look ahead... focus on the future.A1a
479Player Default: There's got to be something more we can do for you.No, it's... This is what I want. It's all right.Shaun: Don't worry about me. You need to look ahead... focus on the future.B1a
480Player Default: I don't know if I can take your place.You don't need to look at it that way. Don't worry about taking my place. Make your own place.Shaun: Don't worry about me. You need to look ahead... focus on the future.X1a
481Player Default: Isn't there some other way? Another treatment that could help you?Nothing permanent, no. The inevitable could be delayed, but... at increasingly terrible cost.Y1a
482I simply decided it wasn't worth it.Shaun: Don't worry about me. You need to look ahead... focus on the future.Y1b
483Player Default: I know you will.Don't worry about me. You need to look ahead... focus on the future.Shaun: Our time together has been... strange, hasn't it?A1a


484InstKickOutShaunSceneDid you think we would not see what you have done?RelaySpeakerRef: Did you think I wouldn't know you've betrayed me?A1a
485RelaySpeakerRef: Did you think we would not see what you have done?Did you think I wouldn't know you've betrayed me?RelaySpeakerRef: After all I've done... The lengths to which I've gone to give you a new home, a new life... For us to be a family...A1a
486RelaySpeakerRef: Did you think I wouldn't know you've betrayed me?After all I've done... The lengths to which I've gone to give you a new home, a new life... For us to be a family...RelaySpeakerRef: But you have made your choice. From this point on, you are an enemy of the Institute. Should you cross us, we will kill you.A1a
487RelaySpeakerRef: After all I've done... The lengths to which I've gone to give you a new home, a new life... For us to be a family...But you have made your choice. From this point on, you are an enemy of the Institute. Should you cross us, we will kill you.RelaySpeakerRef: Go now, and live whatever meaningless life you can.A1a
488RelaySpeakerRef: But you have made your choice. From this point on, you are an enemy of the Institute. Should you cross us, we will kill you.Go now, and live whatever meaningless life you can.A1a


489InstM03FatherScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: I take it you know about the situation in BioScience?{Matter of fact, obvious / Confident} Of course.A1a
490{Weary, shouldering troubles / Neutral} I'm disappointed, but not entirely surprised. I expected a certain degree of resentment.A1b
491{Note of caution / Concerned} This is your first real test of leadership, so think carefully about the choices you make.A1c
492{Somber, serious / Concerned} The future of the Institute might well depend on how you handle this crisis.Player Default: Then I'll do my best to resolve it.A1d
493Player Default: Then I'll do my best to resolve it.{Confident, certain / Confident} I know that you will.Father: I realize that I'm asking much of you, but I'm not a young man.A1a
494Player Default: These men respect you. Can't you talk to them?I could , but that would be a missed opportunity for you to show that you can be the leader these people need.Father: I realize that I'm asking much of you, but I'm not a young man.Y1a
495Player Default: I know that you will.{Sympathetic} I realize that I'm asking much of you, but I'm not a young man.A1a
496The sooner you get some real experience under your belt, the better.Player Default: You're right. It makes me proud to see the man you grew up to be, Shaun.A1b
497Player Default: You're right. It makes me proud to see the man you grew up to be, Shaun.{Touched / Friendly} Thank you.Father: Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.A1a
498Player Default: Don't talk like that. You've got plenty of time left, and we have a lot to catch up on.{Regret / Sad} If only that were true.Father: Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.B1a
499Player Default: But these men have no reason to respect me. I'm just a stranger to them.{Confident / Confident} They know that you are my father. That will be enough.Father: Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.X1a
500Player Default: But these men have no reason to respect me. I'm just a stranger to them.{Confident / Confident} They know that you are my mother. That will be enough.Father: Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.X2a
501Player Default: You know these men a lot better than I do. Do you have any advice?{Concerned / Concerned} Don't assume this is a bluff. These men are proud. They might well be prepared to die for their cause.Y1a
502Hopefully, violence won't be necessary, but in the end you must do what's best for the Institute.Father: Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.Y1b
503Player Default: Thank you.{Confident / Confident} Go now, and be the leader that will secure the Institute's future for generations to come.A1a


504-I hope you realize how important Mass Fusion is to our overall goal.A
505Take care of Doctor Filmore, if you would. She's eager, but doesn't have much experience above ground.A
506I dislike resorting to the use of Commonwealth technology, but the advantage it will provide in this case cannot be overlooked.A


507MVIFatherStage10PreSceneLoopDean: Any additional pain or tenderness?Not that I've noticed, no. I feel quite well.Dean: Interesting.A1a
508Dean: Any additional pain or tenderness?No more than I'd expect from a man of my age.Dean: Interesting.A2a
509Dean: Any additional pain or tenderness?{mix of amusement and annoyance} Yes, doctor. I'm taking all my little pills.Dean: Interesting.A3a
510Dean: Any additional pain or tenderness?{mix of amusement and annoyance} Are there many more of these questions?Dean: Interesting.A4a
511MVIFatherStage10SceneShaun: There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.Somewhere along the way, he must've realized we've been monitoring him from a distance. He called in mercenaries to defend him.Shaun: I'm sure they're nothing we can't handle. Ensure the safety of the team and Mr. Wallace, and see that they all arrive back here safely.A1a
512Shaun: Somewhere along the way, he must've realized we've been monitoring him from a distance. He called in mercenaries to defend him.I'm sure they're nothing we can't handle. Ensure the safety of the team and Mr. Wallace, and see that they all arrive back here safely.Shaun: I'll be waiting.A1a
513Shaun: I'm sure they're nothing we can't handle. Ensure the safety of the team and Mr. Wallace, and see that they all arrive back here safely.I'll be waiting.A1a
514Player Default: Believe me, I already do.While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.Shaun: Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.A1a
515Shaun: While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.Player Default: Sounds simple enough.A1a
516Player Default: Sounds simple enough.It was supposed to be, yes.Shaun: There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.A1a
517Player Default: Let me guess... He botched the job.It is unclear exactly what happened, but at this time I am not concerned with placing blame.Shaun: There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.B1a
518Player Default: That sounds... unusual. I thought you didn't let anyone in here.Usually you'd be correct. This time, however, an exception was made.Shaun: There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.X1a
519Player Default: Do you often extend invitations to join?No, certainly not. Ordinarily it would never be considered, but this case presented very special circumstances.Shaun: There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.Y1a
520Player Default: It was supposed to be, yes.There was no indication that this would be a problem, but the arrival of the team was an unwelcome surprise to mister Wallace.Shaun: Somewhere along the way, he must've realized we've been monitoring him from a distance. He called in mercenaries to defend him.A1a
521Dean: Yes sir. Thank you.I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.Player Default: We handled them just fine.A1a
522Player Default: We handled them just fine.That's what Dr. Filmore reported. I'm quite pleased at the results; it would've been a terrible setback to lose that technology to those savages.Shaun: The Brotherhood's intervention must be placed in a larger context, however. Given their penchant for hoarding technology...A1a
523Player Default: It would've been much quicker if they hadn't gotten in the way.Yes, they are becoming a nuisance.Shaun: The Brotherhood's intervention must be placed in a larger context, however. Given their penchant for hoarding technology...B1a
524Player Default: The job is done. That's what matters.For the moment, yes.Shaun: The Brotherhood's intervention must be placed in a larger context, however. Given their penchant for hoarding technology...X1a
525Player Default: What did you hear?Dr. Filmore's report was quite thorough.Shaun: The Brotherhood's intervention must be placed in a larger context, however. Given their penchant for hoarding technology...Y1a
526Player Default: That's what Dr. Filmore reported. I'm quite pleased at the results; it would've been a terrible setback to lose that technology to those savages.The Brotherhood's intervention must be placed in a larger context, however. Given their penchant for hoarding technology...A1a
527Future conflict with them is guaranteed. We are, after all, keepers of the most advanced technology in the Commonwealth, if not beyond.Shaun: It also cannot go unnoticed that there were... concerns... within the Institute. About your alliegences.A1b
528Shaun: Future conflict with them is guaranteed. We are, after all, keepers of the most advanced technology in the Commonwealth, if not beyond.It also cannot go unnoticed that there were... concerns... within the Institute. About your alliegences.A1a
529I, of course, never doubted your commitment to our cause, but by directly confronting the Brotherhood I think you've put some others at ease.A1b
530I'm proud of you.Shaun: Regardless, the Brotherhood is an issue for the future, and we must focus on the present.A1c
531Shaun: I'm proud of you.Regardless, the Brotherhood is an issue for the future, and we must focus on the present.A1a
532And look at me, rambling on like the old man I am.Shaun: I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.A1b
533Shaun: And look at me, rambling on like the old man I am.I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.Player Default: Whatever it is, I can take care of it.A1a
534Player Default: Whatever it is, I can take care of it.I certainly hope so.Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.A1a
535Player Default: I only just got back. Now what?I understand, but we have a problem.Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.B1a
536Player Default: Oh, good. Here I was afraid I'd have nothing to do.Very funny. There's something that needs your immediate attention.Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.X1a
537Player Default: Do you need more parts for the reactor? I could've gotten them while I was out.No, this is a different matter.Y1a
538Hopefully one that does not put anyone at risk.Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.Y1b
539Player Default: Do you need more parts for the reactor? I could've gotten them while I was out.No, but it is related in a sense.Y2a
540What should have been a simple situation has unfortunately become... complicated.Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.Y2b
541Player Default: I have no doubt that you will. But it's nothing quite so dire.While you were assisting Dr. Filmore, a second team was sent out to... invite someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.A1a
542Apparently there was some miscommunication, and this individual called for help, which arrived in the form of your Minutemen.Shaun: My understanding is that no shots have been fired. I would like it to stay that way.A1b
543Shaun: Apparently there was some miscommunication, and this individual called for help, which arrived in the form of your Minutemen.My understanding is that no shots have been fired. I would like it to stay that way.Shaun: I need you to go there, and speak to your Minutemen gathered outside. Insist that they stand down at once.A1a
544Shaun: My understanding is that no shots have been fired. I would like it to stay that way.I need you to go there, and speak to your Minutemen gathered outside. Insist that they stand down at once.Shaun: Dr. Thompson is on site, and he will be your primary contact.A1a
545Shaun: I need you to go there, and speak to your Minutemen gathered outside. Insist that they stand down at once.Dr. Thompson is on site, and he will be your primary contact.Shaun: I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.A1a
546Shaun: Dr. Thompson is on site, and he will be your primary contact.I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.Player Default: They'll listen to me; I'll figure something out. You can consider this handled.A1a
547Player Default: They'll listen to me; I'll figure something out. You can consider this handled.{proud} Believe me, I already do.Shaun: While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.A1a
548Player Default: I'm not going to betray the Minutemen.I am not asking you to!B1a
549I expect that since these people have listened to you so far, they will continue to listen. Make them see reason.B1b
550But please, hurry. If fighting breaks out, it will be difficult to stop.Shaun: While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.B1c
551Player Default: I don't know if I can settle this peacefully. There may not be an easy solution to this.They are your people, are they not? They follow you? Then they should listen to you.X1a
552If they cannot see reason, well... I'm afraid that may put you in a difficult position. But please, hurry. Before the situation deteriorates.Shaun: While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.X1b
553Player Default: Why all this effort? What's so special about this person?Mr. Wallace? Despite a lack of formal training, our surveillance has shown he has an incredible intellect.Y1a
554With his help, we may be able to drastically speed up work on the reactor.Shaun: While you were working with Dr. Filmore, a small team was dispatched elsewhere in the Commonwealth.Y1b
555Dean: But I haven't quite finished...I believe we're done now. Thank you.Dean: Yes sir. Thank you.A1a
556Player Default: I certainly hope so.This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.Player Default: If I've done something to jeopardize the Institute, I'll fix it. You have my word.A1a
557Player Default: If I've done something to jeopardize the Institute, I'll fix it. You have my word.I have no doubt that you will. But it's nothing quite so dire.Shaun: While you were assisting Dr. Filmore, a second team was sent out to... invite someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.A1a
558Player Default: I've risked myself repeatedly for the Institute, and this is what I get? Whatever's happened, it's not my fault.Calm down. Let me explain.Shaun: While you were assisting Dr. Filmore, a second team was sent out to... invite someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.B1a
559Player Default: I find that very hard to believe.Yes, which is why I said I believe it to be unintentional.Shaun: While you were assisting Dr. Filmore, a second team was sent out to... invite someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.X1a
560Player Default: What do you mean by that? What's happened?Well...Shaun: While you were assisting Dr. Filmore, a second team was sent out to... invite someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.Y1a
561Yes, thank you doctor, I think that will be all for now.Dean: But I haven't quite finished...A1a


562MQ207ChildDeactivateSceneShaunChild: Father! Help me!Shaun... S9-23 Recall Code Cirrus.A1a
563MQ207ElevatorEntryI assure you, no harm will come to you.SpeakerRef1: Please, let's just talk.A1a
564SpeakerRef1: I assure you, no harm will come to you.Please, let's just talk.SpeakerRef1: Please, let's just talk.A1a
565SpeakerRef1: I assure you, no harm will come to you.All I want is for us to have a conversation.SpeakerRef1: Please, let's just talk.A2a
566MQ207ElevatorSpeechSpeakerRef2: There's too much at stake here to risk it all. As you've seen, things above are... unstable.I'd like to talk to you about what we can do... for everyone.SpeakerRef2: But that can wait. You are here for a specific, very personal reason. You are here for your son.A1a
567SpeakerRef2: Welcome to the Institute.This is the reality of the Institute. This place, these people, the work we do.SpeakerRef2: For over a hundred years, we've dedicated ourselves to humanity's survival.A1a
568SpeakerRef2: I'd like to talk to you about what we can do... for everyone.But that can wait. You are here for a specific, very personal reason. You are here for your son.A1a
569I can only imagine what you've heard, what you think of us.SpeakerRef2: I'd like to show you that you may have... the wrong impression.A1a
570SpeakerRef2: I can only imagine what you've heard, what you think of us.I'd like to show you that you may have... the wrong impression.SpeakerRef2: Welcome to the Institute.A1a
571SpeakerRef2: I'd like to show you that you may have... the wrong impression.Welcome to the Institute.SpeakerRef2: This is the reality of the Institute. This place, these people, the work we do.A1a
572SpeakerRef2: This is the reality of the Institute. This place, these people, the work we do.For over a hundred years, we've dedicated ourselves to humanity's survival.SpeakerRef2: Decades of research, countless experiments and trials... A shared vision of how science can help shape the future.A1a
573SpeakerRef2: For over a hundred years, we've dedicated ourselves to humanity's survival.Decades of research, countless experiments and trials... A shared vision of how science can help shape the future.SpeakerRef2: It has never been easy, and our actions are often misinterpreted by those above ground.A1a
574SpeakerRef2: Decades of research, countless experiments and trials... A shared vision of how science can help shape the future.It has never been easy, and our actions are often misinterpreted by those above ground.SpeakerRef2: Someday, perhaps, we can show them what we've accomplished. But for now, we must remain underground.A1a
575SpeakerRef2: It has never been easy, and our actions are often misinterpreted by those above ground.Someday, perhaps, we can show them what we've accomplished. But for now, we must remain underground.SpeakerRef2: There's too much at stake here to risk it all. As you've seen, things above are... unstable.A1a
576SpeakerRef2: Someday, perhaps, we can show them what we've accomplished. But for now, we must remain underground.There's too much at stake here to risk it all. As you've seen, things above are... unstable.SpeakerRef2: I'd like to talk to you about what we can do... for everyone.A1a
577MQ207NewShaunDontBelieveScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: I don't believe you.I wish there were something to say. I know this isn't what you wanted. But it's the only truth I can offer you.Player Default: It can't be true. It's all just... It's just too much.A1a
578Player Default: It can't be true. It's all just... It's just too much.I'm so sorry. I wish that things were different.Shaun: I've shown you my trust. Your weapons haven't been confiscated, and I stand unarmed before you. Please, let's just talk.A1a
579Player Default: You're lying. I know it.Why would I lie? What would I have to gain from it? I assure you, this is the truth.Shaun: I've shown you my trust. Your weapons haven't been confiscated, and I stand unarmed before you. Please, let's just talk.B1a
580Player Default: You're my son? Then prove it. Now.I've already told you how I came to be here. I don't know what further proof I could offer that would convince you.Shaun: I've shown you my trust. Your weapons haven't been confiscated, and I stand unarmed before you. Please, let's just talk.X1a
581Player Default: Why are you doing this to me? After everything I've been through...I don't mean any of this to hurt you. I'm just... I'm trying to help you. Help us.Shaun: I've shown you my trust. Your weapons haven't been confiscated, and I stand unarmed before you. Please, let's just talk.Y1a
582Player Default: I'm so sorry. I wish that things were different.I've shown you my trust. Your weapons haven't been confiscated, and I stand unarmed before you. Please, let's just talk.Player Default: All right... let's talk, then.A1a
583MQ207NewShaunExplanationSceneYou have to understand. The Institute was on the verge of a breakthrough with synthetic organics.Shaun: They needed DNA, un-tainted by radiation from the bombs. They found me.A1a
584Shaun: You have to understand. The Institute was on the verge of a breakthrough with synthetic organics.They needed DNA, un-tainted by radiation from the bombs. They found me.Shaun: Rather than cast me aside once they had what they needed, they raised me as one of their own. I've lived my entire life within the Institute.A1a
585Shaun: They needed DNA, un-tainted by radiation from the bombs. They found me.Rather than cast me aside once they had what they needed, they raised me as one of their own. I've lived my entire life within the Institute.Player Default: It looks like they raised you well.A1a
586Player Default: It looks like they raised you well.It helped that I had a natural affinity for science, but yes.Shaun: My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.A1a
587Player Default: They had no right to take you! You were my son... our son...I'm not justifying what they did, just explaining.Shaun: My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.B1a
588Player Default: I...I woke up. I saw them take you. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't do anything...I'm sorry. I really am.Shaun: My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.X1a
589Player Default: Why would they pick you?Ours was a unique situation. Vault-Tec records were easily accessible to the Institute, and they were looking for as young a specimen as possible.Shaun: My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.Y1a
590Player Default: It helped that I had a natural affinity for science, but yes.My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.Shaun: But none was necessary.A1a
591Shaun: My parents were supposed to be kept in cryogenic suspension should a, uhh, "backup" be required.But none was necessary.A1a
592The program was ultimately a success; my DNA was fused with a modified virus to create the organic material from which our new synths are made.Shaun: In a sense, our newest synths are all my offspring. And so they call me "Father."A1b
593Shaun: The program was ultimately a success; my DNA was fused with a modified virus to create the organic material from which our new synths are made.In a sense, our newest synths are all my offspring. And so they call me "Father."Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...A1a
594MQ207NewShaunInstituteSceneI am the acting Director, yes. I spent decades working to reach this point. It's a responsibility I take very seriously.Shaun: The Institute... It's important. It really is humanity's best hope for the future, no matter what those above ground might think of us.A1a
595Shaun: I am the acting Director, yes. I spent decades working to reach this point. It's a responsibility I take very seriously.The Institute... It's important. It really is humanity's best hope for the future, no matter what those above ground might think of us.Player Default: It doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what you do.A1a
596Player Default: It doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what you do.{Relieved} I'm glad we see it the same way.Shaun: Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.A1a
597Player Default: They're scared of you, Shaun. Scared of the Institute.People are always frightened by what they don't understand.Shaun: Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.B1a
598Player Default: They need your help, Shaun. It's rough up there, to say the least.Oh, we've tried that.X1a
599Surprised? The Institute once tried to help create a stabilized Commonwealth government. It ended in bickering, infighting... it was a disaster.X1b
600No, we look after our own now.Shaun: Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.X1c
601Player Default: But... Director? Why you?I was the most qualified for the position, obviously.Y1a
602I've lived my life within these walls, dedicating to science like every other member of the Institute. My hard work has paid off.Shaun: Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.Y1b
603Player Default: I'm glad we see it the same way.Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.Shaun: Just... give me time.A1a
604Shaun: Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us. Whatever you've seen or heard, I know I can convince you of that.Just... give me time.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...A1a
605MQ207NewShaunKelloggScenePlayer Default: I, for one, will never truly forgive him.The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.A1a
606Institute technology prolonged his life, and his usefulness, far beyond any normal human life span.A1b
607He never failed the Institute, but his cruelty became more apparent with every completed objective.Shaun: I won't lie: it's no coincidence your path crossed his. It seemed a fitting way to allow you... us... to have some amount of revenge.A1c
608Shaun: He never failed the Institute, but his cruelty became more apparent with every completed objective.I won't lie: it's no coincidence your path crossed his. It seemed a fitting way to allow you... us... to have some amount of revenge.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...A1a
609{Disgust} Kellogg... He was an Institute asset long before I arrived here.Shaun: It wasn't until I became Director that I learned of all the things he'd done... what kind of man he was.A1a
610Shaun: Kellogg... He was an Institute asset long before I arrived here.It wasn't until I became Director that I learned of all the things he'd done... what kind of man he was.Player Default: After what I've seen, I pity the man. He was as much a victim as anything.A1a
611Player Default: After what I've seen, I pity the man. He was as much a victim as anything.{Surprised} After what he did to you? I'm shocked you would be so generous.A1a
612{Somber} But yes, I understand you've... experienced things. Perhaps you ended up knowing him better.A1b
613I, for one, will never truly forgive him.Shaun: The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.A1c
614Player Default: He was a murderer. He killed your mother.{Disgust} Believe me, I am well aware of the atrocities Kellogg committed. I suspect there are many more we'll never know of.Shaun: The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.B1a
615Player Default: Kellogg was... let's just say he was more complex than you might think.After what he's done... I'm surprised to hear you say that.Shaun: The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.X1a
616Player Default: You knew the man was a psychopath, but you used him anyway?Would have preferred that I turned him loose on the Commonwealth? At least keeping him on a short leash kept the collateral damage to a minimum.Shaun: The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.Y1a
617Player Default: You knew the man was a psychopath, but you used him anyway?{dismissive} I don't expect you to understand or agree with the decision.Shaun: The Institute took advantage of Kellogg's vicious nature. I will freely admit that.Y2a
618MQ207NewShaunParentScenePlayer Default: I have no doubt. I'm afraid I have little experience with those emotions, having lived my life within the Institute.For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.Shaun: With old age comes regret, and asking "what if..." more often.A1a
619Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.With old age comes regret, and asking "what if..." more often.Shaun: But, what matters now is that you and I have a chance to begin again.A1a
620Shaun: With old age comes regret, and asking "what if..." more often.But, what matters now is that you and I have a chance to begin again.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...A1a
621{Somber} Yes, what happened to her was...Shaun: I've gone over the records of the incident, of course. It seems her death was an unfortunate bit of collateral damage.A1a
622{Somber} Yes, what happened to him was...Shaun: I've gone over the records of the incident, of course. It seems her death was an unfortunate bit of collateral damage.A2a
623Shaun: Yes, what happened to her was...I've gone over the records of the incident, of course. It seems her death was an unfortunate bit of collateral damage.Player Default: Shaun, she loved you... so much.A1a
624Shaun: Yes, what happened to her was...I've gone over the records of the incident, of course. It seems what happened to him was an unfortunate bit of collateral damage.Player Default: Shaun, she loved you... so much.A2a
625Player Default: Shaun, she loved you... so much.I have no doubt. I'm afraid I have little experience with those emotions, having lived my life within the Institute.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.A1a
626Player Default: "Collateral damage?" She was murdered!Killed, yes. Murdered? I'm not so sure about that. Still... I do regret never having known her.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.B1a
627Player Default: "Collateral damage?" She was murdered!Killed, yes. Murdered? I'm not so sure about that. Still... I do regret never having known him.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.B2a
628Player Default: You don't remember... you didn't see it the way I did. It was... brutal.Yes, I'm sure it was. Sadly the world has become a brutal, unforgiving place.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.X1a
629Player Default: "Collateral Damage?" Is that all it is to you?I forget that it's been such a short time for you.Y1a
630I don't have any direct memories, and I've had my entire life to cope with the loss.Y1b
631Has it always been easy? Of course not. But I've done my best to move on and live my life.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.Y1c
632Player Default: "Collateral Damage?" Is that all it is to you?What would you have me say? The world is a dangerous place... although I think maybe it always was. It's just a bit more honest about it now.Shaun: For many years I never questioned who my parents were; I accepted my situation and that was that.Y2a
633MQ207NewShaunQuestionsScenePlayer Default: Very well.The Institute is on the verge of some important breakthroughs. Your presence would be... appreciated as we approach them.Shaun: I've been a part of something amazing here. I've helped to build a life for myself and the people of the Institute...A1a
634Shaun: The Institute is on the verge of some important breakthroughs. Your presence would be... appreciated as we approach them.I've been a part of something amazing here. I've helped to build a life for myself and the people of the Institute...A1a
635...and now, after all these years, you have an opportunity to help with that. Doesn't that intrigue you? Isn't that what you want?Player Default: Yes, that's what I want.A1b
636Player Default: Yes, that's what I want.I know you have been through so much. I'm pleased to see it has not impaired your judgment.Shaun: Forgive me. I'd assumed that after everything I'm sure you've seen above ground, you would be... more than a bit biased against us.A1a
637Player Default: I won't be a part of this. I can't.Why? Because of the reputation of the Institute?Shaun: The Institute can provide a better life than anything above ground.B1a
638Player Default: Maybe... I... I don't know. This is so much to take in.I know, and I am sorry. You have been through so much in such a short time.Shaun: The Institute can provide a better life than anything above ground.X1a
639Player Default: You want me to stay here, in the Institute?Yes, that is what I propose. Is it so hard to imagine?Shaun: The Institute can provide a better life than anything above ground.Y1a
640PlayerVoiceFemale01: So...I know there's more for us to discuss, but...Player Default: So you're in charge of the Institute?A1a
641PlayerVoiceFemale01: So...What else can I say to ease your mind?Player Default: So you're in charge of the Institute?A2a
642PlayerVoiceFemale01: So...I know you must have questions. Please, anything I can do to help you understand.Player Default: So you're in charge of the Institute?A3a
643Player Default: I don't want to hear anymore right now.Very well.Shaun: The Institute is on the verge of some important breakthroughs. Your presence would be... appreciated as we approach them.B1a
644MQ207NewShaunReconsiderScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Shaun... can we talk about this?Have you reconsidered your decision?Player Default: I've... changed my mind. I'll work with you.A1a
645Player Default: I've... changed my mind. I'll work with you.Well, that's good to hear. All right, then...Shaun: The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.A1a
646Player Default: Forget it. Never mind.I see. Well, as I've said, you may see yourself out.B1a
647Player Default: I'm sorry. I'm not interested.That's a shame. I had hoped for so much more.X1a
648You may see yourself out.X1b
649Player Default: Shaun, isn't there some other option, some other way we could work things out?You've seen the Commonwealth. You must have some idea of how this world works.Y1a
650You're either with us, or you're not. I'm afraid it's that simple.Player Default: I've... changed my mind. I'll work with you.Y1b
651MQ207NewShaunStartSceneShaun: I was exactly what they needed. And so it was my DNA that became the basis of the synthetic organics used to create every human-like synth you see today.I am their Father. Through Science, we are family. The synths, me... and you.Player Default: Shaun... It's really you...A1a
652Shaun: Please try and keep an open mind. I recognize that you are emotional, and that your journey here has been fraught with challenges.{Friendly} Let's start anew. I am Father. Welcome to the Institute.Player Default: Give me Shaun. The real Shaun. Right now.A1a
653{Concerned} Fascinating.... but disappointing. The child's responses were not at all what I anticipated.Shaun: He's a prototype, you understand. We're only just now beginning to explore the effects of extreme emotional stimuli.A1a
654Shaun: He's a prototype, you understand. We're only just now beginning to explore the effects of extreme emotional stimuli.{Apologetic} Please try and keep an open mind. I recognize that you are emotional, and that your journey here has been fraught with challenges.Shaun: Let's start anew. I am Father. Welcome to the Institute.A1a
655Player Default: Give me Shaun. The real Shaun. Right now.{Apologetic} I know, I know. You've gone to such lengths to find him.Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.A1a
656Player Default: I could kill you. Right here, right now.{Somber} Yes. Yes you could. And I would be powerless to stop you.Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.B1a
657Player Default: This is... insane. All of it.{soothing, sympathetic / Apologetic} The degree of trauma you're experiencing right now is understandable... Please, just try to relax. I know this is all difficult to take in.Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.X1a
658Player Default: Father? That's your name? Your title?{Apologetic} Father is my unofficial title. It's what I've come to mean to the people of the Institute. Just as... As you mean to your son. To Shaun.Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.Y1a
659Player Default: Father? That's your name? Your title?{Apologetic} Father is my unofficial title. It's what I've come to mean to the people of the Institute. Just as... As you are a parent to your son. To Shaun.Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.Y2a
660Player Default: I promised answers, and answers you shall have.{Apologetic} But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.Shaun: You have traveled very far, and suffered a great deal, to find your son. Well, your tenacity and dedication have been rewarded.A1a
661Shaun: You have traveled very far, and suffered a great deal, to find your son. Well, your tenacity and dedication have been rewarded.{Grateful} It's good to finally meet you, after all this time. It's me. I am Shaun.Shaun: I am... your son.A1a
662Player Default: It's really you... After all this time...{relieved / Relieved} Yes, it's true.Shaun: In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.A1a
663Player Default: Bullshit.{Surprised} Is it? After all the things you've seen and experienced in the Commonwealth? Think about it...Shaun: In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.B1a
664Player Default: Oh come on. That's crazy!{compassionate, sympathetic / Apologetic} I assure you, I am completely sane. And entirely honest.Shaun: In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.X1a
665Player Default: How... is that even possible?I know this is a lot to take in.Shaun: In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.Y1a
666Player Default: Yes, it's true.{Apologetic} In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.Shaun: But then you learned that your son was no longer an infant, but a 10 year old boy. You believed that ten years had passed.A1a
667Shaun: In the Vault, you had no concept of the passage of time. You were released from your pod, and went searching for the son you'd lost.{Apologetic} But then you learned that your son was no longer an infant, but a 10 year old boy. You believed that ten years had passed.Shaun: Is it really so hard to accept that it was not ten, but sixty years? That is the reality.A1a
668Shaun: But then you learned that your son was no longer an infant, but a 10 year old boy. You believed that ten years had passed.{Apologetic} Is it really so hard to accept that it was not ten, but sixty years? That is the reality.Shaun: And here I am. Raised by the Institute, and now its leader.A1a
669Shaun: Is it really so hard to accept that it was not ten, but sixty years? That is the reality.And here I am. Raised by the Institute, and now its leader.Player Default: It... It wasn't right, what they did. Taking you from me like that.A1a
670Player Default: It... It wasn't right, what they did. Taking you from me like that.{Apologetic} To you, that would certainly seem true. But to the Institute... It made all the sense in the world.Shaun: At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.A1a
671Player Default: They stole you! Kidnapped you! It wasn't right!{Apologetic} Right, wrong... irrelevant. It was necessary. The Institute believed humanity's future depended on it.Shaun: At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.B1a
672Player Default: Hell of a story, but... I guess it does make sense.I'm glad you're willing to accept the truth. It's quite encouraging.Shaun: At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.X1a
673Player Default: But why? Why take a child? Why take you?Ah, now that's the question, isn't it? "Why me?"Shaun: At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.Y1a
674Player Default: To you, that would certainly seem true. But to the Institute... It made all the sense in the world.{Confident} At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.Shaun: Scientific curiosity, and the goal of perfection, drove them ever onward. What they wanted was... the perfect machine.A1a
675Shaun: At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough.{Confident} Scientific curiosity, and the goal of perfection, drove them ever onward. What they wanted was... the perfect machine.Shaun: So they followed the best example thus far - the human being. Walking, talking, fully articulate... Capable of anything.A1a
676Shaun: Scientific curiosity, and the goal of perfection, drove them ever onward. What they wanted was... the perfect machine.{Confident} So they followed the best example thus far - the human being. Walking, talking, fully articulate... Capable of anything.Player Default: So the weird science experiments needed specimens. That's why they took you.A1a
677Player Default: Shaun... It's really you...{pleased} It really is.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...A1a
678Player Default: Sixty years... so much time, wasted...I know.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...X1a
679Player Default: And you... You've been down here the whole time?I have, yes.Shaun: I know there's more for us to discuss, but...Y1a
680Shaun: Fascinating.... but disappointing. The child's responses were not at all what I anticipated.{Apologetic} He's a prototype, you understand. We're only just now beginning to explore the effects of extreme emotional stimuli.Shaun: Please try and keep an open mind. I recognize that you are emotional, and that your journey here has been fraught with challenges.A1a
681Player Default: Just... Help me understand what's going on here.{Confident} I promised answers, and answers you shall have.Shaun: But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.A1a
682Player Default: I want answers, asshole. Now.{Irritated} Under the circumstances, I will forgive your... Vulgarity.Shaun: But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.B1a
683Player Default: God, all we're missing are the teacups and the White Rabbit...{mildly amused / Amused} Ah, levity. Excellent. A sure sign that you adapt quickly to stressful environments.Shaun: But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.X1a
684Player Default: I'll make this very simple. Where is my son?He's here, in the Institute. Closer than you think.Shaun: But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.Y1a
685Shaun: But... I need you to realize that this... situation... is far more complicated than you could have imagined.{Impressed} You have traveled very far, and suffered a great deal, to find your son. Well, your tenacity and dedication have been rewarded.Shaun: It's good to finally meet you, after all this time. It's me. I am Shaun.A1a
686Shaun: It's good to finally meet you, after all this time. It's me. I am Shaun.{Grateful} I am... your son.Player Default: It's really you... After all this time...A1a
687Player Default: So the weird science experiments needed specimens. That's why they took you.In a manner of speaking, yes.Shaun: The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.A1a
688Player Default: Yeah, you lost me. I don't see the point of any of this.You don't see the connection? Let me try to explain.Shaun: The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.B1a
689Player Default: I think I see where this is going...Then perhaps you already understand why it was necessary for the Institute to acquire me.Shaun: The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.X1a
690Player Default: Human synths? Really?{correcting an error / Stern} Human-like synths. A great distinction.Shaun: The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.Y1a
691Player Default: In a manner of speaking, yes.The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.Shaun: Plenty of that was available, of course, but it had all become corrupted. In this... wasteland... radiation affected everyone.A1a
692Shaun: The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA.Plenty of that was available, of course, but it had all become corrupted. In this... wasteland... radiation affected everyone.Shaun: Even in their attempts to shield themselves from the world above, members of the Institute had been exposed. Another source was necessary.A1a
693Shaun: Plenty of that was available, of course, but it had all become corrupted. In this... wasteland... radiation affected everyone.Even in their attempts to shield themselves from the world above, members of the Institute had been exposed. Another source was necessary.Shaun: But then the Institute found me, after discovering records from Vault 111. An infant, frozen in time, protected from the radiation-induced mutations that had crept into every other human cell in the Commonwealth.A1a
694Shaun: Even in their attempts to shield themselves from the world above, members of the Institute had been exposed. Another source was necessary.But then the Institute found me, after discovering records from Vault 111. An infant, frozen in time, protected from the radiation-induced mutations that had crept into every other human cell in the Commonwealth.Shaun: I was exactly what they needed. And so it was my DNA that became the basis of the synthetic organics used to create every human-like synth you see today.A1a
695Shaun: But then the Institute found me, after discovering records from Vault 111. An infant, frozen in time, protected from the radiation-induced mutations that had crept into every other human cell in the Commonwealth.I was exactly what they needed. And so it was my DNA that became the basis of the synthetic organics used to create every human-like synth you see today.Shaun: I am their Father. Through Science, we are family. The synths, me... and you.A1a
696MQ207OpeningSpeechHello.SpeakerRef1: I wondered if you might make it here. You're quite resourceful.A1a
697SpeakerRef1: Hello.I wondered if you might make it here. You're quite resourceful.SpeakerRef1: I am known as Father; the Institute is under my guidance.A1a
698SpeakerRef1: I wondered if you might make it here. You're quite resourceful.I am known as Father; the Institute is under my guidance.SpeakerRef1: I know why you're here. I'd like to discuss things with you, face-to-face. Please, step into the elevator.A1a
699SpeakerRef1: I am known as Father; the Institute is under my guidance.I know why you're here. I'd like to discuss things with you, face-to-face. Please, step into the elevator.A1a
700MQ207ShaunGetOutSceneShaun: I am sorry. I must think first of the safety of the Institute, and in the cruel world that has developed, those who are not with us are against us.The elevator will return you to the Relay.A1a
701I had certainly hoped we could work together, but every man must make his own decisions. If you choose to leave, I cannot force you to stay.Shaun: Understand, though, that I cannot allow you to remain within the Institute.A1a
702Shaun: I had certainly hoped we could work together, but every man must make his own decisions. If you choose to leave, I cannot force you to stay.Understand, though, that I cannot allow you to remain within the Institute.Shaun: You may have safe passage back to the Relay where you will be sent back to the surface, but from that point... you must be considered hostile.A1a
703Shaun: Understand, though, that I cannot allow you to remain within the Institute.You may have safe passage back to the Relay where you will be sent back to the surface, but from that point... you must be considered hostile.Shaun: I am sorry. I must think first of the safety of the Institute, and in the cruel world that has developed, those who are not with us are against us.A1a
704Shaun: You may have safe passage back to the Relay where you will be sent back to the surface, but from that point... you must be considered hostile.I am sorry. I must think first of the safety of the Institute, and in the cruel world that has developed, those who are not with us are against us.Shaun: The elevator will return you to the Relay.A1a
705MQ207ShaunOnTheFenceThe Institute can provide a better life than anything above ground.Shaun: You've been in the Commonwealth. You've seen what it's like. I assure you that you are better off with us.A1a
706Shaun: The Institute can provide a better life than anything above ground.You've been in the Commonwealth. You've seen what it's like. I assure you that you are better off with us.Player Default: Things are pretty terrible up there.A1a
707Player Default: Things are pretty terrible up there.{sympathetic} I've seen it myself. I know. That is why we are so committed to creating a better life for ourselves here.A1a
708{encouraging} And it's a life that you can now be part of.Shaun: I simply ask that you give the Institute.... me... a chance. A chance to show you what I've been telling you.A1b
709Player Default: Your Institute has done some horrible things.{slightly offended} Yes, well... the world is not what it used to be.Shaun: What about the people you've aided in order to get here? What atrocities have they committed?B1a
710Player Default: I don't know what to do.I realize that. It's why I'm trying to help you.Shaun: I hope you can see that, rationally, the Institute is the only thing left in the world that's worth being part of.X1a
711Player Default: How can you say that? How can you be so dismissive of all those people, everything they've done?Because it is the simple truth, and I believe you know it too.Shaun: I simply ask that you give the Institute.... me... a chance. A chance to show you what I've been telling you.Y1a
712Player Default: Yes, well... the world is not what it used to be.What about the people you've aided in order to get here? What atrocities have they committed?Shaun: The Brotherhood of Steel... they believe they're the only ones fit to control technology, and destroy anyone who opposes them.B1a
713Player Default: I realize that. It's why I'm trying to help you.I hope you can see that, rationally, the Institute is the only thing left in the world that's worth being part of.Shaun: I simply ask that you give the Institute.... me... a chance. A chance to show you what I've been telling you.X1a
714Shaun: What about the people you've aided in order to get here? What atrocities have they committed?The Brotherhood of Steel... they believe they're the only ones fit to control technology, and destroy anyone who opposes them.B1a
715And you would side with them?Shaun: None have any true claim to nobility in this world. Those days are gone. But we are not the monsters we have been cast as.B1b
716Shaun: What about the people you've aided in order to get here? What atrocities have they committed?This... "Railroad." Willing to sacrifice humans for the sake of synths. Think about that for a moment.B2a
717Would you kill your fellow man to save a Nuka Cola machine? They have completely disconnected from reality.Shaun: None have any true claim to nobility in this world. Those days are gone. But we are not the monsters we have been cast as.B2b
718Shaun: What about the people you've aided in order to get here? What atrocities have they committed?These Minutemen, claiming to want to save the Commonwealth... from itself? They cannot even protect themselves. Their cause is a doomed one.Shaun: None have any true claim to nobility in this world. Those days are gone. But we are not the monsters we have been cast as.B3a
719Shaun: And you would side with them?None have any true claim to nobility in this world. Those days are gone. But we are not the monsters we have been cast as.Shaun: I simply ask that you give the Institute.... me... a chance. A chance to show you what I've been telling you.B1a
720Shaun: None have any true claim to nobility in this world. Those days are gone. But we are not the monsters we have been cast as.I simply ask that you give the Institute.... me... a chance. A chance to show you what I've been telling you.A1a
721We really do have humanity's best interest at heart.A1b
722Will you take that chance?Player Default: All right.A1c
723Player Default: All right.{relieved} Thank you.Shaun: The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.A1a
724Player Default: I'm sorry. I can't do that.I'm sorry to hear that.Shaun: I had certainly hoped we could work together, but every man must make his own decisions. If you choose to leave, I cannot force you to stay.B1a
725Player Default: I just don't know...Just... give it time. Give the Institute a chance.Shaun: The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.X1a
726Player Default: Are you sure you want this?Yes, I am. It would benefit us both to work together.Player Default: All right.Y1a
727MQ207ShaunSideWithInstitutePlayer Default: Excellent.The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.Shaun: You'll want to introduce yourself to the Division Heads... Doctor Fillmore in Facilities, Doctor Ayo in the SRB... ah, Doctor Holdren in BioScience...A1a
728Shaun: The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.You'll want to introduce yourself to the Division Heads... Doctor Fillmore in Facilities, Doctor Ayo in the SRB... ah, Doctor Holdren in BioScience...Shaun: And finally Doctor Li in Advanced Systems. They've all been notified of your arrival, of course. Meet them, and then we'll discuss what comes next.A1a
729Shaun: You'll want to introduce yourself to the Division Heads... Doctor Fillmore in Facilities, Doctor Ayo in the SRB... ah, Doctor Holdren in BioScience...And finally Doctor Li in Advanced Systems. They've all been notified of your arrival, of course. Meet them, and then we'll discuss what comes next.A1a
730{relieved} Forgive me. I'd assumed that after everything I'm sure you've seen above ground, you would be... more than a bit biased against us.Shaun: There is much to be done. You'll need time to acclimate yourself, a chance to become acquainted with our procedures...A1a
731Shaun: Forgive me. I'd assumed that after everything I'm sure you've seen above ground, you would be... more than a bit biased against us.There is much to be done. You'll need time to acclimate yourself, a chance to become acquainted with our procedures...Player Default: I'll do whatever it takes. It's worth it.A1a
732Player Default: I'll do whatever it takes. It's worth it.I am glad to hear that.Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.A1a
733Player Default: I'm not here to take orders.I'm afraid things here are different from the lawless wastes above. A society cannot be maintained without order.Shaun: While you may be my father, I am Father to the Institute. It follows my lead, and thus for now, you must as well. Will you trust me?B1a
734Player Default: I don't know about all that.Don't worry. You'll see.Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.X1a
735Player Default: Is all that really necessary? What's there to learn?For now, it's enough that you understand that the Institute really is devoted to the betterment of humanity.Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.Y1a
736Player Default: I'm afraid things here are different from the lawless wastes above. A society cannot be maintained without order.While you may be my father, I am Father to the Institute. It follows my lead, and thus for now, you must as well. Will you trust me?Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.B1a
737Player Default: I'm afraid things here are different from the lawless wastes above. A society cannot be maintained without order.While you may be my mother, I am Father to the Institute. It follows my lead, and thus for now, you must as well. Will you trust me?Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.B2a
738Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.{pleased} Excellent.Shaun: The Institute is now your home as much as it is mine. Please, take some time and get to know it. Meet the people you'll be working with.A1a
739Player Default: I can't afford to trust anyone.{heartbroken, trying to hide it.} I see. I am... disappointed.Shaun: I had certainly hoped we could work together, but every man must make his own decisions. If you choose to leave, I cannot force you to stay.B1a
740Player Default: I just don't know...I'm afraid there can be no more time for indecision. Please, let me show you what we can accomplish together.Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.X1a
741Player Default: "Follow your lead?" Why do you get to call the shots?{slightly annoyed} Because my entire life has taken place within these walls. I have studied, I have trained, I have devoted my life to the Institute.Y1a
742{Stern} I have proven time and time again that the success of the Institute is my primary goal, and I have sacrificed a great deal along the way.Y1b
743I assure you, I gain nothing by lying to you. Will you trust me?Player Default: All right, I'll go along with it.Y1c
744MQ207Stage150SynthScenePlayer Default: You made a child synth... that looks like you. That's... it's... It's an abomination!{disappointed / Irritated} It's a synth, not a human being. A simulacrum. Try to be more open-minded.Shaun: I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.B1a
745Player Default: It seems like a strange choice, on more than one level.{sympathetic, proud / Apologetic} I can understand how it might seem that way. It was... it is, something new. New discoveries are always welcome.Shaun: I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.X1a
746Player Default: Why build it to look like you?{proud} We'd advanced the technology behind synths to a point where this struck me as an interesting variation.Y1a
747{proud} A new angle, if you will. Modeling it after myself seemed only natural, what with Institute records on my genetics and physiology.Shaun: I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.Y1b
748Player Default: Yes, but... not the Shaun you were looking for. In some ways, the synth is far closer to what you expected.I wouldn't claim to know everything that you're feeling, but... If in some small way the boy's presence can help, I hope you'll keep an open mind.A1a
749PlayerVoiceFemale01: Shaun, about this synth...{proud / Neutral} You mean the child? It's a fascinating project, really. There are issues to be solved, of course, but we've made remarkable progress.Player Default: He's definitely impressive.A1a
750Player Default: He's definitely impressive.{proud} Yes, it's pushed our technology to the limit. We've gained some valuable insights in terms of both hardware and software.Shaun: I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.A1a
751Player Default: Yes, it's pushed our technology to the limit. We've gained some valuable insights in terms of both hardware and software.I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.Shaun: But... I'll admit, I'm curious. As a parent looking for his child, looking for the younger version of me... What do you think?A1a
752Shaun: I'll make sure it's brought back online in the near future. You'll have an opportunity to interact with him further.But... I'll admit, I'm curious. As a parent looking for his child, looking for the younger version of me... What do you think?A1a
753{Question} Do you think you could love him? Like you would a real boy?Player Default: I don't need a synth. I found the real Shaun.A1b
754Player Default: I don't need a synth. I found the real Shaun.Yes, but... not the Shaun you were looking for. In some ways, the synth is far closer to what you expected.Shaun: I wouldn't claim to know everything that you're feeling, but... If in some small way the boy's presence can help, I hope you'll keep an open mind.A1a
755Player Default: It's not you. It's not even human. I could never love that.No, perhaps not. But in many ways, he matches what you've been searching for all this time.Shaun: I wouldn't claim to know everything that you're feeling, but... If in some small way the boy's presence can help, I hope you'll keep an open mind.B1a
756Player Default: This is all... it's too much. I just don't know anymore.I understand. You've been through quite a lot.Shaun: I wouldn't claim to know everything that you're feeling, but... If in some small way the boy's presence can help, I hope you'll keep an open mind.X1a
757Player Default: Seriously? You really believe a human could love a synth?That's... a difficult question. I suppose it depends on how closely we've managed to mimic human behavior and emotions.Y1a
758Yours is a unique position. Possibly the only one that's truly able to answer these questions right now.Shaun: I wouldn't claim to know everything that you're feeling, but... If in some small way the boy's presence can help, I hope you'll keep an open mind.Y1b
759-{disappointed} It's time for you to leave.
760{disappointed} You'll have to go now. I'm sorry.
761{disappointed} I wish things had gone differently.


762MQ302ShaunScenePlayer Default: You're sorry? You can't be that sorry, if you're here going through with it.{bitter} It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?ShaunOld: Tell me, then. Under what righteous pretense have you justified this atrocity?A1a
763You're dooming the Commonwealth, you know that? It will never survive without the Institute!A1a
764Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.That would be a kindness.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.A1a
765Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.This is temporary. I won't give up everything for my own sake.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.A2a
766Player Default: You think you're in pain now? I can make you bleed. Make you beg me for death.{scared / Afraid} You wouldn't... Please, no. I'll do whatever you want.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.B1a
767Player Default: You think you're in pain now? I can make you bleed. Make you beg me for death.{Defiant} You'd threaten your own child? There's no greater pain you can cause me than you already have.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.B2a
768Player Default: If you help me, we can minimize casualties on both sides.Very well.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.X1a
769Player Default: If you help me, we can minimize casualties on both sides.Coming from someone who has stormed the Institute and plans to destroy it? Forgive me if I don't believe you.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.X2a
770Player Default: You agree to help me, and I'll save as many of your people as I can.If I have your word that you'll protect them...Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.Y1a
771Player Default: You agree to help me, and I'll save as many of your people as I can.{angry, dismissive} All you could hope to offer them is a short, painful life in a dying world.Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.Y2a
772I didn't expect to see you again.ShaunOld: I don't suppose you're here because you've changed your mind.A1a
773ShaunOld: I didn't expect to see you again.I don't suppose you're here because you've changed your mind.Player Default: I'm sorry it's come to this, Shaun.A1a
774ShaunOld: I didn't expect to see you again.{bitter} Come to see the reactor, have you? We got it working without you.Player Default: I'm sorry it's come to this, Shaun.A2a
775ShaunOld: I didn't expect to see you again.{bitter} You had me fooled. I really believed you were on our side.Player Default: I'm sorry it's come to this, Shaun.A3a
776Player Default: I'm sorry it's come to this, Shaun.You're sorry? You can't be that sorry, if you're here going through with it.ShaunOld: It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?A1a
777Player Default: I'm here to blow up your reactor, Shaun. Put an end to the Institute.Well at least there's no need for guessing games now.ShaunOld: It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?B1a
778Player Default: There's no going back, Shaun. The Institute has to be stopped.And you've decided this for yourself? Or has it been fed to you by the corrupt societies above ground?ShaunOld: It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?X1a
779Player Default: What's happened to you? Are you sick?Don't pretend to care now. You had your chance to help me, and cast me aside instead.ShaunOld: It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?Y1a
780ShaunOld: It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?Tell me, then. Under what righteous pretense have you justified this atrocity?Player Default: It's for the greater good. The Commonwealth deserves to determine its own fate.A1a
781Player Default: It's for the greater good. The Commonwealth deserves to determine its own fate.Spare me. You've spent time up there. You know as well as I that it's doomed.ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.A1a
782Player Default: I just want to watch this place burn.It's hard to believe I'm related to you.ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.B1a
783Player Default: There's no other way. The Institute can't be trusted.But the Brotherhood of Steel... They can?ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.X1a
784Player Default: There's no other way. The Institute can't be trusted.But this Railroad... They can?ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.X2a
785Player Default: There's no other way. The Institute can't be trusted.But these Minutemen... They can?ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.X3a
786Player Default: Seriously? All the enemies you've created, you can't imagine why I'd be standing here?Perhaps I didn't think to count you among them.ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.Y1a
787Player Default: Spare me. You've spent time up there. You know as well as I that it's doomed.Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.ShaunOld: The only question left, then, is what you intend to do with me. Kill me now, or let the explosion vaporize me along with the rest of my Institute?A1a
788ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.The only question left, then, is what you intend to do with me. Kill me now, or let the explosion vaporize me along with the rest of my Institute?Player Default: I don't want to kill you. I want to save you.A1a
789ShaunOld: Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future.The only question left, then, is why you're standing here. Is it regret, or did you just come to gloat?Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.A2a
790Player Default: I don't want to kill you. I want to save you.This isn't some fairy tale, father. There's no saving me. I'm dying, and you're going to destroy everything I've ever loved.Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.A1a
791Player Default: I don't want to kill you. I want to save you.This isn't some fairy tale, mother. There's no saving me. I'm dying, and you're going to destroy everything I've ever loved.Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.A2a
792Player Default: Oh, I'm going to kill you now. If nothing else, I'll make sure you don't survive.{disappointed beyond words} My own father...Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.B1a
793Player Default: Oh, I'm going to kill you now. If nothing else, I'll make sure you don't survive.{disappointed beyond words} My own mother...Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.B2a
794Player Default: It depends on whether you're willing to help me.Tell me, why would I ever consider that?Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.X1a
795Player Default: It depends on whether you're willing to help me.Willingly participate in destroying my life's work? I think not.Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.X2a
796Player Default: Isn't there some other way?In truth, no. I'm dying anyway. So... do what you will.Player Default: I can at least end your suffering.Y1a
797ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.You're going to have to live with that.A1a
798Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to be alone for my last few moments. Go, do what you must.A1b
799But I hope someday you realize what will be lost here.A1c
800ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.xB1a
801ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.xX1a
802ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.xY1a
803Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.Very well.ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.A1a
804Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.I wouldn't trust you with anything, let alone their lives. Just... get out of here.ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.A2a
805Player Default: Institute personnel won't last long above ground. Especially if I'm hunting them down. Give me a reason not to.No. I won't help you. Not now, not... ever. Just... go.ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.B2a
806Player Default: You know what? Forget it. I don't need you.{bitter} Yes, you tell yourself that. Now go. Leave me.ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.X1a
807Player Default: Help me, and we can try and minimize the casualties in all this. You want your people to survive, don't you?I won't help you destroy the Institute. Just... get out of here.ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.Y2a
808Player Default: Very well.The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.ShaunOld: That will disable some of the synths.A1a
809ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.That will disable some of the synths.ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.A1a
810ShaunOld: The terminal behind me... Enter access code 9003.That will disable the turrets.ShaunOld: Now go. Just... leave me.A2a
811ShaunOld: That will disable some of the synths.Now go. Just... leave me.ShaunOld: You're going to have to live with that.A1a
812Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.This isn't some fairy tale, father. There's no saving me. I'm dying, and you're going to destroy everything I've ever loved.ShaunOld: You're going to have to live with that.A1a
813Player Default: Shaun, I... I hoped there was something more I could do. I wanted to save you.This isn't some fairy tale, mother. There's no saving me. I'm dying, and you're going to destroy everything I've ever loved.ShaunOld: You're going to have to live with that.A2a
814Player Default: I wanted to see you one last time before your whole empire comes crashing down around you.Get out of here.Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.B1a
815Player Default: I didn't want it to end like this, Shaun. I'm not a monster.If that's what you'll tell yourself so you can sleep at night, so be it. Now go. Leave me.Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.X1a
816Player Default: Shaun, if you help me, fewer people will die. Will you?Why would I ever consider helping you?Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.Y1a
817Player Default: Shaun, if you help me, fewer people will die. Will you?I'll have no hand in what you're doing. Now go. Leave me.Player Default: Help me, and I promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability.Y2a
818MQ302ShaunScene02You've doomed humanity... you know that?ShaunOld: There's nothing more to say.A
819All our work, laid to waste...ShaunOld: There's nothing more to say.A
820Just... get out.ShaunOld: There's nothing more to say.A
821NPCMShaun60: You've doomed humanity... you know that?There's nothing more to say.Player Default: Shaun, I'm sorry that it's come to this.A1a
822Player Default: Shaun, I'm sorry that it's come to this.{Angry} It's too late to be sorry.A1a
823Player Default: I'll see you in hell.{bitter / Angry} Along with the rest of the Commonwealth. You've seen to that.B1a
824Player Default: I wish there were some other way...{bitter / Angry} You've made that impossible. The Commonwealth can have only one fate now.X1a
825Player Default: Are you in any pain?{bitter / Defiant} Yes, of course. But that will end soon enough, won't it? All thanks to you...Y1a


826RadioDiamondCityInstituteTakeoverScenePeople of the Commonwealth.Host: For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you. It is true, but it is not the whole truth.A1a
827Host: People of the Commonwealth.For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you. It is true, but it is not the whole truth.Host: We are here, and we are the future.A1a
828Host: For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you. It is true, but it is not the whole truth.We are here, and we are the future.Host: Our superior technology represents the best hope for the Commonwealth.A1a
829Host: We are here, and we are the future.Our superior technology represents the best hope for the Commonwealth.Host: Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground has ceased to exist.A1a
830Host: Our superior technology represents the best hope for the Commonwealth.Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground has ceased to exist.Host: Ensuring that mankind has a future.A1a
831Host: Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground has ceased to exist.Ensuring that mankind has a future.Host: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your daily lives.A1a
832Host: Ensuring that mankind has a future.We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your daily lives.Host: We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations. To do so would result in dire consequences.A1a
833Host: We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your daily lives.We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations. To do so would result in dire consequences.Host: You may rest easy. Know that the future is in safe hands, that mankind will thrive under our guidance.A1a
834Host: We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations. To do so would result in dire consequences.You may rest easy. Know that the future is in safe hands, that mankind will thrive under our guidance.A1a