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Fallout Wiki

Cheryl Bennett-Orwell[1] was a woman who lived at Orwell Orchards in 2077.


Cheryl was a farmer at Orwell Orchards, a farm that had fallen into massive debt, not being profitable in years.[2] Before the Great War, she wrote a journal describing the farm's hard times, having been denied loans alongside a moth problem that could damage crops without insecticide.[3] For this reason, her husband Ian applied for loans at a bank in Charleston to help alleviate the farm's hard times and massive debt, but was denied multiple times.[3] She later learned he had won the lottery, although the representative to deliver the money was to come in November, long after the Great War hit. Ian and Cheryl took shelter in a secret shelter Ian had built, but had not told Cheryl about, when the bombs fell.

By Christmas 2077, Cheryl and Ian attempted to have a child, with Ian surprising Cheryl by showing a baby crib he had bought.[4] By mid-March 2078, despite many efforts, no success came from attempting to have a child. The shelter also began to fall apart, with numerous appliances failing or needing to be repaired.[5] By September 2078, the combined factors of collecting radiation and failing equipment began to make themselves known, with the two left only with air, food, and water. Although they made up for it by golfing and reading, the effects of radiation had began to take their toll on Ian, resulting in heavy weight loss, hair loss, and illness.[6] Sometime later, despite increasing protests, Ian maintained his position of staying in the shelter, despite the worsening radiation effects, vowing to keep Cheryl and his non-existent baby in the shelter at any cost, due to the debt and nuclear war preparation.[7] After this, Cheryl decided to repair the exit door button, taking the key to the shelter from Ian while showering, leaving the shelter, leaving a note to anyone, including Ian, saying she still loved him.[8]


Cheryl Bennett-Orwell is mentioned only in Fallout 76. The story of Orwell Orchards and Cheryl was expanded upon in the Steel Dawn update.

