Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mr. Chen was an employee of AVR Medical Center before the Great War, in charge of recordkeeping.


At some point, Chen was informed by Doctor Jon Singh that they were to scan patient records and store them electronically in case of catastrophic failure, per a mandate from the governor's office.[1] This campaign to digitize the facility's records also meant that the paper records had to become "lost" under orders of the medical director. Chen wrote in his terminal that he believed ultimate goal of the effort was to better control over who saw what, and to create the ability to make some records unreadable. However, Chen kept some paper records on file in protest. He hoped to give the Livingston family some closure as to what happened to their father by giving them these paper records, even if it would not be permitted by the director.[2]


Chen is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

