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Fallout Wiki

Sister Cassandra is a missing member of the Children of Atom on the Island.


At one point, Cassandra went out on a "pilgrimage," from which she has not returned. Two Children of Atom may be overheard discussing Sister Cassandra, with one of them expressing concern for her well-being, as he has not seen her in over a week. The other responds by telling him to keep Cassandra in his prayers and that she would return safe.[1]


Cassandra is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  1. Child of Atom: "You haven't heard anything about Sister Cassandra, have you?"
    Child of Atom: "No. Is something wrong?"
    Child of Atom: "She went out on pilgrimage. It's been a week and still no word."
    Child of Atom: "Do not fear, brother. Atom is watching her. Keep her in your prayers and she will return safe."
    Child of Atom: "Hmm. Yes. I'll do that."
    (Male and female Children of Atom's dialogue)