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This is a transcript for dialogue with female Children of Atom on the Island.


1DLC03CoA_ConvAcadiaFarHarbor_SceneChild01: I'm telling you, he was in league with Far Harbor. Or that old bot on the hill. Or both maybe.{Neutral} You don't need to convince me, brother.A1a
2Child01: I simply refuse to believe it.{Neutral} It will be corrected in due time, brother.Child01: No. The High Confessor is right. That land is ours. Atom claimed it with His Fog and Martin spat in our face by doing nothing about it.A1a


3DLC03CoA_ConvArchemistGeneric_Scene{Approaching someone about a health problem. / Concerned} Archemist?Archemist: Yes... my child?A1a
4{Approaching someone about a health problem. / Concerned} Excuse me, Archemist?Archemist: Yes... my child?A2a
5{Approaching someone about a health problem. / Concerned} Holy Archemist, grant me your ear.Archemist: Yes... my child?A3a
6Archemist: Yes... my child?{You're explaining a health problem to the local apothecary. / Concerned} It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.A1a
7Archemist: Yes... my child?{You're explaining a health problem to the local apothecary. / Concerned} The wounds from my last pilgrimage. They haven't healed... quite right.Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.A2a
8Archemist: Yes... my child?{You're explaining a health problem to the local apothecary. / Concerned} I-I slipped. In the dry dock. My head is throbbing.Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.A3a
9Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.{Grateful} Oh, thank you.A1a
10Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.{Said as a thank you and good bye. / Grateful} Glory to Atom, sister.A2a
11Archemist: Do not... fear, child. This... should help.{Said as a thank you and good bye. / Grateful} Oh, you're a blessing. Thank you.A3a


12DLC03CoA_ConvBatheUnderArches_SceneChild01: I heard the decontamination arches have been reclaimed for Atom. Have you tried them?{Neutral} I did. It's like being wrapped in a blanket of Atom's warmth.Child01: Really? I suppose I'll have to give it a try.A1a


13DLC03CoA_ConvBrotherGreen_SceneChild01: You hear Brother Greene muttering in his sleep last night?{Neutral} I did.Child01: This cannot keep going.A1a
14Child01: Are you serious?{Neutral} I am. Atom was watching out for that one. So maybe some more patience is warranted for Brother Greene.Child01: Yes. Yes. Of course.A1a
15Child01: What?{Neutral} Ran afoul of some Trappers on his last foray into the Fog. They had him strung up but the rope snapped. Barely scrambled away with his life.Child01: Are you serious?A1a
16Child01: This cannot keep going.{Question} You heard what happened to him, did you not?Child01: What?A1a


17DLC03CoA_ConvConfessorMartin_SceneChild01: So I've never gotten a clear answer. Why was it that Confessor Martin left this place?{Very concerned. A friend just asked a question that could get you both killed. / Nervous} Keep your voice down. Questions like that are likely to get us both in trouble.Child01: Oh, I-I'm sorry.A1a
18Child01: Oh, I-I'm sorry.{Nervous. / Concerned} It's all right. We just won't discuss this further.A1a


19DLC03CoA_ConvDevinGeneric_Scene{Very interested. You're asking someone about a messenger from god they saw. / Question} So tell me. What did it look like?BrotherDevin: Faceless and formidable, certainly. But kind. A true expression of Atom's concern for us all.A1a
20BrotherDevin: Faceless and formidable, certainly. But kind. A true expression of Atom's concern for us all.{Awe struck. You're asking someone about a messenger from god they saw. / Impressed} Amazing.A1a


21DLC03CoA_ConvFarHarborsFeast_Scene{You're aghast. You heard a rumor one of your compatriots was eaten by your sworn enemies. / Surprised} It can't be true. They ate Brother Andrews?Child02: That is what I heard. All of Far Harbor joined in. Threw themselves a veritable feast.A1a
22Child02: That is what I heard. All of Far Harbor joined in. Threw themselves a veritable feast.{You're aghast. You heard a rumor one of your compatriots was eaten by your sworn enemies. / Surprised} But why would they do that? Executing him in cold blood seemed indignity enough.Child02: Word is they were trying to claim Atom's blessing for themselves. Guard themselves against the Glow.A1a
23Child02: Word is they were trying to claim Atom's blessing for themselves. Guard themselves against the Glow.{You're aghast. You heard a rumor one of your compatriots was eaten by your sworn enemies. / Surprised} I-I just can't believe it.Child02: Those people are monsters. Who knows what they're capable of?A1a


24DLC03CoA_ConvInTheSoup_Scene{Trying to convince a friend. / Neutral} I'm telling you. I saw it.Child02: It's simply not possible, sister.A1a
25Child02: It's simply not possible, sister.{Trying to convince a friend. Emphasis on "in." / Neutral} But it was there. In my soup.Child02: No. No more. It's disrespectful and if you bring it up again, I'm informing the High Confessor.A1a
26Child02: No. No more. It's disrespectful and if you bring it up again, I'm informing the High Confessor.{Neutral} I'm just telling you. That's what I saw.A1a


27DLC03CoA_ConvMotherOfFog_SceneChild01: Did you hear? Apparently someone saw the Mother of the Fog?{Question} Really? What do you think it means?Child01: Can't say for sure. But Atom must have something grand on the horizon.A1a


28DLC03CoA_ConvNearMiss_SceneChild02: So finish your story.{Neutral} Right, so I was out in the Fog, gathering Glow-rich water for a new set of lamps, when I heard arguing over the hill.Child02: Harbormen?A1a
29Child02: Harbormen?{Neutral} Two of them. Hunters. Lamenting the Fog and their empty lives. Something mundane and irritating.Child02: To be expected.A1a
30Child02: To be expected.{Telling a story. / Neutral} I could've struck... it was just two of them, but I waited until they left camp to hunt.A1a
31{A little proud of yourself. / Neutral} Then I snuck in and emptied all the water I'd gathered into their provisions. You could see the glow if you looked close enough.Child02: So that's why I haven't gotten my new lamp. Did you stay and watch?A1b
32Child02: So that's why I haven't gotten my new lamp. Did you stay and watch?{Wrapping up telling a mischievous story. / Amused} I wish I had. But I figured if the fools won't come to Atom, then Atom will come the the fools.A1a


33DLC03CoA_ConvSisterCasandra_SceneChild01: You haven't heard anything about Sister Cassandra, have you?{Concerned} No. Is something wrong?Child01: She went out on pilgrimage. It's been a week and still no word.A1a
34Child01: She went out on pilgrimage. It's been a week and still no word.{Confident} Do not fear, brother. Atom is watching her. Keep her in your prayers and she will return safe.Child01: Hmm. Yes. I'll do that.A1a


35DLC03CoA_ConvSisterGwyneth_Scene{Irritated} I cannot believe they let Sister Gwyneth back in after what she did.Child02: She has renounced her sinful ways. Is there no room for forgiveness among family?A1a
36Child02: She has renounced her sinful ways. Is there no room for forgiveness among family?{You're pissed off. Someone is trying to defend a heretic. Make this final - you walk away immediately afterwards. / Stern} There is no room for heresy among this family.A1a


37DLC03CoA_ConvTheDream_Scene{A little smug. You're rubbing your connection with your god in the face of a colleague. / Neutral} It came to me again last night.Child02: The dream?A1a
38Child02: The dream?{A little smug. You're rubbing your connection with your god in the face of a colleague. / Neutral} Indeed.Child02: Honestly? And what have you done that I haven't?A1a
39Child02: Honestly? And what have you done that I haven't?{A little smug. You're rubbing your connection with your god in the face of a colleague. / Neutral} Perhaps that's something you should think on.A1a


40DLC03CoA_ConvTheilGeneric_Scene{Pronounced "Theel." / Question} Zealot Theil?Theil: Yes, brother?A1a
41Theil: Yes, brother?{You're a little embarrassed about asking for help about this. / Question} I believe someone has been stealing my snack cakes. D-do you think you could try and track down the culprit?Theil: Certainly. It will be done.A1a
42Theil: Yes, brother?{You're handing over a potentially sensitive document. / Conspiratorial} I found this note, hidden among my bunkmate's things. I thought it might be of interest to the High Confessor. Could you see that he gets it?Theil: Certainly. It will be done.A2a
43Theil: Yes, brother?{Conspiratorial} There is a rumor one of the children has been making contact with Far Harbor while out on pilgrimage. Perhaps you could look into it?Theil: Certainly. It will be done.A3a
44Theil: Certainly. It will be done.{Keep this neutral. Multiple paths could've led to this line. / Neutral} Thank you, Zealot.A1a


45DLC03CoA_ConvTryTheArches_Scene{Neutral} I heard they finally reclaimed the decontamination arches for Atom.Child02: Have you tried them yet?A1a
46Child02: Have you tried them yet?{Curious. / Neutral} Should I?Child02: Oh, definitely. It's a... unique experience.A1a
47Child02: Oh, definitely. It's a... unique experience.{A little concerned. Someone just suggested something to you and now they're trying to keep from smiling. / Concerned} Why are you smirking?Child02: I'm just so excited for you.A1a


48DLC03CoA_ConvVisitFarHarbor_SceneChild01: So, next pilgrimage, I believe I'm going to visit Far Harbor.{Skeptical. Someone just suggested to you what sounds like a rather bad idea. / Neutral} Really? And you're not concerned about what you might find?Child01: It's part of Atom's kingdom now. We needn't be afraid.A1a
49Child01: It's part of Atom's kingdom now. We needn't be afraid.{Trying to talk someone out of a bad idea. / Neutral} No? And what if something finds you?Child01: I... oh. You, you raise a fine point...A1a


(Guard in The Nucleus)

50DLC03CoA_CommandCenterGuardScenePlayer Default: Secrets? What secrets?{Neutral} We do not know. The High Confessor believes the key to eliminating Far Harbor is locked away in there...Y1a
51{Neutral} ...so you can understand why the Children would be eager to claim it.Y1b
52{Neutral} But one of the recent aspirants appears to have tripped the old security system.Y1c
53{Neutral} Now only the brave, blessed, or mad enter.Player Default: Don't fear, sister. Atom will shield me.Y1d
54Player Default: It's all right. The High Confessor sent me.{This person is risking their neck. You're genuinely concerned for their health. / Neutral} Ah, you're the brave soul. They said you'd be coming. Take care within. Atom can only protect against so much.X1a
55Player Default: It's all right. The High Confessor sent me.{With a bit of a smirk. You assume this person is trying to weasel past / Neutral} Of course he did, child. I know the look of someone trying to place themselves in the High Confessor's good graces.X2a
56{Honest. You don't want this person to get killed. / Neutral} But if you are willing to bear the risks, I will not stop you. May Atom watch over you.X2b
57Player Default: I can take care of myself.{Neutral} Life is yours to gamble, brother. Atom watch over you.B1a
58Player Default: I can take care of myself.{Neutral} Life is yours to gamble, sister. Atom watch over you.B2a
59Player Default: Don't fear, sister. Atom will shield me.{Trying to convince someone to not proceed. / Neutral} I expect our fallen brethren thought the same. But if you wish to put your fate in Atom's hands, I will not stop you. May He watch over you.A1a
60CommandGuard: Caution, brother.{Trying to convince someone to not proceed. / Neutral} Last child who tried to claim the secrets within roused the guardians of the base.A1a
61{Trying to convince someone to not proceed. / Neutral} So unless you've been tasked by the High Confessor, I'd steer clear of the Command Center.Player Default: Don't fear, sister. Atom will shield me.A1b
62{You're guarding the passage to a dangerous space. / Neutral} Caution, brother.CommandGuard: Last child who tried to claim the secrets within roused the guardians of the base.A1a
63{You're guarding the passage to a dangerous space. / Neutral} Caution, sister.CommandGuard: Last child who tried to claim the secrets within roused the guardians of the base.A2a


64DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusEntrance_SceneGrandZealot: That'll be all, sister.{Very calm. / Neutral} Thank you, Grand Zealot.A1a
65CoAMale: Richter, this is insane! You can't expect us to--{Very calm. / Neutral} Will there be anything else?GrandZealot: That'll be all, sister.A1a


66DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusSermon_SceneHighConfessor: Glory to Atom!{Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A1a
67-{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Not during the sermon.A
68{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Quiet. The Confessor speaks.A
69{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Hush. I'm trying to listen.A
70{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Do you want to get us both in trouble?A


71DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusVictorySermonSceneGenericCoA04: Glory to Atom!{Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A1a
72-{Excited. You're greatest foes has been defeated. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A
73{Excited. You're greatest foes has been defeated. / Awed} Good. Let the fog have them.A
74{Excited. You're greatest foes has been defeated. / Awed} I never thought I'd see the day...A
75{Excited. You're greatest foes has been defeated. "His" as in god. / Awed} His wrath finds all.A
76{Excited. You're greatest foes has been defeated. / Awed} Atom's kingdom restored. Thanks to you.A


104DLC03MQ06_NukeHandling_SubInteriorGuardScene{You're hearing a klaxon that you believe means the nuke is going to launch. You're very excited. / Awed} Th-that noise. C-could it be? Him.A1a


(Child in the Nucleus Command Center during Reformation)

105-{You've been defeated but given the change to flee with your tail between your legs. / Stern} Heretic.
106{You've been defeated but given the change to flee with your tail between your legs. / Stern} Back off. We're going.
107{You've been defeated but given the change to flee with your tail between your legs. / Stern} Let us be. You've won, all right?


108DLC03MQ06a_HCSynthQuest_SermonSceneZealotWare: Glory to Atom!{Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!A1a
109GenericCoA02: Glory to Atom!{Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!A1a