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The Capital Wasteland is a desolate stretch of land surrounding the ruins of the United States capital city, Washington, D.C. Largely incapable of sustaining life, the area is nonetheless occupied by a number of communities.

List of communities[]

Point of reference - 2277
Name Type Overview 2287 changes
Andale Settlement Small community of cannibals living in a restored housing estate. Population: 7.
Arefu Town Farming town established on a derelict section of the pre-War superhighways. Economy focuses on brahmin husbandry.
Big Town Town Beleaguered community of refugees from Little Lamplight, set up in a fortified suburban district.
Canterbury Commons Town Merchant hub for the Capital Wastes, providing shelter and provisions for traders passing through the town.
Citadel Fortress Fortified chapter headquarters of the Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel, housing the Liberty Prime hangar. Headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel under Elder Arthur Maxson and nucleus of their operations.
Evergreen Mills Town Raider town established in the ruins of an abandoned factory, providing the Capital Wasteland raider tribes with a safe hub of operations and neutral ground.
Girdershade Outpost Small outpost providing housing for two scavengers. Includes a Nuka-Cola museum.
Little Lamplight Town Underground community of children, largely self-sufficient.
Megaton Town Fortified town in the northwestern Capital Wasteland. Despite the lack of a distinct leadership, a sherriff keeps order, and its strategic location and fortifications helped it emerge as a major caravan stop in the wasteland.
Meresti Metro station Settlement Commune of cannibals established in an isolated metro station, reliant on raiding Arefu brahmin herds and scavenging.
Oasis Settlement Isolationist community of Harold worshipers with independent agriculture.
Paradise Falls Town Large town established by slavers operating on the frontier under Eulogy Jones.
Ranger compound Fortress Headquarters of Reilly's Rangers, established in a fortified basement in downtown D.C.
Raven Rock Fortress Headquarters of the Enclave remnants operating in the Capital Wasteland. Destroyed by Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel.
Republic of Dave Settlement Small, self-sufficient farming community on the frontier of the Capital Wasteland, governed by a self-styled president.
Rivet City City Scientifically-advanced community set up in 2237 within a derelict aircraft carrier beached at the Washington Naval Yard. By 2277 it was the sole supplier of edible foodstuffs in the contaminated Capital Wastes, exchanging them for technology and scientific salvage.
Underworld Town Self-sufficient community of ghouls set up in the abandoned Museum of History, reliant on scavenging to survive.
Temple of the Union Settlement Temporary settlement established by runaway slaves.
Tenpenny Tower Settlement Community of elitist retirees, who purchased accommodations at the Tower from Allistair Tenpenny. No economy to speak of.
Vault 101 Vault Sealed, isolationist Vault rapidly approaching population collapse due to genetic scarcity.

List of abandoned communities[]

Name Type Overview Cause of abandonment
Grayditch Settlement One of many unprotected villages set up in the ruins of a pre-War town. Destroyed by mutated ants unleashed by Weston Lesko.
Minefield Settlement One of many unprotected villages set up in the ruins of a pre-War town. Sacked by Paradise Falls slavers, population either killed or sold into slavery.
Rockopolis Town A town set up in one of the many caves in western Virginia. Sacked by Paradise Falls slavers, population either killed or sold into slavery.
Hilltop farm ruins Settlement A derelict farm established shortly after the Great War. Abandoned.
Wasteland gypsy village Settlement A small overlook on a lake. Residents, including a scientist and wastelander found deceased.