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Fallout Wiki

The Camp Liberty terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at Camp Liberty in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Communist base terminal[]

This desk terminal is located on a metal desk in the camp's main building's Mess Hall, the one with a radio tower on top.

Communist Base Terminal

Welcome text

| Communist Base |
| Terminal |

Operation Sleeping Giant[]



Operation Sleeping Giant Information

The following is an overview of a social experiment approved by the DIA, to be set into action sometime within 2076-2077.

Experiment Overview:

- Goal: Prove the effectiveness of communist brainwashing in an attempt to counteract its deployment against our citizens.

- Subjects: Child-aged campers at a summer camp within the greater Washington DC area.

- Method: Augmented film aimed to send the viewer into a highly suggestible state, among other less-proven methods.

- Conditioning Time Period: Different sample groups ranging from 5 to 50 years. Most within 20 years.

- Staff: Mixture of government actors and genuine communist-sympathizing youth from local area.

- Memory Conditioning: Before leaving the camp the subjects would be put back into a highly suggestible state and fed fake stories about what they did at the camp during their time away.

- Evidence Conditioning: Subjects will be conditioned to ignore any evidence that could implant the idea that they've been brainwashed. This includes treating contradictory information as though it doesn't exist. Manual enforcement of this conditioning can be triggered with the phrase "Let sleeping giants lie.".

- Activation Conditioning: The subjects will be conditioned to re-activate to their camp conditioned state using the phrase "The sleeping giant awakes to find an unhappy world.".

- Exit Procedures: Reversal of the effects of brainwashing are to be determined sometime after the final batch of subjects have departed the camp, assuming additional department funding can be secured.

Radio Broadcast[]


Radio Broadcast Log

Automated Broadcast of Activation Phrase:
2082 (Failed)
2087 (Failed)
2090 (Failed)
2093 (Failed)
2100 (Failed)
2103 (Complete)
2110 (Pending)
2120 (Pending)
2127 (Pending)

Re-Education Program[]


> Accessing Re Education Program...


Re-Education Program

To help build our army we need as many recruits as we can possibly take. The council have suggested doing a Re-Education Program.

The re-education program will consist of capturing capitalist Americans and putting them in holding cells back at the camp. Over the course of a couple of days, we will use the Operation sleeping Giant video along with other methods to bring them over to our side.

Ones who are receptive to the video as well as our other means will join our ranks as brothers and sisters under the cause, the ones who fail will be terminated.



> Accessing Storm...


In The Wake of the storm

In the wake of the unprecedented storm, the camp has sustained substantial damage. Notably, the storm resulted in the destruction of segments of our camp's protective wall, along with severe damage to the bunkhouse and several other buildings. At this current time a significant portion, if not all, of our members have been relocated to temporary accommodations in the "wild camping zone" while repair efforts are underway. These restoration endeavours, however, are proving to be time-intensive.

This unforeseen setback has necessitated a shift in our priorities, with the focus of the camp taking precedence over our previously established objectives. Our ongoing strategy involves close monitoring of the storm's developments, as well as a commitment to enhancing our camp's structures to ensure their resilience in the face of future weather events of similar magnitude.

Council member terminal[]

This desk terminal is located on a metal desk in the camp's main building's Mess Hall, the one with a radio tower on top.

Communist Base Terminal

Welcome text

| Council Member |
|Terminal |

Stoney Man Tower Notes[]


Assault on Stoney Man Tower

Today, I found myself contemplating an important matter brought up by another council member: "Where should we commence expanding our territory?" I had thought about this for a while and In my assessment, the logical starting point should be Stony Man Lookout.

In recent weeks, we've faced persistent attempts by those moronic mutants to breach our camp's defenses. This proposed assault would serve a dual purpose: eliminating a looming threat while securing a valuable vantage point in close proximity to our camp.

My next step will involve presenting this concept to the council for their consideration. If it gains their approval, I will proceed with the task of assembling a dedicated unit to carry out this endeavor. The success of this mission could mark a significant step in our pursuit of dominance in the region.

Brown House Notes[]


Assault on Stoney Man Tower

Searching the Brown House

As I examined the paper map earlier today, my eyes were drawn to the Brown House. This sparked a memory from my Pioneer days. It dawned on me that this location was once the president's holiday retreat in the park. An idea occurred to me that we should consider dispatching a scouting party to thoroughly explore it.

I hope that we might uncover remnants of documents alluding to the presence of government facilities/technology elsewhere in Appalachia or DC. Should this prove true, the potential is there for us to discover intel and facilities to securing advanced technology, thereby securing our safety and dominance for years to come.

Will need to see what the other council members think first though.

Encrypted Note...[]


Access denied.

Encrypted Note...[]


Access denied.

PTS version[]

Communist base terminal[]

Operation Sleeping Giant[]


Operation Sleeping Giant Information

We have found several reports based on "Operation Sleeping Giants" at the government agents' tents. Will write below some of the key findings from thereports.


- The DIA where after more funding from the government. To get this funding they used the current threat of invasion to their advantage.

- The DIA created a program called "Operation Sleeping Giants" which hoped to prove that the communist state could create sleeper agents out of U.S. children.

- They used the summer camp and the kids staying there (Us) as their subjects.

- They found the best method of "Brainwashing" wasusing a special film which would send the viewer intoa highly suggestible state. There were other methods but this proved to be the best.

- They needed to test the effectiveness of the brainwashing on the sleeper agents for an extended period (Around 15 years)

- They hired political majors as camp counsellors forthe camp. These Political Majors were hand-picked from Vault Tech University for their communist-Leaning views.

- While at the camp, they tested the extremes of how far they could push the communist mindset onto the children.

- Before leaving the camp the subjects would be put back into a highly suggestible state and fed fake stories about what they did at the camp during their time away.

- A phrase could be used to re-activate the subject back into the state they were in when at the camp "The Sleeping Giant Awakes to find an unhappy world". This could be used to test the long-term effects of this "Brainwashing" on their subjects.

Radio broadcast[]


Radio Broadcast

Upon looking into those government agents' notes and reports based on "Operation Sleeping Giant", we have found out that many other comrades in Appalachia have been dormant and can be awoken via a unique phrase.

We have set up a plan to create a radio mast to play this triggerable phrase over the radio in the hopes our comrades will hear this and be re-awoken.

If this works, we will have a steady stream of old members coming back to the camp, ready to join our side once more and help rebuild America into a Communist utopia.
