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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Navarro base commander, the base commander at Navarro.


{100}{}{You see someone in Advanced power armor.}
{101}{}{You see the Navarro base commander.}
{102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.}

{103}{}{Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders on the base!}
{104}{}{I don’t have time to chitchat with the grunts. You’re dismissed.}
{105}{}{Time to die.}

{107}{}{I told you I don’t have time for you. Leave this office and do not come back here unless I send for you. Dismissed!}
{108}{}{Disobeying a direct order of a superior officer is treason. I don’t have time to court martial you so I’ll handle this myself. Guards! Kill this idiot!}
{110}{}{Screw you!}

{111}{}{The Fob is in the locker over there. Have the duty officer contact me once it’s secured. Dismissed!}
{112}{}{Yes sir!}

{113}{}{Make it quick soldier, I don’t have all day to stand around.}
{114}{}{Yes sir!}

{115}{}{Leave my locker alone or I will dish out some serious pain.}
{116}{}{Yes sir!}

{117}{}{This base is on alert and I don’t recognize you. Show me your papers, soldier.}
{118}{}{What papers?}
{119}{}{You blow me!}
{120}{}{I don’t seem to have them with me...}
{121}{}{Papers? I’ve got your papers right here!}

{122}{}{Wrong answer, maggot. You’re to carry your papers with you at all times. You should know that!}
{123}{}{Fuck you.}

{124}{}{Leave my locker alone or I will dish out some serious pain.}
{125}{}{Time to die.}
