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The Brotherhood of Steel expedition to D.C. was a military excursion to the ruins of the former United States capital whose goal was to scour the technology from cities and bases on the eastern seaboard.[2]


In the year 2254,[3] sometime after the destruction of the Enclave on the West Coast, the Brotherhood's ruling council, based in the Lost Hills bunker in Southern California, decided to send a contingent of soldiers all the way to the East Coast, to scour the ruins of Washington D.C., once the nation's capital, to recover any and all advanced technology. In addition, the expedition was to reestablish contact with the "Eastern Brotherhood." Led by then Paladin Owyn Lyons, they successfully made contact with them.[Non-game 1][4][5]

In 2255, on the way to the Capital Wasteland, the Brotherhood expeditionary force attacked the raider town called "The Pitt" and razed it to the ground. These events are later known as the Scourge.[6] Using Mount Wash as a staging area, the Brotherhood swept through the city, picking up any valuable technology and unmutated children they came across, and wiping out any mutants or raider gangs that opposed them. They suffered only one casualty, Ishmael Ashur, who was presumed dead when a building collapsed on him. Ishmael Ashur would later be recovered by scavengers, and find himself in the only working steel mill that the Brotherhood had ever found. Ashur would unite what was left of the Pitt's raider gangs and reforge the Pitt as an industrialized city-state.

The Brotherhood of Steel expeditionary force under Owyn Lyons arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255, establishing the Citadel as their main base of operation in the ruins of the Pentagon.[1][7][8]



This is the second known time an expedition from Lost Hills was sent to the East Coast. Around 150 years prior, the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force also traveled far across the ruins of America, visiting sites of technology along the way, although they went to Appalachia.


The Brotherhood of Steel expedition to D.C. is mentioned only in Fallout 3.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What about the Brotherhood's history in this area?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "We first arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255. In those first couple of years, we discovered the Citadel, Super Mutants, and Project Purity! Ah, the purifier. What an undertaking. The work your father and his team did was... amazing. The Brotherhood helped protect them, you know. At least for a little while. But we were stretched thin as it was, even back then. We had to pull our forces out. When we did, the place was overrun. I imagine that's when your father left. I... I'm sorry, I wish things had turned out differently."
    (Scribe Jameson's dialogue)
  2. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What kind of changes?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "We were dispatched with a specific mission. We were sent to locate and secure any technology remaining from before the war. Like our robotic monstrosity. That was our greatest find. Damn thing still doesn't work, but at least it's ours. But those damned Super Mutants... They changed things. Lyons changed. He decided they were a threat. Not just to us, but to everyone. And so he altered the mission. Finding the source of the mutants and putting a stop to them was his goal. Our original mission became an afterthought. We've failed both."
    (Rothchild's dialogue)
  3. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Why is that a sore subject?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "Much has happened in the 23 years since we left the west coast. Our mission has changed in that time. The changes have not all been pleasant, and have had significant repercussions."
    (Rothchild's dialogue)
  4. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Care to share anything about the Super Mutants?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "The Brotherhood has been battling Super Mutants for decades. First out West, then in Chicago. Now here. But this group of Super Mutants is different, somehow. Physically, yes, but mentally as well. If we knew where they came from, we'd know why."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  5. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Then where's the rest of the Brotherhood?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "The West Coast, unless something has changed. There's been no contact with them for the last several years. There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  6. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How did you end up in the Brotherhood?"
    Kodiak: "Now that's a story... The only reason I'm here is because of Elder Lyons. You see, I grew up in the Pitt. Don't suppose you've ever been there, huh? It's about 500 klicks to the northwest. Place is a nightmare -- three irradiated rivers coming together. People there were... not well. But the Brotherhood of Steel came down on the place with a righteous hammer. They called it 'The Scourge.'"
    (Kodiak's dialogue)
  7. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How long have you been here?"
    Owyn Lyons: "It's been over twenty years since we arrived. And we've been struggling to contain and eradicate the Super Mutants for nearly as long. With the arrival of the Enclave, I have a terrible feeling the Super Mutants are the least of our worries."
    (Owyn Lyons' dialogue)
  8. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How long have you been here?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "We arrived here in '55. Established ourselves in the Citadel within the first few months. The Elder has kept us busy since then."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)


  1. ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.71: "Elder Owyn Lyons
    Lyons, 75, was already highly decorated when he set out from the order's West Coast headquarters, leading a party of soldiers on a mission to reestablish contact with the 'Eastern Brotherhood.' He discovered this abandoned Pentagon military complex. The presence of Super Mutants sent a chill up the collective spine of the Brotherhood; these weren't the children of the dreaded Master, nor were they the remnants of the band that fled east and were ultimately destroyed (or assimilated into the Brotherhood of Steel) in the Chicago area. No, this was a new breed of Super Mutant, one with a local origin. But where did they come from? What did they want? How were they reproducing? Elder Lyons was ordered to discover the source of this new Super Mutant infestation and wipe it from the face of the earth. Recent weeks have seen him galvanize his 'Pride' to thwart the remnants of the Enclave forces, and to provide drinking water to all."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)