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Fallout Wiki

Broccoli is a consumable, which is mentioned in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76.


An edible green plant whose large flower head is used as a vegetable, broccoli is a member of the cabbage family. It survived the Great War and is grown in the hydroponic gardens of both Rivet City[1] and the Institute[2]



  1. Janice Kaplinski: "The work that Doctor Li is doing is just amazing. I might even be able to produce broccoli in the hydroponic gardens next year."
    Preston: "That's wonderful. I've read about broccoli in the old books, but I've never seen any."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's, and Preston's dialogue)
  2. It is seen as one of the foodstuffs dispensed by the food synthesizers.
  3. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Cook exam