Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

My wife Vivian wasn't exactly thrilled when I told her we needed that cash injection to expand the jewelry store, but she's much happier now after she looked at the profit and loss statements! I honestly don't know how I could have done this without her. Not just in terms of the money, but also the emotional support. No matter how crazy of a dream I chase, she's right there behind me to back it up. I'm a lucky man.

Brighton Gould was the spouse of Vivian Garrahan, marrying her well after she had grown Garrahan Mining to be an industrial giant.


A jeweler by trade and occupation, Brighton was despised by his wife's eldest son, Bill Garrahan, who believed that Gould cared only for the Garrahans' money.[1] However, Brighton genuinely loved Vivian for the way she believed in his dreams and supported him, not just financially, but also emotionally. She stood by his side and her fire and passion helped keep him going, even past the point of reason.

One such case was in Africa, where Brighton was prospecting for diamonds. Vivian insisted they continue drilling long after he wanted to throw in the towel, finally hitting it big with the seventh drill. However, his ability to support her had its limits. He couldn't, for instance, overcome the devastating hit she took when the Excavator power armor project collapsed in the wake of the challenge she issued to competitor, Atomic Mining Services. Although he scrambled for a solution, he could only watch as his wife withered away under the strain.[2]


Brighton Gould is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

