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This is a transcript for dialogue with Proctor Teagan.


1-{Confident} We can talk shop after you've fully checked in with Elder Maxson and Paladin Danse.A
2{Concerned} What are you doing back here? Maxson's address is on the Command Deck.A


3-{Somber} Danse was a traitor? Never saw that coming.
4{Somber} I heard you killed Danse. I suppose someone had to do it.


5-{Confident} Did you have anything to say, Sentinel?
6{impatient / Irritated} Come on, I have inventory to count...
7{impatient / Irritated} Is this going to take much longer?
8{impatient / Irritated} I really don't have time for this.


9BoSPrydwen_01_TeaganIntro{very warm / Happy} Step forward, Knight... even though they've locked me in this blasted cage, I promise that I won't bite.Player Default: Looks uncomfortable in there.A
10Player Default: I could use some extra caps.{jovial / Amused} You need them, and I want you to spend them here. It's a match made in heaven.BoSTeagan: It just involves a little bit of heavy lifting and interacting with the local farms.A1a
11Player Default: "Caps on the side," eh? Doesn't sound like official military business to me.{Thinking} Well, it is and it isn't. It's... complicated.BoSTeagan: It just involves a little bit of heavy lifting and interacting with the local farms.B1a
12Player Default: As long as I don't end up in the brig.{Friendly} Don't worry. Last thing I'd want to do is get our newest recruit in trouble.BoSTeagan: It just involves a little bit of heavy lifting and interacting with the local farms.X1a
13Player Default: What sort of "extra work" are we talking about?{Surprised} Oh, no, no, no... it's nothing like you're thinking.BoSTeagan: It just involves a little bit of heavy lifting and interacting with the local farms.Y1a
14Player Default: You need them, and I want you to spend them here. It's a match made in heaven.{Confident} It just involves a little bit of heavy lifting and interacting with the local farms.A1a
15{Friendly} And since I'm stuck up here manning this one-man zoo... I need someone to do the legwork for me.A1b
16{Confident} After you're done with the meet and greet, we can discuss the details.BoSTeagan: In the meantime... if you ever need anything else... a gun, a mod... even ammo, you just let me know.A1c
17Player Default: It's not that bad.{Friendly} This is the stowage depot, and I... as you probably already guessed... am the ship's quartermaster, Proctor Teagan.A1a
18{Friendly} The powers that be have me locked in here so I can keep an eye on the Brotherhood's valuables.A1b
19{Friendly} If you need to stock up on supplies before you head out on a mission, this is the place to buy them.Player Default: That's good to know.A1c
20Player Default: That's good to know.I'm glad you're the agreeable type.A1a
21When I tell most of the new recruits that they have to buy their own equipment, they give me the stinkeye.BoSTeagan: The good news is by having a constant flow of caps, I'm able to buy whatever you bring me.A1b
22Player Default: Buying my own equipment is ridiculous.{Irritated} Listen up, recruit. Keeping the Brotherhood supplied takes caps... and everyone contributes to the cause.B1a
23{Irritated} That's Elder Maxson's orders.BoSTeagan: The good news is by having a constant flow of caps, I'm able to buy whatever you bring me.B1b
24Player Default: So if I'm out of caps, I guess I'll just defeat the enemy with my bare hands.There's plenty of spare ammo and equipment all over the ship... you can help yourself to anything you can find.X1a
25Everything in here is a bit more specialized and unique.BoSTeagan: The good news is by having a constant flow of caps, I'm able to buy whatever you bring me.X1b
26Player Default: Wait... buy them? Since when does the military sell equipment to its own soldiers?{Sarcastic} Since someone dropped a whole bunch of bombs and blew up every single factory that manufactured weapons and ammunition.Y1a
27{Irritated} Keeping the Brotherhood supplied takes caps... and everyone contributes to the cause.BoSTeagan: The good news is by having a constant flow of caps, I'm able to buy whatever you bring me.Y1b
28Player Default: When I tell most of the new recruits that they have to buy their own equipment, they give me the stinkeye.{Friendly} The good news is by having a constant flow of caps, I'm able to buy whatever you bring me.A1a
29{Confident} I'm mostly interested in weapons, but I'll take anything useful.A1b
30{SinisterSmile} Of course, if you're just looking to make a few caps on the side... I might have some extra work for you to do.Player Default: I could use some extra caps.A1c
31{Surprised} Where are you off to? Is it something I said?A1a
32Player Default: Looks uncomfortable in there.It's not that bad.BoSTeagan: This is the stowage depot, and I... as you probably already guessed... am the ship's quartermaster, Proctor Teagan.A1a
33Player Default: You must be in there for a reason. Maybe I'll keep my distance.{Surprised} I'm only having a bit of fun with you, Knight.BoSTeagan: This is the stowage depot, and I... as you probably already guessed... am the ship's quartermaster, Proctor Teagan.B1a
34Player Default: Not really here to chit-chat. I had orders to meet the crew.{Irritated} Rules, rules, rules... everyone around here is so obsessed with the damn rules.X1a
35{Irritated} I hope you're not another one of those "by the book" military types.BoSTeagan: This is the stowage depot, and I... as you probably already guessed... am the ship's quartermaster, Proctor Teagan.X1b
36Player Default: Why are you in there?I'm glad you asked.BoSTeagan: This is the stowage depot, and I... as you probably already guessed... am the ship's quartermaster, Proctor Teagan.Y1a
37BoSTeagan: After you're done with the meet and greet, we can discuss the details.{Friendly} In the meantime... if you ever need anything else... a gun, a mod... even ammo, you just let me know.A1a
38BoSPrydwen_02_TeaganNormal{Friendly} The Brotherhood's got a lifetime supply of nuclear ordinance thanks to you. I expect you could use a resupply after a scrap like that.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
39{Friendly} Nice work, bringing Doctor Li back into the fold. Now, there something you need?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
40{Friendly} With Liberty Prime back in action, this war's as good as won. Now, what can I do for you?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
41{Comforting someone who had to deal with a traitor in your midst. / Somber} Welcome back. Heard about Danse. Just know, what you did was right. Now, what can I do for you?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
42{Neutral} Heard you cleaned house over at Railroad HQ. Could probably use some fresh supplies.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
43{Neutral} Congratulations on the promotion, Paladin. We keep some of the superior gear on reserve for the higher ranks. Let me know if you want to take a look.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
44{Neutral} Well, if it isn't our very own Sentinel. Got some special gear set aside for you. Let me know if you'd like to take a look.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
45What can I get for you today?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
46Looking to pick a fight? I'll help you end it.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
47What brings you to me today?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
48Can I help you with anything?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
49{Neutral} Most farmers won't be too happy about donating their crops, so watch your back out there.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
50{Question} Still need something?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
51{SinisterSmile} If you need a little extra persuasion to help with those farmers, I got plenty of tools here you could use.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
52{Friendly} It's about time we resupplied the Prydwen, too. I'll be damned if they had to start rationing out food.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
53{Question} Something else I can help you with?Player Default: I'll take a look.A
54{Confident} That farm's nothing you can't handle.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
55{Confident} Those farmers give you any trouble, I trust you know what to do.Player Default: I'll take a look.A
56{Neutral} Those farmers don't know how good they have it. They aren't risking their lives for the greater good.Player Default: I'll take a look.A1a
57{Neutral} If these farmers realized what we did for them on a daily basis, they'd be lining up to help.Player Default: I'll take a look.A2a
58{Amused} I realize it's not the most glamorous of missions, but hell, neither is starving.Player Default: I'll take a look.A3a
59Player Default: I'll take a look.{Friendly} All of my weapons are mission-ready.A1a
60Player Default: I'll take a look.{Friendly} Got some choice weapons that just came in.A2a
61Player Default: I'll take a look.{Friendly} Be my guest.A3a
62Player Default: I'll take a look.{Friendly} I'm sure I've got something that'll put a smile on your face.A4a
63Player Default: Never mind.{Confident} Sounds good.B1a
64Player Default: Never mind.{Friendly} Next time then.B2a
65Player Default: Never mind.{Confident} All right.B3a
66Player Default: Never mind.{Confident} Fine by me.B4a
67Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Friendly} Hard to resist the lure of extra caps.X1a
68Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Friendly} Good to hear.X2a
69Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Friendly} I'm starting to really like you.X3a
70Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Friendly} You're just in time.X4a
71Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Impressed} Good answer.X5a
72Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Confident} Ensuring cooperation from the farms for our upcoming supply requisition.Player Default: I'll take a look.X6a
73Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Confident} Making sure these farms will be prepared when I send out troops to claim supplies.Player Default: I'll take a look.X7a
74Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Confident} Getting the farms in on our upcoming supply requisition.Player Default: I'll take a look.X8a
75Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Confident} Informing the Commonwealth farms of their upcoming support for the Brotherhood of Steel.Player Default: I'll take a look.X9a
76Player Default: I need details on the mission.{Confident} You get to make sure those farmers down below donate a proper amount of their crop to the Brotherhood of Steel.Player Default: I'll take a look.X10a
77Player Default: Have anything unusual?I have some special mods I've been working on.Y1a
78It's sort of a hobby I have to pass the time. Real high-powered stuff.Y1b
79{Friendly} Slap a few of them onto your weapons and I'm pretty sure they'll put a smile on your face.Player Default: I'll take a look.Y1c
80BoSPrydwen_03_TeaganPost{Somber} I know I'm not the first to say this, but I appreciate what you did down there. The Institute got exactly what it deserved.Player Default: Cheer up, Proctor. We won.A
81Player Default: Cheer up, Proctor. We won.{Somber} I wish that I could. I just keep thinking about all the lives that were lost getting to this point.BoSTeagan: There was this one pilot in particular... Rico was his name.A1a
82Player Default: You don't sound like you appreciate it.{Sarcastic} This victory cost us a lot of lives. So you'll have to forgive me if I don't jump for joy.BoSTeagan: There was this one pilot in particular... Rico was his name.B1a
83Player Default: I'm guessing that's not all you wanted to say.{Apologetic} Is it that obvious? Sorry.X1a
84{Somber} I just keep thinking about all the lives that were lost getting to this point.BoSTeagan: There was this one pilot in particular... Rico was his name.X1b
85Player Default: If we won, why do you still sound so upset?{Somber} I guess I'm just thinking about all the lives that were lost getting to this point.BoSTeagan: There was this one pilot in particular... Rico was his name.Y1a
86Player Default: I wish that I could. I just keep thinking about all the lives that were lost getting to this point.{Somber} There was this one pilot in particular... Rico was his name.A1a
87{Somber} I've been on this ship long enough that I watched him go from a greenhorn wastelander to a Lancer.A1b
88{Somber} Every day after his duty shift he'd come back here and we'd talk about... well, everything. Sometimes for hours.A1c
89{Somber} I remember the day Kells put him in command of a vertibird. He ran right down here to me and handed me a bottle of whiskey.A1d
90{Somber} I told him to keep it, but he insisted. He said I was his friend... felt he owed it to me for keeping him sane all those years.Player Default: Sounds like a good man.A1e
91Player Default: Sounds like a good man.{accentuate "was" / Somber} He was.BoSTeagan: Right before you got back to the Prydwen, Kells told me he was shot down.A1a
92Player Default: I have a feeling this story isn't going to end well.{Somber} You could say that.BoSTeagan: Right before you got back to the Prydwen, Kells told me he was shot down.B1a
93Player Default: Did something happen to him?{Somber} The worst thing you could imagine.BoSTeagan: Right before you got back to the Prydwen, Kells told me he was shot down.Y1a
94Player Default: He was.{Somber} Right before you got back to the Prydwen, Kells told me he was shot down.A1a
95{Somber} Some punk with a rocket launcher got lucky and blew him from the sky.A1b
96{Somber} I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. It's not really any of your concern.A1c
97{Somber} I guess I just wanted to show you that there's two sides to every victory. Those who live to revel in it, and those who died making it happen.BoSTeagan: Well, I think I've raked you through the mud for long enough.A1d
98BoSTeagan: I guess I just wanted to show you that there's two sides to every victory. Those who live to revel in it, and those who died making it happen.{trying to cheer up after a sad story (snapping out of it) / Friendly} Well, I think I've raked you through the mud for long enough.A1a
99{Friendly} Here, I want to give you this as a token of my gratitude for everything you've done.A1b
100{Friendly} I hope the gesture means the same to you as it did to me.A1c
101-{Grateful} As promised, here are your caps as payment.
102{Confident} If you want to hit up another farm, just say the word.
103{Grateful} Here are those caps I promised you.
104{Confident} Let me know when you feel like paying another farm a visit.
105{Grateful} Here are your caps as per our agreement.
106{Confident} Plenty of farms out there to cross off the list, if you're interested.
107{Grateful} Your payment as discussed.
108{Confident} Let me know if you feel like heading back down.
109{Grateful} Here. Your caps, just as we agreed.
110{Confident} If you got the time, I got a few more farms for you to hit.
111Well, this silence is awkward.
112Was it something I said?
113Hello? Anyone in there?
114{whistle as if bored (short)} *whistles*
115I'll set you up with whatever you need... after you have a little chat with Captain Kells first.
116{Friendly} Remember, come find me when you're done meeting the rest of the crew. Plenty of work if you need it.
117{Friendly} Come back when you're done introducing yourself.
118{Friendly} I don't want to interrupt your meet and greet, so be sure to stop by when you're done.
119{Friendly} I won't keep you from meeting the crew, but if you're interested in a little extra work when you're done, this is where I'll be.
120{Friendly} Go on. Elder Maxon says meet the crew, so go meet the crew. But when you're done, I got plenty of work if you're interested.
121{You're looking at something you consider a threat. / Concerned} You disarmed that synth before you came in here, right?
122{Concerned} You just keep that Ghoul away from the ordinance.


123BoSR05IntroPlayer Default: I'm in.{Confident} Good.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A1a
124Player Default: I'm in.{Confident} That's what I like to hear.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A2a
125Player Default: I'm in.{Confident} Thought you would be.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A3a
126Player Default: I'm in.{Confident} Knew I could count on you.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A4a
127Player Default: I'm in.{Confident} Perfect.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A5a
128Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Now, that's a real shame. Offer's still here if you change your mind.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.B1a
129Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Don't forget, there's caps in it for you. Come back if you change your mind.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.B2a
130Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} I get it, it's not the most enticing of jobs. Let me know if you have second thoughts.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.B3a
131Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Well, the offer still stands. I'm always looking for help when I can get it, and you know where to find me.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.B4a
132Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Can't blame a guy for trying. If you decide you're interested, I'll be here. This cage ain't lettin' me out anytime soon.BoSR05Teagan: Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.B5a
133Player Default: Any means necessary? You're giving me carte blanche on this?{Confident} You said it. Like they say, if you aren't with us, you're against us.Y1a
134{Question} Think you can handle that?Player Default: I'm in.Y1b
135Player Default: Good.{Military tone / Neutral} Here's the location. Convince the settlement to support the Brotherhood, or take over the settlement by force.A1a
136Player Default: Good.{Confident} I'll mark the farm on your map. Remember, "guaranteed" cooperation.A2a
137Player Default: Good.{Confident} You'll find the farm on your map. Don't forget, you get their cooperation by any means necessary.A3a
138Player Default: Good.{Confident} Here's the farm. I've no doubt you'll convince those simple little civilians.A4a
139Player Default: Good.{Amused} The farm's on your map. Introduce those civilians to the power of persuasion.A5a
140{Military tone / Neutral} The food stores don't replenish themselves, so I need legs on the ground to hit up farms in the area.A1a
141{Military tone / Neutral} We'll be requisitioning a portion of their harvest and I need that food crated and ready to go for when I send out a collection team.A1b
142{Military tone / Neutral} Your mission will be to ensure full cooperation of the civilian farmers. By any means necessary.Player Default: I'm in.A1c
143BoSR05Reward{Question} Were you successful?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.A
144{Question} How'd it go? Successful I bet.Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.A
145{Question} Look who's back. I take it everything went without a hitch?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.A
146{Question} Hope you got some good news for me.Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.A
147{Question} Ah, my legs on the ground. You get those farmers to cooperate?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.A
148Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.{Impressed} I knew you'd get that job done.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A1a
149Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.{Impressed} Good work. I knew counting on you was the right thing.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A2a
150Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.{Impressed} I knew you'd be the right one for the job.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A3a
151Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.{Impressed} Couldn't have done a better job myself.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A4a
152Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.{Impressed} You sure get the job done, don't you?BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A5a
153Player Default: Skip the banter, old man.{Amused} Well... I'll take that as a yes.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.B1a
154Player Default: Skip the banter, old man.{Amused} You're lucky this cage is here, and I'm feeling generous.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.B2a
155Player Default: Skip the banter, old man.{Amused} I take it that means you didn't have a good time.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.B3a
156Player Default: Skip the banter, old man.{Amused} Well aren't you the little firecracker.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.B4a
157Player Default: Skip the banter, old man.{Amused} Whoa, someone blow out your birthday candles?BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.B5a
158Player Default: I'll get back to you.{Amused} Hurry up. Time's a wastin'.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.X1a
159Player Default: I'll get back to you.{Amused} Be sure you do.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.X2a
160Player Default: I'll get back to you.{Amused} Looking forward to it.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.X3a
161Player Default: I'll get back to you.{Amused} And hopefully with good news.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.X4a
162Player Default: I'll get back to you.{Amused} You better. I'll be waiting.BoSR05Teagan: The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.X5a
163Player Default: Which mission?{Confident} The one where you convince the farmers to donate crops to our cause.Y1a
164{Question} Hopefully that's familiar and you have some good news for me?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.Y1b
165Player Default: Which mission?{Confident} The one and only mission to secure food supplies for the Brotherhood.Y2a
166{Question} So, were you convincing enough?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.Y2b
167Player Default: Which mission?{Confident} Convincing the farmers to donate crops to the cause. How bout it? Any luck?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.Y3a
168Player Default: Which mission?{Confident} Getting the civilians to support the Brotherhood food drive.Y4a
169{Question} So, how'd it go?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.Y4b
170Player Default: Which mission?{Confident} Making sure those farmers down there have their crops ready to go for when I send some troops down there to pick them up.Y5a
171{Question} I'm sure you persuaded them, right?Player Default: Yes, sir. The crops will be available when harvested.Y5b
172Player Default: I knew you'd get that job done.The food will do great good! Here's a reward to show our thanks.A1a
173Come by later, we may need you to visit another settlement.A1b
174-{Friendly} As they say, you can't win a war on an empty stomach.
175{Confident} I got another farm lined up for you.
176{Confident} Another farm awaits your presence.
177{Confident} I got another farm all picked out for you.
178{Confident} I got word of another supply location.
179{Confident} I hear there's another farm just waiting for you to pay it a visit.
180{Confident} Ensuring cooperation from the farms for our upcoming supply requisition.
181{Confident} Getting the farms in on our upcoming supply requisition.
182{Confident} Making sure these farms will be prepared when I send out troops to claim supplies.
183{Confident} Informing the farms of the Commonwealth of their upcoming support of the Brotherhood of Steel.
184{Confident} You get to make sure those farmers down below donate a proper amount of their crop to the Brotherhood of Steel.


185CIS_ChatWithNPC_DanseSceneCompanion: Reporting in, Elder.{Friendly} Bah, just the usual. What I'm really looking for is some Institute technology. Bring me some, and I'll make it worth your while.Companion: Get out of my sight, filthy ghoul!A4a


186ConvBoSAirportPrydwen03SceneBoSGroup01: Proctor Teagan?Oh, hello there. What can I do for you?BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.A1a
187BoSGroup01: Proctor Teagan?Yes?BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.A2a
188BoSGroup01: Proctor Teagan?Um, yes? Did you need something?BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.A3a
189BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.Wonderful. It's nice to get some good news for a change, eh?A1a
190BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.I see. Well, thank you for letting me know, soldier.A2a
191BoSGroup01: One of our sweep and retrieve patrols have recovered that comic book you were looking for.Good to know. Thank you.A3a


192-{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
193{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
194{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
195{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
196{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
197{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
198{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
199{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
200{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
201{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
202{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
203{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
204{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
205{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
206{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
207{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
208{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
209{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
210{death / InPain} For... E-elder M-maxson...
211{death / InPain} Honor and g-glory...
212{death / InPain} For the B-brotherhood...
213{InPain} Agh.
214{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
215{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
216{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
217{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
218{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
219{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
220{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
221{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
222{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
223For the Brotherhood!
224For victory!
225No mercy!
226Ad victoriam!
227For Elder Maxson!


228-So many damned setbacks.
229If only we could get Liberty Prime fully operational...
230Keep your head down. Otherwise you're the next scapegoat.