Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bar Harbor Museum is an unmarked location on the Island in 2287.


The site was a museum in the town of Bar Harbor, Maine, in 2077. The institution was subject to the same consistent vandalism of the Vim machines on their property as other locations on the Island. Despite constant vigilance, museum staff were unable to catch the culprit; however, the employee Jan did learn that Beaver Creek Lanes was also experiencing the same vandalism.[1]


Due west of Far Harbor, just past the trapper-occupied Super-Duper Mart, a short driveway opposite a bus stop leads from the main road to the property, which is infested with feral ghouls. To the west is a yellow wooden crate next to a cannon, two row boats, and a dry-docked trawler. To the north is a small pier holding another cannon and a red steamer trunk. To the east is the severely damaged museum building, which features a Coast Guard hat next to a broken terminal on a desk, an Advanced-locked safe on the floor, a basket holding three cannonballs, and two more cannons.


Bar Harbor Museum appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


