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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ava Rose.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
30 00648281 0064F923 It's good to see you well.
31 0064F924 Give thanks for the gift of another day.
32 0064F925 What can I do for you, sweetheart?
33 0064F926 The Holy Spirit burns bright with you, my child.
34 0064F927 It's a blessing to see your shining face.
55 00655E55 Hello, sweetie. May I ask what brought you to this troubled place?
77 00648282 0064F913 May the Lord guide your steps.
78 0064F914 Good to see you, sweetie.
79 0064F915 Best wishes to you, my dear.
80 0064F916 Please do take care of yourself out there.
81 0064F917 You must walk with intention and compassion.

89 0065020C You there! Y-You're not a Fanatic, are you?
100 00648283 0064F90D There's still work for me to do on this Earth.
101 0064F90E We must not lose hope.
102 0064F90F What was I...? Oh yes, of course. Of course.
103 0064F910 *wheezing*
104 0064F911 I see it just like yesterday... A rebirth. Yes. All that falls into ashes is reborn.
291 0064F902 0064F91F I believe they are suffering. They think themselves beyond salvation. So they march ever deeper into perdition.
292 That is what Danilo thought. What he thinks. And now, he has saved hundreds of lives.
293 I've spoken to others. Given them gifts... scarves of pure white. They may yet be convinced it is not too late. If only... If only I could... *cough*
294 Forgive me *cough* sweetie. What was I saying?
295 0064F903 0064F920 Once, I stayed in the Sanctum, when it was a place of love and security.
296 The lost souls who claimed it from us, they took their chains to every survivor. All except me.
297 Their eyes turned away from me as I escaped. The Holy Spirit at my back, I was able to find liberation.
298 Was I guided here, to this safe place outside the dark and toxic chasms? Yes. But no map did I follow, no direction was I given.
299 I was guided here to help those who remain.
300 0064F904 0064F91E Me? Darling, no. I have everything I could need.
301 But those who suffered, and even perished, under the cruelty of the Fanatics... they need our compassion.
302 Find their tracking collars, sweetheart. Bring them to me, so I may lay their souls to rest.
303 If we cannot respect the memory of the dead, then there is no hope for the living.
304 0065F21A Not for me, but for the fallen. If you come upon any victims during your mission, give them a moment of your time.
305 Take their tracking collars, and bring them to me. I will learn their names, and lay the poor dears to rest.
306 0064F909 0064F921 God be with you, child.
307 0064F90A 0064F922 Oh, sweetheart. My body may meet its time, but my soul is eternal.
308 I have lived a long and healthy life on Earth. If the dangers of this place speed my passage to Heaven, let it be so.
309 Until then, I will do all that I can for those I leave behind.
375 00655E3E 00655E51 You come to me whenever you're ready, dear.
376 00655E42 00655E4E It has been called Hell on Earth. Perhaps we are being tested.
377 I believe that if our faith holds true here, if we stay strong and bring light to others, then we will have a place in His Kingdom.
378 00655E44 00655E52 The Lord brought me to this place. First, to the sanctuary of the cathedral, when it was a sanctuary.
379 When the Fanatics came storming in... I should have died then. I no longer have the strength to endure such violence.
380 But God opened the way for me. He averted their eyes so that I could escape. I stay to pass on His kindness to all those who make it through here.
381 00655E46 00655E4F Then you are working to ease the suffering of those held captive at the Sanctum?
382 A guardian angel walking among us. We all have the power to do it. But not all have the strength of will, as you do.
383 You let me know if there is anything I can do to help you, sweetie.
384 00655E48 00655E53 Don't worry yourself about it. You must preserve your own life first, or you cannot help others.
385 00655E4A 00655E50 Oh, bless you. Bring me what you can, and we will say our farewells.
401 0065F1FF 0065F213 Oh, sweetie. No need to sully your tongue with such words.
402 We are all God's children. You need only place your faith in Him, and you will see it too.
403 0065F200 0065F20D Their attention was turned elsewhere. To the young and dangerous, perhaps.
404 It matters not how it happened. What matters is that I am here to help, to comfort, to provide hope in any way I can.
436 0065FF82 0065FF86 Truly? What a blessing. Maybe one day I will see their face again, and we can speak of all they have still ahead of them.
437 Everyone has it inside themselves: the will to do the right thing. Sometimes they need only a helping hand. Someone to believe in them.
438 0065FF83 0065FF85 The names on these collars... I will remember them well. Thanks to you, dearie, these poor souls need not walk to Heaven alone.