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Para a quest miscelânea relacionada à localidade, veja A Zona de Combate (Quest).


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Outrora um antigo teatro e arena pública, uma gangue de invasores ocupou o local e assumiu a operação de Tommy Lonegan em 2285. O qe antes era um local onde pessoas respeitáveis vinham para entretenimento, tornou-se num local onde egoístas tenam tomar vantagem um do outro.[1][2] Às vezes os invasores se divertem assistindo à lutas entre outros invasores, e às vezes entre habitantes dos ermos capturados. Cait faz parte desse segundo grupo.


  • Quando Cait 'vence' a luta roteirizada, há uma chance de ativar a vantagem Idiot Savant.
  • Esperar até o Único Sobrevivente se tornar o Overboss de Nuka-World, mesmo na infâmia máxima, não muda a reação dos clientes ao entrar pela primeira vez.
  • Falas não usadas de Tommy Lonegan revelam que a Zona de Combate seria uma arena que o jogador poderia participar. Tommy faz referência ao prêmio e a um elevador no porão que leva os combatentes á arena. Isso foi cortado por razões desconhecidas, mas a localidade foi mantida provavelmente devido ao desejo de manter Cait no jogo.
  • No PC, usar o comando de console coc combatzone02 teletransportará o jogador até um porão não utilizado da Zona de Combate, com vesutários, um elevador, escadas até o palco principal, etc. coc combatzone01 pode ser usado para voltar à |ona de Combate original.

Comentários dos Companheiros[]

  • Nessa localidade, companheiros companions podem fazer conetários, ativados em duas localizações: O exterior e a fileira da frente. Há uma terceira localização inacessível que foi cortada do jogo.
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Location comments
Character Specific location Comment
Cait exterior "Why the hell are we comin' back here? My days of fightin' in that lousy cage are over."
front row "Why the hell are we back here? You know how much I hate this fuckin' place!"
Conteúdo cortado "I used to love enterin' the ring and hearin' everyone cheer. Now I'm realizin' I was just a caged animal put on display for their amusement."
Codsworth exterior "Please don't tell me you intend on staying here. I daresay a place named "Combat Zone" may have ramifications for your well being."
front row "A cage? How uncivilized."
Conteúdo cortado "Quite the theatrical set up back here. I can only imagine the elaborate plays that were performed here."
Curie exterior "Combat. Zone. What a useful warning. We should avoid this place, yes?"
front row "What do they put in the cage?"
Danse exterior "This place is barbaric. Is this really how far society has fallen?"
front row "This is positively barbaric. Has mankind truly fallen this far?"
Conteúdo cortado "Ridiculous. These aren't animals, these are human beings."
Deacon exterior "Used to be wannabe gladiators bashed each other's skulls in here. Now it's full of raiders. So, no change."
front row "Cage fighting. Not my cup of tea."
John Hancock exterior "Raiders always go hogging all the nice places for themselves."
front row "Ain't this a hell of a sight."
Conteúdo cortado "Always figured the life of a cage fighter would be more glamorous than this..."
Robert MacCready exterior "Damn Raiders. Ruined a perfectly good cage fighting arena. What's the world coming to anyway?"
front row "Oh man, I used to come here all time. I can't even tell you how many caps this dive sucked out of my pockets."
Conteúdo cortado "Tommy tried to get me to fight in the ring once. Almost took him up on it, too. Guess I missed my chance."
Nick Valentine exterior "What a waste of a venue."
front row "Sure made a mess of this place, didn't they?"
Conteúdo cortado "The underbelly of the Combat Zone. Not sure it gets seedier than this."
Piper Wright exterior "Ah, the Combat Zone. No finer place to get murdered in all the Commonwealth."
front row "Animals on either side of this cage."
Conteúdo cortado "Huh. Never been down here. Hate to say it, but a story about the inner workings of the Combat Zone would really move some papers."
Preston Garvey exterior "The sooner we take care of business and get out of here, the better."
front row "This is barbaric."
Conteúdo cortado "The really sad thing is that people volunteer for this."
Strong ? "Bah! Fighting is for killing. Not watching."
X6-88 exterior "If you ask me, this place is a waste of time."
front row "This is where the separate the weak from the strong."


A Zona de Combate aparece apenas em Fallout 4.


Espólios Notáveis[]

  • Cercas de Madeira Edição #4 - Numa mesa em frente à jaula de luta mais próxima ao bar.
  • Mini-ogiva nuclear - Numa cadeira na parte de trás do balcão, próxima a um saco de dormir.
  • Corset - Usado por Cait.


  • A Zona de Combate é baseada na localização histórica de Boston de mesmo nome, uma sessão de Boston entre Boylston e Kneeland Streets que era um distrito de entretenimento adulto nos anos 1960.
  • A entrada para a Zona de Combate é similar à entrada doThe entrance to the Combat Zone bears a striking resemblance to that of the Orpheum Theatre no centro de Boston.
  • A placa da Zona de Combate foi criada pela estagiária de arte de mundo Madeleine Rabil.



  1. Cait: "Have a minute? Got somethin' on my mind."
    The Sole Survivor: "Of course, anything you need."
    Cait: "Anythin' I need, huh? I might take you up on that one day. After Tommy stuck me with you, I was expectin' to hate your guts. Not only because you agreed to pick up me contract, but because I was waitin' for you to order me around like hired help. Now so far, you've been treatin' me like a friend. Hell, you've been damn near NICE to me. Now I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but your kindness is startin' to make me wonder. If there's anythin' I learned at the Combat Zone, it was that nobody does things for other people without expectin' somethin' in return."
    The Sole Survivor: "You're comparing me to that riff-raff?"
    Cait: "You don't even come close to the losers that pollute the place. I spent three years livin' at the Combat Zone. Smelled like puke and piss, but I called it home. I was makin' a few caps, had me own bed to sleep in and three hot meals a day. Then the Raiders took over the place. You know that lot... they aren't exactly what you'd call "the gentle type." After they moved in, if you didn't keep lookin' over your shoulder, you were liable to get sucker punched and robbed... or worse. Didn't take me long to learn that I had to put my hard-earned caps to good use. Buyin' friends was essential to makin' life easier. So I guess I'm waitin' for you to hand me a bill, you know what I mean?"
    (Cait's dialogue)
  2. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.497-498: "[16.01] COMBAT ZONE
    Once an old-time theater and public arena, this location has been taken over by Raiders, who don’t allow anyone in other than their own. Tommy Lonegan, a Southie Ghoul, announces the fights, while Cait, the headliner, cuts throats in the ring."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)