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Esta é a transcrição de um arquivo de diálogo, o qual, contêm mensagens in-game relacionadas a scripts e itens ou a diálogos de personagens não jogáveis durante o gameplay.

Arquivo de diálogo de Dick Richardson, presidente da Enclave em Fallout 2


{100}{}{You see a man in a suit. He's staring into space. Like he's lookin' at you but he ain't lookin' at you.}
{101}{}{You see the head of the free world, the President of the United States.}
{102}{}{You see a thin, nervous, older man who looks as tired and frayed as the suit he's wearing.}
{103}{prs1a}{You there, what are you doing outside of the reconditioning center?}
{104}{prs1b}{Do I know you? What project are you on?}
{105}{prs1c}{And who do you think you are barging into my office?}
{109}{prs2a}{Ah, affected by the test serums, I see. Um, I'll get you some help. Guards!}
{110}{prs2b}{Doctor, I think you've been exposed to the F.E.V. Poor soul, I'll get you some help. Guards!}
{111}{prs2c}{Be a good mutant and stay put. Guards!}
{113}{}{Uh uh. Bye bye.}
{114}{}{Just wait right here. }
{115}{}{Uh, stay calm. Someone will be right along. }
{116}{}{Everything is fine.}
{117}{}{Damn it! Will somebody come and get this...person?}
{118}{}{Oh, guards! There's an idiot in my office... No, not the veep.}
{119}{prs4}{Hello, there. I'm President Richardson and I'm damn proud to meet you. Uh, Vault 13, I see. You've been doing your country an invaluable service.}
{120}{}{President? Who are you anyway?}
{121}{}{A service to my country? Just what's going on here anyway?}
{122}{}{Uh, I guess I took a wrong turn on my way to the lab. Sorry, sir. Goodbye.}
{123}{prs5a}{Hello, doctor. Do you have a report? Good news, I hope. Our salvation is in your team's hands.}
{124}{prs5b}{You there, shouldn't you be working on the Project? Mankind's salvation depends on you.}
{125}{}{Who're you?}
{126}{}{Salvation? Just what's going on here?}
{127}{}{Sorry, sir. Wrong turn on my way back to the lab. Goodbye.}
{128}{prs6}{Oh, that's quite all right. All those inoculation shots would disorient anyone.}
{129}{}{Inoculation shots? What do you mean?}
{130}{}{I guess I do feel a bit groggy. But knowing that I'm helping my country makes it all seem worthwhile.}
{131}{}{You can say that again. Well, I better get going.}
{132}{prs7}{Let me get one of the Secret Service to escort you back.}
{133}{}{That's kind of you but I think I can make it on my own. Goodbye.}
{134}{}{That would be nice of you. Thanks.}
{135}{prs8}{It's no problem at all. (talking to intercom) Hello. I could use a little assistance here.}
{136}{}{Uh. Gee, thanks sir.}
{137}{}{You better not call your guards if you want to leave this room alive.}
{138}{prs9}{Ah...well. I'm sure we can work something out. What's on your mind?}
{139}{}{I want to know what's going on here.}
{140}{}{I just want to leave quietly. Keep your hand off the alarm until I'm out of here. Or else....}
{141}{}{I'm leaving here and taking you as a hostage to make sure my people get out safely.}
{142}{prs10}{Do you really think you can intimidate the President of the United States?}
{143}{}{Without a doubt.}
{144}{}{Maybe not, but I suggest you stay out of my way until I leave.}
{145}{prs11a_a}{For your information, the guards have orders to shoot me rather than let anyone or anything endanger the Project. I... wouldn't be of any use as a hostage.}
{146}{prs11b}{You don't really expect that to work do you? Ha! If you try it, my guards have orders to shoot me rather than let anything, or anyone, endanger the Project. I'm staying right here. Now, are you going to shoot me or not?}
{147}{}{Maybe not, but I'm leaving. Don't touch that buzzer.}
{148}{}{The Project? What Project?}
{149}{}{Yes, it will. I'll enjoy it.}
{150}{prs12}{Uh, now, now, now. Now, let's...let's... Uh, Wh-wh-what is it you want, anyway?}
{151}{}{I want to know what's going on here.}
{152}{}{I want to know just who the hell you are.}
{153}{}{I want you dead.}
{154}{prs13}{Okay, okay, whatever you say. I'll just sit here quietly. It's, uh, nice to meet you. Goodbye.}
{155}{}{That's too easy. Before I go, I'd like to know just what you're doing here.}
{156}{}{Watch yourself.}
{157}{}{Nice to meet you, Mr. President. Goodbye.}
{158}{prs14}{Ahhh. Ahhh. Guards? Guards!}
{159}{}{Say goodnight, Mr. President.}
{160}{prs15}{I am the President of the United States of America. The Vice-President is in the office outside. If you belonged here you'd know that. Who are you and what are you doing here?}
{161}{}{You're the President of what United States?}
{162}{}{You're a loony.}
{163}{}{Vice-President? You mean that drooling idiot next door?}
{164}{}{What a coincidence, I'm Emperor of the planet Quetzl, here for the surrender of Earth.}
{165}{}{I'll just let you get back to business Mr., uh, President. Goodbye.}
{166}{prs16}{Ah-ha. Oh, of course, your eminence. Why don't I just call for... some refreshments? We can talk and work things out - can't we all just get along?}
{167}{}{That sounds just grand.}
{168}{}{Nice try, Mr. President.}
{169}{prs17}{Uh, well, just one second. (into intercom) Ahh, I'd like refreshments for myself and an *unexpected guest*. A very important - unexpected - guest. Right away?}
{170}{}{Thanks. I guess you're not such a bad guy after all.}
{171}{}{That was stupid. Now someone's going to have to get hurt.}
{172}{prs18}{Somebody's loony here, all right. Oh yeah. Oooooh yeah. }
{173}{}{Don't look at me. I'm not claiming to be the President of a United States that fell long before either of us was born.}
{174}{prs19}{I am the elected representative of the people. The United States does still exist. God bless us, every one. We've just had to adapt in order to survive after the war.}
{175}{}{I don't understand. What do you mean?}
{176}{prs20a}{You really don't know, do you? Let me tell you about mankind's salvation. A little history first...}
{177}{prs20b}{A little history....}
{178}{}{Go on, Mr. President....}
{179}{}{First, why do you have a base at Navarro?}
{180}{}{Before you get into that... I saw some of your vertibirds doing some trade with New Reno. What's that all about?}
{181}{}{I don't have time for this lunacy now. Goodbye.}
{182}{prs21a}{Well, hello there. Glad to make time for one of our gallant troopers. But, I am rather busy. So, uh, what can the President of the United States of America do for you?}
{183}{prs21b}{You're back? What is it you want?}
{184}{}{You can tell me just what's going on here.}
{185}{}{I, uh, I'm just checking this area, sir. Security check. Yeah. Everything's fine here. Uh, goodbye.}
{186}{prs22a}{Hello. I'm the President of the United States of America, and you are...?}
{187}{prs22b}{Hello there. I'm the President of the United States of America and I must say I've seldom seen a stranger, or sorrier, delegation of misfits in all my life. Just who are you to barge in on me this way?}
{188}{}{I'm damn curious as to what's going on here.}
{189}{}{I'm your executioner.}
{190}{}{The President? What are you talking about?}
{191}{}{I'm lost. I can see you're a busy man Mr. President. I'll just be leaving now. Goodbye.}
{192}{prs23}{That's a shame. A conversation with a genuine mutant like you? It'd certainly paint me a picture of what life's like in that radioactive hell on the mainland.}
{193}{}{Mutant? Why are you calling me a mutant?}
{194}{}{Radioactive hell? You don't get out much, do you?}
{195}{}{That's it. Enough talk. Time to die.}
{196}{}{Yeah, well, we all have to learn to live with disappointment. Goodbye.}
{197}{prs24}{There was a great war long before we were born. Our gallant soldiers fought from the Yukon to the Yangtze.}
{198}{}{Yeah, I knew about that part. Go on.}
{199}{prs26}{Vice-President Bird may look like a drooling idiot, but I'll have you know that man's a national hero.}
{200}{}{To you, probably.}
{201}{prs27}{He's one of the bravest men I know. He volunteered to try one of the early versions of the F.E.V. toxin antidote. (sigh) Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out the way we'd hoped.}
{202}{}{You mean that wasn't what you'd hoped for?}
{203}{prs28}{It's tiny mocking minds like yours that prove the superiority of real humans over mutants.}
{204}{}{He's still a gibbering idiot.}
{205}{}{Why are you calling me a mutant?}
{206}{prs29}{He may yet come around. In fact, there may even be some unforeseen benefits. His spelling ability has actually improved.}
{207}{}{I'm happy for you. But why did you call me a mutant?}
{208}{prs30}{Because you are. Your tribe's DNA has changed since your ancestor left the vault. Unavoidable. All that background radiation you've been exposed to.}
{209}{}{OK, so I'm a mutant. Guess what smart guy, you're about to become a dead pure-strain human.}
{210}{}{So we're mutants. So what.}
{211}{}{Creatures change all the time. It's called evolution. Without that change you and I would still be two bits of protoplasmic goo.}
{212}{prs31}{We try to keep ourselves safe and secure from radiation. That's what separates humans - like me - from mutants like you.}
{213}{}{Why do you keep calling me a mutant?}
{214}{}{Enough talk. Time for you to face that great electoral college in the sky.}
{215}{}{I've killed men for less than that. But I'm in a hurry today. Goodbye.}
{216}{prs32}{We were winning, too. And then those damn Reds launched everything they had. We barely got our birds up.}
{217}{}{Doesn't seem as though it helped us much.}
{218}{prs33}{Well, no it didn't. But at least it knocked the damn Red menace back into the stone age.}
{219}{}{And us with it.}
{220}{prs34}{Well, no. No... not quite. You see, we had planned ahead. We were ready. }
{221}{}{What do you mean?}
{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the vaults - were part of the great plan.}
{223}{}{Those damn vaults didn't work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}
{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }
{225}{}{An experiment?}
{226}{prs36a}{The vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}
{227}{}{What about Vault 13? What was it's purpose?}
{228}{prs37}{Ahh. Vault 13 was a special case. It was supposed to remain closed until the subjects were needed. Vault 13 was, in scientific parlance, a control group.}
{229}{}{But they would all have died if my ancestor didn't get them a replacement water chip. That doesn't seem to fit in with your plan.}
{230}{prs38}{An unfortunate, and unforeseen, accident. However, as it turns out, a rather fortuitous one.}
{231}{}{What do you mean?}
{232}{prs39}{As it turns out we needed test subjects from untainted, pre-war, human stock - your ancestors in Vault 13 - and some freshly mutated stock - the villagers from Arroyo.}
{234}{prs39a}{For the Project. It's almost ready. Humanity's salvation is almost at hand and the United States of America will be the progenitor of that rebirth.}
{235}{}{Rebirth? What do you mean?}
{236}{prs40a}{The only way for true humans, and democracy, to be safe is to cleanse the mutants from the globe. We humans will take back that which is rightfully ours.}
{237}{prs40b}{The Project will cleanse all the mutants from our fair land - and the rest of the globe. Once again, America will be the world's policeman.}
{238}{}{I'm a true human, too.}
{239}{}{Cleanse the mutants? That sounds a bit drastic. How are you going to do that?}
{240}{prs41}{We found a research facility in operational shape about 70 years ago. A former military base that had been used to research a special virus.}
{241}{}{A virus?}
{242}{prs42}{Yes, the F.E.V. virus. It was originally developed to turn soldiers into super-warriors but it failed. The warriors were tough and strong, but far too stupid. However, our brilliant Chemical Corps altered it.}
{243}{}{Altered the virus? Why?}
{244}{prs43}{To turn it into a staggeringly effective killer. Any humanoid that isn't inoculated against its effects before its release, will die. That is the Project.}
{245}{}{That's insane.}
{246}{prs43a}{No, no. That's humanity's last, best, hope. That's what we've been working towards all these years.}
{247}{}{Great, so you have all this poison and no way to spread it around.}
{248}{prs44}{We've run short of certain critical chemicals. We can get them from the drug labs of New Reno. If the mutant-mobsters use our guns to kill each other, just saves us the trouble.}
{249}{}{Everything works in your favor, huh? Tell me the rest of the story.}
{250}{prs45}{Simple. Navarro is an isolated base. Our vertibirds have a limited range. They refuel there.}
{251}{}{Makes sense.}
{252}{prs46a}{I'm sure you think so. But tests performed on your tribesmen have all shown that you are guilty of mutation. It's a damn good thing the Project is ready.}
{254}{prs46b}{Some of the members of your tribe are showing some extremely interesting changes. If the danger to true humanity weren't so great I would think about studying them. But that's not to be.}
{255}{}{Not to be? Why not?}
{256}{prs47}{Oh, but that's one of the advantages of the F.E.V. virus. We can release it right here and the jetstream will carry it worldwide. It'll have plenty of time to cleanse every nook and cranny of the globe.}
{257}{}{OK. Then why did you have to kidnap my villagers and the people from Vault 13?}
{258}{prs48}{Test subjects. Your villagers are all descended from vault stock and we had to make sure that the F.E.V. toxin was still effective. The subjects from Vault 13 test that and an inoculation against the FEV.}
{259}{}{You're not testing the inoculation on my people?}
{260}{prs48a}{It's hardly necessary. I'm sure we could and it would work, but there's no reason to do so.}
{261}{}{Did it ever occur to you that what you're doing is wrong?}
{262}{prs49}{Never. Part of the president's job is to make the tough decisions. A lot of near-humans will sacrifice their lives for the return of humanity. Humans will prevail.}
{263}{}{There's no way in hell that I can let you do this.}
{264}{}{Just because everyone out there doesn't have an exact copy of your DNA that doesn't give you a license to exterminate them.}
{265}{prs50}{You can't stop it. The tests are complete and the toxin is ready for release. In hours, your villagers will be the first to make the ultimate sacrifice. The other mutants will follow. An unfortunate footnote in the continuing history of the human race.}
{266}{}{Why don't we start that footnote off with your epitaph, Mr. President?}
{267}{prs51}{Oh, I don't relish this decision. If there was another way- but there isn't. No price is too high for the survival of the human race. If you were human, you'd feel the same way.}
{268}{}{You really believe that, don't you?}
{269}{prs53}{Yes, I do. Even killing me won't help you. There's nothing you can do to stop the release.}
{270}{}{Maybe I'll just figure out a way to give you a taste of your own medicine.}
{271}{}{We'll just see about that. I've got things to do. Goodbye, President Richardson.}
{272}{}{I disagree, Mr. President. I think killing you will help. I'll feel a lot better.}
{273}{prs54}{You could try, I suppose, but soon the staff of the Enclave and Navarro will be inoculated.}
{274}{}{They aren't already?}
{275}{prs55}{We just have to distribute the supplies. A matter of hours. Besides, the Enclave is a sealed unit. No air or contaminants get in or get out.}
{276}{}{We'll see. In the meantime, I'm taking you out of the picture, personally.}
{277}{prs56}{You might find that tougher than you think. If you do, I'll go to my reward knowing that I died a patriot and a servant of humanity.}
{278}{}{Time for your reward.}
{279}{}{Right now, I'll let you think about your coming death. Don't touch the alarm. Goodbye.}
{280}{prs57}{Very moving. But the radical changes your villagers and other mutants show is a far cry from the gradual changes of natural evolution. }
{281}{}{Maybe we're changing into a better version of the human race. Did you ever think of that?}
{282}{prs58}{Very possible, indeed. In which case, our mission is even more vital to the survival of the human race. }
{283}{}{Huh? What do you mean by that?}
{284}{prs59}{That's the spirit. God bless America. You should probably get back to your isolation ward now, though.}
{285}{}{Uh, yes, sir. Whatever you say, sir.}
{286}{}{Oh, I'll be able to find my own way back, sir. Goodbye.}
{287}{prs60}{Why, against the F.E.V. toxin, of course. Damn brave sacrifice you and the other members of Vault 13 are making. On behalf of the United States government, and all humanity, I thank you. Now, we better get you back to your ward.}
{288}{}{F.E.V. toxin? What the hell are you talking about? What's going on here?}
{289}{}{Uh, yes sir. Whatever you say, sir.}
{290}{}{Oh, I'll be able to find my own way back, sir. Goodbye.}
{291}{prs61}{So what? If your kind is allowed to flourish it'll mean the end of the human race as we know it. We can't allow radioactive freaks to squeeze humans into extinction.}
{292}{}{I think you're overestimating things a bit.}
{293}{prs62}{Not at all. Look to the future. Sure muties and men could get along for a while, but before you know it, the numeric pressure of your kind would tell. No, a line must be drawn in the sand - the buck stops here.}
{294}{}{What do you intend to do about this so called threat?}
{295}{}{I don't have time to listen to your bigoted, mad ravings. Goodbye.}
{296}{prs63}{The government of the United States of America has been working towards a solution for quite some time.}
{297}{}{How so? What are you doing here?}
{298}{prs64}{I assure you, I'm quite sane, as is everyone on the Project. We're dedicated to the salvation of the human race. You can call single-minded dedication to a cause madness, I suppose, but if so, it's divine madness.}
{299}{}{What are you talking about? What are you doing here?}
{300}{}{How about my single-minded dedication to killing you right now?}
{301}{}{You're mad. I don't have time for your lunacy right now. Goodbye.}
{302}{prs65}{I don't think this tired old planet's big enough for two top dogs. If it's us or you.... Well, I'm going to choose us.}
{303}{}{I don't think you get to make that kind of choice.}
{304}{prs66}{As the embodiment of the executive branch, I bear the burden of ensuring the survival and prosperity of the United States and of humanity itself. A heavy burden and yet if it means the return of the earth to our children and to their children, I bear it gladly.}
{305}{}{How do you intend to do that? What are you doing here?}
{306}{}{Let me remove your burden. Permanently.}
{307}{}{It must be nice in your dimension. See you later, Mr. Nutcake.}
# Start of Generic Recorded Dialog - Not being used!
{308}{}{To the North}
{309}{}{To the Northwest}
{310}{}{To the West}
{311}{}{To the Southwest}
{312}{}{To the South}
{313}{}{To the Southeast}
{314}{}{To the East of here}
{315}{}{To the Northeast}
{319}{}{(cry of pain)}
{320}{}{Why are you talking to me like that?}
{321}{}{I don't know anything about that.}
{322}{}{You're not very nice.}
{323}{}{Thank-you. }
{324}{}{This is good.}
{325}{}{This isn't good.}
{326}{}{I have a good feeling about this.}
{327}{}{I have a bad feeling about this.}
{328}{}{You people are crazy.}
{329}{}{What are you talking about?}
{330}{}{Is everyone else crazy here?}
{331}{}{There must be another way.}
{332}{}{Come here.}
{333}{}{I don't understand.}
{334}{}{I don't know.}
{335}{}{That hurts.}
{336}{}{That really hurts.}
{337}{}{That's got to hurt.}
# End of Generic Recorded Dialog - Not being used!
