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Dies sind die verfügbaren Videosequenzen des jeweiligen Ende in Fallout: New Vegas, die Enden sind beeinflusst durch die Wahl, die der Spieler während seiner Reise im Spiel gemacht hat.

Dia 1: Einleitung[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Goodsprings end slide 01
Und so betrog der Kurier, der einst auf einem Friedhof bei Goodsprings dem Tod von der Schippe gesprungen war, den Tod erneut, und das Mojave-Ödland änderte sich dauerhaft. Das Standard-Ende. Es wird immer gezeigt, wenn man das Spiel abschließt.

Dia 2: Sieg (Hoover-Staudamm)[]


Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Slide Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
House end slide 01
Der Kurier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, the remaining Securitrons on The Strip were hard-pressed to keep order. Anarchy ruled the streets. When the fires died, remained, assuming its position as an independent power in the (New Vegas)Mojave. Complete Wildcard: Sie und welche Armee? for an independent without upgrading the Securitrons. (New Vegas)
House end slide 01
Der Kurier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, part of the Securitron army was diverted to The Strip to keep order. Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. Chaos became uncertainty, then acceptance, with minimal loss of life. assumed its position as an independent power in the Mojave. (New Vegas) Complete Wildcard: Sie und welche Armee? for an independent New Vegas with the upgraded Securitrons.

Mr. House[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
House end slide 01
Die Sekuritron-Armee von Mr. House übernahm Hoover-Damm und Strip; so wurden die Legion und die erschöpfte RNK komplett aus New Vegas getrieben. Mr. House leitete weiter auf seine Art als despotische Version von Vorkriegspracht. Die Straßen waren ordentlich, effizient und kalt. war weiterhin der einzige Ort im Ödland, wo Vermögen in einem Augenblick gewonnen und verloren wurden. (New Vegas) (New Vegas) Schließe Der House gewinnt immer für Mr. House ab.

Caesars Legion[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Legion end slide 01
Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph. The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave Wasteland. Do not allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Legion end slide 02
The Legate is crowned as the new Caesar. He entered The Strip as though it was a military target, destroying anyone who resisted him. The Legion brutally occupied all major locations, killing and enslaving a large amount of the population. Under the Legion's banner, civilization - savage as it was - finally came to the Mojave Wasteland. Allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.

Republik Neukalifornien[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
NCR end slide 01
The New California Republic celebrated its second victory at Hoover Dam, establishing definitive control over the entire Mojave Wasteland. Soon after, they negotiated terms to annex The Strip, Freeside, and many surrounding communities. The Mojave Wasteland, at long last, had entirely fallen under the NCR's banner. Schließe die endgame quest Heureka! für die RNK ab.

Dia 3: Der Kurier[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Courier end slide 01
Der Kurier, fair and even-handed in his/her dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for his/her support of the military at Hoover Dam. He/she was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. Positives Karma, RNK Sieg
Courier end slide 01
Though the Courier's agenda was debated by many, he/she was honored by NCR for his/her support of the military at Hoover Dam. He/she was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. Neutrales Karma, RNK Sieg
Courier end slide 01
With brutal methods that few in NCR would approve of, it was the Courier who secured NCR's victory at Hoover Dam. Despite his/her extreme actions, he/she was awarded with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. Negatives Karma, RNK Sieg
4 Though the Courier himself/herself was just and forthright in his/her dealings throughout the Wasteland, he/she helped the Legion achieve victory. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Good Karma, Caesars Legion Victory, do not allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?
5 Der Kurier, a mercenary at heart, helped the Legion achieve victory at Hoover Dam. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Neutral Karma, Caesars Legion Victory, do not allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?
6 The Legion marched over the Hoover Dam with the help of one who was as brutal and merciless as the worst of them: Der Kurier. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Bad Karma, Caesars Legion Victory, do not allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?
7 Though the Courier himself/herself was just and forthright in his/her dealings throughout the Wasteland, he/she helped the Legion achieve victory. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Good Karma, Victory, allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute (Caesars Legion)?
8 Der Kurier, a mercenary at heart, helped the Legion achieve victory at Hoover Dam. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Neutral Karma, Victory, allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute (Caesars Legion)?
9 The Legion marched over the Hoover Dam with the help of one who was as brutal and merciless as the worst of them: Der Kurier. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. Bad Karma, Victory, allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute (Caesars Legion)?
Courier end slide 04
Der Kurier, fair and kind-hearted to those in the Wasteland, ensured that Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable and secure for future generations. Mr. House afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants. Good Karma, Mr. House Victory
Courier end slide 04
Der Kurier, who had a mixed history in the Wasteland, kept the status quo at Hoover Dam. Mr. House would keep stable, if not free, for generations. Mr. House afforded the Courier every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38. (New Vegas) Neutral Karma, Mr. House Victory
Courier end slide 04
Der Kurier, cruel and merciless, had ensured that Mr. House would maintain complete control over and everyone in it. Mr. House afforded him (New Vegas)/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, partly out of gratitude, and partly out of fear. Bad Karma, Mr. House Victory
13 Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. He/she ensured Mr. House's tyranny was broken and neither nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas. (Caesars Legion) Good Karma, Independent Vegas
14 Preferring neither the best of the NCR nor the worst of the Legion, the Courier was the man/woman responsible for a truly independent New Vegas. He/she had removed Mr. House from power over the Strip and broken the influence of the NCR and Caesars Legion in the Mojave Wasteland. Neutral Karma, Independent Vegas
15 Supporting all the chaos that comes with independence, the Courier was the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. He/she ensured the fall of Mr. House and the end of the Legion's and NCR's influence over New Vegas. Bad Karma, Independent Vegas

Dia 4: Black Mountain[]

Erzählt von Neil

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Black Mountain end slide 01
Though some super mutants and nightkin continued to journey to the legendary Utobitha, they found little trace of its existence. Some eventually found their way to Jacobstown, but many wandered off into the wastes, confused and disheartened. Kill Tabitha
Black Mountain end slide 02
Tabitha and Rhonda went east, through Caesar's land. Occasionally tales of their exploits found their way back west, though few believed them. Eventually the stories concerning the duo were collected and published, and proved to be quite popular with children. Repair Tabitha's robot, Rhonda.
Black Mountain end slide 02
Black Mountain Radio continued to broadcast its peculiar form of propaganda. Raul Tejada faced his execution each day, though pardoned in the end. Travelers venturing too near Black Mountain continue to be harassed by Tabitha's followers. Do not approach Black Mountain.
Black Mountain end slide 02
Tabitha, enraged by Raul's escape, took the remaining nightkin of Black Mountain with her and vanished without a trace. Travelers in the region soon learned to avoid the roads at night, as caravans were repeatedly attacked by unseen assailants. Release Raul, do not complete Irre, irre, irre.

Dia 5: Raul Alfonso Tejada[]

Erzählt von Raul Tejada

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Raul end slide 01
After a long and eventful life, Raul's luck finally ran out during his time with the Courier. Raul dies. (Will override all other endings)
Raul end slide 01
Still grappling with self-doubt over his usefulness in the face of old age, Raul was never able to find peace with himself. Eventually, he left the Mojave and assumed a new name, as he had done so many times before. Free Raul or acquire him as a companion, do not complete his personal quest Old School Ghoul.
Raul end slide 01
Invigorated by his travels with the Courier, Raul once more took up his guns in memory of his lost Rafaela. Soon after, the Mojave was filled with tales of the ghost-vaquero who hunts down those who prey on the weak. Acquire Raul as a companion and complete his personal quest, Old School Ghoul, by convincing him to become a vaquero again.
Raul end slide 01
Convinced that his time as a gunslinger was past, Raul made peace with the idea of growing old. After traveling with the Courier for a time, he retired and settled down in Outer Vegas, where he would spend his days fixing ancient machinery. Acquire Raul as a companion and complete his personal quest, Old School Ghoul, by agreeing that his time as a gunslinger has passed.

Dia 6: Rumser[]

Erzählt von Pete

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Boomer end slide 02
Without organized leadership, the remaining Boomers slowly drifted away, leaving Nellis Air Force Base to be flooded by prospectors and scavengers. All of the Boomers' accumulated knowledge quickly scattered, and their existence slowly faded from memory. Kill Pearl and Loyal. (This ending will override any of the others.)
Boomer end slide 01
After the battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR mounted several campaigns against the Boomers, but all were quickly ended by the Boomers' artillery. Over time, as the Boomers found a need for gunpowder, they developed a relationship with the Gun Runners, trading their surplus crops for munitions. Do not complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.¹
Boomer end slide 02
Mr. House showed little interest in the Boomers and left them to themselves in Nellis. The tribe remained fortified in Nellis with their backs to the world. Do not complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.¹
Boomer end slide 03
The Boomers defended themselves against many attacks from the Legion, but they eventually fell to the Legion's superior numbers. The Legion enslaved the Boomers and erased any memory of their existence from the wasteland. Do not complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion
Boomer end slide 03
With little law left in the wasteland, the Boomers continued to defend themselves against the prospectors and scavengers invading their territory. Do not complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for Independent Vegas.¹
Boomer end slide 01
With the help of the Gun Runners, the Boomers developed a healthy trading relationship with the NCR. Eventually the Boomers began wandering out into the wasteland, while still preventing outsiders from entering Nellis. Complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Boomer end slide 02
Mr. House showed little interest on the Boomers, who eventually began venturing out of² Nellis to meet and trade with travelers. Complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Boomer end slide 03
Cautious after the Boomers' display of power at Hoover Dam, Caesar chose to leave the Boomers alone. The Boomers remained isolated but have been seen flying over the Mojave Desert from time to time. Complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion. Caesar remains alive.
Boomer end slide 03
Though the Wasteland became anarchic after Hoover Dam, the Boomers' display of power dissuaded fortune seekers from attempting to penetrate Nellis. Complete Volare!, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for Independent Vegas.
¹ Killing only Pearl creates this ending. (Do not kill Loyal or any other Boomers).
² The narrator for this scene accidentally says "out to Nellis" instead of "out of Nellis", while the subtitles have the correct wording.
³ To get this ending, complete Volare!, ask Pearl to aid you in the battle, and then kill her. Do not kill any other Boomers.

Dia 7: Stählerne Bruderschaft[]

Erzählt von Nolan McNamara

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Brotherhood of Steel end slide 01
Buried beneath tons of rubble, the Mojave chapter of the Stählerne Bruderschaft was no more. Those few who were outside the Hidden Valley bunker when it was destroyed settled into new lives, or headed west to find a new chapter to join. Destroy the Hidden-Valley-Bunker. This ending will override the others even if Augenlicht für die Blinden or Sich ums Geschäft kümmern was completed.
Brotherhood of Steel end slide 02
During the fight for Hoover Dam, the Brotherhood took HELIOS One, inflicting heavy damage on retreating NCR forces, but it was a pyrrhic victory. Once The Strip was secured, Caesar's forces overwhelmed and eventually routed the Brotherhood from HELIOS One and Hidden Valley. During Gebt Caesar, was des Caesars ist, do not destroy the Hidden-Valley-Bunker. Instead, kill all members of the Brotherhood inside. Complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Brotherhood of Steel end slide 02
The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley. With no organized opposition, their patrols began monitoring trade along I-15 and 95, seizing any items of technology they deemed inappropriate. Complete Sich ums Geschäft kümmern and complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
Brotherhood of Steel end slide 03
The Brotherhood and the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland declared an official truce, despite continued hostilities between the two in the west. As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95. Complete Augenlicht für die Blinden, sign truce in Für die Republik, Teil 2, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Brotherhood of Steel end slide 03
Due to their temporary truce, the Brotherhood allowed the NCR to retreat from the Mojave Wasteland without incident. In the relative peace that followed, Brotherhood patrols appeared along major roads, harassing travelers over any bits of technology they had. Complete Augenlicht für die Blinden, sign truce in Für die Republik, Teil 2, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von without upgrading the Securitrons, for an Independent New Vegas.

Dia 8: Veronica Santangelo[]

Erzählt von Veronica Santangelo

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Veronica Santangelo end slide 01
At odds with leadership over the Brotherhood's future, Veronica looked to the Mojave Wasteland for an answer both she and they could live with. But the answer would never come, and the dangers of the world that had left the Stählerne Bruderschaft behind would eventually claim her life. Veronica dies. (Will override all other endings)
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
Hoping to lead the Mojave Brotherhood down a new path, Veronica sought to learn from the thriving cultures of the desert. Absent a firm solution, Veronica's expression of frustration with Brotherhood leadership would lead to her banishment. She ended her days a wandering tinker. Do not Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
Despite her departure from the group, the Brotherhood's peace treaty with NCR came as some relief to Veronica. Though she remained friendly with surface patrols, she was never again permitted to enter the bunker she once called home. Fearing for the safety of anyone she associated with, she continued her solitary life as a scavenger. But reports would emerge from Mojave scientists and social workers of old equipment miraculously repaired and research notes mysteriously completed. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to join the Anhänger der Apokalypse. Form a truce between the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR during the quest Für die Republik, Teil 2.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
Though she'd seen the writing on the wall, the destruction of the Mojave Brotherhood came far more suddenly than Veronica had expected. The news devastated her. Despite her best efforts to leave her past behind, she found herself compelled to make one final journey to Hidden Valley. There, she paid her last respects to the only family she had ever known. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to join the Followers of the Apocalypse. Destroy the Brotherhood of Steel in the Hidden Valley bunker.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
The Brotherhood's open aggression along the New Vegas highways troubled Veronica greatly. Nevertheless, it removed all doubt from her mind that in leaving them she had made the right choice. Eventually she would take to the road, less in hopes of finding a new home than of leaving memories of the old one behind her. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to join the Followers of the Apocalypse. Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 01
The peace with NCR served to ease Veronica's worries about the Brotherhood's immediate future. Still, a distance had arisen between her and her fellow members that would never be bridged. She began secluding herself in crumbling libraries of the Old World, learning of promising technologies she knew the Brotherhood would never adopt. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood of Steel. Form a truce between the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR during the quest Für die Republik, Teil 2.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
The death of the Mojave Brotherhood came much too soon for Veronica, and in their absence, she felt truly lost. Yet in its wake, she took small comfort in her decision to remain by their side through their few remaining days. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood. Destroy the bunker in any quest.
Veronica Santangelo end slide 02
Veronica put her moral sensibilities aside and supported the Brotherhood's new campaign of aggression as best she could. Yet deep down, she understood that it meant their end would surely be soon to follow. Complete Alle Menschen werden Brüder by encouraging Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood, do not destroy the Hidden Valley bunker and complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von. Do not complete Augenlicht für die Blinden or Sich ums Geschäft kümmern.

Dia 9: Räuber[]

Erzählt von Motor-Runner

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Fiend end slide 01
Their leaders destroyed by the Courier, the Unholde scattered throughout the wasteland. Without the organization of Motor-Runner, Cook-Cook, Violet, and Driver Nephi, they were easy prey. Kill all the Unhold leaders: Motor-Runner, Cook-Cook, Violet, and Driver Nephi. This ending overrides all others for the Unholde if this condition is met.
Fiend end slide 02
Never weakened by NCR, the Unholde staged an attack against Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Though NCR repulsed the Unholde, they suffered heavy losses in the process. All Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Fiend end slide 02
The Unholde staged an attack against Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. During the NCR's retreat, the Unholde overwhelmed many of the troopers before Mr. House's Securitrons could deal with them. At least two Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Fiend end slide 02
The Unholde overran Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. In the anarchic months that followed, the Unholde asserted dominance over Outer Vegas. All Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
Fiend end slide 02
Though weakened, the Unholde attacked McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. NCR repulsed the attack with minimal losses and, in the following days, destroyed the remaining Unhold leaders, breaking their power forever. Some Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Fiend end slide 02
The Unholde attacked Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and suffered heavy losses. Caesar, unimpressed with their performance and their dependence on chems, had them exterminated. Some or all Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Fiend end slide 02
The Unholde attacked Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, but the NCR repulsed the attack with minimal losses. When Mr. House asserted control over Outer Vegas, his Securitrons eradicated the remaining Unholde entirely. Kill exactly three Unhold leaders, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Fiend end slide 02
The Unholde attacked Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and, despite suffering heavy losses, overran it. They continued to be a nuisance throughout Outer Vegas, but never established full control over the area. Some Unhold leaders remain alive, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.

Dia 10: Anhänger der Apokalypse[]

Erzählt von Julie Farkas

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 01
With no clear leader to guide efforts in Freeside, the Followers of the Apocalypse lost control of Old Mormon Fort to local thugs and junkies. Eventually, using the Followers' remaining supplies to manufacture drugs, the Old Mormon Fort quickly devolved into little more than a junkie den. Kill Julie Farkas
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 02
After the NCR's victory at the dam, the Followers of the Apocalypse were pushed out of Old Mormon Fort during its occupation by NCR forces. NCR further "encouraged" them to leave Outer Vegas entirely, and the Followers had no choice but to comply. Complete Heureka! but do not convince the Followers of the Apocalypse to support the NCR.
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 03
After the NCR's victory at the dam, in part thanks to Follower's medical support, NCR allowed the Followers to care for refugees as they see fit. Old Mormon Fort expanded its services and was able to aid more people, becoming a refuge for the less fortunate citizens of New Vegas. Complete Heureka! for the NCR and convince the Followers of the Apocalypse to support the NCR after completing Es geschah am hellichten Tag.
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 04
After the Legion's victory, the new Caesar learned the Followers had "defamed" the original Caesar's noble origins. The Followers of the Apocalypse were hunted down and exterminated, and Old Mormon Fort was turned into a pile of rubble. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici with Caesar dead.
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 01
After the Legion's victory, Caesar, out of a strange respect for his old fellows, allowed the Followers safe passage out of the wasteland. Reluctantly, the Followers accepted the offer and abandoned Old Mormon Fort to the Legion. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici with Caesar alive.
Followers of the Apocalypse end slide 01
After the Courier ensured remain free, the Followers found that independent Vegas was even more unstable and violent than before. Old Mormon Fort became excessively burdened by the influx of patients, struggling to provide even the most basic of services. (New Vegas) Complete either Alles oder Nichts or Freiheit zu, Freiheit von.

Dia 11: Arcade Gannon[]

Erzählt von Arcade Gannon

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Though Arcade's intentions were pure and his goals were noble, he ultimately succumbed to the harsh brutality of the Mojave like so many before him. Arcade dies.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 2
Tricked by the Courier and imprisoned by the Legion, Arcade remained Caesar's personal physician for several years. Caesar grew fond of speaking with such an educated man on philosophical matters. Arcade became his unwilling intellectual sparring partner. After years of such servitude, during an unguarded moment, Arcade used a surgical scalpel and his bare hands to disembowel himself. Lacking any other skilled medical personnel, the Legion was unable to prevent his death. Caesar mourned his loss for months. Sell Arcade into slavery as Caesar's personal doctor during Et Tumor, Brute?
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Though the Legion was victorious at Hoover Dam, the Legate did not have the same medical needs as Caesar. Lanius quickly tired of Arcade's acerbic wit and had the doctor crucified. Sell Arcade into slavery as Caesar's personal doctor during Et Tumor, Brute? and kill Caesar afterwards.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
During the retreat of Caesars Legion from the Mojave Wasteland, Arcade was a sad casualty, one of many. His body was heaped with those of many others in a nameless ravine on the Legion's long march home. Sell Arcade into slavery as Caesar's personal doctor during Et Tumor, Brute?, complete any ending quest except Veni, Vidi, Vici
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Though Arcade had not hoped for an NCR victory, he was proud of his role in the defense of Hoover Dam against the forces of Caesars Legion. Unfortunately, when word spread that Arcade was once a member of the Enclave, he was forced out of the Anhänger der Apokalypse. Pursued by bounty hunters, NCR rangers, and the Stählerne Bruderschaft, Arcade pushed deep into the eastern plains and was never heard from again. Complete Heureka! for the NCR; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to aid the Remnants.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Arcade had hoped that Freeside would be able to remain independent of NCR rule, but he was glad that had been stopped at Hoover Dam. He tended to the sick in Freeside for a while longer, then returned to NCR territory to become a teacher with the Followers there. (Caesars Legion) Complete Heureka! for the NCR; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to return to the Follower's camp in Freeside.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Though Arcade was crushed by the Legion's victory at Hoover Dam, he was not among NCR's casualties. During the NCR's retreat from the Mojave Wasteland, he helped defend NCR citizens and refugees on their way to Mojave Outpost. Unfortunately, a NCR ranger identified his father's armor as Enclave property. He was arrested, tried as a war criminal, and imprisoned indefinitely. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici for the Legion; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to aid the Remnants and advise the Remnants to aid the NCR.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
When news reached Freeside that Legion forces were approaching New Vegas, Arcade did his best to help people escape with adequate supplies. A Legion explorer saw Arcade helping locals escape and pointed him out to a centurion. Arcade's group was run down somewhere near Westside. There were no survivors. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici for the Legion; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to return to the Follower's camp in Freeside.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Arcade was outraged by Mr. House's power play following the defeat of at (Caesars Legion)Hoover Dam. Though he remained in Freeside for a short time after the securitrons established widespread control, he eventually traveled back into NCR territory. Disillusioned with the Followers of the Apocalypse, he settled down in the outskirts of the Boneyard, where he worked happily as a family doctor. Complete Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to return to the Follower's camp in Freeside.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Though Arcade was proud to have been one of the defenders who turned back the Legion at Hoover Dam, he was crushed by Mr. House's ascent to power. Saddened by the loss of life and liberty in the area, Arcade left the Mojave Wasteland for parts unknown. He was never heard from again. Complete Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to aid the Remnants.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Arcade was proud to have been one of the defenders who helped repel the Legion from Hoover Dam. He was prouder still to see the area freed from the shackles of the NCR and Mr. House. Though independence for was not all he hoped it could be, Arcade used his Enclave knowledge and technology to keep order wherever he could. (New Vegas) Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to aid the Remnants.
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
Arcade was tending to the locals of Freeside when he learned that had been defeated and NCR was being pushed out of New Vegas. Though he found that independence for was not all he hoped it would be, Arcade did his best to help the locals govern themselves. (Caesars Legion) (New Vegas) Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas; complete Für Auld Lang Syne and advise Arcade to return to the Follower's camp in Freeside.

Dia 12: Goodsprings[]

Erzählt von Doc Mitchell

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Goodsprings end slide 02
Travelers continued to stop by Goodsprings Source for water on the Long 15, but rarely would anyone venture into the ruins of Goodsprings itself. Those who did were almost always tourists, come to visit the graveyard where the Courier "rose from the dead." Kill the people of Goodsprings or complete Goodsprings auf Trab bringen.
Goodsprings end slide 02
Goodsprings saw more trade along I-15 after NCR gained control of the Mojave Wasteland, but with that came a heavy burden of the Republic's taxes. Some old-timers, unable to handle the cost, were forced to move on, grumbling all the while. Complete Schiesserei in der Geisterstadt, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Goodsprings end slide 02
The Legion, preoccupied with its acquisition of New Vegas, scarcely took notice of the town of Goodsprings. Many locals moved on, fearful of Caesar's long shadow. Only the old and the stubborn remained. Complete Schiesserei in der Geisterstadt, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Goodsprings end slide 02
After Mr. House gained control of New Vegas, he sent a Securitron to Goodsprings as a token of appreciation for helping the Courier. Victor was a mixed blessing, however, as he continually monitored the town for Mr. House. Complete Schiesserei in der Geisterstadt, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Goodsprings end slide 02
With New Vegas' independence formally declared, Goodsprings thrived. More travelers stopped by Goodsprings on their way to and from the Strip, and the locals grew prosperous from the traffic. Complete Schiesserei in der Geisterstadt, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.

Dia 13: Rose of Sharon Cassidy I[]

Erzählt von Rose of Sharon Cassidy

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
Rose of Sharon Cassidy died as her caravan died - in an unmarked grave, another victim of the Mojave. Have Cass die as a companion or killed by the Van Graffs during Gleich und Gleich.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
Despite the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, Cass lived for 30 more years. She made her way back West and passed away in a small shack outside of Vault City, the rose pendant still around her neck. Acquire Cass as a companion then incite her to leave the Mojave and travel back west.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
The slaughter of the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan caused no end of trouble for NCR back West. Already struggling, NCR's supply lines suffered further as the two caravans withdrew support until the "massacre in the East" was resolved. Complete Heartache by the Number by killing Gloria Van Graff and Alice McLafferty.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
In the years following the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, NCR used evidence of the plot to blackmail the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs. NCR enacted strict trade laws with little resistance, strengthening their supply lines and their position in the Mojave. Complete Heartache by the Number by exposing the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan to the NCR authorities. Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff both left alive.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
Both the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty were removed from their post in the East. During their trek West, however, their caravan was wiped out by raiders using advanced weaponry and military tactics. No cargo was taken. When questioned, the Gun Runners denied any involvement, claiming they would have no... public motivation for such an attack. Steal the Gun Runner's manufacturing specifications in Verlass dich auf mich, and get ending #4. This ending is added onto and comes right after that one.

Dia 14: Rose of Sharon Cassidy II[]

Erzählt von Rose of Sharon Cassidy

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
Cass survived to see the NCR flag flying proud over Hoover Dam, and thought for a moment... this is what a hero must feel like. She was about to tell the Courier not to get too proud of himself/herself, then she figured he/she knew that already. Side with the NCR at the end.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an empty whiskey bottle as a note. As she walked along the Dam in the night, she felt drunk, content, and happy to be alive. Which to her, was the whole point of it all. Side with the NCR at the end, complete Heartache by the Number, and play as a male courier.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
So she laughed, said fuck it all, and raised a bottle to the Dam and the ones who had fought for it. As far as she was concerned, the whole thing was proof that playing out a bad hand can pay off in the end... as long as someone/a woman like the Courier was holding the cards. Complete Heureka! endgame quest for the NCR, do not complete Heartache by the Number OR play as a female courier.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Vegas burned brighter than ever, securitrons filled the streets, and Cass' heart skipped... just a little. Her last words were to the Dam - and to herself. "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time." Complete Alles oder Nichts endgame quest for Mr. House.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she'd expected. She'd kept quiet about that, though. Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von endgame quest for an Independent New Vegas.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
Cass lived to see the mark of the Legion on Hoover Dam. Uncertain of what lay next for the West, she remained silent. As the Legion marched West, she found it difficult to see the Dam as anything more than a gravestone for the Mojave - and everyone in it. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici endgame quest for Caesars Legion.

Dia 15: Großkhane[]

Erzählt von Papa Khan.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Great Khan end slide 01
After generations of being beaten down, the Großkhane were finally broken by the Courier. Those few who avoided the Courier's wrath moved north, into the wilderness of Idaho, where they tried once more to rebuild. Kill Papa Khan and Regis
Great Khan end slide 01
After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Großkhane returned for a time to Red Rock Canyon. The NCR's pressing need to expand proved greater than its promise of amnesty, and before long the government decided the Khans had to go. The surviving Großkhane were relocated to an isolated, barren reservation, well north of NCR trade routes. Convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with Caesars Legion, replace Papa Khan with Regis in Für die Republik, Teil 2, and complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Great Khan end slide 01
For supporting the NCR, the Großkhane were ruthlessly hunted down by the victorious Legion. Caesar destroyed all evidence of their existence at Red Rock Canyon, and forbade mention of their name in any history. The Großkhane' legacy was swiftly forgotten. Convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with Caesars Legion, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Great Khan end slide 02
As reward for their loyal service, Caesar forcibly integrated the Großkhane into the Legion. The sick and elderly were killed, the women sold as wives to ranking officers, and the tribe's identity was annihilated. Though many Großkhane mourned the death of their tribe, many more were ultimately satisfied with their revenge against NCR. Do not convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with Caesars Legion, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Great Khan end slide 01
After driving the Legion out of the Mojave Wasteland, the victorious NCR turned its attention to those who had allied themselves with Caesar. The Großkhane were among the first tribes to suffer this fate, and the few who survived Hoover Dam were driven north, into the wilderness of Idaho. Do not convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with Caesars Legion, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Great Khan end slide 03
During the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Großkhane quickly evacuated Red Rock Canyon and headed north and east into the plains of Wyoming. There, they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse and rebuilt their strength. Bolstered by ancient knowledge of governance, economics, and transportation, they carved a mighty empire out of the ruins of the Northwest. Convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with Caesars Legion, but do not replace him with Regis. Afterwards, convince Papa Khan that the Großkhane should claim their own legacy. This ending is compatible with all 4 endgame quests and will override the others if both conditions are met.
Great Khan end slide 03
After their suicidal last stand at Hoover Dam, the Großkhane ceased to exist as a tribe. The few surviving members dispersed, joining up with other tribes and gangs across the Mojave, and quickly forgot their heritage. Complete either Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House or Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas or convince Papa Khan that the tribe has no true legacy.

Dia 16: Jacobstown[]

Erzählt von Marcus.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Jacobstown end slide 01
With Jacobstown's leadership destroyed, the remaining super mutants and nightkin of the west scattered across the wasteland. Jacobstown withered away, its death going unnoticed by the rest of the Mojave. Marcus dies.
Jacobstown end slide 02
Thanks to the Courier and Lily, a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was found shortly after Doktor Henry's experiment concluded. Nightkin and other super mutants in the wasteland flocked to Jacobstown, and the town became known as a haven where a mutant could find peace. Complete Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen, pass the Speech check with Keene and Science check with Doktor Henry, or encourage Doktor Henry to continue his tests on Lily.
Jacobstown end slide 02
Though a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was eventually found, it became a case of too little, too late for Jacobstown. Disgruntled by the death of their leader, Keene, most of the nightkin scattered into the wasteland, their insanity worsening with each day. Jacobstown, constantly on guard for anti-mutant reprisals, never truly prospered. Complete Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen, Keene dies during the quest.
Jacobstown end slide 02
Though a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was eventually found, it became a case of too little, too late for Jacobstown. Most nightkin at Jacobstown followed their leader Keene out into the wasteland, terrorizing the Mojave for years to come. Jacobstown, constantly on guard for anti-mutant reprisals, never truly prospered. Complete Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen, failing the Speech check with Keene (but allowing him to leave) and passing the Science check with Doktor Henry.
Jacobstown end slide 02
It took more time than anticipated for a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia to be found, but in the end it was beneficial to Jacobstown. The presence of the nightkin leader, Keene, persuaded nightkin from across the wasteland to make the journey to the town. Jacobstown prospered, becoming known as a fair - if somewhat intimidating - place for a trader to do business. Complete Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen, passing the Speech check with Keene and failing (or ignoring) the Science check with Doktor Henry.
Jacobstown end slide 02
With no cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia in sight, the disgruntled nightkin left Jacobstown. Without a treatment, their insanity grew. The crazed nightkin terrorized the wasteland, and Jacobstown suffered repeated reprisals from mutant-hating humans. In the end, the surviving mutants abandoned Jacobstown entirely, its existence quickly forgotten by the rest of the wasteland. Complete Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen, failing (or ignoring) both the Speech check with Keene and the Science check with Doktor Henry, or do not complete the quest.

Dia 17: Lillian Marie Bowen[]

Erzählt von Lillian Marie Bowen

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Lily end slide 02
Lily's long life finally came to a close in the Mojave Wasteland. As the life faded from her, her last thoughts were of her grandchildren. Lily dies.
Lily end slide 03
Encouraged by the Courier to take her medication regularly, Lily's mind eventually attained a semblance of clarity. Her memories dulled by the pills, she cast aside the recording of her grandchildren, no longer remembering its significance. Encourage Lily to take her medication regularly in her unmarked quest, Lily and Leo.
Lily end slide 03
Lily continued to take her medicine at half-doses, and although she remembered her grandchildren, her mind remained muddled and confused. Eventually, she parted ways with the Courier and traveled west, seeking the remnants of her past. Encourage Lily to continue taking her medicine at half-doses in her unmarked quest, Lily and Leo; or do not complete the quest.
Lily end slide 02
Encouraged by the Courier to stop taking her medication altogether, Lily's instabilities grew worse with each passing day. Eventually she became little more than a ravening beast, the kindly old grandmother subsumed beneath the rage. Encourage Lily to stop taking her medication altogether.

Dia 18: Die Kings[]

Erzählt von Der King.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Kings end slide 01
With Der King dead and most of their gang slain by the Courier, the remaining Kings fled the area, never to be heard from again. Der King dies.
Kings end slide 01
After the NCR victory at Hoover Dam, the temporary truce between them and Der Kings blossomed into a full-scale relief effort for the people. While the NCR made repeated entreaties that Freeside join the Republic, Der Kings steadfastly maintained their independence. Ease tensions between NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Kings end slide 01
Accusing Der Kings of lying with a foreign invader for their newfound ties to the NCR, Mr. House punished them by ordering their forced removal. Der Kings, defiant to the end, were destroyed to the last man by House's Securitrons. Ease tensions between NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, use your favor to convince Der King to make peace with the NCR in Kings-Gambit, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Kings end slide 01
Following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Freeside came to be known as one of the more stable areas in the region. Ironically, NCR refugees found Freeside safer than most of the rest of New Vegas, where resentment still lingers. Ease tensions between NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
Kings end slide 02
After their victory at Hoover Dam, the Legion quickly set about destroying all remaining resistance, including any groups with ties to the NCR. Upon discovering Der Kings' newfound relationship with the NCR, Legionaires flooded the streets of Freeside, and Der Kings were quickly destroyed. Ease tensions between NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Kings end slide 01
While the NCR was busy fighting the Legion at Hoover Dam, some Kings took it upon themselves to attack NCR citizens and soldiers around Freeside. When the NCR moved to secure the region, they cracked down the hardest on Freeside, sending a full platoon to sweep the neighborhood. Most of Der Kings were killed, with the few survivors driven out into the wastes. Incite full-scale war between the NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Kings end slide 01
During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, some Kings took it upon themselves to launch several attacks on NCR citizens and soldiers around Freeside. Mr. House looked on these actions favorably, seeing them as proof of Der Kings' loyalty to New Vegas, and decided to leave them alone. Incite full-scale war between the NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Kings end slide 01
In the aftermath of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Der Kings took the opportunity to viciously force all NCR citizens out of Freeside. Travelers from the Republic quickly learned to avoid Freeside if they valued their safety. Incite full-scale war between the NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
Kings end slide 02
Impressed with Der Kings' continued attacks upon NCR citizens and soldiers, the Legion offered them the option of being assimilated into the Legion. Der Kings refused, and briefly became slaves in the Legion, but after a failed escape attempt, they were all put to death. Incite full-scale war between the NCR and Der Kings in Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Kings end slide 01
As the NCR moved to secure the region, the occupation of Freeside proved especially problematic. Things remained tense due to numerous incidents, though Der Kings were still in nominal control of the area. Do not complete the quest Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Kings end slide 01
Flush with his victory, Mr. House sent Securitrons into Freeside, thinking to increase his control over the area. When fighting broke out, Der Kings fought valiantly, but were no match for the armored killing machines, and were wiped out to the last man. Do not complete the quest Im Auftrag des Kings, or ease the tensions with the NCR during Im Auftrag des Kings and don't complete Kings-Gambit, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
Kings end slide 01
Der Kings retained their control of Freeside, and while they continued to favor the needs of locals, they tolerated the citizens of the defeated NCR. Do not complete the quest Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
Kings end slide 02
After their victory at Hoover Dam, Legion troops rolled through Freeside. Der Kings tried to fight back, but most were killed, and the rest fled into the wasteland. Do not complete the quest Im Auftrag des Kings, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.

Dia 19: Rex[]

Erzählt von Doktor Henry.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Rex end slide 01
He had survived police service in Colorado, the Great War, combat duty with the Legion, and being the companion of Der King. But, in the end, Rex finally succumbed to the horrors of the wasteland. Rex dies.
Rex end slide 01
Having never received a replacement brain, Rex finally succumbed to old age, abruptly shutting down forever one quiet morning. After two centuries of life and decades of service to humanity, Rex collapses and dies. Do not complete Rex's personal quest, Nothin' But a Hound Dog.
Rex end slide 02
Revitalized by Violetta's brain, Rex eventually learned to balance the memories of his old life with Violetta's experiences among the brutal Unholde. His mind had difficulty adjusting, but Rex eventually found peace with his new, more vicious self. Complete Rex's personal quest, Nothin' But a Hound Dog, by implanting Violetta's Brain in Rex.
Rex end slide 03
With the transplant of Lupa's brain, Rex gained all of the donor's experiences traveling with the Legion. These melded well with his own memories of the Legion, and his new mind quickly adjusted to the myriad memories. Complete Rex's personal quest, Nothin' But a Hound Dog, by implanting Lupa's brain in Rex.
Rex end slide 01
After Rey's brain was transplanted into Rex's cybernetic body, it took Rex some time to adjust to the old scrapyard dog's memories. Eventually, Rex's mind settled peacefully, melding his own memories with that of long travels with Alte Lady Gibson. Complete Rex's personal quest, Nothin' But a Hound Dog, by implanting Rey's brain in Rex.

Dia 20: RNK - Die Versager[]

Erzählt von Mags.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
The Misfits end slide 01
Slain to the last man by the Courier, The Eigenbrötler were at least spared the humiliation of dying during Caesar's attack on Camp Golf. Few mourned their absence. Kill all The Eigenbrötler.
The Misfits end slide 01
Shaped up by the Courier's advice, The Eigenbrötler distinguished themselves during the Legion's attack on Camp Golf. Mags was finally promoted to Sergeant, and the rest of The Eigenbrötler received an official commendation. They continued to serve with distinction for many years. Complete "Die Flaggen unserer Versager" by following O'Harahan's or Mags' advice.
The Misfits end slide 01
Though Camp Golf fell to Caesar, The Eigenbrötler distinguished themselves during the Legion's attack. Mags and her soldiers were posthumously recognized for their valor by NCR. Complete Die Flaggen unserer Versager, but with a victory at (Caesars Legion)Hoover Dam.
The Misfits end slide 02
The Eigenbrötler' laziness caught up with them when the Legion attacked Camp Golf. Those who weren't killed in the attack attempted to flee, but were caught at Mojave Outpost, court-martialed, and hanged from the ranger monument. Do not complete Die Flaggen unserer Versager; or complete it with Poindexter's advice and a victory at Hoover Dam (Caesars Legion); or complete it with Poindexter's advice and complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
The Misfits end slide 01
Driven into a frenzy by their use of psycho, The Eigenbrötler inflicted heavy casualties on the Legion during the defense of Camp Golf. At first they were commended for their valor, but eventually, desperate for more of the chem, they turned on travelers in Outer Vegas. For their dishonorable conduct, the NCR court-martialed and executed them by firing squad. Complete Die Flaggen unserer Versager using Razz' advice.

Dia 21: Novac[]

Erzählt von Jeannie May Crawford.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
1 Despite their vigilance against potential attacks by the Legion, the citizens of were no match for the (Novac)Courier. The motel and Dinky the Dinosaur were left vacant, a rare stop at best for travelers along Highway 95.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 1.ogg (Novac)
Kill the People of Novac.
2 Though was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of (Novac) (Novac)'s citizens died in its defense. In the weeks that followed, feral ghouls, overflowing from the REPCONN test site, ravaged the weakened town.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 2.ogg (Novac)
Do not complete Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne.
3 Though was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of (Novac) (Novac)'s citizens died in its defense. With no other communities coming to its defense, would eventually fall to the Legion (Novac)'s persistent attacks.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 3.ogg (Novac)
Fail Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne by killing Jason Bright and all of the Bright-Anhängers.
4 Though was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of (Novac) (Novac)'s citizens died in its defense. In the weeks that followed, several Bright-Anhängers returned to to help restore its defenses, allowing it to remain independent of the (Novac)NCR.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 4.ogg (Novac)
Complete Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne, complete any endgame quest except Veni, Vidi, Vici.
5 During the Legion's attack on Novac, Bright-Anhängers, returning from their long pilgrimage, assisted in its evacuation. Though eventually fell to the Legion, many citizens of were able to escape, alive and intact. (Novac) (Novac)
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 5.ogg (Novac)
Complete Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne by improving the navigation of the rockets, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
6 While the destruction of the REPCONN rockets appeared to be a boon to the salvagers of Novac, the benefit would never be realized. Radioactive fuel from the wrecked ships seeped out and contaminated the area. Salvagers were forced to move on, and the town was abandoned.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 21 6.ogg (Novac)
Complete Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne by sabotaging the rockets.

Dia 22: Craig Boone[]

Erzählt von Craig Boone

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Boone end slide 01
Tired of waiting for the world to be done with him, Boone ventured into the wastes to make his own way out. Unable to clear his mind of the past, he was at last granted the death he'd awaited, bringing final rest to a life that had ended long ago. Boone dies.
Boone end slide 02
As the Battle of Hoover Dam ended, Boone confirmed what he had always suspected - that revenge would never quiet his troubled mind. Side arm in hand, he journeyed back to California in search of the NCR officer who had led the attack on Bitter Springs. There, with only two bullets loaded, Boone did the only thing he believed would put an end to his suffering. Complete Heureka! for the NCR; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by making Boone vengeful over Bitter Springs, or fail Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast.
Boone end slide 03
Looking for a place where he could be of some use, Boone found himself re-enlisting with his old unit. Though his regrets remained in his thoughts, they coalesced into a purpose, and Boone embraced it. He spent his leave time hunting down slavers in the desert, his First Recon beret the last thing they never saw. Complete Heureka! for the NCR; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by convincing Boone to make amends over Bitter Springs.
Boone end slide 03
Though NCR was withdrawing from the region, Boone remained in New Vegas, finding work as a security guard and caravan scout along the highways. While he might've preferred rejoining his old unit, Boone couldn't bring himself to abandon the city where he'd met his wife. Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas or Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by convincing Boone to make amends over Bitter Springs.
Boone end slide 03
Boone refused to take the Legion's victory lying down. Heading to the hills with his rifle, he began a deadly campaign against high-ranking Legion officers. And though the price on his head rose to levels unheard of, few pursued it, fearing it would be the last thing they'd never see. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by making Boone make amends over Bitter Springs.
Boone end slide 03
No longer held in check by his conscience, Boone found lucrative work as a mercenary and assassin. No job was too violent, no target too innocent. As long as the caps were good, Boone would take the job. Complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas or Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by making Boone vengeful over Bitter Springs.
Boone end slide 03
Driven mad by Caesar's victory at Hoover Dam, and unable to escape his memories, Boone staged a suicide mission against the Legate. Fighting as he wished he would've fought on the day of his wife's death, he brought down scores of Legionaries before being caught. Before his crucifixion, he was brought before the Legate, who expressed his admiration for Boone's reckless abandon. Boone spat tobacco in his eye, for all of Caesar's armies to see. Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion; complete Ich weiß, was du in Bitter Springs getan hast by making Boone vengeful over Bitter Springs.

Dia 23: Pulverbanditen - RNKJVA[]

Erzählt von Eddie.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Powder Gangers end slide 01
After Hoover Dam, the leaderless Pulverbandits at the Correctional Facility vanished into the wastes, leaving the prison empty. The Correctional Facility became another abandoned ruin in the wasteland, its carcass occasionally picked over by enterprising prospectors. Eddie dies.
Powder Gangers end slide 03
With the Dam firmly in their grasp, the NCR turned its attention towards wresting the Correctional Facility from Pulverbandit hands. The Pulverbandits are no match for the battle-hardened troops of the NCR, and summary execution awaited the Pulverbandits who managed to survive. Do not kill Eddie and complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Powder Gangers end slide 02
Most Pulverbandits at the Correctional Facility fled into the wasteland rather than face the advancing forces of the Legion. Those brave or foolish to remain were killed or crucified by the merciless Legionaries. Do not kill Eddie and complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Powder Gangers end slide 01
The NCR, battered by the loss of the Dam, were unable to devote any troops to retaking the Correctional Facility from the Pulverbandits. As a result, Pulverbandit raids on caravans became an unfortunate fact of life in the Mojave for years to come. Do not kill Eddie and complete either Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House or Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.

Dia 24: Pulverbanditen - Vault 19[]

Erzählt von Samuel Cooke.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Powder Gangers end slide 04
With Cooke dead, the Pulverbandits at Vault 19 fell apart. Those who weren't destroyed by the Courier fled into the hills or attempted to work their way back through the Mojave Wasteland. Few survived. Kill Samuel Cooke.
Powder Gangers end slide 04
Armed with a wide array of improvised explosives and stolen weapons, the Vault 19 Powder Gang tormented the Mojave Wasteland for years. Citizens of the NCR were favorite targets, and they always suffered the worst fates. Do not complete Warum können wir nicht Freunde sein?; or complete it by blowing up the sulfur deposits AND Vault 19.
Powder Gangers end slide 05
After the Vault 19 Powder Gang surrendered to the NCR, they were re-incorporated into the correctional system. The NCR did increase their sentences, as they aren't about to take off time for good behavior. Destroy ONLY the sulfur deposits below Vault 19 and convince Philip Lem to surrender to the NCR.
Powder Gangers end slide 06
After the majority of the Vault 19 Pulverbandits joined the Großkhane, the weaker members scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Though a few managed to erase their pasts, most never survived the journey. Convince Philip Lem or Samuel Cooke to ally with the Großkhane.

Dia 25: Primm[]

Erzählt von Johnson Nash.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
1 Primm, already torn apart by Pulverbandits, was dealt a killing blow by the Courier. Though prospectors pick through the remains of the town from time to time, no one re-establishes it as a settlement.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 1.ogg (Primm)
Kill the people of Primm.
2 After Hoover Dam, NCR helps rebuild as a major stopping point on the (Primm)Long 15. Though Primm's citizens chafe under NCR's taxes, they benefit greatly from the increased protection and merchant traffic.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 2.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading the NCR to protect the town, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
3 Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to Mr. House. As repayment for their NCR loyalty, Mr. House sends Securitrons to to (Primm)"protect" it and collect heavy taxes from its citizens.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 3.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading the NCR to protect the town, complete the endgame quest Alles oder Nichts for Mr. House.
4 Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to Caesar. Though Caesar keeps open for business, its citizens live under the constant watch of Legion soldiers. (Primm)
Icon sound trigger
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Play sound
FNVending 25 4.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading the NCR to protect the town, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
5 Despite NCR's pledge to support Primm, they abandon the town after their loss to the Courier. Independent again, operates much as it had before the Powder Gangs arrived, full of ups and downs. (Primm)
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 5.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading the NCR to protect the town, complete the endgame quest Freiheit zu, Freiheit von for an Independent Vegas.
6 After Hoover Dam, Sheriff Meyers runs with his own style of frontier justice. He deals with most folks fairly, but now and then someone winds up dead with little to no evidence against them. (Primm)
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 6.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading Meyers to become the new sheriff, complete any endgame quest except Veni, Vidi, Vici.
7 Hot-headed to the end, Sheriff Meyers chooses to oppose Caesar's takeover of with a standoff. Though the citizens take out a few Legionaries, the town quickly falls to (Primm)Caesar, its citizens utterly wiped out.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 7.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by persuading Meyers to become the new sheriff, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
8 Slim (Primm) proves to be an able-minded, if not able-bodied, sheriff for Primm. Due to his slow speed, some crooks get away without a scratch, but continues to prosper under his watchful robotic eye. (Primm)
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 8.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by reprogramming Slim as the new sheriff, complete any endgame quest except Veni, Vidi, Vici. (Primm)
9 Not understanding the gravity of the Legion's imminent takeover of Primm, Sheriff Slim valiantly attempts to resist Caesar (Primm)'s will.
Icon sound trigger
Icon sound
Play sound
FNVending 25 9.ogg (Primm)
Complete My Kind of Town by reprogramming Slim as the new sheriff, complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion. (Primm)

Dia 26: ED-E[]

Erzählt von ED-E.
INFO: Though the following voice files were recorded for the ending, ED-E's ending slide in the final game is narrated by ED-E as a series of electronic beeps, making ED-E's endings indistinguishable from each other. The appropriate text will display if subtitles are turned on, however they may only appear for a very short time, making most endings partially unreadable.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
ED-E end slide 01
After a long and fantastic journey, ED-E finally met its end with the dangers of the Mojave. It lay destroyed and gathering dust, waiting for scavengers to pick through its remains for salvage. ED-E is destroyed.
ED-E end slide 01
ED-E remained forgotten in the shop of Johnson Nash, until it was repaired by another courier who let it continue on its journey to Navarro. ED-E was eventually discovered by the Followers of the Apocalypse who managed to recover vast databanks of scientific knowledge. Don't repair ED-E.
ED-E end slide 02
ED-E traveled with the Courier until one of its memory banks was triggered causing it to continue its travels on to Navarro. Upon reaching Navarro, ED-E vanished and was not seen in the wastes again. Repair ED-E; do not complete the quest Mein lieber ED-E.
ED-E end slide 02
With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E remained a vigilant and constant companion to the Courier. The Followers of the Apocalypse used the information recovered from ED-E on Poseidon Energy, to develop new methods to harness the energy of the sun. Complete Mein lieber ED-E by taking ED-E to the Followers of the Apocalypse
ED-E end slide 02
With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E remained a vigilant and constant companion to the Courier. The Brotherhood used the information recovered from ED-E to create a small army of Duraframe eyebots. Complete Mein lieber ED-E and take ED-E to the Stählerne Bruderschaft.
ED-E end slide 02
With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E is discovered by a traveling caravan, who take him on as a protector as they wander the wastes. The Anhänger der Apokalypse used the information recovered from ED-E on Poseidon Energy, to develop new methods to harness the energy of the sun. Complete Mein lieber ED-E by taking ED-E to the Anhänger der Apokalypse, then dismiss ED-E as a companion or leave ED-E in Primm after the upgrades are complete.
ED-E end slide 02
With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E is discovered by a traveling caravan, who take him on as a protector as they wander the wastes. The Brotherhood used the information recovered from ED-E to create a small army of Duraframe eyebots. Complete Mein lieber ED-E by taking ED-E to the Stählerne Bruderschaft, then dismiss ED-E as a Begleiter or leave ED-E in Primm after the upgrades are complete.

Dia 27: Republik Neukalifornien: Ranger: Charaktere[]

Erzählt von Chief Hanlon.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Rangers end slide 01
After the death of Chief Hanlon, the power of NCR's Rangers was broken for years. Their organization, so reliant on the wisdom and guidance of its elder members, became a shadow of what it once was to people across the wasteland. Chief Hanlon is killed.
Rangers end slide 01
Defying Chief Hanlon's worst fears, NCR's rangers persevered and distinguished themselves during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. The rangers, along with NCR's many troopers, shared the glory of victory. Hanlon wisely stayed out of the spotlight, crediting General Oliver's leadership for NCR's success. After a brief fanfare, Hanlon stepped down as chief and returned to the peace and quiet of his ranch outside of Redding. Don't expose the Chief, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Rangers end slide 01
During the attack on Hoover Dam, Chief Hanlon and his rangers threw themselves into the path of the Legion assault, dying to the last man and woman. In the aftermath that followed in the NCR, bitter citizens and opportunistic senators were quick to denounce Präsident Kimball and General Oliver. Hanlon and his fallen rangers were revered for their bravery and sacrifice. Don't expose the Chief, complete the endgame Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Rangers end slide 01
Despite distinguishing themselves during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the rangers' victory was short-lived due to the Courier's interference. Chief Hanlon personally directed the evacuation of the rangers to Mojave Outpost as they fell back into NCR territory. Bitter over the waste of life in the Mojave, Hanlon stepped down from his post. After a campaign in which he denounced Oliver's and Kimball's hawkish, imperialist ways, Hanlon was elected as the senator of Redding. Don't expose the Chief, complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von or Alles oder Nichts.
Rangers end slide 01
Although they performed admirably during NCR's defense of Hoover Dam, the rangers fell into decline soon after. With Hanlon's plot against the occupation exposed and Oliver hailed as NCR's new war hero, many rangers were greeted coldly on their return home. Few openly blamed the rangers for Hanlon's treachery, but public and political support for the organization quickly dwindled. Hanlon commits suicide, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Rangers end slide 01
With Caesar's victory came a small measure of vindication for the rangers' late Chief Hanlon. Upon the military's return, debate raged within NCR's senate about who was to blame for the loss of Hoover Dam. Though some in NCR regarded Hanlon as a traitor, many believed he was the only military commander who saw the futility in defending New Vegas. Hanlon commits suicide, complete the endgame Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesars Legion.
Rangers end slide 01
Although they performed admirably during NCR's defense of Hoover Dam, the rangers fell into decline soon after. With Hanlon's plot against the occupation exposed and Oliver denounced for losing Hoover Dam, many rangers were greeted coldly on their return home. Few openly blamed the rangers for Hanlon's treachery, but public and political support for the military as a whole quickly dwindled. Hanlon commits suicide, complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von or Alles oder Nichts.
Rangers end slide 01
Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. The rangers assisted the troopers admirably during the Legion's ill-fated attack. Though General Oliver and Chief Hanlon were both praised for their leadership, the chief quietly stepped out of the spotlight. After a brief fanfare for a life full of accomplishments, Chief Hanlon retired and returned to the peace and quiet of his ranch in Redding. Convince the chief to stop falsifying records, complete the endgame quest Heureka! for the NCR.
Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. The rangers heroically assisted NCR's troopers in their ill-fated defense against the overwhelming power of Caesars Legion. Though many NCR military officers fled the territory soon after the dam was lost, Chief Hanlon remained at Camp Golf to surrender to the Legion. Out of respect for Hanlon's composure and worth as an adversary, Caesar had him beheaded. Convince the chief to stop falsifying records, complete Veni, Vidi, Vici, do not allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?.
Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. The rangers heroically assisted NCR's troopers in their ill-fated defense against the overwhelming power of Caesars Legion. Though many NCR military officers fled the territory soon after the dam was lost, Chief Hanlon remained at Camp Golf to surrender to the Legion. Despite the late Caesar's respect for Chief Hanlon as an adversary, Legat Lanius had Hanlon crucified along with all of the other rangers. Convince the chief to stop falsifying records, complete Veni, Vidi, Vici and allow Caesar to die in Et Tumor, Brute?.
Rangers end slide 01
Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. The rangers assisted the troopers admirably during the Legion's ill-fated attack. Though the Courier snatched victory from NCR, only General Oliver was blamed for the loss of Hoover Dam. Hanlon, exhausted after¹ a lifetime of service to the NCR, stepped down from his position in the rangers and retired to his ranch in Redding. Convince the chief to stop falsifying records, complete Freiheit zu, Freiheit von or Alles oder Nichts.

¹ The narrator for this scene says "exhausted from a lifetime" instead of "exhausted after a lifetime".

Dia 28: Versprengte[]

Erzählt von Judah Kreger.

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
Remnants end slide 01
Despite surviving the destruction of the oil rig and the loss of their comrades at Navarro, the venerable Remnants were no match for the Courier. They carried the secrets of their old lives to their graves. Kill the Enclave remnants.
Remnants end slide 01
After their bold arrival at Hoover Dam, the Remnants disappeared as quickly as they came. Legends of their power spread throughout the southwest, a reminder of why people once feared the sight of vertibirds in the sky. Complete the quest Für Auld Lang Syne, complete any endgame quest except Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Remnants end slide 01
Merciless in their assault on the NCR, the Remnants struck fear into the hearts of even the centurions at Hoover Dam. Well aware of the full extent of their power, Caesar commanded his troops to not pursue them. Complete the quest Für Auld Lang Syne, convince Remnants to aid the Legion, complete the quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for with (Caesars Legion)Caesar alive.
Remnants end slide 01
Merciless in their assault on the NCR, the Remnants struck fear into the hearts of even the centurions at Hoover Dam. Caesar's heirs aggressively pursued the Remnants into Arizona, losing hundreds of legionaries in the process and gaining nothing in return. Complete the quest Für Auld Lang Syne, convince Remnants to aid the Legion, complete the quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for with Caesar (Caesars Legion)'s death.

Dia 29: Schluss[]

Erzählt von Ron Perlman

# Dia Hintergrunderzählung Zustand im Spiel
1 And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes. Default ending, you will get it when you finish the game.


  • Strangely, it isn't a cutscene, just a screen in front of your character in first person mode, and you being unable to interact with the game world at all. This is proven by the fact that the Vault 13 canteen will activate during the ending if the "sip time" is hit before the slideshow is over.
  • If the player enters the console command Vorlage:Console then they are free to move about. The player will find themselves in an incredibly small room and attempting to walk out into the black non-space will simply end with you appearing back in the same small room. If the player walks through the curtain/projection infront of them (Vorlage:Console not needed) then they will find Ron the Narrator. Attempting to interact with Ron will simply make the screen zoom slightly, then the next slide will play. Upon looking at their Pip-Boy the player will find that they cannot fast travel and are in a location called "Endgame." However, the player can still fast travel using the COC command; fast travelling in this way will allow the player to continue in "free-roam mode," with all previously acquired quests still available. In this way, it is possible to complete the game multiple times on one save. As a note, the player won't be able to use the standard fast travel via the Pip-Boy until they enter or leave a building.
  • As the slideshow is a mesh itself, it will not properly fill the screens of those running 16:9 and 16:10 Aspect Ratio.
  • Unlike Fallout 3, no matter what slideshow is playing in the ending scene the music will stay the same.


Glitched Credits Scene

The ending cutscene glitch, as explained in the description beside.

  • pcpc xbox360xbox360 If you re-load while the end cutscene is playing out, the music and angelic choir will continue to sound while you play.[überprüft]
  • pcpc xbox360xbox360 The cutscene can bug out, instead, showing the Courier in their last stance in front of the slideshow.[überprüft]
  • pcpc xbox360xbox360 Some players have experienced bugs with Securitron-related cutscenes. The game did not properly register the upgrade of the Securitrons at the Fortification Hill, giving them the non-upgraded Securitron cutscenes.[überprüft]
  • pcpc ps3ps3 xbox360xbox360 If any of the Enclave Remnants are with the Courier during the final battle in the Legate's camp, any one of them may walk in front of the player in between the slide show moving around the player character and the viewing point, causing a hysterical spectacle.[überprüft]
  • pcpc ps3ps3 xbox360xbox360 Even though you have completed Drei-Karten-Kopfgeld, Unhold ending #2 would still appear if you were fighting for the NCR.[überprüft]
  • pcpc xbox360xbox360 Even after completing Drei-Karten-Kopfgeld, Unhold ending #3 would appear instead of #7 when Alles oder Nichts is completed.[überprüft]

Siehe auch[]

  • Fallout: New Vegas Einleitung
  • Dead Money Enden
  • Honest Hearts Enden
  • Old World Blues Enden
  • Lonesome Road Enden
  • Fallout Enden
  • Fallout 2 Enden
  • Fallout 3 Enden
  • Fallout Tactics Enden

