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Informationen über einen Überblick dieser Spielmechanik in allen Spielen sind im Artikel Karma zu finden.

Karma spiegelt alle guten und bösen Entscheidungen des Kuriers wieder, und wie sie von den Bewohnern des Ödlands aufgenommen werden.


Das Karma ist neben dem Ruf eine weitere Spielmechanik, welche die Handlungen des Kuriers moralisch bewertet. Während der Ruf fraktionsspezifisch funktioniert, ist das Karma eine allgemeinere Bewertung. Dazu gibt es einen internen Zahlenwert, der von -1000 (maximal böse) bis +1000 (maximal gut) reichen kann. Bestimmte Handlungen (s.u.) des Kuriers bewirken den Erhalt oder den Verlust von Karmapunkten auf diesem Punktekonto. Dabei ist es - im Gegensatz zum Ruf - egal, ob der Kurier bei diesen Handlungen beobachtet wird oder nicht, das Spiel führt automatisch Buch. Einige Quests und Extras beeinflussen das Karma ebenfalls.


Das Spiel verwaltet das Karma mit einem internen Zahlenwert, der von -1000 bis +1000 reichen kann. Der Kurier beginnt das Spiel genau in der Mitte mit einem Wert von null. Dieser Zahlenwert ist in fünf Bereiche oder Karmalevel unterteilt. Die aufgeführten Bezeichnungen der Karmalevel tauchen im Statistikmenü des Pip-Boy 3000 im Reiter Allgemein auf.

Karmalevel sehr böse böse neutral gut sehr gut
Bereich -1000 bis -750 -749 bis -250 -249 bis +249 +250 bis +749 +750 bis +1000

Grafiken der Karmalevel in Fallout 3 und Fallout: New Vegas


Im Gegensatz zum Ruf hat das Karma einen nur geringen Einfluss auf das Spielgeschehen. Unabhängig von seinem Karmalevel kann der Kurier meist frei mit den NPCs und Fraktionen des Ödlands interagieren, also etwa Dialoge führen, Quests durchführen und Handel treiben.

Das Karmalevel / der Karmawert hat folgende Effekte:

  • Einige NPCs haben abhängig vom Karmalevel eine unterschiedliche Ansprache gegenüber dem Kurier. Bei einem Karmalevel im "guten" Bereich sprechen sie freundlicher zum Kurier, bei einem Karmalevel im "bösen" Bereich geringschätziger.
  • Die Endsequenz fällt abhängig vom Karmalevel leicht unterschiedlich aus.
  • Die Rekrutierung der Begleiterin Cass ist bei einem negativen Karmawert erschwert. Fällt der Karmawert des Kuriers in den "bösen" Bereich (Karmawert kleiner als -249), verlässt Cass den Kurier sogar für immer.
  • Während der Konfrontation mit Legat Lanius bei der finalen Schlacht am Hoover-Staudamm erhält der Kurier abhängig von seinem Karma noch zwei unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten, Lanius zu einem Zweikampf zu überreden.
  • Drei Extras, die durch das Add-On Lonesome Road ins Spiel gebracht worden sind, können nur mit einer bestimmten Karmaausrichtung (gut, neutral oder böse) ausgewählt werden. Das "gute" Extra bietet außerdem einen karmaabhängigen Vorteil. Alle drei Extras sind erst ab dem höchsten Kurierlevel 50 verfügbar.


Der "Karmatitel" des Kuriers ist eine spezielle Bezeichnung für den Kurier, der sowohl seine aktuelle Karmaausrichtung (gut, neutral oder böse) als auch sein aktuelles Level widerspiegelt. Der Karmatitel wird, zusammen mit einer entsprechenden Grafik, im Statistikmenü des Pip-Boy im Reiter "Allgemein" angezeigt. Ab Level 30, dem höchsten erreichbaren Level ohne die DLCs, gibt es keine weiteren Karmatitel.

Level Good Karma Neutral Karma Bad Karma
1 Samaritan Drifter Grifter
2 Martyr Renegade Outlaw
3 Sentinel Seeker Opportunist
4 Defender Wanderer Plunderer
5 Dignitary Citizen Fat Cat
6 Peacekeeper Adventurer Marauder
7 Ranger of the Wastes Vagabond of the Wastes Pirate of the Wastes
8 Protector Mercenary Betrayer
9 Desert Avenger Desert Scavenger Desert Terror
10 Exemplar Observer Ne'er-do-well
11 Vegas Crusader Vegas Councilor Vegas Crime lord
12 Paladin Keeper Defiler
13 Mojave Legend Mojave Myth Mojave Boogeyman
14 Shield of Hope Pinnacle of Survival Sword of Despair
15 Vegas Legend Vegas Myth Vegas Boogeyman
16 Hero of the Wastes Strider of the Wastes Villain of the Wastes
17 Paragon Beholder Fiend
18 Wasteland Savior Wasteland Watcher Wasteland Destroyer
19 Saint Super-Human Evil Incarnate
20 Guardian of the Wastes Renegade of the Wastes Scourge of the Wastes
21 Restorer of Faith Soldier of Fortune Architect of Doom
22 Model of Selflessness Profiteer Bringer of Sorrow
23 Shepherd Egocentric Deceiver
24 Friend of the People Loner Consort of Discord
25 Champion of Justice Hero for Hire Stuff of Nightmares
26 Symbol of Order Model of Apathy Agent of Chaos
27 Herald of Tranquility Person of Refinement Instrument of Ruin
28 Last, Best Hope of Humanity Moneygrubber Soultaker
29 Savior of the Damned Gray Stranger Demon's Spawn
30+ Messiah True Mortal Devil

Karmapunkte erhalten[]

The values for Karma gain may be bugged; currently killing very evil NPCs (such as Vulpes Inculta) gains the player character only two Karma, yet killing some Fiends and Feral Ghouls grants 100 Karma.


  • Giving Med-X to Boxcars, the injured Powder Ganger, inside Nipton General Store. This can only be done once.
    • An additional +5 Karma can be gained by killing him.
  • Wiping out the criminal inhabitants of Vault 19.
  • Killing feral ghouls (any kind).
  • Freeing the prisoners in Vault 3 (Karma can still be gained by simply unlocking the cell door even if the occupants are killed).
  • Killing a Very Evil character or creature (Vulpes Inculta, Philippe, Mortimer, Duke, Cook-Cook, or Jackal Gang leaders): +100 Karma
  • Some quests will give positive Karma if one declines any rewards offered for completing them, including Bye Bye Love, and Someone to Watch Over Me.
  • Convincing Oscar Velasco to let go of his hate and join the Great Khans at Red Rock Canyon during Drauß' vom Berge komm ich her.
  • Informing Lieutenant Hayes about Tyrone selling chems to the Great Khans.
  • Giving healing powder to Daniel.
  • Agreeing to keep Westside's siphoning of NCR pipelines a secret in exchange for Anderson turning himself in for Cpl. White's murder during Die Weiße Wäsche.
  • Untying Benny at the Fort if he is allowed to live.
  • Convincing Diane to make more helpful chems.


  • Kill Fiends or Powder Gangers if one's Karma is too low.
  • Steal items if one's Karma is too high.
  • The level 50 perks added by Lonesome Road (Ain't Like That Now, Just Lucky I'm Alive, and Thought You Died) all reset Karma to 0.


  • Stealing from a non-evil character or faction: -5 Karma per instance (note that when when stealing from owned (red text) containers, such as cabinets or lockers, the Karma change applies once per activation of that container. Meaning, if a container is opened once and two items are stolen, one will lose 5 Karma, but if the same container is opened twice, and one item is stolen each time, one will lose 5 Karma each time, making 10 Karma lost in total).
  • Planting an explosive through reverse-pickpocketing.
  • Repeatedly hacking an owned (red text) computer terminal (Classified as stealing, but can be done over and over again) -1 Karma per hack attempt. NOTE: even accessing the terminal will result in negative Karma.
  • Sabotaging the rockets during Flieger, grüß mir die Sonne.
  • Crucifying Benny at The Fort.
  • Lying to Alex Richards that one cannot find the thief during Wunder der Medizin.
  • Accepting the bribe from Private Stone during Wunder der Medizin.
  • Attacking the Boulder City Memorial and insulting Private Kowalski (killing him does not grant an additional loss of Karma).
  • Disabling or killing Mr. House: -50 Karma.
  • Enslaving Arcade Gannon for Caesar during Et Tumor, Brute?.
  • Convincing Oscar Velasco to take revenge during Drauß' vom Berge komm ich her.
  • Humiliating Grecks by taking his clothes.
  • Convincing Frank Weathers to commit suicide during Hab mein Herz im Ödland verloren.
  • Setting off the bomb collars on the Weathers family in Cottonwood Cove.
  • Choosing the attack option when conversing with Private Edwards.
  • Demanding further payment from Markland during Bitter-Springs-Krankenstations-Blues.
  • Demanding payment from Gilles during Ein Retter in der Not.
  • Encouraging Alice Hostetler to kill Mrs. Hostetler during Someone to Watch Over Me.
  • Complementing Alice Hostetler on killing Mrs. Hostetler during Someone to Watch Over Me. (Once this quest has been completed Alice will relocate to Aerotech Office Park, and this dialogue option can be repeated indefinitely for infinite negative Karma.)
  • Telling Lindsay that Mr. Cuddles is dead.
  • Tearing Sergeant Teddy in half when talking to Melody.
  • Lying to Marcus that one needs 3000 caps to pay off the mercenaries during Unfreundliches Zureden.
  • Initiating the self-destruct sequence at Hidden Valley bunker: -100 Karma upon exiting the bunker.
  • Lying to Comm Officer Lenk that one is there to collect payment for the Omertas.
  • Calling Lenk pathetic and telling her the Rangers never should have let her join.
  • Altering the Misfits records during Die Flaggen unserer Versager.
  • Devouring a corpse. (Cannibal perk needed): -1 Karma per corpse.
  • Killing a non-evil creature: -25 Karma.
  • Killing a Very Good character or creature (Sarah Weintraub, Sunny Smiles, Julie Farkas, Keely, Bill Ronte, Jacob Hoff, Malcolm Holmes, Bert Gunnarsson, Old Ben, or Tomas): -100 Karma.
  • The following below is DLC from Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Old World Blues.
    • Lying to Christine Royce, or threatening her with the Terrifying Presence perk, and making her go down the elevator during the quest Gemischte Signale.
    • Killing Dog/God during Die Bestie erledigen.
    • Lying to Waking Cloud about her husband's fate at the end of Eine Familienangelegenheit.
    • Threatening to hack into Dr. 8 during On the Same Wavelength.


Getting positive Karma points in FO3 and FNV Getting negative Karma points in FO3 and FNV
FO3PositiveKarmaPoints FO3NegativeKarmaPoints


  • Since one can never get to see their exact Karmic value, one can use the console command Vorlage:Console to get their current Karma points.
  • A player's Karma level is located in the Pip-Boy, under general in the stats section. If the general section of the Pip-Boy shows the character's faction reputation, the player may need to press the button shown in the top right of the Pip-Boy screen to view their Karma level.
  • When attempting to steal drained energy cells, casings or any type of ammunition ingredients from non-player characters, there is no risk of failure, no Karma loss and the NPC will not react to the Courier even if detected when taking them. This could be due to the drained cells and casings having no monetary value, much the same way vendors will let the player character take such objects for free from their shops.
  • Even if one's reputation is "Vilified", stealing any items from NCR or Legion containers, or lockpicking their doors, will result in a loss of Karma. This occurs whether one is seen or not. However, no Karma is gained or lost if the player character steals from containers belonging to criminal groups, such as the Powder Gangers, so long as their reputation with said group is "Vilified".
  • The player character will only lose Karma for killing a non-Evil creature or NPC if they are assigned to a faction that is programmed to give the player character a Karma penalty for killing its members; by default, no Karma is lost for killing Good/Very Good characters. The same is true for Evil and Very Evil characters.


  • Vorlage:Platforms There is a random glitch where the Karma title remains at "Guardian of the Wastes" or "Scourge of the Wastes" even when the player character is well past level 20. This occurs with Good, Neutral and Evil Karma.Vorlage:Verify
  • Vorlage:Platforms When reaching higher levels, the game may "forget" one's karma at random times, then it will return without warning.Vorlage:Verify