Community Central
Community Central

Marphimon Marphimon 18 July 2023

Editor-Oriented Upgrade for Community Central Live Today

Hello everyone!

As you are reading this blog post, you are currently on Community Central, and you will have noticed some things have changed - these are part of the work we did to make Community Central more useful for all kinds of editors and users on Fandom!

Earlier this year, we set out on a simple mission on what Central should evolve towards:

Community Central is the landing page for our contributors and those who wish to become one - anyone will be able to learn about editing topics at their skill level with skill-level-tailored help or advice, be able to find help on editing matters in our editor forums, learn about new product updates and more initiatives, and from there they can deep dive into our community programming offerings tha…
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Marphimon Marphimon 18 July 2023

Improving Inclusiveness: New Ways For Beginners to Join the Community

Hello everyone!

We have heard your message clearly that you want us to do more to bring new editors to Fandom. Recently, on the product front, we already have communicated some of the great success we've found, and to complement these efforts on the social side of things, we have set out to make it easier for newcomers to become first-time editors, do their next few edits and finally join the users who feel confident enough to explore around the network and wikis on their own.

Presenting the new Advice Section of our help documentation:

We have been working internally and in collaboration with our Fandom Stars group to bring custom advice and opinion blogs for new users to explore and dive into. For people who are not yet comfortable with edi…

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Marphimon Marphimon 18 July 2023

Updates to Help Documentation on Fandom

Hello everyone!

Have you recently been visiting our help index? There's been a major update to it!

As part of our efforts to improve the effectiveness of Community Central, our goal for improving our Help Documentation and the index, which is one of the most visited pages on Community Central, has been to make it more useful for people.

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Marphimon Marphimon 18 July 2023

What's Happening at Fandom - Introducing the New Community Programming Hub!

Hello everyone!

Many of you have heard of individual programs before, like Fandom Stars, Fandom Compass, or Admin+. And that Fandom does some events on their Discord server.

But did you know that we do so much more?

Today, as part of the Community Central upgrade, we have published a new improved page containing all programs the community team is providing to all of you regularly!

Additionally, we have improved the right rail module that was previously just a static reference to Discord - by automatically showing the latest upcoming event! Moving forward, you can find a list of past and forthcoming events on the program hub as well. It's located at the bottom of the page, but you can easily reach it by clicking the link in the right rail at an…

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Marphimon Marphimon 18 July 2023

Makeover for Community Central

Hello everyone!

It's been a while, but as part of the efforts to make Central more editor-oriented, we've been updating several parts of the wiki. Most obviously, the wiki main page and wiki navigation, our team listings and a visual refresh for our policy hub.

Navigation - what's changed?

Mostly the visuals! Head over to explore everything in-depth to learn how Fandom's Community team is structured and what kind of policies you should consider when interacting with others.

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