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LucyKuranSKYDOME LucyKuranSKYDOME 18 July 2023

Infobox Styling Advanced Guide

Do you know how to make infoboxes? If not, then you should check our other guide about how to build an infobox from 0 level! If you already know how, have ever you seen another wiki and thought that "this infobox on that wiki is so cool, it has round edges and different colors, I want mine to be like that, too"? Today we are going to dive into some more advanced techniques related to infoboxes.

First of all, there are 2 things you should know when you try to style your PI (Portable Infobox): how to write more code inside the template itself and how to style it in MediaWiki:Common.css. Therefore there is an important note: beautifying infoboxes can only be done in CSS and that requires admin rights on your wiki.

Apart from the usual , , (3%);

You …

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LucyKuranSKYDOME LucyKuranSKYDOME 18 July 2023

Templates newbie guide

Have you ever seen the word 'Template' but never understood what it meant? Or someone told you 'create a template page' and you had no clue? This guide is for you to figure things out! Lucy is on the line, buckle up.

What are templates?

Templates are a special way to store data on your wiki. It is a way to tell Fandom 'hey, can you please keep all this huge scary code for me here, and I will decide what to do with it later?' You create a big and spooky layout once, and next time you need it, you won't have to write it all over again, Fandom will remember it for you.

How do I create a template page?

A template page is created the same way as any other page on your wiki. You can press 'Add new page' on the drop-down menu on top, or you can type…

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LucyKuranSKYDOME LucyKuranSKYDOME 18 July 2023

Magic Words Guide

Have you ever wondered how people write scripts that work on very different pages? Or maybe you have a few templates that have the same purpose and you would like to combine them into one? In this guide we are going to look at the magic words if, ifexpr, ifeq, switch and section.

All of the red words mentioned above are considered ParserFunctions that have very specific usage. To put it simply, those are special words inside special symbols that perform magic outside Hogwarts. Calling them on a page requires putting them inside

I hope you have enjoyed the guide and found it helpful!

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LucyKuranSKYDOME LucyKuranSKYDOME 18 July 2023

Infoboxes Guide

Oh, the scary word 'infobox' that everyone seems to be using when you have no clue what it is! How do we create, style and use infoboxes? Tldr: it's not easy. Expanded explanation: keep reading further, Lucy is on the line!

  • 1 Building
    • 1.1 What is an infobox?
    • 1.2 Types of infoboxes
    • 1.3 Portable Infobox: Infobox builder
    • 1.4 Portable Infobox: How do I understand what is going on?
      • 1.4.1 Weird symbols

Yes, that is exactly what you have seen on all these cool fancy wikis! Infoboxes are rectangles located on the right side of a page that contain brief information about a character, an item, a game and so on. They are meant to give a gist of the topic without going into details and provide the most basic factual data. They usually include the name, a picture and…

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LucyKuranSKYDOME LucyKuranSKYDOME 18 July 2023

How to Edit on Fandom

Are you a new editor who has just joined and has no idea what to do? Or are you an older editor who does not feel comfortable with switching between the Visual Editor and Source Editor? Or maybe you have always used only VE (the Visual Editor) and you keep hearing from more experienced Fandom members that SE (the Source Editor) is a blessing? Here is how you can learn to use both! Buckle up, Lucy is on the line!

The very basics of Fandom

So, you are new here, you feel scared and excited but also clueless about how everything works. Let us start from the beginning.

What do we do here on Fandom?

Our main task, as editors, is to provide content for readers in the most easily accessible way. Simply speaking: you write, they read. We have a big num…

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